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Created July 4, 2021 00:01
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Java: Price Utility for Handling Pricing appropriately.
package wpsmith.utils;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
* Price Object.
* Price.parseDouble(myDouble).toString().
public class Price {
* Scale.
protected static int SCALE = 0;
* Rounding Mode.
protected static RoundingMode ROUNDING_MODE = RoundingMode.HALF_UP;
* Sets the scale for BigDecimal values.
* @param value Number of decimals.
public static void setScale(int value) {
SCALE = value;
* Set the scale and rounding method on Big Decimal.
* @param amount Amount to format.
* @return BigDecimal
public static BigDecimal parseBigDecimal(BigDecimal amount) {
return amount.setScale(SCALE, ROUNDING_MODE);
* Parses a float into a Big Decimal.
* @param amount Amount to format.
* @return BigDecimal
public static BigDecimal parseFloat(Float amount) {
return parseBigDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(amount));
* Parses a float into a Big Decimal.
* @param amount Amount to format.
* @return BigDecimal
public static BigDecimal parseInt(int amount) {
return parseBigDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(amount));
* Parses a float into a Big Decimal.
* @param amount Amount to format.
* @return BigDecimal
public static BigDecimal parseDouble(double amount) {
return parseBigDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(amount));
* Parses a string into a Big Decimal.
* @param amount Amount to format.
* @return BigDecimal
public static BigDecimal parseString(String amount) {
return parseDouble(Double.parseDouble(amount));
* Gets decimal value as string.
* @param value BigDecimal
* @return String
public static String getBigDecimalAsString(BigDecimal value) {
value = Price.parseBigDecimal(value);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
return df.format(value);
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