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Last active July 22, 2020 04:41
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[Smush Pro] - Fix Image resize issue and google font display base on HummingBird test's result
* Plugin Name: [Smush Pro] - Fix Image resize issue and google font display base on HummingBird test's result
* Description: [Smush Pro] - Fix Image resize issue and google font display base on HummingBird test's result
* Jira: SLS-284/SLS-272
* Author: Thobk @ WPMUDEV
* Author URI:
* License: GPLv2 or later
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} elseif ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && WP_CLI ) {
* This MU plugin detect the issue base on the HummingBird/Google Speed test result.
* If you got the proper image size issue after run the performance test, it would be fixed on the next scan.
* And the time enough has passed to make another test is 5mins.
* Default, when we clear full cache from HummingBird we will trigger a new scan.
* If HummingBird does not exists, we can trigger a new scan by access this url:
* define('WPMUDEV_CLEAN_CACHE_AFTER_UPDATE_POST', true); in wp-config.php file to enable scan after update post/page.
* Note: To fix proper image size issue, we would strongly suggest you choose the best image size.
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpmudev_smpro_tempfix_peformance_func', 100 );
function wpmudev_smpro_tempfix_peformance_func() {
if( defined('WP_SMUSH_VERSION') && class_exists( 'Smush\Core\Settings' ) ){
// return if disabled cdn
if( ! Smush\Core\Settings::get_instance()->get('cdn') || isset( $_GET['wpmudev-disable-mu-plugin']) ){
class WPMUDEV_HMB_Performance{
public $timeout = 15;
public $expand_ratio_for_scaled_image_size = 1.2;
public $min_width;//set min width, default is thumbnail width
public $max_width;//set max width, default is content width
public $content_width;//set content width
public $recurrence_scan_issue = WEEK_IN_SECONDS;
private $api_url = '';
private static $_test_url;
private static $_only_home_page;
private $properties = array(
public function __construct(){
add_filter( 'wpmudev_performance_uses-responsive-images', array( $this, 'retrive_scaled_images'), 10, 4 );
add_filter( 'wpmudev_performance_font-display', array( $this, 'detect_google_font_issue'), 10, 5 );
add_action( 'wphb_get_performance_report', array( $this, 'populate_report') );
// admin
add_action( 'wphb_page_cache_cleared', array( $this, 'clear_page_cache_and_trigger_test' ), 100 );
add_action( 'update_option_wpmudev-wphb-last-reports', array( $this, 'clear_page_cache' ), 100 );
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_init' ) );
// wp rocket
add_action( 'rocket_purge_cache', array( $this, 'clear_page_cache_and_trigger_test' ), 100 );
// clean cache after update post
add_action( 'clean_post_cache', array( $this, 'after_clean_post_cache' ), 100, 2 );
public function exist_hmb(){
return class_exists( 'Hummingbird\\WP_Hummingbird' );
public function get_api_key() {
global $wpmudev_un;
if ( ! is_object( $wpmudev_un ) && class_exists( 'WPMUDEV_Dashboard' ) && method_exists( 'WPMUDEV_Dashboard', 'instance' ) ) {
$wpmudev_un = WPMUDEV_Dashboard::instance();
if ( defined( 'WPHB_API_KEY' ) ) {
$api_key = WPHB_API_KEY;
} elseif ( is_object( $wpmudev_un ) && method_exists( $wpmudev_un, 'get_apikey' ) ) {
$api_key = $wpmudev_un->get_apikey();
} elseif ( class_exists( 'WPMUDEV_Dashboard' ) && is_object( WPMUDEV_Dashboard::$api ) && method_exists( WPMUDEV_Dashboard::$api, 'get_key' ) ) {
$api_key = WPMUDEV_Dashboard::$api->get_key();
} else {
$api_key = '';
return $api_key;
public static function get_test_url(){
static $test_url;
if( ! isset( $test_url ) ){
global $wp;
$test_url = home_url( $wp->request );// get current page
if( self::$_test_url ){
$test_url = self::$_test_url;
$test_url = site_url();
self::$_only_home_page = 1;
$test_url = rtrim($test_url, '/');
return $test_url;
public function get_api_url( $path ){
return trailingslashit( $this->api_url . $path );
public function admin_init(){
if( isset( $_GET['wpmudev-flush-cache'] ) || isset( $_GET['wphb-cache-cleared'] ) ){
if( isset( $_GET['wpmudev-clean-data'] ) ){
delete_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-reports-time' );
delete_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-last-reports' );
delete_option( 'wpmudev_global_ms_performance' );
public function clear_page_cache(){
if( WPMUDEV_SMHB_Optimize::is_divi() ){
public function clear_page_cache_and_trigger_test(){
// clear divi page cache
if( WPMUDEV_SMHB_Optimize::is_divi() ){
// wp rocket
if( function_exists('rocket_clean_home') ){
// reset testing performance
if( ! $this->is_doing_report() ){
delete_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-reports-time' );
wp_cache_delete( 'wpmudev-wphb-reports-time', 'options' );
// test again
* Check if performance test has finished on server.
* @return array|mixed|object|WP_Error
public function request( $path, $data = array(), $method='post' ){
$url = $this->get_api_url( $path );
$args = array(
'headers' => array(
'Authorization' => 'Basic '. $this->get_api_key(),
'sslverify' => false,
'timeout' => $this->timeout,
switch ( strtolower( $method ) ) {
case 'post':
$args['body'] = $data;
$response = wp_remote_post( $url, $args );
if( $data ){
$url = add_query_arg( $data, $url );
$response = wp_remote_get( $url, $args );
return $response;
* Implement abstract parent method for clearing cache.
* @source Hummingbird\Core\Modules\Performance
public function reset_report_option() {
delete_option( 'wphb-doing-report' );
delete_option( 'wphb-stop-report' );
delete_transient( 'wphb-doing-report' );
public function after_clean_post_cache( $post_id, $post ){
// disable auto save
if( ! empty( $_POST['action'] ) && $_POST['action'] === 'heartbeat' && isset( $_POST['data']['wp_autosave'] ) ){
if( $post->post_type === 'post' || ( $post->post_type === 'page' && rtrim( get_permalink( $post_id ), '/' ) === self::get_test_url() ) ){
* Initializes the Performance Scan
* @source Hummingbird\Core\Modules\Performance
public function init_scan() {
if( ! $this->is_doing_report() ){
// Clear the cache.
// Start the test.
// Clear dismissed report.
// if ( $this->exist_hmb() && Hummingbird\Core\Modules\Performance::report_dismissed() ) {
// Hummingbird\Core\Modules\Performance::dismiss_report( false );
// }
* Ping to Performance Module so it starts to gather data.
* @return array|mixed|object|WP_Error
* @source Hummingbird\Core\Api\Service\Performance
public function ping() {
$this->timeout = 2;
return $this->request(
'domain' => self::get_test_url(),
* Get the latest performance test results.
* @return array|mixed|object|WP_Error
* @source Hummingbird\Core\Api\Service\Performance
public function results() {
return $this->request(
'domain' => self::get_test_url(),
public function maybe_clear_cache_page(){
if( $this->exist_hmb() ){
$page_cache = Hummingbird\Core\Utils::get_module( 'page_cache' );
if( $page_cache && $page_cache->is_active() ){
if( WPMUDEV_SMHB_Optimize::is_divi() ){
if( function_exists('rocket_clean_home') ){
* Start a new Performance Scan
* It sets the new status for the report
* @param bool $status If set to true, it will start a new Performance Report, otherwise it will stop the current one.
public function set_doing_report( $status = true ) {
if ( ! $status ) {
// maybe need to clear page cache
delete_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-doing-report' );
wp_cache_delete( 'wpmudev-wphb-doing-report', 'options' );
delete_option( 'wphb-doing-report' );
update_option( 'wphb-stop-report', true );
} else {
update_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-doing-report', self::get_test_url() );
// Set time when we started the report.
update_option( 'wphb-doing-report', current_time( 'timestamp' ) );
delete_option( 'wphb-stop-report' );
// save lastest doing report time
update_option( 'wpmudev-last-doing-report', current_time( 'timestamp' ) );
* Check if WP Hummingbird is currently doing a Performance Scan
* @return false|int Timestamp when the report started, false if there's no report being executed
public function is_doing_report() {
static $is_doing_report;
if( is_null( $is_doing_report ) ){
$is_doing_report = get_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-doing-report' );
if( ! $is_doing_report ){
$stopped = get_option( 'wphb-stop-report' );
$is_doing_report = $stopped ? false : get_option( 'wphb-doing-report' );
if( ! $is_doing_report ){
$lastest = get_option( 'wpmudev-last-doing-report' );
if( $lastest && ( current_time( 'timestamp' ) - $latest ) < 360 ){
$is_doing_report = 'sleeping';
return $is_doing_report;
* Return the last Performance scan done data
* @return bool|mixed|WP_Error Data of the last scan or false of there's not such data
public function get_last_report() {
$report = false;
$trigger_test = 0;
$reports = get_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-last-reports', array() );
// $reports = array();
$reports_time = get_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-reports-time', array() );
$test_url = self::get_test_url();
$this->recurrence_scan_issue = defined('WPMUDEV_RECURRENCE_PERFORMANCE_TEST') ? WPMUDEV_RECURRENCE_PERFORMANCE_TEST : $this->recurrence_scan_issue;
// delete_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-doing-report' );
$testing_url = get_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-doing-report' );
if( $testing_url && $testing_url === $test_url ){
// $started_at = $this->is_doing_report();
// if( $started_at ){
$report = $this->results();
// }else{
// delete_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-doing-report' );
// wp_cache_delete( 'wpmudev-wphb-doing-report', 'options' );
// $report = $this->results();
// }
}else if( ! isset( $reports[ $test_url ] ) ){
$report = $this->results();
if( $report && ! is_wp_error( $report ) && ! empty( $report['body'] ) ){
$report = json_decode( $report['body'] );
if( ! empty( $report->error ) ){
$report = false;
$report = false;
if( $report && isset( $report->code, $report->data ) && 200 === $report->code ){
$old_report = isset( $reports[ $test_url ] ) ? $reports[ $test_url ] : array();
$report = $this->clean_report( $report->data, $old_report );
$reports[ $test_url ] = $report;
if( $testing_url && ( ! $old_report || $report['time'] > $old_report['time'] ) ){
$this->set_doing_report( false );
if( ! isset( $reports_time[ $test_url ] ) ){
$trigger_test = 1;
$reports_time[ $test_url ] = $report['time'];
update_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-last-reports', $reports );
update_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-reports-time', $reports_time );
}else if( isset( $reports[ $test_url ] ) ){
$report = $reports[ $test_url ];
if( ! isset( $reports_time[ $test_url ] ) ){
$trigger_test = 1;
$reports_time[ $test_url ] = $reports[ $test_url ]['time'];
update_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-reports-time', $reports_time );
}else if( ( current_time( 'timestamp', 1 ) - $reports_time[ $test_url ] ) > $this->recurrence_scan_issue ){
$trigger_test = 1;
$trigger_test = 1;
if( ! $testing_url && ( $trigger_test || isset( $_GET['wpmudev-force-test'] ) ) ){
// trigger a test performance
return $report;
public function populate_report( $data ){
$test_url = site_url();
$reports = get_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-last-reports', array() );
$old_report = isset( $reports[ $test_url ] ) ? $reports[ $test_url ] : array();
$report = $this->clean_report( $data, $old_report );
$reports[ $test_url ] = $report;
update_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-last-reports', $reports );
update_option( 'wpmudev-last-doing-report', current_time( 'timestamp' ) );
delete_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-doing-report' );
public function get_content_width(){
global $content_width;
if( ! isset( $this->content_width ) ){
$this->content_width = 1920;
if( WPMUDEV_SMHB_Optimize::is_divi() ){
$this->content_width = et_divi_get_content_width();
// Check to see if we are resizing the images (can not go over that value).
$resize_sizes = Smush\Core\Settings::get_instance()->get_setting( WP_SMUSH_PREFIX . 'resize_sizes' );
if ( isset( $resize_sizes['width'] ) && $resize_sizes['width'] < $this->content_width ) {
$this->content_width = $resize_sizes['width'];
// set global
if( ! $content_width ){
$content_width = $this->content_width;
return $this->content_width;
* Clarify the report data
public function clean_report( $data, $old_report ){
$report['time'] = $data->time;
$this->min_width = isset( $this->min_width ) ? $this->min_width : get_option( 'thumbnail_size_w' );
if( ! isset( $this->max_width ) ){
$content_width = $this->get_content_width();
$this->max_width = $content_width ? $content_width : get_option( 'large_size_w' );
foreach( array( 'desktop','mobile' ) as $device ){
$audits = $data->$device->audits;
foreach( $this->properties as $issue ){
$value = false;
if( isset( $audits->opportunities->$issue ) ){
$value = $audits->opportunities->$issue ;
}else if( isset( $audits->diagnostics->$issue ) ){
$value = $audits->diagnostics->$issue;
}else if( isset( $audits->passed->$issue ) ){
$value = $audits->passed->$issue;
if( $value && ! empty( $value->details->items ) ){
$report[ $device ][ $issue ] = apply_filters( 'wpmudev_performance_'. $issue, $value->details->items, $value, $audits, $old_report, $device );
if( count( $report ) === 1 ){
$report = $old_report;
return $report;
public static function get_cdn_base(){
static $cdn_base;
if( ! $cdn_base ){
$status = Smush\Core\Settings::get_instance()->get_setting( WP_SMUSH_PREFIX . 'cdn_status' );
if( ! empty( $status->cdn_enabled ) ){
$site_id = absint( $status->site_id );
$cdn_base = trailingslashit( "https://{$status->endpoint_url}/{$site_id}" );
return $cdn_base;
public function retrive_scaled_images( $items, $value, $audits, $old_report ){
$cdn_base = self::get_cdn_base();
$passed = isset( $audits->passed->{"uses-responsive-images"} );
// Upload directory.
$upload_dir = wp_get_upload_dir();
$scaled_images = isset( $old_report['uses-responsive-images'] ) ? $old_report['uses-responsive-images'] : array();
if( $cdn_base ){
$site_url = trailingslashit( site_url() );
foreach( $items as $item ){
if( false !== strpos( $item->url, $cdn_base ) ){
$image_url = str_replace( $cdn_base, $site_url, $item->url );
$pro_args = array(
$image_url = remove_query_arg( $pro_args, $image_url );
}else if( false !== strpos( $item->url, $site_url ) ){
$image_url = $item->url;
$original_url = preg_replace('/-[\d]+x[\d]+/', '', $image_url );
$file_path = substr( $original_url, strlen( $upload_dir['baseurl'] ) );
if ( ! file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . $file_path ) ) {
$file_path = substr( $image_url, strlen( $upload_dir['baseurl'] ) );
if( ! file_exists( $upload_dir['basedir'] . $file_path ) ){
$original_url = $image_url;
if( $passed && isset( $scaled_images[ $original_url ] ) ){
$scaled_size = $this->retrive_scaled_image_size( $item );
if( $scaled_size ){
$scaled_images[ $original_url ] = $scaled_size;
// if( $image_url !== $original_url ){
// $scaled_images[ $image_url ] = $scaled_size;
// }
}else if( isset( $scaled_images[ $original_url ] ) ){
unset( $scaled_images[ $original_url ] );
if( defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG ){
@file_put_contents( WP_CONTENT_DIR .'/debug.log', "\n-------\nCan't retrive image size info of image: ". $original_url, FILE_APPEND );
return $scaled_images;
public function retrive_scaled_image_size( $item ){
// fix png resize issue
$item->url = str_replace('webp=1', 'webp=0', $item->url );
$info = @getimagesize( $item->url );
if( ! empty( $info[0] ) ){
$width = $info[0];
$height = $info[1];
$filesize = $item->totalBytes;
$scaled_filesize = $filesize - $item->wastedBytes;
$scaled_width = sqrt( $width * $width * $scaled_filesize / $filesize );//$width * $height * $width/$height.
$ratio = $this->expand_ratio_for_scaled_image_size;
// if( $scaled_width > 450 ){
// $ratio = 1.2;
// }
$new_width = $scaled_width * $ratio;
$new_width = $new_width > $this->min_width ? $new_width : $this->min_width;
$new_width = $new_width < $this->max_width ? $new_width : $this->max_width;
return array( intval( $new_width ), intval( $new_width * $height / $width ) );
return false;
// font-display
public function detect_google_font_issue( $items, $value, $audits, $old_report, $device ){
$google_swap_font_issue = 0;
foreach( $items as $item ){
if( false !== strpos( $item->url, '') ){
$google_swap_font_issue = 1;
if( $google_swap_font_issue ){
$global_audits = get_option( 'wpmudev_global_ms_performance' );
$global_audits[ $device ]['font-display'] = 1;
update_option( 'wpmudev_global_ms_performance', $global_audits );
class WPMUDEV_SMHB_Optimize{
private $audits = array();
private $original_sizes;
private $optimized_sizes;
private $hmb;
private $global_scaled_images = array();
private $global_area = 0;
private $changing_global_images = 0;
public function __construct(){
$this->hmb = new WPMUDEV_HMB_Performance;
if( ! is_admin() ){
add_action( 'template_redirect', array( $this, 'run' ), 0 );
add_filter( 'smush_srcset_additional_multipliers', array( $this, 'custom_additional_multipliers' ) );
add_filter( 'pre_wp_nav_menu', array( $this, 'before_render_menu' ), 0 );
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu', array( $this, 'after_render_menu'), 999 );
add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'maybe_update_global_images' ), 999 );
// tempfix resized png issue while enable webp.
add_filter( 'smush_cdn_image_tag', array( $this, 'fix_resized_png_webp' ) );
public function run(){
// if( get_option( 'wpmudev-wphb-doing-report' ) ){
// return;
// }
$this->audits = $this->hmb->get_last_report();
// maybe set content width
$content_width = $this->hmb->get_content_width();
// clean
unset( $this->hmb );
$global_audits = get_option( 'wpmudev_global_ms_performance', array() );
$current_device = $this->get_current_device();
global $wp;
$test_url = rtrim( home_url( $wp->request ), '/' );// get current page
if( $this->audits && WPMUDEV_HMB_Performance::get_test_url() === $test_url ){
$this->audits = isset( $this->audits[ $current_device ] ) ? $this->audits[ $current_device ] : array();
$this->audits = array();
if( empty( $this->audits ) && empty( $global_audits ) ){
$this->global_scaled_images = isset( $global_audits[ $current_device ]['uses-responsive-images'] ) ? $global_audits[ $current_device ]['uses-responsive-images'] : array();
if( $this->global_scaled_images ){
if( isset( $this->audits['uses-responsive-images'] ) ){
$this->audits['uses-responsive-images'] += $this->global_scaled_images;
$this->audits['uses-responsive-images'] = $this->global_scaled_images;
if( isset( $this->audits['uses-responsive-images'] ) ){
// $this->maybe_add_custom_image_size( $this->audits['uses-responsive-images'] );
add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_srcset', array( $this, 'custom_image_srcset' ), 999999, 3 );
if( self::is_divi() ){
if( et_is_responsive_images_enabled() ){
add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_sizes', array( $this, 'divi_custom_image_sizes' ) , 100, 4 );
remove_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_sizes', 'et_filter_wp_calculate_image_sizes', 10, 4 );
add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_sizes', array( $this, 'custom_image_sizes' ) , 100, 4 );
if( ! empty( $global_audits[ $current_device ]['font-display'] ) && class_exists('WPMUDEV_Fix_Font_Display_Issue') ){
$fix_google_font_issue = new WPMUDEV_Fix_Font_Display_Issue;
public function get_current_device(){
static $current_device;
if( ! $current_device ){
$current_device = wp_is_mobile() ? 'mobile' : 'desktop';
return $current_device;
public function custom_additional_multipliers( $sizes ){
return array(
public function maybe_add_custom_image_size( $scaled_images ){
$all_sizes = wp_get_registered_image_subsizes();
public function before_render_menu( $nav_menu ){
$this->global_area = 1;
return $nav_menu;
public function after_render_menu( $nav_menu ){
$this->global_area = 0;
return $nav_menu;
public function save_global_scaled_images( $image_src, $value ){
if( ! isset( $this->global_scaled_images[ $image_src ] ) ){
$this->global_scaled_images[ $image_src ] = $value;
$this->changing_global_images = 1;
public function maybe_update_global_images(){
if( $this->changing_global_images ){
$global_audits = get_option( 'wpmudev_global_ms_performance' );
$current_device = $this->get_current_device();
$global_audits[ $current_device ]['uses-responsive-images'] = $this->global_scaled_images;
update_option( 'wpmudev_global_ms_performance', $global_audits );
return true;
public function should_fix_png_webp_issue(){
static $should_fix;
if( ! isset( $should_fix ) ){
$should_fix = false;
if( defined('WP_SMUSH_VERSION') && version_compare( WP_SMUSH_VERSION, '3.7.0', '<' ) ){
$should_fix = true;
return $should_fix;
* Add tempfix resized png issue while enable webp: SMUSH-155
* @source Jira: SMUSH-155
public function fix_resized_png_webp( $image ){
if( ! $this->should_fix_png_webp_issue() ){
return $image;
static $enable_webp;
// only fix for pnd image.
if( false === strpos( $image, '.png?size=') ){
return $image;
if( is_null( $enable_webp ) ){
$enable_webp = Smush\Core\Settings::get_instance()->get('webp');
if( $enable_webp ){
$image = str_replace( 'webp=1', 'webp=0', $image );
return $image;
public function custom_image_srcset( $sources, $size_array, $image_src ){
if( ! is_array( $sources ) ){
return $sources;
$image_src = preg_replace('/-[\d]+x[\d]+/', '', $image_src );
if( ! isset( $this->audits['uses-responsive-images'][ $image_src ] ) ){
return $sources;
$max_width = $this->audits['uses-responsive-images'][ $image_src ][0];
if( $max_width ){
$this->original_sizes = array_keys( $sources );
$prev_width = 0;
foreach( $sources as $size => $source ){
if( $size > $max_width ){
if( ! $prev_width ){
$prev_width = $size;
unset( $sources[ $size ] );
}else if( $size === $max_width ){
$prev_width = $size;
// tempfix resized png image issue while enable webp
// $sources[ $size ]['url'] = $this->fix_resized_png_webp( $sources[ $size ]['url'] );
$this->optimized_sizes = array_keys( $sources );
return $sources;
* Divi theme
public static function is_divi(){
static $is_divi;
if( ! isset( $is_divi ) ){
$is_divi = defined('ET_CORE');
return $is_divi;
public function divi_custom_image_sizes( $responsive_sizes, $size, $image_src, $image_meta ){
if( is_admin() || is_array( $responsive_sizes ) ){
return $responsive_sizes;
// if it is not custom by divi
if( false === strpos( $responsive_sizes, 'min-width') ){
return $this->custom_image_sizes( $responsive_sizes, $size, $image_src, $image_meta );
$image_src = preg_replace('/-[\d]+x[\d]+/', '', $image_src );
if( ! isset( $this->audits['uses-responsive-images'][ $image_src ] ) ){
return $responsive_sizes;
if( $this->global_area ){
$this->save_global_scaled_images( $image_src, $this->audits['uses-responsive-images'][ $image_src ] );
$current_max_width = $this->audits['uses-responsive-images'][ $image_src ][0];
if ( $this->original_sizes ) {
$max_width = 0;
$prev_width = 0;
$is_first_max_width = 0;
$sizes_temp = array();
foreach ( $this->original_sizes as $max_width ) {
if( $max_width > $current_max_width ){
if( ! $is_first_max_width ){
$prev_width = $max_width;
$is_first_max_width = 1;
$responsive_sizes = str_replace( "{$max_width}px,", $prev_width .'px,', $responsive_sizes);
$prev_width = $max_width;
if( $prev_width ){
$responsive_sizes = str_replace( "100vw", $prev_width .'px', $responsive_sizes);
return $responsive_sizes;
public function custom_image_sizes( $responsive_sizes, $size, $image_src, $image_meta ){
if( is_admin() || is_array( $responsive_sizes ) ){
return $responsive_sizes;
$image_src = preg_replace('/-[\d]+x[\d]+/', '', $image_src );
if( ! isset( $this->audits['uses-responsive-images'][ $image_src ] ) ){
return $responsive_sizes;
if( $this->global_area ){
$this->save_global_scaled_images( $image_src, $this->audits['uses-responsive-images'][ $image_src ] );
if( $this->optimized_sizes ){
$max_width = 0;
$prev_width = 0;
$sizes_temp = array();
foreach ( $this->optimized_sizes as $max_width ) {
if ( $prev_width ) {
$sizes_temp[ $max_width ] = sprintf( '(min-width: %2$dpx) and (max-width: %1$dpx) %1$dpx', $max_width, ( $prev_width + 1 ) );
} else {
$sizes_temp[ $max_width ] = sprintf( '(min-width: %2$dpx) and (max-width: %1$dpx) %1$dpx', $max_width, $prev_width );
$prev_width = $max_width;
$sizes_temp[] = sprintf( '(min-width: %2$dpx) %1$dpx, %1$dpx', $prev_width, ( $prev_width + 1 ) );
$responsive_sizes = implode( ', ', $sizes_temp );
return $responsive_sizes;
$run = new WPMUDEV_SMHB_Optimize;
if( defined('WPHB_VERSION') && class_exists( 'Hummingbird\\WP_Hummingbird' ) && class_exists('Hummingbird\Core\Settings') && ! class_exists('WPMUDEV_Fix_Font_Display_Issue') ){
class WPMUDEV_Fix_Font_Display_Issue{
public function __construct(){
if( ! Hummingbird\Core\Settings::get_setting( 'enabled', 'minify' ) || ( is_admin() && ! wp_doing_ajax() ) ){
add_filter( 'print_styles_array', array( $this, 'add_font_display_swap' ), 1 );
// convert custom css font for Kirki Customizer Framework plugin
if( class_exists('Kirki_Modules_Webfonts_Embed') ){
add_action( 'kirki_dynamic_css', array( $this, 'enable_http_response_filter'), 0 );
add_action( 'kirki_dynamic_css', array( $this, 'disable_http_response_filter'), 999 );
// support Revoslider
if( class_exists('RevSliderFront') ){
add_filter( 'revslider_printCleanFontImport', array( $this, 'revslider_add_font_display') );
// Support Kallyas theme
if( class_exists('Zn_Framework') ){
add_filter( 'zn_dynamic_css', array( $this, 'add_font_display_swap_for_custom_css' ), 9999 );
public function add_font_display_swap( $handles ){
global $wp_styles;
if( $wp_styles->queue ){
foreach( $handles as $handle ){
if( isset( $wp_styles->registered[ $handle ] ) ){
$src = $wp_styles->registered[ $handle ]->src;
if( is_string( $src ) && strpos( $src, '//') !== false && false === strpos( $src, 'display=') ){
$wp_styles->registered[ $handle ]->src = str_replace( '//', '//', $src );
return $handles;
// add font display wrap for revoslider
public function revslider_add_font_display( $ret ){
if( false !== strpos( $ret, '//') ){
$ret = str_replace( '//', '//', $ret );
}elseif( $ret ){
$ret = str_replace( 'font-style: normal;', 'font-style: normal;font-display: swap;', $ret );
return $ret;
public function add_font_display_swap_for_custom_css( $css ){
$css = str_replace( '@font-face {', '@font-face {font-display: swap;', $css );
return $css;
public function enable_http_response_filter(){
add_filter( 'http_response', array( $this, 'add_font_display_swap_for_http_resonse' ), 10, 3 );
public function add_font_display_swap_for_http_resonse( $response, $parsed_args, $url ){
if( false !== strpos( $url, '') ){
if( ! empty( $response['body'] ) ){
$response['body'] = $this->add_font_display_swap_for_custom_css( $response['body'] );
return $response;
public function disable_http_response_filter(){
remove_filter( 'http_response', array( $this, 'add_font_display_swap_for_http_resonse' ), 10, 3 );
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