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Last active January 16, 2021 19:34
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// Adds responsive menus support for CLS.
require_once CHILD_DIR . '/lib/responsive-menus.php';
new WPS\WP\Themes\Genesis\Menus\ResponsiveMenus( array(
'mainMenu' => __( 'Menu', 'theme-domain' ),
'menuIconClass' => 'dashicons-before dashicons-menu',
'subMenu' => __( 'Submenu', 'theme-domain' ),
'subMenuIconsClass' => 'dashicons-before dashicons-arrow-down-alt2',
'menuClasses' => array(
'combine' => array(
'others' => array(
'addMenuButtons' => false,
) );
* Add the accessible responsive menu.
* @version 1.1.5
* @package Farmhouse Theme\JS
* @author StudioPress
* @author Travis Smith
* @link
* @link
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
(function (document, $, undefined) {
'use strict';
var defaultOptions = {
addMenuButtons: true
genesisMenuParams = typeof genesis_responsive_menu === 'undefined' ? '' : genesis_responsive_menu,
genesisMenusUnchecked = genesisMenuParams.menuClasses,
genesisMenus = {},
menusToCombine = [],
combineMethod = genesisMenuParams.combineMethod || 'append';
// Merge options to genesisMenuParams
$.each(defaultOptions, function(k,v){
if (genesis_responsive_menu.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
genesisMenuParams[k] = (genesis_responsive_menu.addMenuButtons === 'true' || genesis_responsive_menu.addMenuButtons === '1');
} else {
genesisMenuParams[k] = v;
* Validate the menus passed by the theme with what's being loaded on the page,
* and pass the new and accurate information to our new data.
* @param {genesisMenusUnchecked} Raw data from the localized script in the theme.
* @return {array} genesisMenus array gets populated with updated data.
* @return {array} menusToCombine array gets populated with relevant data.
genesisMenusUnchecked, function (group) {
// Mirror our group object to populate.
genesisMenus[group] = [];
// Loop through each instance of the specified menu on the page.
this, function (key, value) {
var menuString = value,
$menu = $(value);
// If there is more than one instance, append the index and update array.
if ($menu.length > 1) {
$menu, function (key, value) {
var newString = menuString + '-' + key;
$(this).addClass(newString.replace('.', ''));
if ('combine' === group) {
} else if ($menu.length == 1) {
if ('combine' === group) {
// Make sure there is something to use for the 'others' array.
if (typeof genesisMenus.others == 'undefined') {
genesisMenus.others = [];
// If there's only one menu on the page for combining, push it to the 'others' array and nullify our 'combine' variable.
if (menusToCombine.length == 1) {
genesisMenus.combine = null;
menusToCombine = null;
var genesisMenu = {},
mainMenuButtonClass = 'menu-toggle',
subMenuButtonClass = 'sub-menu-toggle',
responsiveMenuClass = 'genesis-responsive-menu';
// Initialize.
genesisMenu.init = function () {
// Exit early if there are no menus to do anything.
if ($(_getAllMenusArray()).length == 0) {
var menuIconClass = typeof genesisMenuParams.menuIconClass !== 'undefined' ? genesisMenuParams.menuIconClass : 'dashicons-before dashicons-menu';
var subMenuIconClass = typeof genesisMenuParams.subMenuIconClass !== 'undefined' ? genesisMenuParams.subMenuIconClass : 'dashicons-before dashicons-arrow-down-alt2';
var existingMenu = $('');
var toggleButtons = {
submenu: _getSubMenuButton()
if (existingMenu) { = existingMenu;
} else { = _getMenuButton();
// Add the responsive menu class to the active menus.
// Add the main nav button to the primary menu, or exit the plugin.
if (genesisMenuParams.addMenuButtons) {
// Setup additional classes.
$('.' + mainMenuButtonClass).addClass(menuIconClass);
$('.' + subMenuButtonClass).addClass(subMenuIconClass);
$('.' + mainMenuButtonClass).on('click.genesisMenu-mainbutton', _mainmenuToggle).each(_addClassID);
$('.' + subMenuButtonClass).on('click.genesisMenu-subbutton', _submenuToggle);
$(window).on('resize.genesisMenu', _doResize).triggerHandler('resize.genesisMenu');
function _getSubMenuButton() {
return $('<button />', {
'class': subMenuButtonClass,
'aria-expanded': false,
'aria-pressed': false
}).append($('<span />', {
'class': 'screen-reader-text',
'text': genesisMenuParams.subMenu
function _getMenuButton() {
return $('<button />', {
'class': mainMenuButtonClass,
'aria-expanded': false,
'aria-pressed': false
* Add menu toggle button to appropriate menus.
* @param {toggleButtons} Object of menu buttons to use for toggles.
function _addMenuButtons(toggleButtons) {
// Apply sub menu toggle to each sub-menu found in the menuList.
if (menusToCombine !== null) {
var menusToToggle = genesisMenus.others.concat(menusToCombine[0]);
// Only add menu button the primary menu and navs NOT in the combine variable.
} else {
// Apply the main menu toggle to all menus in the list.
* Add the responsive menu class.
function _addResponsiveMenuClass() {
* Execute our responsive menu functions on window resizing.
function _doResize() {
var buttons = $('button[id^="genesis-mobile-"]').attr('id');
if (typeof buttons === 'undefined') {
* Add the nav- class of the related farmhouse menu as
* an ID to associated button (helps target specific buttons outside of context).
function _addClassID() {
var $this = $(this),
nav = $'nav'),
id = 'class';
if (nav) {
$this.attr('id', 'genesis-mobile-' + $(nav).attr(id).match(/nav-\w*\b/));
* Combine our menus if the mobile menu is visible.
* @params buttons
function _combineMenus(buttons) {
// Exit early if there are no menus to combine.
if (menusToCombine == null) {
// Split up the menus to combine based on order of appearance in the array.
var primaryMenu = menusToCombine[0],
combinedMenus = $(menusToCombine).filter(
function (index) {
if (index > 0) {
return index;
// If the responsive menu is active, append items in 'combinedMenus' object to the 'primaryMenu' object.
if ('none' !== _getDisplayValue(buttons)) {
combinedMenus, function (key, value) {
if (combineMethod === 'prepend') {
$(value).find('.menu > li').addClass('moved-item-' + value.replace('.', '')).prependTo(primaryMenu + ' ul.genesis-nav-menu');
} else {
$(value).find('.menu > li').addClass('moved-item-' + value.replace('.', '')).appendTo(primaryMenu + ' ul.genesis-nav-menu');
} else {
combinedMenus, function (key, value) {
$('.moved-item-' + value.replace('.', '')).appendTo(value + ' ul.genesis-nav-menu').removeClass('moved-item-' + value.replace('.', ''));
* Action to happen when the main menu button is clicked.
function _mainmenuToggle() {
var $this = $(this);
_toggleAria($this, 'aria-pressed');
_toggleAria($this, 'aria-expanded');
* Action for submenu toggles.
function _submenuToggle() {
var $this = $(this),
others = $this.closest('.menu-item').siblings();
_toggleAria($this, 'aria-pressed');
_toggleAria($this, 'aria-expanded');
others.find('.' + subMenuButtonClass).removeClass('activated').attr('aria-pressed', 'false');
* Activate/deactivate superfish.
* @params buttons
function _superfishToggle(buttons) {
var _superfish = $('.' + responsiveMenuClass + ' .js-superfish'),
$args = 'destroy';
if (typeof _superfish.superfish !== 'function') {
if ('none' === _getDisplayValue(buttons)) {
$args = {
'delay': 100,
'animation': {'opacity': 'show', 'height': 'show'},
'dropShadows': false,
'speed': 'fast'
* Modify skip link to match mobile buttons.
* @param buttons
function _changeSkipLink(buttons) {
// Start with an empty array.
var menuToggleList = _getAllMenusArray();
// Exit out if there are no menu items to update.
if (!$(menuToggleList).length > 0) {
menuToggleList, function (key, value) {
var newValue = value.replace('.', ''),
startLink = 'genesis-' + newValue,
endLink = 'genesis-mobile-' + newValue;
if ('none' == _getDisplayValue(buttons)) {
startLink = 'genesis-mobile-' + newValue;
endLink = 'genesis-' + newValue;
var $item = $('.genesis-skip-link a[href="#' + startLink + '"]');
if (menusToCombine !== null && value !== menusToCombine[0]) {
if ($item.length > 0) {
var link = $item.attr('href');
link = link.replace(startLink, endLink);
$item.attr('href', link);
} else {
* Close all the menu toggles if buttons are hidden.
* @param buttons
function _maybeClose(buttons) {
if ('none' !== _getDisplayValue(buttons)) {
return true;
$('.' + mainMenuButtonClass + ', .' + responsiveMenuClass + ' .sub-menu-toggle')
.attr('aria-expanded', false)
.attr('aria-pressed', false);
$('.' + responsiveMenuClass + ', .' + responsiveMenuClass + ' .sub-menu')
.attr('style', '');
* Generic function to get the display value of an element.
* @param {id} $id ID to check
* @return {string} CSS value of display property
function _getDisplayValue($id) {
var element = document.getElementById($id),
style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
return style.getPropertyValue('display');
* Toggle aria attributes.
* @param {button} $this passed through
* @param {aria-xx} attribute aria attribute to toggle
* @return {bool} from _ariaReturn
function _toggleAria($this, attribute) {
attribute, function (index, value) {
return 'false' === value;
* Helper function to return a comma separated string of menu selectors.
* @param {itemArray} Array of menu items to loop through.
* @param {ignoreSecondary} boolean of whether to ignore the 'secondary' menu item.
* @return {string} Comma-separated string.
function _getMenuSelectorString(itemArray) {
var itemString = $.map(
itemArray, function (value, key) {
return value;
return itemString.join(',');
* Helper function to return a group array of all the menus in
* both the 'others' and 'combine' arrays.
* @return {array} Array of all menu items as class selectors.
function _getAllMenusArray() {
// Start with an empty array.
var menuList = [];
// If there are menus in the 'menusToCombine' array, add them to 'menuList'.
if (menusToCombine !== null) {
menusToCombine, function (key, value) {
// Add menus in the 'others' array to 'menuList'.
genesisMenus.others, function (key, value) {
if (menuList.length > 0) {
return menuList;
} else {
return null;
function () {
if (_getAllMenusArray() !== null) {
}(document, jQuery));
* Add the accessible responsive menu.
* @version 1.1.5
* @package Farmhouse Theme\JS
* @author StudioPress
* @author Travis Smith
* @link
* @link
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
!function(n,o){"use strict";var t="undefined"==typeof genesis_responsive_menu?"":genesis_responsive_menu,e=t.menuClasses,i={},u=[],r=t.combineMethod||"append";o.each(e,function(a){i[a]=[],o.each(this,function(e,n){var s=n,n=o(n);1<n.length?o.each(n,function(e,n){e=s+"-"+e;o(this).addClass(e.replace(".","")),i[a].push(e),"combine"===a&&u.push(e)}):1==n.length&&(i[a].push(s),"combine"===a&&u.push(s))})}),void 0===i.others&&(i.others=[]),1==u.length&&(i.others.push(u[0]),i.combine=null,u=null);var s={},l="menu-toggle",d="sub-menu-toggle",c="genesis-responsive-menu";function p(){var e,n,i,s,a,t=o('button[id^="genesis-mobile-"]').attr("id");void 0!==t&&("none"===g(t)&&(o("."+l+", ."+c+" .sub-menu-toggle").removeClass("activated").attr("aria-expanded",!1).attr("aria-pressed",!1),o("."+c+", ."+c+" .sub-menu").attr("style","")),e=t,n=o("."+c+" .js-superfish"),s="destroy","function"==typeof n.superfish&&("none"===g(e)&&(s={delay:100,animation:{opacity:"show",height:"show"},dropShadows:!1,speed:"fast"}),n.superfish(s)),i=t,s=b(),0<!o(s).length||o.each(s,function(e,n){var s=n.replace(".",""),a="genesis-"+s,t="genesis-mobile-"+s;"none"==g(i)&&(a="genesis-mobile-"+s,t="genesis-"+s);s=o('.genesis-skip-link a[href="#'+a+'"]');null!==u&&n!==u[0]&&s.toggleClass("skip-link-hidden"),0<s.length&&(n=(n=s.attr("href")).replace(a,t),s.attr("href",n))}),s=t,null!=u&&(a=u[0],t=o(u).filter(function(e){if(0<e)return e}),"none"!==g(s)?(o.each(t,function(e,n){"prepend"===r?o(n).find(".menu > li").addClass("moved-item-"+n.replace(".","")).prependTo(a+" ul.genesis-nav-menu"):o(n).find(".menu > li").addClass("moved-item-"+n.replace(".","")).appendTo(a+" ul.genesis-nav-menu")}),o(v(t)).hide()):(o(v(t)).show(),o.each(t,function(e,n){o(".moved-item-"+n.replace(".","")).appendTo(n+" ul.genesis-nav-menu").removeClass("moved-item-"+n.replace(".",""))}))))}function h(){var e=o(this),"nav");e.attr("id","genesis-mobile-"+o(n).attr("class").match(/nav-\w*\b/))}function m(){var e=o(this);a(e,"aria-pressed"),a(e,"aria-expanded"),e.toggleClass("activated"),"nav").slideToggle("fast")}function f(){var e=o(this),n=e.closest(".menu-item").siblings();a(e,"aria-pressed"),a(e,"aria-expanded"),e.toggleClass("activated"),".sub-menu").slideToggle("fast"),n.find("."+d).removeClass("activated").attr("aria-pressed","false"),n.find(".sub-menu").slideUp("fast")}function g(e){e=n.getElementById(e);return window.getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue("display")}function a(e,n){e.attr(n,function(e,n){return"false"===n})}function v(e){return,function(e,n){return e}).join(",")}function b(){var s=[];return null!==u&&o.each(u,function(e,n){s.push(n.valueOf())}),o.each(i.others,function(e,n){s.push(n.valueOf())}),0<s.length?s:null}s.init=function(){var e,n,s,a;0!=o(b()).length&&(e=void 0!==t.menuIconClass?t.menuIconClass:"dashicons-before dashicons-menu",n=void 0!==t.subMenuIconClass?t.subMenuIconClass:"dashicons-before dashicons-arrow-down-alt2",a={menu:o("<button />",{class:l,"aria-expanded":!1,"aria-pressed":!1}).append(t.mainMenu),submenu:o("<button />",{class:d,"aria-expanded":!1,"aria-pressed":!1}).append(o("<span />",{class:"screen-reader-text",text:t.subMenu}))},o(v(i)).addClass(c),s=a,o(v(i)).find(".sub-menu").before(s.submenu),null!==u?(a=i.others.concat(u[0]),o("."+l)||o(v(a)).before(,o("."+l).addClass(e),o("."+d).addClass(n),o("."+l).on("click.genesisMenu-mainbutton",m).each(h),o("."+d).on("click.genesisMenu-subbutton",f),o(window).on("resize.genesisMenu",p).triggerHandler("resize.genesisMenu"))},o(n).ready(function(){null!==b()&&s.init()})}(document,jQuery);
namespace WPS\WP\Themes\Genesis\Menus;
* Class ResponsiveMenus
class ResponsiveMenus {
* Keeps whether the menu toggle button has been hooked already or not.
* @var bool
private $combined_menu_toggle_hooked = false;
* Contains a raw copy of the menu settings.
* @var array
protected $menu_settings;
* Contains a list of all the menus that are combined.
* @var string[]
protected $combined_menus;
* Contains a list of all the menus.
* @var string[]
protected $all_menus;
* Min-width media query string.
* @var string
protected $min_width;
* ResponsiveMenus constructor.
* @param array $menu_settings Responsive Menus JS settings.
* @param string $min_width Min width to hide menu button.
public function __construct( $menu_settings = array(), $min_width = '960px' ) {
$this->set_menu_settings( $menu_settings );
$this->min_width = $min_width;
add_action( 'body_class', array( __CLASS__, 'add_body_class' ) );
if ( function_exists( 'wp_body_open' ) ) {
add_action( 'wp_body_open', array( __CLASS__, 'do_no_js' ), 0 );
} else {
add_action( 'genesis_before', array( __CLASS__, 'do_no_js' ), 0 );
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'cls_style' ) );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( $this, 'maybe_add_nav_menus_output_filter' ) );
add_action( 'wp_nav_menu_args', array( $this, 'maybe_add_nav_menus_attributes_filter' ) );
* Sets the class paramters based on responsive menus js.
* @param array $menu_settings Associative array for responsive menus js.
protected function set_menu_settings( $menu_settings ) {
$settings = ! empty( $menu_settings ) ? $menu_settings : array(
'mainMenu' => __( 'Menu' ),
'menuIconClass' => 'dashicons-before dashicons-menu',
'subMenu' => __( 'Submenu' ),
'subMenuIconsClass' => 'dashicons-before dashicons-arrow-down-alt2',
'menuClasses' => array(
'combine' => array(),
'others' => array(),
'addMenuButtons' => false,
if ( isset( $settings['menuClasses'] ) && isset( $settings['menuClasses']['combine'] ) ) {
$this->combined_menus = array_map( array(
), $settings['menuClasses']['combine'] );
$this->all_menus = $this->combined_menus;
foreach ( $settings['menuClasses'] as $k => $classes ) {
if ( 'combine' === $k ) {
$this->all_menus = array_merge( $this->all_menus, array_map( array(
), $classes ) );
$this->menu_settings = $settings;
$this->all_menus = array_unique($this->all_menus);
* Removes the `.nav-` prefix from class selector.
* @param string $class Nav class name.
* @return string|string[]
public static function get_nav_handle_from_nav_class( $class ) {
return str_replace( '.nav-', '', $class );
* Adds .no-js class body class.
* @param array $classes Current classes.
* @return array The new classes.
public static function add_body_class( $classes ) {
$classes[] = 'no-js';
return array_unique( $classes );
* Gets the Genesis filter name for a specific menu location.
* @param string $menu_location Menu location.
* @return string
protected function get_filter_nav_menu_location( $menu_location ) {
if ( 'primary' === $menu_location ) {
return 'genesis_do_nav';
} elseif ( 'secondary' === $menu_location ) {
return 'genesis_do_subnav';
return "genesis_{$menu_location}_nav";
* Adds filters to the appropriate nav menus.
public function maybe_add_nav_menus_output_filter() {
$menus = get_theme_support( 'genesis-menus' );
foreach ( (array) $menus[0] as $menu => $menu_name ) {
// Make sure a menu exists.
if ( has_nav_menu( $menu ) ) {
// For combined menus, only add the hook to the first menu that appears.
if ( in_array( $menu, $this->combined_menus, true ) && ! $this->combined_menu_toggle_hooked ) {
$this->add_hook( $menu );
$this->combined_menu_toggle_hooked = true;
} elseif ( ! in_array( $menu, $this->combined_menus, true ) ) {
// For non-combined menus, go ahead and add a hook.
$this->add_hook( $menu );
* @param $args
* @return mixed
public function maybe_add_nav_menus_attributes_filter( $args ) {
if ( ! in_array( $args['theme_location'], $this->all_menus, true ) ) {
return $args;
add_filter( "genesis_attr_nav-{$args['theme_location']}", array( $this, 'genesis_attr_nav' ), PHP_INT_MAX );
return $args;
* Add attributes for primary navigation element.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param array $attributes Existing attributes for primary navigation element.
* @return array Amended attributes for primary navigation element.
public function genesis_attr_nav( $attributes ) {
$attributes['class'] .= ' genesis-responsive-menu';
return $attributes;
* Adds a filter to the theme menu output.
* @param string $menu Theme menu location.
protected function add_hook( $menu ) {
add_filter( $this->get_filter_nav_menu_location( $menu ), array(
), PHP_INT_MAX, 3 );
* Output JS to remove .no-js if JS is enabled.
* Connects to the genesis theme handle.
public function cls_style() {
wp_add_inline_style( genesis_get_theme_handle(), "/*CLS Fix*/@media only screen and (min-width: $this->min_width) {.no-js {display: none;}}" );
* Outputs script tag to remove the .no-js class from the body tag.
public static function do_no_js() {
echo '<script>(function() {document.body.className = document.body.className.replace("no-js","");})();</script>';
* Adds menu toggle button.
* @param string $nav_output Opening container markup, nav, closing container markup.
* @param string $nav Navigation list (`<ul>`).
* @param array $args {
* Arguments for `wp_nav_menu()`.
* @type string $theme_location Menu location ID.
* @type string $container Container markup.
* @type string $menu_class Class(es) applied to the `<ul>`.
* @type bool $echo 0 to indicate `wp_nav_menu()` should return not echo.
* }
* @return string Modified menu output.
public static function add_menu_toggle_button( $nav_output, $nav, $args ) {
return self::get_menu_toggle( $args['theme_location'] ) . $nav_output;
* Outputs the menu toggle button.
* @param string $menu Navigation menu slug.
public static function do_menu_toggle( $menu = 'primary' ) {
echo self::get_menu_toggle( $menu );
* Gets the menu toggle button output.
* @param string $menu Navigation menu slug.
* @return string Menu toggle button output.
public static function get_menu_toggle( $menu = 'primary' ) {
$menu = '' === $menu ? 'primary' : $menu;
return sprintf(
'<button class="menu-toggle dashicons-before dashicons-menu" aria-expanded="false" aria-pressed="false" id="genesis-mobile-nav-%s">%s</button>',
__( 'Menu', 'farmhouse' )
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