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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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require 'nokogiri'
html = %q(
<td class="data-display-field" width="60%">
<a href=";buyerID=ABAZTC59A7Z12&amp;orderID=205-7265948-3023534">Syed Ali</a>
<span id="_myo_buyerEmail_progressIndicator" style="vertical-align: middle; display: none;">
<img src="" id="_myo_buyerEmail_loadingBar" style="display:inline">
<b id="_myo_buyerEmail_showRepeatOrders" buyeremail="" class="tiny"> </b>
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
# 使用 at_css 其实就是 css('xxx').first 取第一个元素. at_css 返回值可能为 nil, 但 css 返回值一定为 NodeSet 只是 size 可能为 0
span = doc.at_css('#_myo_buyerEmail_progressIndicator')
# 我想拿 buyeremail, 使用 next_element
b = span.next_element['buyeremail'] #
# 拿到空白节点, 因为在 空白, 换行也是一个节点, 类型为 Text. 而 next_element 则会跳过这些 Text 空白节点.
blank = # #(Text "\n ")
# 当然也可以手动走过空白节点['buyeremail'] == span.next_element['buyeremail'] # true
# 查看父节点
img = doc.at_css('img')
img.parent['id'] # _myo_buyerEmail_progressIndicator
# 更多相关 API 可以查看
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