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Created May 25, 2020 19:54
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Default Handlebars template that can be used (and customized) when embedding a Yammer feed in WordPress page or post using the WPO365 (WordPress + Office 365) plugin (see for details).
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{{#each messages}}
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onclick="'{{{this.web_url}}}', '_blank')">
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{{yavatar this.sender.mugshot_url this.sender.mugshot_url_template}}
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{{fabricIcon 'Group'}}
<div class="pintra-flex-grow-1 pintraYammerGroupName">{{}}</div>
<div class="pintraYammerTitle">{{this.sender.full_name}} - <span
class="pintraYammerTimestamp">{{formatDateTime this.created_at 'l LT'}}</span></div>
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{{#ifCond this.message_type '==' 'question'}}
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d="M51.6 232.5V174C23 159 0 129 0 96 0 46.5 41.55 7.5 94.65 7.5c51.6 0 94.65 39 94.65 88.5 0 24-10.05 45-27.3 61.5S123.3 183 100.35 183zM94.65 21C50.25 21 12.9 54 12.9 96c0 28.5 18.6 55.5 47.4 67.5L66 165v34.5l28.65-30h1.5c21.45 0 41.55-9 55.95-22.5a73.08 73.08 0 0 0 23-52.5C176.4 54 139.2 21 94.65 21z">
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{{#ifCond this.message_type '==' 'announcement'}}
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{{#ifCond this.message_type '==' 'poll'}}
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{{#each ./this.attachments.praise}}
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{{yammerIcon this.icon}}
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{{#if this.attachments.praise}}
{{#each ./this.attachments.praise}}
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<div class="pintraYammerBodyContent">{{yammerIcon this.comment}}</div>
{{else if this.attachments.image}}
<div class="pintraYammerBodyTitle">{{./this.content_excerpt}}</div>
{{#each ./this.attachments.image}}
<div class="pintraYammerBodyImage"><img src="{{{this.preview}}}"></div>
{{else if this.attachments.shared_message}}
<div class="pintraYammerBodyTitle">{{./this.content_excerpt}}</div>
{{#each ./this.attachments.shared_message}}
<div class="pintraYammerBodyContent">{{this.content_excerpt}}</div>
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<div class="pintraYammerLikesIcon">{{fabricIcon 'LikeSolid'}}</div>
<div class="pintra-flex pintraYammerLikesCount">{{this.liked_by.count}}</div>
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