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Created July 18, 2014 09:23
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Generates Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and outputs it to html
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Generates all Clebsh Gordan coefficients starting from a given j1 and j2 and
outputs a html file. How to use:
./ 0.5 0.5 > output.html
Ward Poelmans <> (2014)
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.misc as sc
import math
import fractions
def factorial(n):
if n < 0:
return -100000000000
return math.factorial(n)
# return sc.factorial(n, exact=False)
def clebsh(j1,j2,j,m):
z = 0
a = 0.0
b = 0.0
c = 0.0
l = ""
for m1 in np.arange(-j1-1,(j1+1)):
for m2 in np.arange(-j2-1,(j2+1)):
#These are just some conditions which need to give zero.
if (m1 + m2) != m:
d = 0
elif (j1 - j2 - m)%1 != 0.0:
d = 0
elif (j1 - j2 + m)%1 != 0.0:
d = 0
c = 0.0
z = 0
#This is the algorithm itself, Not very pretty, but that is what it is.
at = ((factorial(j1+j2-j)*factorial(j1-j2+j)*factorial(-j1+j2+j)))
an = (factorial(j1+j2+j+1.0)) #**.5
a = math.sqrt(at/an)
b = (factorial(j1+m1)*factorial(j1-m1)*factorial(j2+m2)*factorial(j2-m2)*factorial(j-m)*factorial(j+m)) #**.5
while z<(j1-m1+3):
ct = ((-1.0)**(z+j1-j2+m))
cn = (factorial(z)*factorial(j1+j2-j-z)*factorial(j1-m1-z)*factorial(j2+m2-z)*factorial(j-j2+m1+z)*factorial(j-j1-m2+z))
c += ct/cn;
z += 1
pre = ((-1.0)**(j1-j2+m))
presqrt = (2.0*j+1.0)
d = pre*math.sqrt(presqrt)*math.sqrt(at/an)*math.sqrt(b)*c
if abs(d)> .0001:
breuk = fractions.Fraction(int(at*b*presqrt*c*c),int(an)).limit_denominator(10000)
pre_str = "-" if pre < 0 else ""
l += "\n<tr><td><math><mn>%s</mn></math></td><td><math><mn>%s</mn></math></td><td><math><mn>%s</mn> <msqrt><mfrac><mn>%s</mn><mn>%s</mn></mfrac></msqrt></math></td></tr>" % (m1,m2,pre_str,breuk.numerator,breuk.denominator)
return l
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: %s j1 j2" % sys.argv[0])
j1 = float(sys.argv[1])
j2 = float(sys.argv[2])
print("<html>\n<title>Clebsch Gordan</title>\n<body>\n<div>\n")
for j in np.arange(abs(j1-j2),j1+j2+1):
for m in np.arange(0,j+1):
print("<math><msub><mi>j</mi><mn>1</mn></msub>=<mn>%s</mn></math> <math><msub><mi>j</mi><mn>2</mn></msub>=<mn>%s</mn></math> <math>j=<mn>%s</mn></math> <math>m=<mn>%s</mn></math><br/>\n" % (fractions.Fraction(j1), fractions.Fraction(j2), fractions.Fraction(j), fractions.Fraction(m)))
print("<table border=1>")
print("<thead><tr> <th><math><msub><mi>m</mi><mn>1</mn></msub></math></th> <th><math><msub><mi>m</mi><mn>2</mn></msub></math></th> </tr></thead>\n")
print("%s" % clebsh(j1,j2,j,m))
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