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Created April 12, 2022 15:26
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WPC helpers v 1.6.5
if ( ! defined('WPINC') ) {
use \FilterEverything\Filter\Container;
use \FilterEverything\Filter\FilterSet;
use \FilterEverything\Filter\FilterFields;
use \FilterEverything\Filter\PostMetaNumEntity;
use FilterEverything\Filter\UrlManager;
function flrt_the_set( $set_id = 0 ){
global $flrt_sets;
if( $set_id ){
foreach ( $flrt_sets as $k => $set ){
if( $set['ID'] === $set_id ){
unset( $flrt_sets[$k] );
return $set;
return array_shift( $flrt_sets );
function flrt_print_filters_for( $hook = '' ) {
global $wp_filter;
if( empty( $hook ) || !isset( $wp_filter[$hook] ) )
return $wp_filter[$hook];
function flrt_is_filter_request()
$wpManager = Container::instance()->getWpManager();
return $wpManager->getQueryVar('wpc_is_filter_request');
function flrt_include($filename )
$path = flrt_get_path( $filename );
if( file_exists($path) ) {
include_once( $path );
function flrt_get_path($path = '' )
return FLRT_PLUGIN_DIR . ltrim($path, '/');
function flrt_ucfirst($text )
if( ! is_string( $text ) ){
return $text;
return mb_strtoupper( mb_substr( $text, 0, 1 ) ) . mb_substr( $text, 1 );
function flrt_sanitize_tooltip($var )
return htmlspecialchars(
html_entity_decode( $var ),
'br' => array(),
'em' => array(),
'strong' => array(),
'small' => array(),
'span' => array(),
'ul' => array(),
'li' => array(),
'ol' => array(),
'p' => array(),
'a' => array('href'=>true)
function flrt_help_tip($tip, $allow_html = false )
if ( $allow_html ) {
$tip = flrt_sanitize_tooltip( $tip );
} else {
$tip = esc_attr( $tip );
return '<span class="wpc-help-tip" data-tip="' . $tip . '"></span>';
function flrt_tooltip($attr )
if( ! isset( $attr['tooltip'] ) || ! $attr['tooltip'] ){
return false;
return flrt_help_tip($attr['tooltip'], true);
function flrt_field_instructions($attr)
if( ! isset( $attr['instructions'] ) || ! $attr['instructions'] ){
return false;
$instructions = wp_kses(
'br' => array(),
'span' => array('class'=>true),
'strong' => array(),
'a' => array('href'=>true, 'title'=>true)
return '<p class="wpc-field-description">'.$instructions.'</p>';
function flrt_add_query_arg(...$args ) {
if ( is_array( $args[0] ) ) {
if ( count( $args ) < 2 || false === $args[1] ) {
} else {
$uri = $args[1];
} else {
if ( count( $args ) < 3 || false === $args[2] ) {
} else {
$uri = $args[2];
$frag = strstr( $uri, '#' );
if ( $frag ) {
$uri = substr( $uri, 0, -strlen( $frag ) );
} else {
$frag = '';
if ( 0 === stripos( $uri, 'http://' ) ) {
$protocol = 'http://';
$uri = substr( $uri, 7 );
} elseif ( 0 === stripos( $uri, 'https://' ) ) {
$protocol = 'https://';
$uri = substr( $uri, 8 );
} else {
$protocol = '';
if ( strpos( $uri, '?' ) !== false ) {
list( $base, $query ) = explode( '?', $uri, 2 );
$base .= '?';
} elseif ( $protocol || strpos( $uri, '=' ) === false ) {
$base = $uri . '?';
$query = '';
} else {
$base = '';
$query = $uri;
wp_parse_str( $query, $qs );
if ( is_array( $args[0] ) ) {
foreach ( $args[0] as $k => $v ) {
$qs[ $k ] = $v;
} else {
$qs[ $args[0] ] = $args[1];
foreach ( $qs as $k => $v ) {
if ( false === $v ) {
unset( $qs[ $k ] );
$ret = build_query( $qs );
$ret = trim( $ret, '?' );
$ret = preg_replace( '#=(&|$)#', '$1', $ret );
$ret = $protocol . $base . $ret . $frag;
$ret = rtrim( $ret, '?' );
return $ret;
* @param $terms array
* @param $keys array
* @return array Array of objects with required keys
function flrt_extract_objects_vars($terms, $keys = [] )
$required = [];
foreach( $terms as $i => $term ){
$new_object = new \stdClass();
foreach( $keys as $key ){
if( isset( $term->$key ) ){
$new_object->$key = $term->$key;
$required[$term->term_id] = $new_object;
return $required;
function flrt_remove_level_array( $array )
* @feature maybe rewrite this full of shame code
if( ! is_array( $array ) ){
return [];
$flatten = [];
array_map( function ($a) use(&$flatten){
if( is_array( $a ) ){
$flatten = array_merge($flatten, $a);
$array );
return $flatten;
function flrt_get_forbidden_prefixes()
//@todo it seems all existing tax prefixes should be there
// All them actual only when permalinks off
$forbidden_prefixes = [];
$permalinksEnabled = defined('FLRT_PERMALINKS_ENABLED') ? FLRT_PERMALINKS_ENABLED : false;
if( ! $permalinksEnabled ) {
$forbidden_prefixes = array_merge( $forbidden_prefixes, array('cat', 'tag', 'page', 'author') );
if( flrt_wpml_active() ){
$wpml_url_format = apply_filters( 'wpml_setting', 0, 'language_negotiation_type' );
if( $wpml_url_format === '3' ){
$forbidden_prefixes[] = 'lang';
return apply_filters( 'wpc_forbidden_prefixes', $forbidden_prefixes );
function flrt_get_forbidden_meta_keys()
$forbidden_meta_keys = array('wpc_filter_set_post_type', 'wpc_seo_rule_post_type');
return apply_filters( 'wpc_forbidden_meta_keys', $forbidden_meta_keys );
function flrt_array_contains_duplicate($array )
return count($array) != count( array_unique($array) );
function flrt_maybe_hide_row( $atts )
if( $atts['type'] === 'Hidden' ){
echo ' style="display:none;"';
function flrt_filter_row_class( $field_atts )
$classes = [ 'wpc-filter-tr' ];
if( isset( $field_atts['class'] ) ){
$classes[] = $field_atts['class'] . '-tr';
if( isset( $field_atts['additional_class'] ) ){
$classes[] = $field_atts['additional_class'];
return implode(" ", $classes);
function flrt_include_admin_view($path, $args = [] )
$templateManager = Container::instance()->getTemplateManager();
$templateManager->includeAdminView( $path, $args );
function flrt_include_front_view($path, $args = [] )
$templateManager = Container::instance()->getTemplateManager();
$templateManager->includeFrontView( $path, $args );
function flrt_create_filters_nonce()
return FilterSet::createNonce();
function flrt_get_filter_fields_mapping()
return Container::instance()->getFilterFieldsService()->getFieldsMapping();
function flrt_get_configured_filters($post_id )
$filterFields = Container::instance()->getFilterFieldsService();
return $filterFields->getFiltersInputs( $post_id );
function flrt_get_filter_view_name($view_key )
$view_options = FilterFields::getViewOptions();
if( isset( $view_options[ $view_key ] ) ){
return esc_html($view_options[ $view_key ]);
return esc_html($view_key);
function flrt_get_filter_entity_name($entity_key )
$em = Container::instance()->getEntityManager();
$entities = $em->getPossibleEntities();
foreach( $entities as $key => $entity_array ){
if( isset( $entity_array['entities'][ $entity_key ] ) ){
return esc_html($entity_array['entities'][ $entity_key ]);
if( $entity_key === 'post_meta_exists' && ! defined('FLRT_FILTERS_PRO') ){
return esc_html__('Available in PRO', 'filter-everything');
return esc_html($entity_key);
function flrt_get_set_settings_fields($post_id)
$filterSet = Container::instance()->getFilterSetService();
return $filterSet->getSettingsTypeFields( $post_id );
function flrt_render_input( $atts )
$className = isset( $atts['type'] ) ? '\FilterEverything\Filter\\' . $atts['type'] : '\FilterEverything\Filter\Text';
if( class_exists( $className ) ){
$input = new $className( $atts );
return $input->render();
return false;
function flrt_extract_vars(&$array, $keys )
$r = [];
foreach( $keys as $key ) {
$var = flrt_extract_var( $array, $key );
if( $var ){
$r[ $key ] = $var;
return $r;
function flrt_extract_var(&$array, $key, $default = null )
// check if exists
// - uses array_key_exists to extract NULL values (isset will fail)
if( is_array($array) && array_key_exists($key, $array) ) {
$v = $array[ $key ];
unset( $array[ $key ] );
return $v;
return $default;
function flrt_get_empty_filter( $set_id )
$filterFields = Container::instance()->getFilterFieldsService();
return $filterFields->getEmptyFilterObject( $set_id );
function flrt_excluded_taxonomies()
$excluded_taxonomies = array(
return apply_filters( 'wpc_excluded_taxonomies', $excluded_taxonomies );
function flrt_force_non_unique_slug($notNull, $originalSlug )
return $originalSlug;
function flrt_redirect_to_error($post_id, $errors )
$redirect = get_edit_post_link( $post_id, 'url' );
$error_code = 20; // Default error code
if( !empty( $errors ) && is_array( $errors ) ){
$error_code = reset( $errors );
$redirect = add_query_arg( 'message', $error_code, $redirect );
wp_redirect( $redirect );
function flrt_sanitize_int($var )
return preg_replace('/[^\d]+/', '', $var );
function flrt_range_input_name($meta_key, $edge = 'min' )
return PostMetaNumEntity::inputName( $meta_key, $edge );
function flrt_query_string_form_fields($values = null, $exclude = [], $current_key = '', $return = false ) {
$filter_everything_exclude = array_keys( apply_filters( 'wpc_unnecessary_get_parameters', [] ) );
$exclude = array_merge( $exclude, $filter_everything_exclude );
if ( is_null( $values ) ) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
$values = Container::instance()->getTheGet();
// For compatibility with some Nginx configurations
} elseif ( is_string( $values ) ) {
$url_parts = wp_parse_url( $values );
$values = [];
if ( ! empty( $url_parts['query'] ) ) {
// This is to preserve full-stops, pluses and spaces in the query string when ran through parse_str.
$replace_chars = array(
'.' => '{dot}',
'+' => '{plus}',
$query_string = str_replace( array_keys( $replace_chars ), array_values( $replace_chars ), $url_parts['query'] );
// Parse the string.
parse_str( $query_string, $parsed_query_string );
// Convert the full-stops, pluses and spaces back and add to values array.
foreach ( $parsed_query_string as $key => $value ) {
$new_key = str_replace( array_values( $replace_chars ), array_keys( $replace_chars ), $key );
$new_value = str_replace( array_values( $replace_chars ), array_keys( $replace_chars ), $value );
$values[ $new_key ] = $new_value;
$html = '';
foreach ( $values as $key => $value ) {
if ( in_array( $key, $exclude, true ) ) {
if ( $current_key ) {
$key = $current_key . '[' . $key . ']';
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
$html .= flrt_query_string_form_fields( $value, $exclude, $key, true );
} else {
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr( $key ) . '" value="' . esc_attr( wp_unslash( $value ) ) . '" />';
if ( $return ) {
return $html;
echo $html; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
function flrt_get_query_string_parameters()
$container = Container::instance();
$get = $container->getTheGet();
$post = $container->getThePost();
// For compatibility with some Nginx configurations
if( isset( $post['flrt_ajax_link'] ) ){
$parts = parse_url( $post['flrt_ajax_link'] );
if( isset( $parts['query'] ) ){
parse_str( $parts['query'], $output );
return $output;
return $get;
function flrt_count($term, $show = 'yes' )
if( $show === 'yes' ) :
echo flrt_get_count( $term );
* @since 1.0.5
* @param $term
* @return string
function flrt_get_count($term ){
return '<span class="wpc-term-count">(<span class="wpc-term-count-value">'.esc_html( $term->cross_count ).'</span>)</span>';
function flrt_spinner_html()
return '<div class="wpc-spinner"></div>';
function flrt_filters_widget_content_class( $setId )
return ' wpc-opened';
return ' wpc-closed';
function flrt_filters_button( $setId = 0, $class = '' )
* @feature add nice wrapper to this functions to allow users put it into themes.
$classes = [];
$sets = [];
$wpManager = \FilterEverything\Filter\Container::instance()->getWpManager();
$templateManager = \FilterEverything\Filter\Container::instance()->getTemplateManager();
if( ! $wpManager->getQueryVar( 'allowed_filter_page' ) ){
return false;
$draft_sets = $wpManager->getQueryVar('wpc_page_related_set_ids');
foreach ( $draft_sets as $set ){
if( isset( $set['show_on_the_page'] ) && $set['show_on_the_page'] ){
$sets[] = $set;
if( ! $setId && isset( $sets[0]['ID'] ) ){
$setId = $sets[0]['ID'];
foreach ( $sets as $set ){
if( $set['ID'] === $setId ){
$theSet = $set;
if( flrt_get_option('show_bottom_widget') === 'on' ){
$classes[] = 'wpc-filters-open-widget';
$classes[] = 'wpc-open-close-filters-button';
if( $class ){
$classes[] = trim($class);
$attrClass = implode(" ", $classes);
$setId = preg_replace('/[^\d]+/', '', $setId);
$wpc_found_posts = NULL;
if( $wpManager->getQueryVar('wpc_is_filter_request' ) ){
$wpc_found_posts = flrt_posts_found_quantity( $setId );
$templateManager->includeFrontView( 'filters-button', array( 'wpc_found_posts' => $wpc_found_posts, 'class' => $attrClass, 'set_id' => $setId ) );
function flrt_posts_found( $setid = 0 )
$templateManager = \FilterEverything\Filter\Container::instance()->getTemplateManager();
$fss = \FilterEverything\Filter\Container::instance()->getFilterSetService();
$count = flrt_posts_found_quantity( $setid );
$theSet = $fss->getSet( $setid );
$postType = isset( $theSet['post_type']['value'] ) ? $theSet['post_type']['value'] : '';
$obj = get_post_type_object($postType);
$pluralLabel = isset( $obj->label ) ? apply_filters( 'wpc_label_singular_posts_found_msg', $obj->label ) : esc_html__('items', 'filter-everything');
$singularLabel = isset( $obj->labels->singular_name ) ? apply_filters( 'wpc_label_plural_posts_found_msg', $obj->labels->singular_name ) : esc_html__('item', 'filter-everything');
$templateManager->includeFrontView( 'posts-found', array( 'posts_found_count' => $count, 'singular_label' => $singularLabel, 'plural_label' => $pluralLabel) );
function flrt_get_option( $key, $default = false )
$settings = get_option('wpc_filter_settings');
if( isset( $settings[$key] ) ){
return apply_filters( 'wpc_get_option', $settings[$key], $key);
if( $default ){
return $default;
return false;
function flrt_remove_option($key )
$settings = get_option('wpc_filter_settings');
if (isset($settings[$key]) && $settings[$key]) {
return update_option('wpc_filter_settings', $settings);
return false;
function flrt_get_experimental_option($key, $default = false )
* @todo This should be rewritten
$settings = get_option('wpc_filter_experimental');
if( isset( $settings[$key] ) ){
return apply_filters( 'wpc_get_option', $settings[$key], $key);
if( $default ){
return apply_filters( 'wpc_get_option', $default, $key);
return apply_filters( 'wpc_get_option', false, $key);
function flrt_get_saved_visibility_class($filter, $cookieName )
if( $filter['collapse'] !== 'yes' ){
return false;
return flrt_get_status_css_class( $filter['ID'], $cookieName );
function flrt_get_status_css_class($id, $cookieName ){
if ( isset( $_COOKIE[ $cookieName ] ) ) {
$openediDs = explode(",", $_COOKIE[ $cookieName ] );
if ( in_array( $id, $openediDs) ) {
return 'wpc-opened';
return 'wpc-closed';
return '';
function flrt_collapsible_class($filter )
* Idea is that if user open filter we add cookie with filter ID.
* Then, if we see current filter ID in cookie IDs list, we make this filter open
if( $filter['collapse'] !== 'yes' ){
return false;
$collapsibleClass = ' wpc-filter-collapsible';
if( $remembered = flrt_get_saved_visibility_class($filter, FLRT_STATUS_COOKIE_NAME) ){
$collapsibleClass .= ' '.$remembered;
return $collapsibleClass;
function flrt_filter_header($filter, $terms )
$openButton = ($filter['collapse'] === 'yes') ? '<button><span class="wpc-wrap-icons">' : '';
$closeButton = ($filter['collapse'] === 'yes') ? '</span><span class="wpc-open-icon"></span></button>' : '';
$tooltip = '';
if ($filter['collapse'] === 'yes' && !empty($filter['values']) && !empty($terms)) {
$selected = [];
$list = '<div class="wpc-filter-selected-values">&mdash; ';
foreach ( $terms as $id => $term_object ) {
if ( in_array( $term_object->slug, $filter['values'] ) ) {
$selected[] = $term_object->name;
$list .= implode(", ", $selected) . '</div>';
$closeButton = $list . $closeButton;
if( isset( $filter['tooltip'] ) && $filter['tooltip'] ){
$tooltip = flrt_help_tip( $filter['tooltip'], true );
$filter_label = apply_filters( 'wpc_filter_label', $filter['label'] );
<div class="wpc-filter-header<?php echo esc_attr( flrt_collapsible_class( $filter ) ); ?>">
<div class="widget-title wpc-filter-title">
<?php echo $openButton . esc_html( $filter_label ) . $tooltip . $closeButton; ?>
function flrt_filter_class($filter, $default_classes = [] )
$classes = array(
if( isset( $filter['values'] ) && ! empty( $filter['values'] ) ){
$classes[] = 'wpc-filter-has-selected';
if( ! empty( $default_classes ) ){
$classes = array_merge( $classes, $default_classes );
return implode( " ", $classes );
function flrt_filter_content_class($filter, $default_classes = [] )
$classes = array(
if( $remembered = flrt_get_saved_visibility_class($filter, FLRT_STATUS_COOKIE_NAME) ){
$classes[] = $remembered;
if( isset( $filter['e_name'] ) ){
$classes[] = 'wpc-filter-'.$filter['e_name'];
if( isset( $filter['hierarchy'] ) && $filter['hierarchy'] === 'yes' ){
$classes[] = 'wpc-filter-has-hierarchy';
if( ! empty( $default_classes ) ){
$classes = array_merge( $classes, $default_classes );
return implode( " ", $classes );
function flrt_get_contrast_color($hexColor)
// hexColor RGB
$R1 = hexdec(substr($hexColor, 1, 2));
$G1 = hexdec(substr($hexColor, 3, 2));
$B1 = hexdec(substr($hexColor, 5, 2));
// Black RGB
$blackColor = "#000000";
$R2BlackColor = hexdec(substr($blackColor, 1, 2));
$G2BlackColor = hexdec(substr($blackColor, 3, 2));
$B2BlackColor = hexdec(substr($blackColor, 5, 2));
// Calc contrast ratio
$L1 = 0.2126 * pow($R1 / 255, 2.2) +
0.7152 * pow($G1 / 255, 2.2) +
0.0722 * pow($B1 / 255, 2.2);
$L2 = 0.2126 * pow($R2BlackColor / 255, 2.2) +
0.7152 * pow($G2BlackColor / 255, 2.2) +
0.0722 * pow($B2BlackColor / 255, 2.2);
$contrastRatio = 0;
if ($L1 > $L2) {
$contrastRatio = (int)(($L1 + 0.05) / ($L2 + 0.05));
} else {
$contrastRatio = (int)(($L2 + 0.05) / ($L1 + 0.05));
// If contrast is more than 5, return black color
if ($contrastRatio > 10) {
return '#333333';
} else {
// if not, return white color.
return '#f5f5f5';
function flrt_default_posts_container()
return apply_filters( 'wpc_theme_posts_container', '#primary' );
function flrt_default_theme_color()
return apply_filters( 'wpc_theme_color', '#0570e2' );
function flrt_term_id($name, $filter, $id, $echo = true )
$attr = esc_attr( "wpc-" . $name . "-" . $filter['entity'] . "-" . esc_attr( $filter['e_name'] ) . "-" . $id );
if( $echo ){
echo $attr;
} else {
return $attr;
function flrt_get_icon_svg($color = '#ffffff' )
$svg = '<svg enable-background="new 0 0 26 26" id="Layer_1" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 26 26" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><g><path d="M1.75,7.75h6.6803589c0.3355713,1.2952271,1.5039063,2.2587891,2.9026489,2.2587891 S13.9000854,9.0452271,14.2356567,7.75H24.25C24.6640625,7.75,25,7.4140625,25,7s-0.3359375-0.75-0.75-0.75H14.2356567 c-0.3355713-1.2952271-1.5039063-2.2587891-2.9026489-2.2587891S8.7659302,4.9547729,8.4303589,6.25H1.75 C1.3359375,6.25,1,6.5859375,1,7S1.3359375,7.75,1.75,7.75z M11.3330078,5.4912109 c0.8320313,0,1.5087891,0.6767578,1.5087891,1.5087891s-0.6767578,1.5087891-1.5087891,1.5087891S9.8242188,7.8320313,9.8242188,7 S10.5009766,5.4912109,11.3330078,5.4912109z" fill="'.$color.'"/><path d="M24.25,12.25h-1.6061401c-0.3355713-1.2952271-1.5039063-2.2587891-2.9026489-2.2587891 S17.1741333,10.9547729,16.838562,12.25H1.75C1.3359375,12.25,1,12.5859375,1,13s0.3359375,0.75,0.75,0.75h15.088562 c0.3355713,1.2952271,1.5039063,2.2587891,2.9026489,2.2587891s2.5670776-0.963562,2.9026489-2.2587891H24.25 c0.4140625,0,0.75-0.3359375,0.75-0.75S24.6640625,12.25,24.25,12.25z M19.7412109,14.5087891 c-0.8320313,0-1.5087891-0.6767578-1.5087891-1.5087891s0.6767578-1.5087891,1.5087891-1.5087891S21.25,12.1679688,21.25,13 S20.5732422,14.5087891,19.7412109,14.5087891z" fill="'.$color.'"/><path d="M24.25,18.25H9.7181396c-0.3355103-1.2952271-1.5037842-2.2587891-2.9017334-2.2587891 c-1.3987427,0-2.5670776,0.963562-2.9026489,2.2587891H1.75C1.3359375,18.25,1,18.5859375,1,19s0.3359375,0.75,0.75,0.75h2.1637573 c0.3355713,1.2952271,1.5039063,2.2587891,2.9026489,2.2587891c1.3979492,0,2.5662231-0.963562,2.9017334-2.2587891H24.25 c0.4140625,0,0.75-0.3359375,0.75-0.75S24.6640625,18.25,24.25,18.25z M6.8164063,20.5087891 c-0.8320313,0-1.5087891-0.6767578-1.5087891-1.5087891s0.6767578-1.5087891,1.5087891-1.5087891 c0.8310547,0,1.5078125,0.6767578,1.5078125,1.5087891S7.6474609,20.5087891,6.8164063,20.5087891z" fill="'.$color.'"/></g></svg>';
return 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' . base64_encode( $svg );
function flrt_get_icon_html()
<span class="wpc-icon-html-wrapper">
<span class="wpc-icon-line-1"></span>
<span class="wpc-icon-line-2"></span>
<span class="wpc-icon-line-3"></span>
function flrt_get_plugin_name()
if( defined('FLRT_FILTERS_PRO')){
return esc_html__( 'Filter Everything Pro', 'filter-everything' );
return esc_html__( 'Filter Everything', 'filter-everything' );
function flrt_get_plugin_url($type = 'about', $full = false )
if( $full ){
return esc_url($full);
return esc_url(FLRT_PLUGIN_LINK . '/' . $type );
function flrt_get_term_by_slug($prefix ){
global $wpdb;
$sql = "SELECT {$wpdb->terms}.slug FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE {$wpdb->terms}.slug = '%s'";
$sql = $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $prefix );
$result = $wpdb->get_row( $sql );
if( isset($result->slug) && $result->slug ){
return $result->slug;
return false;
function flrt_walk_terms_tree($terms, $args ){
$walker = new \FilterEverything\Filter\WalkerCheckbox();
$depth = -1;
if( isset( $args['filter']['hierarchy'] ) && $args['filter']['hierarchy'] === 'yes' ){
$depth = 10;
return $walker->walk( $terms, $depth, $args );
function flrt_get_all_parents($elements, $parent_id, &$ids ){
if( isset( $elements[$parent_id]->parent ) && $elements[$parent_id]->parent > 0 ){
$id = $elements[$parent_id]->parent;
$ids_flipped = array_flip($ids);
// if( ! in_array( $id, $ids, true ) ){
if( ! isset( $ids_flipped[$id] ) ){
$ids[] = $id;
flrt_get_all_parents( $elements, $id, $ids );
return $ids;
function flrt_get_parents_with_not_empty_children($elements, $key = 'cross_count' ){
$has_posts_in_children = [];
if( empty( $elements ) || ! is_array( $elements ) ){
return $has_posts_in_children;
$new_elements = [];
foreach ( $elements as $k => $e ) {
$new_elements[$e->term_id] = $e;
$has_posts_in_children_flipped = array_flip( $has_posts_in_children );
foreach ( $new_elements as $e ) {
if ( isset( $e->parent ) && ! empty( $e->parent ) && $e->$key > 0 ) {
// Find all parents for term that contains posts
if( ! isset( $has_posts_in_children_flipped[ $e->parent ] ) ){
$has_posts_in_children[] = $e->parent;
flrt_get_all_parents( $new_elements, $e->parent, $has_posts_in_children );
return $has_posts_in_children;
* Combines all filter sets for the same WP_Query
* @param array $all_sets - list of all page related sets
* @param $current_set
* @return array $queryRelatedSets IDs of all query related sets
function flrt_get_sets_with_the_same_query( $all_sets, $current_set ){
$queryRelatedSets = [];
// First detect desired query index;
$query = '';
$post_type = '';
$location = '';
$set_id = $current_set['ID'];
foreach( $all_sets as $set ){
if( $set['ID'] === $set_id ){
// Current Set values
$query = $set['query'];
$post_type = $set['filtered_post_type'];
$location = $set['query_location'];
// Then find all sets with such query
foreach( $all_sets as $set ){
if( $set['query'] === $query && $post_type === $set['filtered_post_type'] && $location === $set['query_location'] ){
$queryRelatedSets[] = $set['ID'];
if( empty( $queryRelatedSets ) ){
$queryRelatedSets[] = $set_id;
return $queryRelatedSets;
function flrt_find_all_descendants($arr) {
$all_results = [];
if( empty( $arr ) || ! is_array( $arr ) ){
return $all_results;
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
$curr_result = [];
for ($stack = [$k]; count($stack);) {
$el = array_pop($stack);
if (array_key_exists($el, $arr) && is_array($arr[$el])) {
foreach ($arr[$el] as $child) {
$curr_result []= $child;
$stack []= $child;
if (count($curr_result)) {
$all_results[$k] = $curr_result;
return $all_results;
function flrt_debug_title(){
echo '<div class="wpc-debug-title">'.esc_html__('Filter Everything debug', 'filter-everything');
echo '&nbsp;'.flrt_help_tip(
__('Debug messages are visible for logged in administrators only. You can disable them in Filters -> <a href="%s">Settings</a> -> Debug mode.', 'filter-everything'),
admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=filter-set&page=filters-settings' )
), true ).'</div>';
function flrt_is_debug_mode(){
$debug_mode = false;
if( flrt_get_option( 'widget_debug_messages' ) === 'on' ) {
if( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ){
$debug_mode = true;
return $debug_mode;
function wpc_clean( $var ) {
if ( is_array( $var ) ) {
return array_map( 'wpc_clean', $var );
} else {
return is_scalar( $var ) ? sanitize_text_field( $var ) : $var;
function flrt_sorting_option_value( $order_by_value, $meta_keys, $orders, $i ){
$meta_key = isset( $meta_keys[$i] ) ? $meta_keys[$i] : '';
$order = isset( $orders[$i] ) ? $orders[$i] : '';
$option_value = $order_by_value;
if( in_array( $order_by_value, ['m', 'n'], true ) ){
$option_value .= $meta_key;
$option_value .= ( $order === 'desc' ) ? '-'.$order : '';
return $option_value;
function flrt_get_active_plugins(){
if( is_multisite() ){
$active_plugins = get_site_option('active_sitewide_plugins');
if( is_array( $active_plugins ) ){
$active_plugins = array_keys( $active_plugins );
$active_plugins = apply_filters('active_plugins', get_option('active_plugins'));
return $active_plugins;
function flrt_get_terms_transient_key( $salt ){
$key = 'wpc_terms_' . $salt;
if (flrt_wpml_active() && defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE')) {
$key .= '_'.ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
if( function_exists('pll_current_language') ){
$pll_lang = pll_current_language();
if( $pll_lang ){
$key .= '_'.$pll_lang;
return $key;
function flrt_get_post_ids_transient_key( $salt ){
$key = 'wpc_posts_' . $salt;
if (flrt_wpml_active() && defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE')) {
$key .= '_'.ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
if( function_exists('pll_current_language') ){
$pll_lang = pll_current_language();
if( $pll_lang ){
$key .= '_'.$pll_lang;
return $key;
function flrt_get_variations_transient_key( $salt ){
$key = 'wpc_variations_' . $salt;
if (flrt_wpml_active() && defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE')) {
$key .= '_'.ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
if( function_exists('pll_current_language') ){
$pll_lang = pll_current_language();
if( $pll_lang ){
$key .= '_'.$pll_lang;
return $key;
function flrt_is_query_on_page( $setPosts, $searchKey ){
$sets = [];
if( ! is_array( $setPosts ) ){
return $sets;
foreach ( $setPosts as $set ){
$parameters = maybe_unserialize( $set->post_content );
$query = isset( $parameters['wp_filter_query'] ) ? $parameters['wp_filter_query']: '-1';
if( isset( $parameters['use_apply_button'] ) && $parameters['use_apply_button'] === 'yes' ){
$query_on_the_page = false;
$show_on_the_page = false;
if ( isset( $parameters['apply_button_post_name'] ) ){
if( $parameters['apply_button_post_name'] === $set->post_name ||
$parameters['apply_button_post_name'] === 'no_page___no_page' ){
$query_on_the_page = true;
if( in_array( $parameters['apply_button_post_name'], $searchKey ) || ( $parameters['apply_button_post_name'] === 'no_page___no_page' ) ){
$show_on_the_page = true;
$query_on_the_page = true;
$show_on_the_page = true;
$sets[] = array(
'ID' => (string) $set->ID,
'filtered_post_type' => $set->post_excerpt,
'query' => $query, // query hash
'query_location' => $set->post_name,
'query_on_the_page' => $query_on_the_page,
'page_search_keys' => $searchKey,
'show_on_the_page' => $show_on_the_page
if( in_array( $set->post_name, $searchKey ) ){
$sets[] = array(
'ID' => (string) $set->ID,
'filtered_post_type' => $set->post_excerpt,
'query' => $query, // query hash
'query_location' => $set->post_name,
'query_on_the_page' => true,
'page_search_keys' => $searchKey,
'show_on_the_page' => true
// This set is for another page and was selected by Apply button location but the button disabled
return $sets;
function flrt_remove_empty_terms( $checkTerms, $filter, $has_not_empty_children_flipped = [] ){
foreach ($checkTerms as $index => $term) {
if( $filter['hierarchy'] === 'yes' ){
if( $term->cross_count === 0
&& ! isset( $has_not_empty_children_flipped[$term->term_id] ) ){
if( $term->cross_count === 0 ){
return $checkTerms;
function flrt_get_filter_terms( $filter, $posType, $em = false ){
if( ! $em ){
$em = Container::instance()->getEntityManager();
$entityObj = $em->getEntityByFilter( $filter, $posType );
// Exclude or include terms
$isInclude = ( isset( $filter['include'] ) && $filter['include'] === 'yes' );
$entityObj->setExcludedTerms( $filter['exclude'], $isInclude );
$terms = $entityObj->getTerms();
return apply_filters( 'wpc_items_after_calc_term_count', $terms );
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