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Last active April 4, 2023 18:24
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Typelib resource ID 3 from MSVBVM60.DLL
// Generated .IDL file (by the OLE/COM Object Viewer)
// typelib filename: FM20.DLL
helpstring("Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library"),
custom(0F21F359-AB84-41E8-9A78-36D110E6D2F9, "Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms.dll")
library MSForms
// TLib : OLE Automation : {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
// Forward declare all types defined in this typelib
interface IFont;
dispinterface Font;
interface IDataAutoWrapper;
interface IReturnInteger;
interface IReturnBoolean;
interface IReturnString;
interface IReturnSingle;
interface IReturnEffect;
interface IControl;
interface Controls;
interface IOptionFrame;
interface _UserForm;
dispinterface ControlEvents;
dispinterface FormEvents;
dispinterface OptionFrameEvents;
interface ILabelControl;
interface ICommandButton;
interface IMdcText;
interface IMdcList;
interface IMdcCombo;
interface IMdcCheckBox;
interface IMdcOptionButton;
interface IMdcToggleButton;
interface IScrollbar;
interface Tab;
interface Tabs;
interface ITabStrip;
interface ISpinbutton;
interface IImage;
interface IWHTMLSubmitButton;
interface IWHTMLImage;
interface IWHTMLReset;
interface IWHTMLCheckbox;
interface IWHTMLOption;
interface IWHTMLText;
interface IWHTMLHidden;
interface IWHTMLPassword;
interface IWHTMLSelect;
interface IWHTMLTextArea;
dispinterface LabelControlEvents;
dispinterface CommandButtonEvents;
dispinterface MdcTextEvents;
dispinterface MdcListEvents;
dispinterface MdcComboEvents;
dispinterface MdcCheckBoxEvents;
dispinterface MdcOptionButtonEvents;
dispinterface MdcToggleButtonEvents;
dispinterface ScrollbarEvents;
dispinterface TabStripEvents;
dispinterface SpinbuttonEvents;
dispinterface ImageEvents;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents1;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents2;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents3;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents4;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents5;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents6;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents7;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents9;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents10;
interface IPage;
interface Pages;
interface IMultiPage;
dispinterface MultiPageEvents;
typedef [uuid(66504301-BE0F-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB), public]
typedef [uuid(66504313-BE0F-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB), public]
typedef [uuid(6650430B-BE0F-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB), public]
interface IFont : IUnknown {
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* pname);
HRESULT _stdcall Name([in] BSTR pname);
HRESULT _stdcall Size([out, retval] CURRENCY* psize);
HRESULT _stdcall Size([in] CURRENCY psize);
HRESULT _stdcall Bold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pbold);
HRESULT _stdcall Bold([in] VARIANT_BOOL pbold);
HRESULT _stdcall Italic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pitalic);
HRESULT _stdcall Italic([in] VARIANT_BOOL pitalic);
HRESULT _stdcall Underline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* punderline);
HRESULT _stdcall Underline([in] VARIANT_BOOL punderline);
HRESULT _stdcall Strikethrough([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pstrikethrough);
HRESULT _stdcall Strikethrough([in] VARIANT_BOOL pstrikethrough);
HRESULT _stdcall Weight([out, retval] short* pweight);
HRESULT _stdcall Weight([in] short pweight);
HRESULT _stdcall Charset([out, retval] short* pcharset);
HRESULT _stdcall Charset([in] short pcharset);
HRESULT _stdcall hFont([out, retval] OLE_HANDLE* phfont);
HRESULT _stdcall Clone([out] IFont** lplpfont);
HRESULT _stdcall IsEqual([in] IFont* lpFontOther);
HRESULT _stdcall SetRatio(
[in] long cyLogical,
[in] long cyHimetric);
HRESULT _stdcall AddRefHfont([in] OLE_HANDLE hFont);
HRESULT _stdcall ReleaseHfont([in] OLE_HANDLE hFont);
dispinterface Font {
BSTR Name;
VARIANT_BOOL Strikethrough;
short Weight;
short Charset;
typedef [uuid(10BB4720-F797-11CE-B9EC-00AA006B1A69), helpcontext(0x001eadde)]
enum {
fmDropEffectNone = 0,
fmDropEffectCopy = 1,
fmDropEffectMove = 2,
fmDropEffectCopyOrMove = 3
} fmDropEffect;
typedef [uuid(570C03E0-F797-11CE-B9EC-00AA006B1A69), helpcontext(0x001eabfe)]
enum {
fmActionCut = 0,
fmActionCopy = 1,
fmActionPaste = 2,
fmActionDragDrop = 3
} fmAction;
interface IDataAutoWrapper : IDispatch {
[id(0x60020000), helpcontext(0x001e858e)]
HRESULT Clear();
[id(0x60020001), helpcontext(0x001eb496)]
HRESULT GetFormat(
[in] VARIANT Format,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Support);
[id(0x60020002), helpcontext(0x001eb4a0)]
[in, optional] VARIANT Format,
[out, retval] BSTR* Text);
[id(0x60020003), helpcontext(0x001eb4aa)]
[in] BSTR Text,
[in, optional] VARIANT Format);
[id(0x60020004), helpcontext(0x001eb4b4)]
HRESULT PutInClipboard();
[id(0x60020005), helpcontext(0x001eb4be)]
HRESULT GetFromClipboard();
[id(0x60020006), helpcontext(0x001e8638)]
HRESULT StartDrag(
[in, optional] VARIANT OKEffect,
[out, retval] fmDropEffect* Effect);
interface IReturnInteger : IDispatch {
[id(00000000), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] int Value);
[id(00000000), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] int* Value);
interface IReturnBoolean : IDispatch {
[id(00000000), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
[id(00000000), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value);
interface IReturnString : IDispatch {
[id(00000000), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR Value);
[id(00000000), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
interface IReturnSingle : IDispatch {
[id(00000000), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] single Value);
[id(00000000), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] single* Value);
interface IReturnEffect : IDispatch {
[id(00000000), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] fmDropEffect Value);
[id(00000000), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] fmDropEffect* Value);
coclass ReturnInteger {
[default] interface IReturnInteger;
coclass ReturnBoolean {
[default] interface IReturnBoolean;
coclass ReturnString {
[default] interface IReturnString;
coclass ReturnSingle {
[default] interface IReturnSingle;
coclass ReturnEffect {
[default] interface IReturnEffect;
coclass DataObject {
[default] interface IDataAutoWrapper;
typedef [uuid(C63BD250-BCAA-11CE-B64D-00AA004CD6D8), helpcontext(0x001eaef6)]
enum {
fmModeInherit = 0xfffffffe,
fmModeOn = 0xffffffff,
fmModeOff = 0
} fmMode;
typedef [uuid(593104F8-16BA-101B-989C-00006B82871A), helpcontext(0x001eaf1e)]
enum {
fmMousePointerDefault = 0,
fmMousePointerArrow = 1,
fmMousePointerCross = 2,
fmMousePointerIBeam = 3,
fmMousePointerSizeNESW = 6,
fmMousePointerSizeNS = 7,
fmMousePointerSizeNWSE = 8,
fmMousePointerSizeWE = 9,
fmMousePointerUpArrow = 10,
fmMousePointerHourGlass = 11,
fmMousePointerNoDrop = 12,
fmMousePointerAppStarting = 13,
fmMousePointerHelp = 14,
fmMousePointerSizeAll = 15,
fmMousePointerCustom = 99
} fmMousePointer;
typedef [uuid(5931055E-16BA-101B-989C-00006B82871A), helpcontext(0x001eb1d0)]
enum {
fmScrollBarsNone = 0,
fmScrollBarsHorizontal = 1,
fmScrollBarsVertical = 2,
fmScrollBarsBoth = 3
} fmScrollBars;
typedef [uuid(E0ABC3C0-D199-11CE-8CCE-00AA0044BB60), helpcontext(0x001eb162)]
enum {
fmScrollActionNoChange = 0,
fmScrollActionLineUp = 1,
fmScrollActionLineDown = 2,
fmScrollActionPageUp = 3,
fmScrollActionPageDown = 4,
fmScrollActionBegin = 5,
fmScrollActionEnd = 6,
_fmScrollActionAbsoluteChange = 7,
fmScrollActionPropertyChange = 8,
fmScrollActionControlRequest = 9,
fmScrollActionFocusRequest = 10
} fmScrollAction;
typedef [uuid(3DBDD630-DD73-11CE-8CD1-00AA0044BB60), helpcontext(0x001eacf8)]
enum {
fmCycleAllForms = 0,
fmCycleCurrentForm = 2
} fmCycle;
typedef [uuid(14C73C30-1612-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F), helpcontext(0x001eb446)]
enum {
fmZOrderFront = 0,
fmZOrderBack = 1
} fmZOrder;
typedef [uuid(5931055C-16BA-101B-989C-00006B82871A), helpcontext(0x001eac9e)]
enum {
fmBorderStyleNone = 0,
fmBorderStyleSingle = 1
} fmBorderStyle;
typedef [uuid(66BAAC90-7C2A-11CE-B783-00AA004BA6AE), helpcontext(0x001eb374)]
enum {
fmTextAlignLeft = 1,
fmTextAlignCenter = 2,
fmTextAlignRight = 3
} fmTextAlign;
typedef [uuid(CD474E84-A35F-101A-BEB9-00006B827DA8), helpcontext(0x001eac30)]
enum {
fmAlignmentLeft = 0,
fmAlignmentRight = 1
} fmAlignment;
typedef [uuid(E1FC1640-70DF-101B-BC16-00AA003E3B29)]
enum {
fmBordersNone = 0,
fmBordersBox = 1,
fmBordersLeft = 2,
fmBordersTop = 3
} fmBorders;
typedef [uuid(1AFB3130-C129-11CD-A777-00DD01143C57), helpcontext(0x001eac4e)]
enum {
fmBackStyleTransparent = 0,
fmBackStyleOpaque = 1
} fmBackStyle;
typedef [uuid(FDE774C0-9AA8-11CD-84DB-00006B82871A)]
enum {
fmButtonStylePushButton = 0,
fmButtonStyleToggleButton = 1
} fmButtonStyle;
typedef [uuid(9011F7A0-C130-11CD-9BE1-00006B82871A)]
enum {
fmPicPositionCenter = 0,
fmPicPositionTopLeft = 1,
fmPicPositionTopCenter = 2,
fmPicPositionTopRight = 3,
fmPicPositionCenterLeft = 4,
fmPicPositionCenterRight = 5,
fmPicPositionBottomLeft = 6,
fmPicPositionBottomCenter = 7,
fmPicPositionBottomRight = 8
} fmPicPosition;
typedef [uuid(D625CA10-CC59-11CE-B653-00AA004CD6D8), helpcontext(0x001eb428)]
enum {
fmVerticalScrollBarSideRight = 0,
fmVerticalScrollBarSideLeft = 1
} fmVerticalScrollBarSide;
typedef [uuid(02DFD4F0-EA2B-11CE-8043-00AA006009FA), helpcontext(0x001eae92)]
enum {
fmLayoutEffectNone = 0,
fmLayoutEffectInitiate = 1,
_fmLayoutEffectRespond = 2
} fmLayoutEffect;
typedef [uuid(A7946240-EA45-11CE-8043-00AA006009FA), helpcontext(0x001eb2c0)]
enum {
fmSpecialEffectFlat = 0,
fmSpecialEffectRaised = 1,
fmSpecialEffectSunken = 2,
fmSpecialEffectEtched = 3,
fmSpecialEffectBump = 6
} fmSpecialEffect;
typedef [uuid(82074C80-EA51-11CE-8043-00AA006009FA), helpcontext(0x001ead84)]
enum {
fmDragStateEnter = 0,
fmDragStateLeave = 1,
fmDragStateOver = 2
} fmDragState;
typedef [uuid(53327010-E90B-11CE-9E0B-00AA006002F3), helpcontext(0x001eb13a)]
enum {
fmPictureSizeModeClip = 0,
fmPictureSizeModeStretch = 1,
fmPictureSizeModeZoom = 3
} fmPictureSizeMode;
typedef [uuid(3574BBE0-F520-11CE-83F6-00AA00479846), helpcontext(0x001eb072)]
enum {
fmPictureAlignmentTopLeft = 0,
fmPictureAlignmentTopRight = 1,
fmPictureAlignmentCenter = 2,
fmPictureAlignmentBottomLeft = 3,
fmPictureAlignmentBottomRight = 4
} fmPictureAlignment;
interface IControl : IDispatch {
[id(0x80010038), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87c8)]
HRESULT Cancel([in] VARIANT_BOOL Cancel);
[id(0x80010038), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87c8)]
HRESULT Cancel([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
[id(0x80018001), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8854)]
HRESULT ControlSource([in] BSTR ControlSource);
[id(0x80018001), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8854)]
HRESULT ControlSource([out, retval] BSTR* ControlSource);
[id(0x80010045), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e885e)]
HRESULT ControlTipText([in] BSTR ControlTipText);
[id(0x80010045), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e885e)]
HRESULT ControlTipText([out, retval] BSTR* ControlTipText);
[id(0x80010037), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88ae)]
HRESULT Default([in] VARIANT_BOOL Default);
[id(0x80010037), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88ae)]
HRESULT Default([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Default);
HRESULT _SetHeight([in] long Height);
HRESULT _GetHeight([out] long* Height);
[id(0x80010006), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8962)]
HRESULT Height([in] single Height);
[id(0x80010006), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8962)]
HRESULT Height([out, retval] single* Height);
[id(0x80010032), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e896c)]
HRESULT HelpContextID([in] long HelpContextID);
[id(0x80010032), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e896c)]
HRESULT HelpContextID([out, retval] long* HelpContextID);
[id(0x80018003), propput, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e898a)]
HRESULT InSelection([in] VARIANT_BOOL InSelection);
[id(0x80018003), propget, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e898a)]
HRESULT InSelection([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* InSelection);
[id(0x80018004), propget, helpcontext(0x001e89da)]
HRESULT LayoutEffect([out, retval] fmLayoutEffect* LayoutEffect);
HRESULT _SetLeft([in] long Left);
HRESULT _GetLeft([out] long* Left);
[id(0x80010003), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e89e4)]
HRESULT Left([in] single Left);
[id(0x80010003), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e89e4)]
HRESULT Left([out, retval] single* Left);
[id(0x80010000), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8ab6)]
HRESULT Name([in] BSTR Name);
[id(0x80010000), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8ab6)]
HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* Name);
HRESULT _GetOldHeight([out] long* OldHeight);
[id(0x80018005), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8ad4)]
HRESULT OldHeight([out, retval] single* OldHeight);
HRESULT _GetOldLeft([out] long* OldLeft);
[id(0x80018006), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8ade)]
HRESULT OldLeft([out, retval] single* OldLeft);
HRESULT _GetOldTop([out] long* OldTop);
[id(0x80018007), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8ae8)]
HRESULT OldTop([out, retval] single* OldTop);
HRESULT _GetOldWidth([out] long* OldWidth);
[id(0x80018008), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8af2)]
HRESULT OldWidth([out, retval] single* OldWidth);
[id(0x80018009), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8aca)]
HRESULT Object([out, retval] IDispatch** Object);
[id(0x80010008), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8b10)]
HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch** Parent);
[id(0x8001800e), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b60)]
HRESULT RowSource([in] BSTR RowSource);
[id(0x8001800e), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b60)]
HRESULT RowSource([out, retval] BSTR* RowSource);
[id(0x8001800f), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b6a)]
HRESULT RowSourceType([in] short RowSourceType);
[id(0x8001800f), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b6a)]
HRESULT RowSourceType([out, retval] short* RowSourceType);
[id(0x8001000f), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c5a)]
HRESULT TabIndex([in] short TabIndex);
[id(0x8001000f), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c5a)]
HRESULT TabIndex([out, retval] short* TabIndex);
[id(0x8001000e), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c82)]
[id(0x8001000e), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c82)]
HRESULT TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* TabStop);
[id(0x8001000b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c8c)]
HRESULT Tag([in] BSTR Tag);
[id(0x8001000b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c8c)]
HRESULT Tag([out, retval] BSTR* Tag);
HRESULT _SetTop([in] long Top);
HRESULT _GetTop([out] long* Top);
[id(0x80010004), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8cbe)]
HRESULT Top([in] single Top);
[id(0x80010004), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8cbe)]
HRESULT Top([out, retval] single* Top);
[id(0x80018010), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT BoundValue([in] VARIANT* BoundValue);
[id(0x80018010), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT BoundValue([out, retval] VARIANT* BoundValue);
[id(0x80010007), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d18)]
HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL Visible);
[id(0x80010007), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d18)]
HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Visible);
HRESULT _SetWidth([in] long Width);
HRESULT _GetWidth([out] long* Width);
[id(0x80010005), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d2c)]
HRESULT Width([in] single Width);
[id(0x80010005), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d2c)]
HRESULT Width([out, retval] single* Width);
[id(0x80018100), helpcontext(0x001e85c0)]
[in, optional] VARIANT Left,
[in, optional] VARIANT Top,
[in, optional] VARIANT Width,
[in, optional] VARIANT Height,
[in, optional] VARIANT Layout);
[id(0x80018105), helpcontext(0x001e864c)]
HRESULT ZOrder([in, optional] VARIANT zPosition);
[id(0x80018102), hidden]
HRESULT Select([in] VARIANT_BOOL SelectInGroup);
[id(0x80018103), helpcontext(0x001e862e)]
HRESULT SetFocus();
HRESULT _GethWnd([out, retval] int* hWnd);
HRESULT _GetID([out, retval] long* ID);
[in] long Left,
[in] long Top,
[in] long Width,
[in] long Height);
HRESULT _ZOrder([in] fmZOrder zPosition);
interface Controls : IDispatch {
[id(0x0000003c), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8868)]
HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* Count);
[id(0xfffffffc), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8ac0)]
HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** _NewEnum);
[id(00000000), helpcontext(0x001e85b6)]
[in] VARIANT varg,
[out, retval] IDispatch** ppDispatch);
[id(0x0000003e), helpcontext(0x001e858e)]
HRESULT Clear();
[in] long cx,
[in] long cy);
[id(0x00000041), hidden]
HRESULT SelectAll();
HRESULT _AddByClass(
[in] long* clsid,
[out, retval] Control** Control);
[id(0x60020007), hidden]
HRESULT AlignToGrid();
[id(0x60020008), hidden]
HRESULT BringForward();
[id(0x60020009), hidden]
HRESULT BringToFront();
[id(0x6002000a), hidden]
[id(0x6002000b), hidden]
HRESULT Enum([out, retval] IUnknown** ppEnum);
HRESULT _GetItemByIndex(
[in] long lIndex,
[out, retval] Control** Control);
HRESULT _GetItemByName(
[in] BSTR pstr,
[out, retval] Control** Control);
[in] long ID,
[out, retval] Control** Control);
[id(0x60020010), helpcontext(0x001e8674)]
HRESULT SendBackward();
[id(0x60020011), helpcontext(0x001e8674)]
HRESULT SendToBack();
[id(0x0000003f), helpcontext(0x001e85c0)]
[in] single cx,
[in] single cy);
[id(0x00000042), helpcontext(0x001e857a)]
[in] BSTR bstrProgID,
[in, optional] VARIANT Name,
[in, optional] VARIANT Visible,
[out, retval] Control** Control);
[id(0x00000043), helpcontext(0x001e85e8)]
HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT varg);
interface IOptionFrame : IDispatch {
[id(0x00000100), propget, helpcontext(0x001e873c)]
HRESULT ActiveControl([out, retval] Control** ActiveControl);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe09), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([in] OLE_COLOR BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe09), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe08), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([in] fmBorderStyle BorderStyle);
[id(0xfffffe08), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] fmBorderStyle* BorderStyle);
[id(0x00000101), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87d2)]
HRESULT CanPaste([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* CanPaste);
[id(0x00000102), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87dc)]
HRESULT CanRedo([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* CanRedo);
[id(0x00000103), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87e6)]
HRESULT CanUndo([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* CanUndo);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR Caption);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* Caption);
[id(00000000), propget, helpcontext(0x001e884a)]
HRESULT Controls([out, retval] Controls** Controls);
[id(0x00000104), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88a4)]
HRESULT Cycle([in] fmCycle Cycle);
[id(0x00000104), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88a4)]
HRESULT Cycle([out, retval] fmCycle* Cycle);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Enabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Enabled);
[id(0x7ffffdff), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT _Font_Reserved([in] Font* rhs);
[id(0xfffffe00), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([in] Font* Font);
[id(0xfffffe00), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([out, retval] Font** Font);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ForeColor);
HRESULT _GetInsideHeight([out] long* InsideHeight);
[id(0x00000106), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8994)]
HRESULT InsideHeight([out, retval] single* InsideHeight);
HRESULT _GetInsideWidth([out] long* InsideWidth);
[id(0x00000107), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e899e)]
HRESULT InsideWidth([out, retval] single* InsideWidth);
[id(0x00000108), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e89c6)]
HRESULT KeepScrollBarsVisible([in] fmScrollBars ScrollBars);
[id(0x00000108), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e89c6)]
HRESULT KeepScrollBarsVisible([out, retval] fmScrollBars* ScrollBars);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* MousePointer);
[id(0x0000001a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b24)]
HRESULT PictureAlignment([in] fmPictureAlignment PictureAlignment);
[id(0x0000001a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b24)]
HRESULT PictureAlignment([out, retval] fmPictureAlignment* PictureAlignment);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([out, retval] Picture** Picture);
[id(0x0000001b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b42)]
HRESULT PictureSizeMode([in] fmPictureSizeMode PictureSizeMode);
[id(0x0000001b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b42)]
HRESULT PictureSizeMode([out, retval] fmPictureSizeMode* PictureSizeMode);
[id(0x0000001c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b4c)]
HRESULT PictureTiling([in] VARIANT_BOOL PictureTiling);
[id(0x0000001c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b4c)]
HRESULT PictureTiling([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* PictureTiling);
[id(0x00000109), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b74)]
HRESULT ScrollBars([in] fmScrollBars ScrollBars);
[id(0x00000109), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b74)]
HRESULT ScrollBars([out, retval] fmScrollBars* ScrollBars);
HRESULT _SetScrollHeight([in] long ScrollHeight);
HRESULT _GetScrollHeight([out] long* ScrollHeight);
[id(0x0000010a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b7e)]
HRESULT ScrollHeight([in] single ScrollHeight);
[id(0x0000010a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b7e)]
HRESULT ScrollHeight([out, retval] single* ScrollHeight);
HRESULT _SetScrollLeft([in] long ScrollLeft);
HRESULT _GetScrollLeft([out] long* ScrollLeft);
[id(0x0000010b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b88)]
HRESULT ScrollLeft([in] single ScrollLeft);
[id(0x0000010b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b88)]
HRESULT ScrollLeft([out, retval] single* ScrollLeft);
HRESULT _SetScrollTop([in] long ScrollTop);
HRESULT _GetScrollTop([out] long* ScrollTop);
[id(0x0000010c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b92)]
HRESULT ScrollTop([in] single ScrollTop);
[id(0x0000010c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b92)]
HRESULT ScrollTop([out, retval] single* ScrollTop);
HRESULT _SetScrollWidth([in] long ScrollWidth);
HRESULT _GetScrollWidth([out] long* ScrollWidth);
[id(0x0000010d), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b9c)]
HRESULT ScrollWidth([in] single ScrollWidth);
[id(0x0000010d), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b9c)]
HRESULT ScrollWidth([out, retval] single* ScrollWidth);
[id(0x0000010e), propget, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8ba6)]
HRESULT Selected([out, retval] Controls** Selected);
[id(0x0000000c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([in] fmSpecialEffect SpecialEffect);
[id(0x0000000c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([out, retval] fmSpecialEffect* SpecialEffect);
[id(0x0000010f), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8d0e)]
HRESULT VerticalScrollBarSide([in] fmVerticalScrollBarSide side);
[id(0x0000010f), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8d0e)]
HRESULT VerticalScrollBarSide([out, retval] fmVerticalScrollBarSide* side);
[id(0x00000110), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d40)]
HRESULT Zoom([in] short Zoom);
[id(0x00000110), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d40)]
HRESULT Zoom([out, retval] short* Zoom);
[id(0x00000200), helpcontext(0x001e8598)]
[id(0x00000201), helpcontext(0x001e85a2)]
[id(0x00000202), helpcontext(0x001e85ca)]
HRESULT Paste();
[id(0x00000203), helpcontext(0x001e85d4)]
HRESULT RedoAction();
[id(0x00000204), helpcontext(0x001e85fc)]
HRESULT Repaint();
[id(0x00000205), helpcontext(0x001e8606)]
[in, optional] VARIANT xAction,
[in, optional] VARIANT yAction);
[id(0x00000206), helpcontext(0x001e8624)]
HRESULT SetDefaultTabOrder();
[id(0x00000207), helpcontext(0x001e8642)]
HRESULT UndoAction();
[id(0x00000180), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88c2)]
HRESULT DesignMode([in] fmMode DesignMode);
[id(0x00000180), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88c2)]
HRESULT DesignMode([out, retval] fmMode* DesignMode);
[id(0x00000181), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden]
HRESULT ShowToolbox([in] fmMode ShowToolbox);
[id(0x00000181), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden]
HRESULT ShowToolbox([out, retval] fmMode* ShowToolbox);
[id(0x00000182), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8bf6)]
HRESULT ShowGridDots([in] fmMode ShowGridDots);
[id(0x00000182), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8bf6)]
HRESULT ShowGridDots([out, retval] fmMode* ShowGridDots);
[id(0x00000183), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8c1e)]
HRESULT SnapToGrid([in] fmMode SnapToGrid);
[id(0x00000183), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8c1e)]
HRESULT SnapToGrid([out, retval] fmMode* SnapToGrid);
[id(0x00000184), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e894e)]
HRESULT GridX([in] single GridX);
[id(0x00000184), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e894e)]
HRESULT GridX([out, retval] single* GridX);
HRESULT _SetGridX([in] long GridX);
HRESULT _GetGridX([out] long* GridX);
[id(0x00000185), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8958)]
HRESULT GridY([in] single GridY);
[id(0x00000185), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8958)]
HRESULT GridY([out, retval] single* GridY);
HRESULT _SetGridY([in] long GridY);
HRESULT _GetGridY([out] long* GridY);
interface _UserForm : IOptionFrame {
[id(0x0000018b), propput, helpcontext(0x001e88bf)]
HRESULT DrawBuffer([in] long DrawBuffer);
[id(0x0000018b), propget, helpcontext(0x001e88bf)]
HRESULT DrawBuffer([out, retval] long* DrawBuffer);
dispinterface ControlEvents {
[id(0x80018202), helpcontext(0x001e84ee)]
void Enter();
[id(0x80018203), helpcontext(0x001e8520)]
void Exit([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0x80018201), helpcontext(0x001e84b2)]
void BeforeUpdate([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0x80018200), helpcontext(0x001e8494)]
void AfterUpdate();
coclass Control {
[default] interface IControl;
[default, source] dispinterface ControlEvents;
dispinterface FormEvents {
[id(0x00000300), helpcontext(0x001e848a)]
void AddControl([in] Control* Control);
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] Control* Control,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState State,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] Control* Control,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000302), helpcontext(0x001e8516)]
void Layout();
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0x00000303), helpcontext(0x001e8548)]
void RemoveControl([in] Control* Control);
[id(0x00000304), helpcontext(0x001e8552)]
void Scroll(
[in] fmScrollAction ActionX,
[in] fmScrollAction ActionY,
[in] single RequestDx,
[in] single RequestDy,
[in] ReturnSingle* ActualDx,
[in] ReturnSingle* ActualDy);
[id(0x00000305), helpcontext(0x001e8570)]
void Zoom([in, out] short* Percent);
dispinterface OptionFrameEvents {
[id(0x00000300), helpcontext(0x001e848a)]
void AddControl([in] Control* Control);
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] Control* Control,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState State,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] Control* Control,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000302), helpcontext(0x001e8516)]
void Layout();
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0x00000303), helpcontext(0x001e8548)]
void RemoveControl([in] Control* Control);
[id(0x00000304), helpcontext(0x001e8552)]
void Scroll(
[in] fmScrollAction ActionX,
[in] fmScrollAction ActionY,
[in] single RequestDx,
[in] single RequestDy,
[in] ReturnSingle* ActualDx,
[in] ReturnSingle* ActualDy);
[id(0x00000305), helpcontext(0x001e8570)]
void Zoom([in, out] short* Percent);
coclass UserForm {
[default] interface _UserForm;
[default, source] dispinterface FormEvents;
coclass Frame {
[default] interface IOptionFrame;
[default, source] dispinterface OptionFrameEvents;
typedef [uuid(317A54C0-C7B1-11CE-9AFD-00AA00600AB8), helpcontext(0x001eacbc)]
enum {
fmButtonEffectFlat = 0,
fmButtonEffectSunken = 2
} fmButtonEffect;
typedef [uuid(16E571E0-040B-11CF-8283-00AA004BA6AE), helpcontext(0x001eafe6)]
enum {
fmOrientationAuto = 0xffffffff,
fmOrientationVertical = 0,
fmOrientationHorizontal = 1
} fmOrientation;
typedef [uuid(317A54C1-C7B1-11CE-9AFD-00AA00600AB8)]
enum {
fmSnapPointTopLeft = 0,
fmSnapPointTopCenter = 1,
fmSnapPointTopRight = 2,
fmSnapPointCenterLeft = 3,
fmSnapPointCenter = 4,
fmSnapPointCenterRight = 5,
fmSnapPointBottomLeft = 6,
fmSnapPointBottomCenter = 7,
fmSnapPointBottomRight = 8
} fmSnapPoint;
typedef [uuid(317A54C2-C7B1-11CE-9AFD-00AA00600AB8), helpcontext(0x001eb0ae)]
enum {
fmPicturePositionLeftTop = 0,
fmPicturePositionLeftCenter = 1,
fmPicturePositionLeftBottom = 2,
fmPicturePositionRightTop = 3,
fmPicturePositionRightCenter = 4,
fmPicturePositionRightBottom = 5,
fmPicturePositionAboveLeft = 6,
fmPicturePositionAboveCenter = 7,
fmPicturePositionAboveRight = 8,
fmPicturePositionBelowLeft = 9,
fmPicturePositionBelowCenter = 10,
fmPicturePositionBelowRight = 11,
fmPicturePositionCenter = 12
} fmPicturePosition;
typedef [uuid(A4069F25-4221-11CE-8EA0-00AA004BA6AE), helpcontext(0x001ead16)]
enum {
fmDisplayStyleText = 1,
fmDisplayStyleList = 2,
fmDisplayStyleCombo = 3,
fmDisplayStyleCheckBox = 4,
fmDisplayStyleOptionButton = 5,
fmDisplayStyleToggle = 6,
fmDisplayStyleDropList = 7
} fmDisplayStyle;
typedef [uuid(A4069F24-4221-11CE-8EA0-00AA004BA6AE)]
enum {
fmShowListWhenNever = 0,
fmShowListWhenButton = 1,
fmShowListWhenFocus = 2,
fmShowListWhenAlways = 3
} fmShowListWhen;
typedef [uuid(C5D98C41-4EB2-11CE-8EA0-00AA004BA6AE), helpcontext(0x001eb202)]
enum {
fmShowDropButtonWhenNever = 0,
fmShowDropButtonWhenFocus = 1,
fmShowDropButtonWhenAlways = 2
} fmShowDropButtonWhen;
typedef [uuid(F00164C0-B17B-11CE-A95D-00AA006CB389), helpcontext(0x001eafbe)]
enum {
fmMultiSelectSingle = 0,
fmMultiSelectMulti = 1,
fmMultiSelectExtended = 2
} fmMultiSelect;
typedef [uuid(F00164C1-B17B-11CE-A95D-00AA006CB389), helpcontext(0x001eaeb0)]
enum {
fmListStylePlain = 0,
fmListStyleOption = 1
} fmListStyle;
typedef [uuid(6A7167F1-2432-11CF-956F-00AA004B9DFA), helpcontext(0x001eae10)]
enum {
fmEnterFieldBehaviorSelectAll = 0,
fmEnterFieldBehaviorRecallSelection = 1
} fmEnterFieldBehavior;
typedef [uuid(E25EB550-24F6-11CF-A6E2-00AA00C0098D), helpcontext(0x001ead66)]
enum {
fmDragBehaviorDisabled = 0,
fmDragBehaviorEnabled = 1
} fmDragBehavior;
typedef [uuid(8CCD0AC2-B1AD-11CE-8276-00AA004BA6AE), helpcontext(0x001eaece)]
enum {
fmMatchEntryFirstLetter = 0,
fmMatchEntryComplete = 1,
fmMatchEntryNone = 2
} fmMatchEntry;
typedef [uuid(14D122B0-C6E7-11CE-827C-00AA004BA6AE), helpcontext(0x001eadac)]
enum {
fmDropButtonStylePlain = 0,
fmDropButtonStyleArrow = 1,
fmDropButtonStyleEllipsis = 2,
fmDropButtonStyleReduce = 3
} fmDropButtonStyle;
typedef [uuid(9C37F9D0-FDE5-11CE-9560-00AA004B9DFA), helpcontext(0x001eb2fc)]
enum {
fmStyleDropDownCombo = 0,
fmStyleDropDownList = 2
} fmStyle;
typedef [uuid(EBC7FDE1-6899-11CE-80C0-00AA00611080), helpcontext(0x001eb31a)]
enum {
fmTabOrientationTop = 0,
fmTabOrientationBottom = 1,
fmTabOrientationLeft = 2,
fmTabOrientationRight = 3
} fmTabOrientation;
typedef [uuid(EBC7FDE3-6899-11CE-80C0-00AA00611080), helpcontext(0x001eb34c)]
enum {
fmTabStyleTabs = 0,
fmTabStyleButtons = 1,
fmTabStyleNone = 2
} fmTabStyle;
typedef [uuid(4D067CD0-0D74-11CF-B474-00AA006EB734), helpcontext(0x001eae2e)]
enum {
fmIMEModeNoControl = 0,
fmIMEModeOn = 1,
fmIMEModeOff = 2,
fmIMEModeDisable = 3,
fmIMEModeHiragana = 4,
fmIMEModeKatakana = 5,
fmIMEModeKatakanaHalf = 6,
fmIMEModeAlphaFull = 7,
fmIMEModeAlpha = 8,
fmIMEModeHangulFull = 9,
fmIMEModeHangul = 10,
fmIMEModeHanziFull = 11,
fmIMEModeHanzi = 12
} fmIMEMode;
interface ILabelControl : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffe0c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([in] VARIANT_BOOL fvbAutoSize);
[id(0xfffffe0c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fvbAutoSize);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([in] fmBackStyle BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([out, retval] fmBackStyle* BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffe09), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([in] OLE_COLOR BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe09), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe08), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([in] fmBorderStyle BorderStyle);
[id(0xfffffe08), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] fmBorderStyle* BorderStyle);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR bstrCaption);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* bstrCaption);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fEnabled);
[id(0x7ffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT _Font_Reserved([in] Font* rhs);
[id(0xfffffe00), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([in] Font* Font);
[id(0xfffffe00), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([out, retval] Font** Font);
[id(0x00000004), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontItalic);
[id(0x00000004), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontItalic);
[id(0x00000003), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontBold);
[id(0x00000003), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontBold);
[id(0x00000001), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([in] BSTR FontName);
[id(0x00000001), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([out, retval] BSTR* FontName);
[id(0x00000002), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([in] CURRENCY FontSize);
[id(0x00000002), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([out, retval] CURRENCY* FontSize);
[id(0x00000006), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000006), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000005), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontUnderline);
[id(0x00000005), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontUnderline);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* pPicture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* pPicture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([out, retval] Picture** pPicture);
[id(0x0000000b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b38)]
HRESULT PicturePosition([in] fmPicturePosition PicPos);
[id(0x0000000b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b38)]
HRESULT PicturePosition([out, retval] fmPicturePosition* PicPos);
[id(0x0000000c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([in] fmSpecialEffect SpecialEffect);
[id(0x0000000c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([out, retval] fmSpecialEffect* SpecialEffect);
[id(0x0000000d), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8ca0)]
HRESULT TextAlign([in] fmTextAlign TextAlign);
[id(0x0000000d), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8ca0)]
HRESULT TextAlign([out, retval] fmTextAlign* TextAlign);
[id(0xfffffde8), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d36)]
HRESULT WordWrap([in] VARIANT_BOOL WordWrap);
[id(0xfffffde8), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d36)]
HRESULT WordWrap([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* WordWrap);
[id(0xfffffde1), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8732)]
HRESULT Accelerator([in] BSTR Accelerator);
[id(0xfffffde1), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8732)]
HRESULT Accelerator([out, retval] BSTR* Accelerator);
[id(0x00000007), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden]
HRESULT FontWeight([in] short FontWeight);
[id(0x00000007), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden]
HRESULT FontWeight([out, retval] short* FontWeight);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propput, hidden]
HRESULT _Value([in] BSTR bstrCaption);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propget, hidden]
HRESULT _Value([out, retval] BSTR* bstrCaption);
interface ICommandButton : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffe0c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([in] VARIANT_BOOL fvbAutoSize);
[id(0xfffffe0c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fvbAutoSize);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([in] fmBackStyle BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([out, retval] fmBackStyle* BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR bstrCaption);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* bstrCaption);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fEnabled);
[id(0x7ffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT _Font_Reserved([in] Font* rhs);
[id(0xfffffe00), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([in] Font* Font);
[id(0xfffffe00), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([out, retval] Font** Font);
[id(0x00000003), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontBold);
[id(0x00000003), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontBold);
[id(0x00000004), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontItalic);
[id(0x00000004), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontItalic);
[id(0x00000001), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([in] BSTR FontName);
[id(0x00000001), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([out, retval] BSTR* FontName);
[id(0x00000002), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([in] CURRENCY FontSize);
[id(0x00000002), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([out, retval] CURRENCY* FontSize);
[id(0x00000006), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000006), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000005), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontUnderline);
[id(0x00000005), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontUnderline);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ForeColor);
[id(0x000000cb), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e89bc)]
HRESULT TakeFocusOnClick([in] VARIANT_BOOL TakeFocusOnClick);
[id(0x000000cb), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e89bc)]
HRESULT TakeFocusOnClick([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* TakeFocusOnClick);
[id(0x0000000a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a3e)]
HRESULT Locked([in] VARIANT_BOOL fLocked);
[id(0x0000000a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a3e)]
HRESULT Locked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fLocked);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer mouseptr);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* mouseptr);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([out, retval] Picture** Picture);
[id(0x0000000b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b38)]
HRESULT PicturePosition([in] fmPicturePosition PicturePosition);
[id(0x0000000b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b38)]
HRESULT PicturePosition([out, retval] fmPicturePosition* PicturePosition);
[id(0xfffffde1), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8732)]
HRESULT Accelerator([in] BSTR Accelerator);
[id(0xfffffde1), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8732)]
HRESULT Accelerator([out, retval] BSTR* Accelerator);
[id(0xfffffde8), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d36)]
HRESULT WordWrap([in] VARIANT_BOOL WordWrap);
[id(0xfffffde8), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d36)]
HRESULT WordWrap([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* WordWrap);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] VARIANT_BOOL fValue);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fValue);
[id(0x00000007), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([in] short FontWeight);
[id(0x00000007), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([out, retval] short* FontWeight);
typedef [uuid(0C733A52-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D), public]
interface IMdcText : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffe0c), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([in] VARIANT_BOOL AutoSize);
[id(0xfffffe0c), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* AutoSize);
[id(0x000000d9), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e876e)]
[id(0x000000d9), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e876e)]
HRESULT AutoTab([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* AutoTab);
[id(0x000000da), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8778)]
HRESULT AutoWordSelect([in] VARIANT_BOOL AutoWordSelect);
[id(0x000000da), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8778)]
HRESULT AutoWordSelect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* AutoWordSelect);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([in] fmBackStyle BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([out, retval] fmBackStyle* BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffe09), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([in] OLE_COLOR BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe09), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe08), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([in] fmBorderStyle BorderStyle);
[id(0xfffffe08), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] fmBorderStyle* BorderStyle);
[id(0x00000014), propput, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT BordersSuppress([in] VARIANT_BOOL BordersSuppress);
[id(0x00000014), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT BordersSuppress([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* BordersSuppress);
[id(0x00000019), propget, helpcontext(0x001e87d2)]
HRESULT CanPaste([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* CanPaste);
[id(0x000000d4), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8872)]
HRESULT CurLine([in] long CurLine);
[id(0x000000d4), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8872)]
HRESULT CurLine([out, retval] long* CurLine);
[id(0x000000d2), propget, helpcontext(0x001e887c)]
HRESULT CurTargetX([out, retval] long* CurTargetX);
[id(0x000000dd), propget, hidden]
HRESULT CurTargetY([out, retval] long* CurTargetY);
[id(0x000000d0), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8890)]
HRESULT CurX([in] long CurX);
[id(0x000000d0), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8890)]
HRESULT CurX([out, retval] long* CurX);
[id(0x000000d1), propput, hidden]
HRESULT CurY([in] long CurY);
[id(0x000000d1), propget, hidden]
HRESULT CurY([out, retval] long* CurY);
[id(0x00000131), propput, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT DropButtonStyle([in] fmDropButtonStyle DropButtonStyle);
[id(0x00000131), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT DropButtonStyle([out, retval] fmDropButtonStyle* DropButtonStyle);
[id(0xfffffde0), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88ea)]
HRESULT EnterKeyBehavior([in] VARIANT_BOOL EnterKeyBehavior);
[id(0xfffffde0), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88ea)]
HRESULT EnterKeyBehavior([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* EnterKeyBehavior);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Enabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Enabled);
[id(0x7ffffdff), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT _Font_Reserved([in] Font* rhs);
[id(0xfffffe00), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([in] Font* Font);
[id(0xfffffe00), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([out, retval] Font** Font);
[id(0x00000003), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontBold);
[id(0x00000003), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontBold);
[id(0x00000004), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontItalic);
[id(0x00000004), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontItalic);
[id(0x00000001), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([in] BSTR FontName);
[id(0x00000001), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([out, retval] BSTR* FontName);
[id(0x00000002), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([in] CURRENCY FontSize);
[id(0x00000002), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([out, retval] CURRENCY* FontSize);
[id(0x00000006), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000006), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000005), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontUnderline);
[id(0x00000005), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontUnderline);
[id(0x00000007), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([in] short FontWeight);
[id(0x00000007), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([out, retval] short* FontWeight);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ForeColor);
[id(0x000000cf), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8976)]
HRESULT HideSelection([in] VARIANT_BOOL HideSelection);
[id(0x000000cf), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8976)]
HRESULT HideSelection([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* HideSelection);
[id(0x0000025c), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e89a8)]
HRESULT IntegralHeight([in] VARIANT_BOOL IntegralHeight);
[id(0x0000025c), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e89a8)]
HRESULT IntegralHeight([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* IntegralHeight);
[id(0x000000d6), propget, helpcontext(0x001e89ee)]
HRESULT LineCount([out, retval] long* LineCount);
[id(0x0000000a), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a3e)]
HRESULT Locked([in] VARIANT_BOOL Locked);
[id(0x0000000a), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a3e)]
HRESULT Locked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Locked);
[id(0xfffffdeb), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a70)]
HRESULT MaxLength([in] long MaxLength);
[id(0xfffffdeb), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a70)]
HRESULT MaxLength([out, retval] long* MaxLength);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffde7), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a98)]
HRESULT MultiLine([in] VARIANT_BOOL MultiLine);
[id(0xfffffde7), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a98)]
HRESULT MultiLine([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* MultiLine);
[id(0xfffffdea), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b1a)]
HRESULT PasswordChar([in] BSTR PasswordChar);
[id(0xfffffdea), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b1a)]
HRESULT PasswordChar([out, retval] BSTR* PasswordChar);
[id(0xfffffde9), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b74)]
HRESULT ScrollBars([in] fmScrollBars ScrollBars);
[id(0xfffffde9), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b74)]
HRESULT ScrollBars([out, retval] fmScrollBars* ScrollBars);
[id(0x000000dc), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8bc4)]
HRESULT SelectionMargin([in] VARIANT_BOOL SelectionMargin);
[id(0x000000dc), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8bc4)]
HRESULT SelectionMargin([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* SelectionMargin);
[id(0xfffffddc), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8bce)]
HRESULT SelLength([in] long SelLength);
[id(0xfffffddc), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8bce)]
HRESULT SelLength([out, retval] long* SelLength);
[id(0xfffffddd), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8bd8)]
HRESULT SelStart([in] long SelStart);
[id(0xfffffddd), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8bd8)]
HRESULT SelStart([out, retval] long* SelStart);
[id(0xfffffdde), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8be2)]
HRESULT SelText([in] BSTR SelText);
[id(0xfffffdde), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8be2)]
HRESULT SelText([out, retval] BSTR* SelText);
[id(0x00000130), propput, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT ShowDropButtonWhen([in] fmShowDropButtonWhen ShowDropButtonWhen);
[id(0x00000130), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT ShowDropButtonWhen([out, retval] fmShowDropButtonWhen* ShowDropButtonWhen);
[id(0x0000000c), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([in] fmSpecialEffect SpecialEffect);
[id(0x0000000c), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([out, retval] fmSpecialEffect* SpecialEffect);
[id(0xfffffddf), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c64)]
HRESULT TabKeyBehavior([in] VARIANT_BOOL TabKeyBehavior);
[id(0xfffffddf), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c64)]
HRESULT TabKeyBehavior([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* TabKeyBehavior);
[id(0xfffffdfb), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c96)]
HRESULT Text([in] BSTR Text);
[id(0xfffffdfb), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c96)]
HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* Text);
[id(0x00002714), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8ca0)]
HRESULT TextAlign([in] fmTextAlign TextAlign);
[id(0x00002714), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8ca0)]
HRESULT TextAlign([out, retval] fmTextAlign* TextAlign);
[id(0x000000d8), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8cb4)]
HRESULT TextLength([out, retval] long* TextLength);
[id(0xfffffdf4), propget, hidden]
HRESULT Valid([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Valid);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] VARIANT* Value);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] VARIANT* Value);
[id(0xfffffde8), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8d36)]
HRESULT WordWrap([in] VARIANT_BOOL WordWrap);
[id(0xfffffde8), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8d36)]
HRESULT WordWrap([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* WordWrap);
[id(0x00000016), helpcontext(0x001e8598)]
[id(0x00000015), helpcontext(0x001e85a2)]
[id(0x00000018), helpcontext(0x001e85ca)]
HRESULT Paste();
[id(0xfffffde2), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001eb48c)]
HRESULT IMEMode([in] fmIMEMode IMEMode);
[id(0xfffffde2), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001eb48c)]
HRESULT IMEMode([out, retval] fmIMEMode* IMEMode);
[id(0x000000e0), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e5)]
HRESULT EnterFieldBehavior([in] fmEnterFieldBehavior EnterFieldBehavior);
[id(0x000000e0), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e5)]
HRESULT EnterFieldBehavior([out, retval] fmEnterFieldBehavior* EnterFieldBehavior);
[id(0x000000e1), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88bd)]
HRESULT DragBehavior([in] fmDragBehavior DragBehavior);
[id(0x000000e1), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88bd)]
HRESULT DragBehavior([out, retval] fmDragBehavior* DragBehavior);
[id(0xfffffde4), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT DisplayStyle([out, retval] fmDisplayStyle* DisplayStyle);
interface IMdcList : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe09), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([in] OLE_COLOR BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe09), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe08), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([in] fmBorderStyle BorderStyle);
[id(0xfffffe08), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] fmBorderStyle* BorderStyle);
[id(0x00000014), propput, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT BordersSuppress([in] VARIANT_BOOL BordersSuppress);
[id(0x00000014), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT BordersSuppress([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* BordersSuppress);
[id(0x000001f5), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87be)]
HRESULT BoundColumn([in] VARIANT* BoundColumn);
[id(0x000001f5), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87be)]
HRESULT BoundColumn([out, retval] VARIANT* BoundColumn);
[id(0x00000259), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e882c)]
HRESULT ColumnCount([in] long ColumnCount);
[id(0x00000259), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e882c)]
HRESULT ColumnCount([out, retval] long* ColumnCount);
[id(0x0000025a), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8836)]
HRESULT ColumnHeads([in] VARIANT_BOOL ColumnHeads);
[id(0x0000025a), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8836)]
HRESULT ColumnHeads([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ColumnHeads);
[id(0x0000025b), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8840)]
HRESULT ColumnWidths([in] BSTR ColumnWidths);
[id(0x0000025b), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8840)]
HRESULT ColumnWidths([out, retval] BSTR* ColumnWidths);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Enabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Enabled);
[id(0x7ffffdff), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT _Font_Reserved([in] Font* rhs);
[id(0xfffffe00), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([in] Font* Font);
[id(0xfffffe00), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([out, retval] Font** Font);
[id(0x00000003), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontBold);
[id(0x00000003), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontBold);
[id(0x00000004), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontItalic);
[id(0x00000004), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontItalic);
[id(0x00000001), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([in] BSTR FontName);
[id(0x00000001), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([out, retval] BSTR* FontName);
[id(0x00000002), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([in] CURRENCY FontSize);
[id(0x00000002), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([out, retval] CURRENCY* FontSize);
[id(0x00000006), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000006), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000005), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontUnderline);
[id(0x00000005), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontUnderline);
[id(0x00000007), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([in] short FontWeight);
[id(0x00000007), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([out, retval] short* FontWeight);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ForeColor);
[id(0x0000025c), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e89a8)]
HRESULT IntegralHeight([in] VARIANT_BOOL IntegralHeight);
[id(0x0000025c), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e89a8)]
HRESULT IntegralHeight([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* IntegralHeight);
[id(0xfffffded), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a02)]
HRESULT ListCount([out, retval] long* ListCount);
[id(0x00000193), propput, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT ListCursor([in] PIROWSET ListCursor);
[id(0x00000193), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT ListCursor([out, retval] PIROWSET* ListCursor);
[id(0xfffffdf2), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a16)]
HRESULT ListIndex([in] VARIANT* ListIndex);
[id(0xfffffdf2), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a16)]
HRESULT ListIndex([out, retval] VARIANT* ListIndex);
[id(0x00000133), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a2a)]
HRESULT ListStyle([in] fmListStyle ListStyle);
[id(0x00000133), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a2a)]
HRESULT ListStyle([out, retval] fmListStyle* ListStyle);
[id(0x0000025e), propput, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT ListWidth([in] VARIANT* ListWidth);
[id(0x0000025e), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT ListWidth([out, retval] VARIANT* ListWidth);
[id(0x0000000a), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a3e)]
HRESULT Locked([in] VARIANT_BOOL Locked);
[id(0x0000000a), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a3e)]
HRESULT Locked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Locked);
[id(0x000001f8), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a48)]
HRESULT MatchEntry([in] fmMatchEntry MatchEntry);
[id(0x000001f8), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a48)]
HRESULT MatchEntry([out, retval] fmMatchEntry* MatchEntry);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdec), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8aac)]
HRESULT MultiSelect([in] fmMultiSelect MultiSelect);
[id(0xfffffdec), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8aac)]
HRESULT MultiSelect([out, retval] fmMultiSelect* MultiSelect);
[id(0x0000000c), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([in] fmSpecialEffect SpecialEffect);
[id(0x0000000c), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([out, retval] fmSpecialEffect* SpecialEffect);
[id(0xfffffdfb), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c96)]
HRESULT Text([in] BSTR Text);
[id(0xfffffdfb), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c96)]
HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* Text);
[id(0x000001f6), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8caa)]
HRESULT TextColumn([in] VARIANT* TextColumn);
[id(0x000001f6), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8caa)]
HRESULT TextColumn([out, retval] VARIANT* TextColumn);
[id(0x00000263), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8cc8)]
HRESULT TopIndex([in] VARIANT* TopIndex);
[id(0x00000263), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8cc8)]
HRESULT TopIndex([out, retval] VARIANT* TopIndex);
[id(0xfffffdf4), propget, hidden]
HRESULT Valid([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Valid);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] VARIANT* Value);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] VARIANT* Value);
[id(0xfffffdef), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8822)]
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargColumn,
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargIndex,
[out, retval] VARIANT* pvargValue);
[id(0xfffffdef), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8822)]
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargColumn,
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargIndex,
[in] VARIANT* pvargValue);
[id(0xfffffdf0), propget, helpcontext(0x001e89f8)]
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargIndex,
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargColumn,
[out, retval] VARIANT* pvargValue);
[id(0xfffffdf0), propput, helpcontext(0x001e89f8)]
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargIndex,
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargColumn,
[in] VARIANT* pvargValue);
[id(0xfffffdf1), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8ba6)]
HRESULT Selected(
[in] VARIANT* pvargIndex,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pfvb);
[id(0xfffffdf1), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8ba6)]
HRESULT Selected(
[in] VARIANT* pvargIndex,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL pfvb);
[id(0xfffffdd7), helpcontext(0x001e8584)]
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargItem,
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargIndex);
[id(0xfffffdd6), helpcontext(0x001e858e)]
HRESULT Clear();
[id(0xfffffdd5), helpcontext(0x001e85f2)]
HRESULT RemoveItem([in] VARIANT* pvargIndex);
[id(0xfffffde2), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001eb48c)]
HRESULT IMEMode([in] fmIMEMode IMEMode);
[id(0xfffffde2), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001eb48c)]
HRESULT IMEMode([out, retval] fmIMEMode* IMEMode);
[id(0xfffffde4), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT DisplayStyle([out, retval] fmDisplayStyle* DisplayStyle);
[id(0x00002714), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8ca0)]
HRESULT TextAlign([in] fmTextAlign TextAlign);
[id(0x00002714), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8ca0)]
HRESULT TextAlign([out, retval] fmTextAlign* TextAlign);
interface IMdcCombo : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffe0c), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([in] VARIANT_BOOL AutoSize);
[id(0xfffffe0c), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* AutoSize);
[id(0x000000d9), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e876e)]
[id(0x000000d9), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e876e)]
HRESULT AutoTab([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* AutoTab);
[id(0x000000da), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8778)]
HRESULT AutoWordSelect([in] VARIANT_BOOL AutoWordSelect);
[id(0x000000da), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8778)]
HRESULT AutoWordSelect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* AutoWordSelect);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([in] fmBackStyle BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([out, retval] fmBackStyle* BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffe09), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([in] OLE_COLOR BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe09), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe08), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([in] fmBorderStyle BorderStyle);
[id(0xfffffe08), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] fmBorderStyle* BorderStyle);
[id(0x00000014), propput, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT BordersSuppress([in] VARIANT_BOOL BordersSuppress);
[id(0x00000014), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT BordersSuppress([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* BordersSuppress);
[id(0x000001f5), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87be)]
HRESULT BoundColumn([in] VARIANT* BoundColumn);
[id(0x000001f5), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87be)]
HRESULT BoundColumn([out, retval] VARIANT* BoundColumn);
[id(0x00000019), propget, helpcontext(0x001e87d2)]
HRESULT CanPaste([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* CanPaste);
[id(0x00000259), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e882c)]
HRESULT ColumnCount([in] long ColumnCount);
[id(0x00000259), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e882c)]
HRESULT ColumnCount([out, retval] long* ColumnCount);
[id(0x0000025a), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8836)]
HRESULT ColumnHeads([in] VARIANT_BOOL ColumnHeads);
[id(0x0000025a), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8836)]
HRESULT ColumnHeads([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ColumnHeads);
[id(0x0000025b), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8840)]
HRESULT ColumnWidths([in] BSTR ColumnWidths);
[id(0x0000025b), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8840)]
HRESULT ColumnWidths([out, retval] BSTR* ColumnWidths);
[id(0x000000d2), propget, helpcontext(0x001e887c)]
HRESULT CurTargetX([out, retval] long* CurTargetX);
[id(0x000000dd), propget, hidden]
HRESULT CurTargetY([out, retval] long* CurTargetY);
[id(0x000000d0), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8890)]
HRESULT CurX([in] long CurX);
[id(0x000000d0), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8890)]
HRESULT CurX([out, retval] long* CurX);
[id(0x00000131), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88d6)]
HRESULT DropButtonStyle([in] fmDropButtonStyle DropButtonStyle);
[id(0x00000131), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88d6)]
HRESULT DropButtonStyle([out, retval] fmDropButtonStyle* DropButtonStyle);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Enabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Enabled);
[id(0x7ffffdff), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT _Font_Reserved([in] Font* rhs);
[id(0xfffffe00), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([in] Font* Font);
[id(0xfffffe00), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([out, retval] Font** Font);
[id(0x00000003), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontBold);
[id(0x00000003), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontBold);
[id(0x00000004), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontItalic);
[id(0x00000004), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontItalic);
[id(0x00000001), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([in] BSTR FontName);
[id(0x00000001), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([out, retval] BSTR* FontName);
[id(0x00000002), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([in] CURRENCY FontSize);
[id(0x00000002), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([out, retval] CURRENCY* FontSize);
[id(0x00000006), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000006), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000005), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontUnderline);
[id(0x00000005), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontUnderline);
[id(0x00000007), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([in] short FontWeight);
[id(0x00000007), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([out, retval] short* FontWeight);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ForeColor);
[id(0x000000cf), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8976)]
HRESULT HideSelection([in] VARIANT_BOOL HideSelection);
[id(0x000000cf), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8976)]
HRESULT HideSelection([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* HideSelection);
[id(0x000000d6), propget, helpcontext(0x001e89ee)]
HRESULT LineCount([out, retval] long* LineCount);
[id(0xfffffded), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a02)]
HRESULT ListCount([out, retval] long* ListCount);
[id(0x00000193), propput, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT ListCursor([in] PIROWSET ListCursor);
[id(0x00000193), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT ListCursor([out, retval] PIROWSET* ListCursor);
[id(0xfffffdf2), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a16)]
HRESULT ListIndex([in] VARIANT* ListIndex);
[id(0xfffffdf2), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a16)]
HRESULT ListIndex([out, retval] VARIANT* ListIndex);
[id(0x0000025d), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a20)]
HRESULT ListRows([in] long ListRows);
[id(0x0000025d), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a20)]
HRESULT ListRows([out, retval] long* ListRows);
[id(0x00000133), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a2a)]
HRESULT ListStyle([in] fmListStyle ListStyle);
[id(0x00000133), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a2a)]
HRESULT ListStyle([out, retval] fmListStyle* ListStyle);
[id(0x0000025e), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a34)]
HRESULT ListWidth([in] VARIANT* ListWidth);
[id(0x0000025e), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a34)]
HRESULT ListWidth([out, retval] VARIANT* ListWidth);
[id(0x0000000a), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a3e)]
HRESULT Locked([in] VARIANT_BOOL Locked);
[id(0x0000000a), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a3e)]
HRESULT Locked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Locked);
[id(0x000001f8), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a48)]
HRESULT MatchEntry([in] fmMatchEntry MatchEntry);
[id(0x000001f8), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a48)]
HRESULT MatchEntry([out, retval] fmMatchEntry* MatchEntry);
[id(0x000001f9), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a52)]
HRESULT MatchFound([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* MatchFound);
[id(0x000001f7), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a5c)]
HRESULT MatchRequired([in] VARIANT_BOOL MatchRequired);
[id(0x000001f7), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a5c)]
HRESULT MatchRequired([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* MatchRequired);
[id(0xfffffdeb), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a70)]
HRESULT MaxLength([in] long MaxLength);
[id(0xfffffdeb), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a70)]
HRESULT MaxLength([out, retval] long* MaxLength);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* MousePointer);
[id(0x000000dc), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8bc4)]
HRESULT SelectionMargin([in] VARIANT_BOOL SelectionMargin);
[id(0x000000dc), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8bc4)]
HRESULT SelectionMargin([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* SelectionMargin);
[id(0xfffffddc), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8bce)]
HRESULT SelLength([in] long SelLength);
[id(0xfffffddc), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8bce)]
HRESULT SelLength([out, retval] long* SelLength);
[id(0xfffffddd), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8bd8)]
HRESULT SelStart([in] long SelStart);
[id(0xfffffddd), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8bd8)]
HRESULT SelStart([out, retval] long* SelStart);
[id(0xfffffdde), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8be2)]
HRESULT SelText([in] BSTR SelText);
[id(0xfffffdde), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8be2)]
HRESULT SelText([out, retval] BSTR* SelText);
[id(0x00000130), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8bec)]
HRESULT ShowDropButtonWhen([in] fmShowDropButtonWhen ShowDropButtonWhen);
[id(0x00000130), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8bec)]
HRESULT ShowDropButtonWhen([out, retval] fmShowDropButtonWhen* ShowDropButtonWhen);
[id(0x0000000c), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([in] fmSpecialEffect SpecialEffect);
[id(0x0000000c), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([out, retval] fmSpecialEffect* SpecialEffect);
[id(0x00000134), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c3c)]
HRESULT Style([in] fmStyle Style);
[id(0x00000134), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c3c)]
HRESULT Style([out, retval] fmStyle* Style);
[id(0xfffffdfb), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c96)]
HRESULT Text([in] BSTR Text);
[id(0xfffffdfb), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c96)]
HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* Text);
[id(0x00002714), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8ca0)]
HRESULT TextAlign([in] fmTextAlign TextAlign);
[id(0x00002714), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8ca0)]
HRESULT TextAlign([out, retval] fmTextAlign* TextAlign);
[id(0x000001f6), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8caa)]
HRESULT TextColumn([in] VARIANT* TextColumn);
[id(0x000001f6), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8caa)]
HRESULT TextColumn([out, retval] VARIANT* TextColumn);
[id(0x000000d8), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8cb4)]
HRESULT TextLength([out, retval] long* TextLength);
[id(0x00000263), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8cc8)]
HRESULT TopIndex([in] VARIANT* TopIndex);
[id(0x00000263), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8cc8)]
HRESULT TopIndex([out, retval] VARIANT* TopIndex);
[id(0xfffffdf4), propget, hidden]
HRESULT Valid([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Valid);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] VARIANT* Value);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] VARIANT* Value);
[id(0xfffffdef), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8822)]
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargColumn,
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargIndex,
[out, retval] VARIANT* pvargValue);
[id(0xfffffdef), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8822)]
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargColumn,
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargIndex,
[in] VARIANT* pvargValue);
[id(0xfffffdf0), propget, helpcontext(0x001e89f8)]
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargIndex,
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargColumn,
[out, retval] VARIANT* pvargValue);
[id(0xfffffdf0), propput, helpcontext(0x001e89f8)]
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargIndex,
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargColumn,
[in] VARIANT* pvargValue);
[id(0xfffffdd7), helpcontext(0x001e8584)]
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargItem,
[in, optional] VARIANT* pvargIndex);
[id(0xfffffdd6), helpcontext(0x001e858e)]
HRESULT Clear();
[id(0x000003e9), helpcontext(0x001e85ac)]
HRESULT DropDown();
[id(0xfffffdd5), helpcontext(0x001e85f2)]
HRESULT RemoveItem([in] VARIANT* pvargIndex);
[id(0x00000016), helpcontext(0x001e8598)]
[id(0x00000015), helpcontext(0x001e85a2)]
[id(0x00000018), helpcontext(0x001e85ca)]
HRESULT Paste();
[id(0xfffffde2), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001eb48c)]
HRESULT IMEMode([in] fmIMEMode IMEMode);
[id(0xfffffde2), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001eb48c)]
HRESULT IMEMode([out, retval] fmIMEMode* IMEMode);
[id(0x000000e0), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e5)]
HRESULT EnterFieldBehavior([in] fmEnterFieldBehavior EnterFieldBehavior);
[id(0x000000e0), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e5)]
HRESULT EnterFieldBehavior([out, retval] fmEnterFieldBehavior* EnterFieldBehavior);
[id(0x000000e1), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88bd)]
HRESULT DragBehavior([in] fmDragBehavior DragBehavior);
[id(0x000000e1), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88bd)]
HRESULT DragBehavior([out, retval] fmDragBehavior* DragBehavior);
[id(0xfffffde4), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT DisplayStyle([out, retval] fmDisplayStyle* DisplayStyle);
interface IMdcCheckBox : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffde1), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8732)]
HRESULT Accelerator([in] BSTR Accelerator);
[id(0xfffffde1), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8732)]
HRESULT Accelerator([out, retval] BSTR* Accelerator);
[id(0x000002c6), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8746)]
HRESULT Alignment([in] fmAlignment Alignment);
[id(0x000002c6), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8746)]
HRESULT Alignment([out, retval] fmAlignment* Alignment);
[id(0xfffffe0c), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([in] VARIANT_BOOL AutoSize);
[id(0xfffffe0c), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* AutoSize);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([in] fmBackStyle BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([out, retval] fmBackStyle* BackStyle);
[id(0x00000014), propput, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT BordersSuppress([in] VARIANT_BOOL BordersSuppress);
[id(0x00000014), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT BordersSuppress([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* BordersSuppress);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR Caption);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* Caption);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Enabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Enabled);
[id(0x7ffffdff), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT _Font_Reserved([in] Font* rhs);
[id(0xfffffe00), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([in] Font* Font);
[id(0xfffffe00), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([out, retval] Font** Font);
[id(0x00000003), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontBold);
[id(0x00000003), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontBold);
[id(0x00000004), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontItalic);
[id(0x00000004), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontItalic);
[id(0x00000001), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([in] BSTR FontName);
[id(0x00000001), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([out, retval] BSTR* FontName);
[id(0x00000002), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([in] CURRENCY FontSize);
[id(0x00000002), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([out, retval] CURRENCY* FontSize);
[id(0x00000006), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000006), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontStrikethru);
[id(0x00000005), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontUnderline);
[id(0x00000005), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontUnderline);
[id(0x00000007), propput, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([in] short FontWeight);
[id(0x00000007), propget, bindable, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([out, retval] short* FontWeight);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ForeColor);
[id(0x0000000a), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a3e)]
HRESULT Locked([in] VARIANT_BOOL Locked);
[id(0x0000000a), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a3e)]
HRESULT Locked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Locked);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdec), propput, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT MultiSelect([in] fmMultiSelect MultiSelect);
[id(0xfffffdec), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT MultiSelect([out, retval] fmMultiSelect* MultiSelect);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([out, retval] Picture** Picture);
[id(0x0000000b), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b38)]
HRESULT PicturePosition([in] fmPicturePosition PicPos);
[id(0x0000000b), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b38)]
HRESULT PicturePosition([out, retval] fmPicturePosition* PicPos);
[id(0x0000000c), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([in] fmButtonEffect SpecialEffect);
[id(0x0000000c), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([out, retval] fmButtonEffect* SpecialEffect);
[id(0x000002bc), propput, helpcontext(0x001e8ce6)]
HRESULT TripleState([in] VARIANT_BOOL TripleState);
[id(0x000002bc), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8ce6)]
HRESULT TripleState([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* TripleState);
[id(0xfffffdf4), propget, hidden]
HRESULT Valid([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Valid);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] VARIANT* Value);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] VARIANT* Value);
[id(0xfffffde8), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8d36)]
HRESULT WordWrap([in] VARIANT_BOOL WordWrap);
[id(0xfffffde8), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8d36)]
HRESULT WordWrap([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* WordWrap);
[id(0xfffffde4), propget, bindable, hidden]
HRESULT DisplayStyle([out, retval] fmDisplayStyle* DisplayStyle);
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e895d)]
HRESULT GroupName([in] BSTR GroupName);
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e895d)]
HRESULT GroupName([out, retval] BSTR* GroupName);
[id(0x00002714), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8ca0)]
HRESULT TextAlign([in] fmTextAlign TextAlign);
[id(0x00002714), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8ca0)]
HRESULT TextAlign([out, retval] fmTextAlign* TextAlign);
interface IMdcOptionButton : IMdcCheckBox {
interface IMdcToggleButton : IMdcCheckBox {
interface IScrollbar : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Enabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Enabled);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* MousePointer);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] long Value);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] long* Value);
[id(0x00000064), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a7a)]
HRESULT Min([in] long Min);
[id(0x00000064), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a7a)]
HRESULT Min([out, retval] long* Min);
[id(0x00000065), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a66)]
HRESULT Max([in] long Max);
[id(0x00000065), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a66)]
HRESULT Max([out, retval] long* Max);
[id(0x00000066), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c14)]
HRESULT SmallChange([in] long SmallChange);
[id(0x00000066), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c14)]
HRESULT SmallChange([out, retval] long* SmallChange);
[id(0x00000067), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e89d0)]
HRESULT LargeChange([in] long LargeChange);
[id(0x00000067), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e89d0)]
HRESULT LargeChange([out, retval] long* LargeChange);
[id(0x00000068), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b56)]
HRESULT ProportionalThumb([in] VARIANT_BOOL ProportionalThumb);
[id(0x00000068), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b56)]
HRESULT ProportionalThumb([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ProportionalThumb);
[id(0x00000069), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8afc)]
HRESULT Orientation([in] fmOrientation Orientation);
[id(0x00000069), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8afc)]
HRESULT Orientation([out, retval] fmOrientation* Orientation);
[id(0x0000006a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88b8)]
HRESULT Delay([in] long Delay);
[id(0x0000006a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88b8)]
HRESULT Delay([out, retval] long* Delay);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
interface Tab : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffdfa), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR Caption);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* Caption);
[id(0x80010045), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e885e)]
HRESULT ControlTipText([in] BSTR ControlTipText);
[id(0x80010045), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e885e)]
HRESULT ControlTipText([out, retval] BSTR* ControlTipText);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fEnabled);
[id(0x00000001), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8980)]
HRESULT Index([in] long Index);
[id(0x00000001), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8980)]
HRESULT Index([out, retval] long* Index);
[id(0x80010000), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8ab6)]
HRESULT Name([in] BSTR Name);
[id(0x80010000), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8ab6)]
HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* Name);
[id(0x8001000b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c8c)]
HRESULT Tag([in] BSTR Tag);
[id(0x8001000b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c8c)]
HRESULT Tag([out, retval] BSTR* Tag);
[id(0x80010007), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d18)]
HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL Visible);
[id(0x80010007), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d18)]
HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Visible);
[id(0xfffffde1), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8732)]
HRESULT Accelerator([in] BSTR Accelerator);
[id(0xfffffde1), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8732)]
HRESULT Accelerator([out, retval] BSTR* Accelerator);
interface Tabs : IDispatch {
[id(0x0000003c), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8868)]
HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* Count);
[id(0xfffffffc), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8ac0)]
HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** _NewEnum);
HRESULT _GetItemByIndex(
[in] long lIndex,
[out, retval] Tab** ppTab);
HRESULT _GetItemByName(
[in] BSTR bstr,
[out, retval] Tab** ppTab);
[id(00000000), helpcontext(0x001e85b6)]
[in] VARIANT varg,
[out, retval] IDispatch** ppDisp);
HRESULT Enum([out, retval] IUnknown** ppEnum);
[id(0x00000042), helpcontext(0x001e857a)]
[in, optional] VARIANT bstrName,
[in, optional] VARIANT bstrCaption,
[in, optional] VARIANT lIndex,
[out, retval] Tab** ppTab);
[in] BSTR bstrName,
[in] BSTR bstrCaption,
[out, retval] Tab** ppTab);
HRESULT _Insert(
[in] BSTR bstrName,
[in] BSTR bstrCaption,
[in] long lIndex,
[out, retval] Tab** ppTab);
[id(0x00000043), helpcontext(0x001e85e8)]
HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT varg);
[id(0x0000003e), helpcontext(0x001e858e)]
HRESULT Clear();
interface ITabStrip : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ForeColor);
[id(0x7ffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT _Font_Reserved([in] Font* rhs);
[id(0xfffffe00), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([in] Font* Font);
[id(0xfffffe00), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([out, retval] Font** Font);
[id(0x00000001), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([in] BSTR FontName);
[id(0x00000001), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([out, retval] BSTR* FontName);
[id(0x00000003), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontBold);
[id(0x00000003), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontBold);
[id(0x00000004), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontItalic);
[id(0x00000004), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontItalic);
[id(0x00000005), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontUnder);
[id(0x00000005), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontUnder);
[id(0x00000006), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL FontStrike);
[id(0x00000006), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* FontStrike);
[id(0x00000002), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([in] CURRENCY FontSize);
[id(0x00000002), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([out, retval] CURRENCY* FontSize);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL fnabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fnabled);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* MousePointer);
[id(0x00000202), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8aa2)]
HRESULT MultiRow([in] VARIANT_BOOL MultiRow);
[id(0x00000202), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8aa2)]
HRESULT MultiRow([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* MultiRow);
[id(0x00000201), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c3c)]
HRESULT Style([in] fmTabStyle TabStyle);
[id(0x00000201), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c3c)]
HRESULT Style([out, retval] fmTabStyle* TabStyle);
[id(0x00000200), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c6e)]
HRESULT TabOrientation([in] fmTabOrientation TabOrientation);
[id(0x00000200), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c6e)]
HRESULT TabOrientation([out, retval] fmTabOrientation* TabOrientation);
HRESULT _SetTabFixedWidth([in] long TabFixedWidth);
HRESULT _GetTabFixedWidth([out] long* TabFixedWidth);
HRESULT _SetTabFixedHeight([in] long TabFixedHeight);
HRESULT _GetTabFixedHeight([out] long* TabFixedHeight);
HRESULT _GetClientTop([out] long* ClientTop);
[id(0x00000224), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e880e)]
HRESULT ClientTop([out, retval] single* ClientTop);
HRESULT _GetClientLeft([out] long* ClientLeft);
[id(0x00000223), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8804)]
HRESULT ClientLeft([out, retval] single* ClientLeft);
HRESULT _GetClientWidth([out] long* ClientWidth);
[id(0x00000225), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8818)]
HRESULT ClientWidth([out, retval] single* ClientWidth);
HRESULT _GetClientHeight([out] long* ClientHeight);
[id(0x00000222), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87fa)]
HRESULT ClientHeight([out, retval] single* ClientHeight);
[id(00000000), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8c78)]
HRESULT Tabs([out, retval] Tabs** Tabs);
[id(0x00000221), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8bba)]
HRESULT SelectedItem([out, retval] Tab** ActiveTab);
[id(0x00000210), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] long Index);
[id(0x00000210), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] long* Index);
[id(0x00000203), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c50)]
HRESULT TabFixedWidth([in] single TabFixedWidth);
[id(0x00000203), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c50)]
HRESULT TabFixedWidth([out, retval] single* TabFixedWidth);
[id(0x00000204), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c46)]
HRESULT TabFixedHeight([in] single TabFixedHeight);
[id(0x00000204), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c46)]
HRESULT TabFixedHeight([out, retval] single* TabFixedHeight);
[id(0x00000007), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([in] short FontWeight);
[id(0x00000007), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([out, retval] short* FontWeight);
interface ISpinbutton : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* ForeColor);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Enabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Enabled);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* MousePointer);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] long Value);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind, defaultbind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] long* Value);
[id(0x00000064), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a7a)]
HRESULT Min([in] long Min);
[id(0x00000064), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a7a)]
HRESULT Min([out, retval] long* Min);
[id(0x00000065), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a66)]
HRESULT Max([in] long Max);
[id(0x00000065), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a66)]
HRESULT Max([out, retval] long* Max);
[id(0x00000066), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c14)]
HRESULT SmallChange([in] long SmallChange);
[id(0x00000066), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c14)]
HRESULT SmallChange([out, retval] long* SmallChange);
[id(0x00000069), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8afc)]
HRESULT Orientation([in] fmOrientation Orientation);
[id(0x00000069), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8afc)]
HRESULT Orientation([out, retval] fmOrientation* Orientation);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
[id(0x0000006a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88b8)]
HRESULT Delay([in] long Delay);
[id(0x0000006a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88b8)]
HRESULT Delay([out, retval] long* Delay);
interface IImage : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fEnabled);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([in] fmMousePointer MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffdf7), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a8e)]
HRESULT MousePointer([out, retval] fmMousePointer* MousePointer);
[id(0xfffffe0c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([in] VARIANT_BOOL fAutoSize);
[id(0xfffffe0c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8764)]
HRESULT AutoSize([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fAutoSize);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BackColor);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([in] fmBackStyle BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffe0a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e878c)]
HRESULT BackStyle([out, retval] fmBackStyle* BackStyle);
[id(0xfffffe09), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([in] OLE_COLOR BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe09), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87a0)]
HRESULT BorderColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* BorderColor);
[id(0xfffffe08), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([in] fmBorderStyle Style);
[id(0xfffffe08), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87b4)]
HRESULT BorderStyle([out, retval] fmBorderStyle* Style);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([out, retval] Picture** Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([in] Picture* MouseIcon);
[id(0xfffffdf6), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8a84)]
HRESULT MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** MouseIcon);
[id(0x0000001b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c0a)]
HRESULT PictureSizeMode([in] fmPictureSizeMode PictureSizeMode);
[id(0x0000001b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c0a)]
HRESULT PictureSizeMode([out, retval] fmPictureSizeMode* PictureSizeMode);
[id(0x0000001a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b24)]
HRESULT PictureAlignment([in] fmPictureAlignment PictureAlignment);
[id(0x0000001a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b24)]
HRESULT PictureAlignment([out, retval] fmPictureAlignment* PictureAlignment);
[id(0x0000001c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b4c)]
HRESULT PictureTiling([in] VARIANT_BOOL PictureTiling);
[id(0x0000001c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b4c)]
HRESULT PictureTiling([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* PictureTiling);
[id(0x0000000c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([in] fmSpecialEffect SpecialEffect);
[id(0x0000000c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c28)]
HRESULT SpecialEffect([out, retval] fmSpecialEffect* SpecialEffect);
interface IWHTMLSubmitButton : IDispatch {
[id(0x00000259), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Action([in] BSTR Action);
[id(0x00000259), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Action([out, retval] BSTR* Action);
[id(0x0000025a), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR Caption);
[id(0x0000025a), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* Caption);
[id(0x0000025b), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Encoding([in] BSTR Encoding);
[id(0x0000025b), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Encoding([out, retval] BSTR* Encoding);
[id(0x0000025c), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Method([in] BSTR Method);
[id(0x0000025c), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Method([out, retval] BSTR* Method);
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, displaybind]
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT HTMLName([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLName);
[id(0x0000026a), propput, hidden]
[id(0x0000026a), propget, hidden]
HRESULT HTMLType([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLType);
interface IWHTMLImage : IDispatch {
[id(0x00000259), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Action([in] BSTR Action);
[id(0x00000259), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Action([out, retval] BSTR* Action);
[id(0x0000025e), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Source([in] BSTR Source);
[id(0x0000025e), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Source([out, retval] BSTR* Source);
[id(0x0000025b), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Encoding([in] BSTR Encoding);
[id(0x0000025b), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Encoding([out, retval] BSTR* Encoding);
[id(0x0000025c), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Method([in] BSTR Method);
[id(0x0000025c), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Method([out, retval] BSTR* Method);
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, displaybind]
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT HTMLName([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLName);
[id(0x0000026a), propput, hidden]
[id(0x0000026a), propget, hidden]
HRESULT HTMLType([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLType);
interface IWHTMLReset : IDispatch {
[id(0x0000025a), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR Caption);
[id(0x0000025a), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* Caption);
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, displaybind]
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT HTMLName([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLName);
[id(0x0000026a), propput, hidden]
[id(0x0000026a), propget, hidden]
HRESULT HTMLType([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLType);
interface IWHTMLCheckbox : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, displaybind]
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT HTMLName([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLName);
[id(0x0000025f), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR Value);
[id(0x0000025f), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Checked([in] VARIANT_BOOL Checked);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Checked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Checked);
[id(0x0000026a), propput, hidden]
[id(0x0000026a), propget, hidden]
HRESULT HTMLType([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLType);
interface IWHTMLOption : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, displaybind]
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT HTMLName([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLName);
[id(0x0000025f), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR Value);
[id(0x0000025f), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Checked([in] VARIANT_BOOL Checked);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Checked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Checked);
[id(0x0000026a), propput, hidden]
[id(0x0000026a), propget, hidden]
HRESULT HTMLType([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLType);
[id(0xfffffde4), propget, hidden]
HRESULT DisplayStyle([out, retval] fmDisplayStyle* DisplayStyle);
interface IWHTMLText : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, displaybind]
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT HTMLName([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLName);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR Value);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
[id(0x00000261), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT MaxLength([in] long MaxLength);
[id(0x00000261), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT MaxLength([out, retval] long* MaxLength);
[id(0x00000262), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Width([in] long Width);
[id(0x00000262), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Width([out, retval] long* Width);
[id(0x0000026a), propput, hidden]
[id(0x0000026a), propget, hidden]
HRESULT HTMLType([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLType);
interface IWHTMLHidden : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, displaybind]
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT HTMLName([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLName);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR Value);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
[id(0x0000026a), propput, hidden]
[id(0x0000026a), propget, hidden]
HRESULT HTMLType([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLType);
interface IWHTMLPassword : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, displaybind]
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT HTMLName([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLName);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR Value);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
[id(0x00000261), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT MaxLength([in] long MaxLength);
[id(0x00000261), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT MaxLength([out, retval] long* MaxLength);
[id(0x00000262), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Width([in] long Width);
[id(0x00000262), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Width([out, retval] long* Width);
[id(0x0000026a), propput, hidden]
[id(0x0000026a), propget, hidden]
HRESULT HTMLType([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLType);
interface IWHTMLSelect : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, displaybind]
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT HTMLName([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLName);
[id(0x00000263), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Values([in] VARIANT* Values);
[id(0x00000263), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Values([out, retval] VARIANT* Values);
[id(0x00000264), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT DisplayValues([in] VARIANT* DisplayValues);
[id(0x00000264), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT DisplayValues([out, retval] VARIANT* DisplayValues);
[id(0x00000265), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Selected([in] BSTR Selected);
[id(0x00000265), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Selected([out, retval] BSTR* Selected);
[id(0x00000266), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT MultiSelect([in] VARIANT_BOOL MultiSelect);
[id(0x00000266), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT MultiSelect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* MultiSelect);
[id(0x0000026b), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Size([in] long Size);
[id(0x0000026b), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Size([out, retval] long* Size);
interface IWHTMLTextArea : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffde3), propput, bindable, displaybind]
[id(0xfffffde3), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT HTMLName([out, retval] BSTR* HTMLName);
[id(00000000), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR Value);
[id(00000000), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] BSTR* Value);
[id(0x00000267), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Rows([in] long Rows);
[id(0x00000267), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Rows([out, retval] long* Rows);
[id(0x00000268), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Columns([in] long Columns);
[id(0x00000268), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT Columns([out, retval] long* Columns);
[id(0x00000269), propput, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT WordWrap([in] BSTR WordWrap);
[id(0x00000269), propget, bindable, displaybind]
HRESULT WordWrap([out, retval] BSTR* WordWrap);
dispinterface LabelControlEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
coclass Label {
[default] interface ILabelControl;
[default, source] dispinterface LabelControlEvents;
dispinterface CommandButtonEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
coclass CommandButton {
[default] interface ICommandButton;
[default, source] dispinterface CommandButtonEvents;
dispinterface MdcTextEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000002), helpcontext(0x001e84bc)]
void Change();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0x000007d2), helpcontext(0x001e84da)]
void DropButtonClick();
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
coclass TextBox {
[default] interface IMdcText;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcTextEvents;
dispinterface MdcListEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000002), helpcontext(0x001e84bc)]
void Change();
[id(0xfffffd9e), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
coclass ListBox {
[default] interface IMdcList;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcListEvents;
dispinterface MdcComboEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000002), helpcontext(0x001e84bc)]
void Change();
[id(0xfffffd9e), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0x000007d2), helpcontext(0x001e84da)]
void DropButtonClick();
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
coclass ComboBox {
[default] interface IMdcCombo;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcComboEvents;
dispinterface MdcCheckBoxEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000002), helpcontext(0x001e84bc)]
void Change();
[id(0xfffffd9e), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
dispinterface MdcOptionButtonEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000002), helpcontext(0x001e84bc)]
void Change();
[id(0xfffffd9e), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
dispinterface MdcToggleButtonEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000002), helpcontext(0x001e84bc)]
void Change();
[id(0xfffffd9e), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
coclass CheckBox {
[default] interface IMdcCheckBox;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcCheckBoxEvents;
coclass OptionButton {
[default] interface IMdcOptionButton;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcOptionButtonEvents;
coclass ToggleButton {
[default] interface IMdcToggleButton;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcToggleButtonEvents;
coclass NewFont {
interface IUnknown;
[default] dispinterface Font;
dispinterface ScrollbarEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000002), helpcontext(0x001e84bc)]
void Change();
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000007), helpcontext(0x001e8552)]
void Scroll();
coclass ScrollBar {
[default] interface IScrollbar;
[default, source] dispinterface ScrollbarEvents;
dispinterface TabStripEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] long Index,
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] long Index,
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000002), helpcontext(0x001e84bc)]
void Change();
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click([in] long Index);
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick(
[in] long Index,
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] long Index,
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] long Index,
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] long Index,
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
coclass TabStrip {
[default] interface ITabStrip;
[default, source] dispinterface TabStripEvents;
dispinterface SpinbuttonEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000002), helpcontext(0x001e84bc)]
void Change();
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000005), helpcontext(0x001e8566)]
void SpinUp();
[id(0x00000006), helpcontext(0x001e855c)]
void SpinDown();
coclass SpinButton {
[default] interface ISpinbutton;
[default, source] dispinterface SpinbuttonEvents;
dispinterface ImageEvents {
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState DragState,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick([in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
coclass Image {
[default] interface IImage;
[default, source] dispinterface ImageEvents;
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents {
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents1 {
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents2 {
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents3 {
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents4 {
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents5 {
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents6 {
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents7 {
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents9 {
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents10 {
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click();
coclass HTMLSubmit {
[default] interface IWHTMLSubmitButton;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents;
coclass HTMLImage {
[default] interface IWHTMLImage;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents1;
coclass HTMLReset {
[default] interface IWHTMLReset;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents2;
coclass HTMLCheckbox {
[default] interface IWHTMLCheckbox;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents3;
coclass HTMLOption {
[default] interface IWHTMLOption;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents4;
coclass HTMLText {
[default] interface IWHTMLText;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents5;
coclass HTMLHidden {
[default] interface IWHTMLHidden;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents6;
coclass HTMLPassword {
[default] interface IWHTMLPassword;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents7;
coclass HTMLSelect {
[default] interface IWHTMLSelect;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents9;
coclass HTMLTextArea {
[default] interface IWHTMLTextArea;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents10;
typedef [uuid(0EE49F40-E956-11CE-8141-00AA00611080), helpcontext(0x001eb39c)]
enum {
fmTransitionEffectNone = 0,
fmTransitionEffectCoverUp = 1,
fmTransitionEffectCoverRightUp = 2,
fmTransitionEffectCoverRight = 3,
fmTransitionEffectCoverRightDown = 4,
fmTransitionEffectCoverDown = 5,
fmTransitionEffectCoverLeftDown = 6,
fmTransitionEffectCoverLeft = 7,
fmTransitionEffectCoverLeftUp = 8,
fmTransitionEffectPushUp = 9,
fmTransitionEffectPushRight = 10,
fmTransitionEffectPushDown = 11,
fmTransitionEffectPushLeft = 12
} fmTransitionEffect;
interface IPage : IDispatch {
[id(00000000), propget, helpcontext(0x001e884a)]
HRESULT Controls([out, retval] Controls** Controls);
[id(0x0000010e), propget, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8ba6)]
HRESULT Selected([out, retval] Controls** Selected);
[id(0x00000100), propget, helpcontext(0x001e873c)]
HRESULT ActiveControl([out, retval] Control** ActiveControl);
[id(0x00000101), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87d2)]
HRESULT CanPaste([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* CanPaste);
[id(0x00000102), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87dc)]
HRESULT CanRedo([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* CanRedo);
[id(0x00000103), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87e6)]
HRESULT CanUndo([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* CanUndo);
[id(0x00000104), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88a4)]
HRESULT Cycle([in] fmCycle Cycle);
[id(0x00000104), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88a4)]
HRESULT Cycle([out, retval] fmCycle* Cycle);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR Caption);
[id(0xfffffdfa), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e87f0)]
HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* Caption);
[id(0x80010045), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e885e)]
HRESULT ControlTipText([in] BSTR tooltip);
[id(0x80010045), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e885e)]
HRESULT ControlTipText([out, retval] BSTR* tooltip);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fEnabled);
[id(0x8001f100), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8980)]
HRESULT Index([in] long Index);
[id(0x8001f100), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8980)]
HRESULT Index([out, retval] long* Index);
HRESULT _GetInsideHeight([out] long* InsideHeight);
[id(0x00000106), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8994)]
HRESULT InsideHeight([out, retval] single* InsideHeight);
HRESULT _GetInsideWidth([out] long* InsideWidth);
[id(0x00000107), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e899e)]
HRESULT InsideWidth([out, retval] single* InsideWidth);
[id(0x00000108), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e89c6)]
HRESULT KeepScrollBarsVisible([in] fmScrollBars ScrollBars);
[id(0x00000108), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e89c6)]
HRESULT KeepScrollBarsVisible([out, retval] fmScrollBars* ScrollBars);
[id(0x80010000), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8ab6)]
HRESULT Name([in] BSTR Name);
[id(0x80010000), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8ab6)]
HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* Name);
[id(0x0000001a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b24)]
HRESULT PictureAlignment([in] fmPictureAlignment PictureAlignment);
[id(0x0000001a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b24)]
HRESULT PictureAlignment([out, retval] fmPictureAlignment* PictureAlignment);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propputref, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([in] Picture* Picture);
[id(0xfffffdf5), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8b2e)]
HRESULT Picture([out, retval] Picture** Picture);
[id(0x0000001b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b42)]
HRESULT PictureSizeMode([in] fmPictureSizeMode PictureSizeMode);
[id(0x0000001b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b42)]
HRESULT PictureSizeMode([out, retval] fmPictureSizeMode* PictureSizeMode);
[id(0x0000001c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b4c)]
HRESULT PictureTiling([in] VARIANT_BOOL PictureTiling);
[id(0x0000001c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b4c)]
HRESULT PictureTiling([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* PictureTiling);
[id(0x00000109), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b74)]
HRESULT ScrollBars([in] fmScrollBars ScrollBars);
[id(0x00000109), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b74)]
HRESULT ScrollBars([out, retval] fmScrollBars* ScrollBars);
HRESULT _SetScrollHeight([in] long ScrollHeight);
HRESULT _GetScrollHeight([out] long* ScrollHeight);
[id(0x0000010a), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b7e)]
HRESULT ScrollHeight([in] single ScrollHeight);
[id(0x0000010a), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b7e)]
HRESULT ScrollHeight([out, retval] single* ScrollHeight);
HRESULT _SetScrollLeft([in] long ScrollLeft);
HRESULT _GetScrollLeft([out] long* ScrollLeft);
[id(0x0000010b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b88)]
HRESULT ScrollLeft([in] single ScrollLeft);
[id(0x0000010b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b88)]
HRESULT ScrollLeft([out, retval] single* ScrollLeft);
HRESULT _SetScrollTop([in] long ScrollTop);
HRESULT _GetScrollTop([out] long* ScrollTop);
[id(0x0000010c), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b92)]
HRESULT ScrollTop([in] single ScrollTop);
[id(0x0000010c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b92)]
HRESULT ScrollTop([out, retval] single* ScrollTop);
HRESULT _SetScrollWidth([in] long ScrollWidth);
HRESULT _GetScrollWidth([out] long* ScrollWidth);
[id(0x0000010d), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b9c)]
HRESULT ScrollWidth([in] single ScrollWidth);
[id(0x0000010d), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8b9c)]
HRESULT ScrollWidth([out, retval] single* ScrollWidth);
[id(0x8001000b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c8c)]
HRESULT Tag([in] BSTR Tag);
[id(0x8001000b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c8c)]
HRESULT Tag([out, retval] BSTR* Tag);
[id(0x8001f101), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8cd2)]
HRESULT TransitionEffect([in] fmTransitionEffect TransitionEffect);
[id(0x8001f101), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8cd2)]
HRESULT TransitionEffect([out, retval] fmTransitionEffect* TransitionEffect);
[id(0x8001f102), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8cdc)]
HRESULT TransitionPeriod([in] long TransitionPeriod);
[id(0x8001f102), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8cdc)]
HRESULT TransitionPeriod([out, retval] long* TransitionPeriod);
[id(0x0000010f), propput, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8d0e)]
HRESULT VerticalScrollBarSide([in] fmVerticalScrollBarSide side);
[id(0x0000010f), propget, bindable, helpcontext(0x001e8d0e)]
HRESULT VerticalScrollBarSide([out, retval] fmVerticalScrollBarSide* side);
[id(0x80010007), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d18)]
HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL fVisible);
[id(0x80010007), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d18)]
HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fVisible);
[id(0x00000110), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d40)]
HRESULT Zoom([in] short Zoom);
[id(0x00000110), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d40)]
HRESULT Zoom([out, retval] short* Zoom);
[id(0x00000180), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88c2)]
HRESULT DesignMode([in] fmMode DesignMode);
[id(0x00000180), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88c2)]
HRESULT DesignMode([out, retval] fmMode* DesignMode);
[id(0x00000181), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden]
HRESULT ShowToolbox([in] fmMode ShowToolbox);
[id(0x00000181), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden]
HRESULT ShowToolbox([out, retval] fmMode* ShowToolbox);
[id(0x00000182), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8bf6)]
HRESULT ShowGridDots([in] fmMode ShowGridDots);
[id(0x00000182), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8bf6)]
HRESULT ShowGridDots([out, retval] fmMode* ShowGridDots);
[id(0x00000183), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8c1e)]
HRESULT SnapToGrid([in] fmMode SnapToGrid);
[id(0x00000183), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8c1e)]
HRESULT SnapToGrid([out, retval] fmMode* SnapToGrid);
[id(0x00000184), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e894e)]
HRESULT GridX([in] single GridX);
[id(0x00000184), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e894e)]
HRESULT GridX([out, retval] single* GridX);
HRESULT _SetGridX([in] long GridX);
HRESULT _GetGridX([out] long* GridX);
[id(0x00000185), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8958)]
HRESULT GridY([in] single GridY);
[id(0x00000185), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8958)]
HRESULT GridY([out, retval] single* GridY);
HRESULT _SetGridY([in] long GridY);
HRESULT _GetGridY([out] long* GridY);
[id(0x00000200), helpcontext(0x001e8598)]
[id(0x00000201), helpcontext(0x001e85a2)]
[id(0x00000202), helpcontext(0x001e85ca)]
HRESULT Paste();
[id(0x00000203), helpcontext(0x001e85d4)]
HRESULT RedoAction();
[id(0x00000204), helpcontext(0x001e85fc)]
HRESULT Repaint();
[id(0x00000205), helpcontext(0x001e8606)]
[in, optional] VARIANT xAction,
[in, optional] VARIANT yAction);
[id(0x00000206), helpcontext(0x001e8624)]
HRESULT SetDefaultTabOrder();
[id(0x00000207), helpcontext(0x001e8642)]
HRESULT UndoAction();
[id(0xfffffde1), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8732)]
HRESULT Accelerator([in] BSTR Accelerator);
[id(0xfffffde1), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8732)]
HRESULT Accelerator([out, retval] BSTR* Accelerator);
[id(0x80010008), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8b10)]
HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch** Parent);
interface Pages : IDispatch {
[id(0x0000003c), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8868)]
HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* plCount);
[id(0xfffffffc), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8ac0)]
HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** ppEnum);
[id(00000000), helpcontext(0x001e85b6)]
[in] VARIANT varg,
[out, retval] IDispatch** ppDisap);
HRESULT Enum([out, retval] IUnknown** ppEnum);
[id(0x00000042), helpcontext(0x001e857a)]
[in, optional] VARIANT bstrName,
[in, optional] VARIANT bstrCaption,
[in, optional] VARIANT lIndex,
[out, retval] Page** ppPage);
[in] long* clsid,
[in] BSTR bstrName,
[in] BSTR bstrCaption,
[out, retval] Page** ppPage);
HRESULT _InsertCtrl(
[in] long* clsid,
[in] BSTR bstrName,
[in] BSTR bstrCaption,
[in] long lIndex,
[out, retval] Page** ppCtrl);
HRESULT _GetItemByIndex(
[in] long lIndex,
[out, retval] Control** ppCtrl);
HRESULT _GetItemByName(
[in] BSTR pstrName,
[out, retval] Control** ppCtrl);
[id(0x00000043), helpcontext(0x001e85e8)]
HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT varg);
[id(0x0000003e), helpcontext(0x001e858e)]
HRESULT Clear();
interface IMultiPage : IDispatch {
[id(0xfffffe0b), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR color);
[id(0xfffffe0b), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8782)]
HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* color);
[id(0xfffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([in] OLE_COLOR color);
[id(0xfffffdff), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8944)]
HRESULT ForeColor([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* color);
[id(0x7ffffdff), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT _Font_Reserved([in] Font* rhs);
[id(0xfffffe00), propputref, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([in] Font* Font);
[id(0xfffffe00), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8688)]
HRESULT Font([out, retval] Font** Font);
[id(0x00000001), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([in] BSTR FontName);
[id(0x00000001), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8912)]
HRESULT FontName([out, retval] BSTR* FontName);
[id(0x00000003), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL fBold);
[id(0x00000003), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e88fe)]
HRESULT FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fBold);
[id(0x00000004), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL fItalic);
[id(0x00000004), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8908)]
HRESULT FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fItalic);
[id(0x00000005), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL fUnder);
[id(0x00000005), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8930)]
HRESULT FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fUnder);
[id(0x00000006), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL fStrike);
[id(0x00000006), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e8926)]
HRESULT FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fStrike);
[id(0x00000002), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([in] CURRENCY Size);
[id(0x00000002), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e891c)]
HRESULT FontSize([out, retval] CURRENCY* Size);
[id(0x00000202), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8aa2)]
HRESULT MultiRow([in] VARIANT_BOOL fMultiRow);
[id(0x00000202), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8aa2)]
HRESULT MultiRow([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fMultiRow);
[id(0x00000201), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c3c)]
HRESULT Style([in] fmTabStyle Style);
[id(0x00000201), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c3c)]
HRESULT Style([out, retval] fmTabStyle* Style);
[id(0x00000200), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c6e)]
HRESULT TabOrientation([in] fmTabOrientation Layout);
[id(0x00000200), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c6e)]
HRESULT TabOrientation([out, retval] fmTabOrientation* Layout);
HRESULT _SetTabFixedWidth([in] long Width);
HRESULT _GetTabFixedWidth([out] long* Width);
HRESULT _SetTabFixedHeight([in] long Height);
HRESULT _GetTabFixedHeight([out] long* Height);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Enabled);
[id(0xfffffdfe), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e88e0)]
HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Enabled);
[id(0x00000221), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8bba)]
HRESULT SelectedItem([out, retval] Page** ppPage);
[id(00000000), propget, helpcontext(0x001e8b06)]
HRESULT Pages([out, retval] Pages** ppPages);
[id(0x00000210), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([in] long Index);
[id(0x00000210), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8d04)]
HRESULT Value([out, retval] long* Index);
[id(0x00000203), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c50)]
HRESULT TabFixedWidth([in] single Width);
[id(0x00000203), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c50)]
HRESULT TabFixedWidth([out, retval] single* Width);
[id(0x00000204), propput, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c46)]
HRESULT TabFixedHeight([in] single Height);
[id(0x00000204), propget, bindable, displaybind, helpcontext(0x001e8c46)]
HRESULT TabFixedHeight([out, retval] single* Height);
[id(0x00000007), propput, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([in] short FontWeight);
[id(0x00000007), propget, bindable, displaybind, hidden, helpcontext(0x001e893a)]
HRESULT FontWeight([out, retval] short* FontWeight);
dispinterface MultiPageEvents {
[id(0x00000300), helpcontext(0x001e848a)]
void AddControl(
[in] long Index,
[in] Control* Control);
[id(0x00000003), helpcontext(0x001e849e)]
void BeforeDragOver(
[in] long Index,
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] Control* Control,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] fmDragState State,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000004), helpcontext(0x001e84a8)]
void BeforeDropOrPaste(
[in] long Index,
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel,
[in] Control* Control,
[in] fmAction Action,
[in] DataObject* Data,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] ReturnEffect* Effect,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000002), helpcontext(0x001e84bc)]
void Change();
[id(0xfffffda8), helpcontext(0x001e84c6)]
void Click([in] long Index);
[id(0xfffffda7), helpcontext(0x001e84d0)]
void DblClick(
[in] long Index,
[in] ReturnBoolean* Cancel);
[id(0xfffffda0), helpcontext(0x001e84e4)]
void Error(
[in] long Index,
[in] short Number,
[in] ReturnString* Description,
[in] long SCode,
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR HelpFile,
[in] long HelpContext,
[in] ReturnBoolean* CancelDisplay);
[id(0xfffffda6), helpcontext(0x001e84f8)]
void KeyDown(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0xfffffda5), helpcontext(0x001e8502)]
void KeyPress([in] ReturnInteger* KeyAscii);
[id(0xfffffda4), helpcontext(0x001e850c)]
void KeyUp(
[in] ReturnInteger* KeyCode,
[in] short Shift);
[id(0x00000302), helpcontext(0x001e8516)]
void Layout([in] long Index);
[id(0xfffffda3), helpcontext(0x001e852a)]
void MouseDown(
[in] long Index,
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda2), helpcontext(0x001e8534)]
void MouseMove(
[in] long Index,
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0xfffffda1), helpcontext(0x001e853e)]
void MouseUp(
[in] long Index,
[in] short Button,
[in] short Shift,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y);
[id(0x00000303), helpcontext(0x001e8548)]
void RemoveControl(
[in] long Index,
[in] Control* Control);
[id(0x00000304), helpcontext(0x001e8552)]
void Scroll(
[in] long Index,
[in] fmScrollAction ActionX,
[in] fmScrollAction ActionY,
[in] single RequestDx,
[in] single RequestDy,
[in] ReturnSingle* ActualDx,
[in] ReturnSingle* ActualDy);
[id(0x00000305), helpcontext(0x001e8570)]
void Zoom(
[in] long Index,
[in, out] short* Percent);
coclass MultiPage {
[default] interface IMultiPage;
[default, source] dispinterface MultiPageEvents;
coclass Page {
[default] interface IPage;
typedef [uuid(F00164C2-B17B-11CE-A95D-00AA006CB389)]
enum {
_fmListBoxStylesNone = 0,
_fmListBoxStylesListBox = 1,
_fmListBoxStylesComboBox = 2
} fmListBoxStyles;
typedef [uuid(C3689F20-C231-11CE-A30C-00AA004A3D3C)]
enum {
_fmRepeatDirectionHorizontal = 0,
_fmRepeatDirectionVertical = 1
} fmRepeatDirection;
typedef [uuid(C3689F20-C231-11CE-A30C-00AA004A3D3D)]
enum {
_fmEnAutoSizeNone = 0,
_fmEnAutoSizeHorizontal = 1,
_fmEnAutoSizeVertical = 2,
_fmEnAutoSizeBoth = 3
} fmEnAutoSize;
coclass TextBox2 {
[default] interface IMdcText;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcTextEvents;
coclass CommandButton2 {
[default] interface ICommandButton;
[default, source] dispinterface CommandButtonEvents;
coclass Image2 {
[default] interface IImage;
[default, source] dispinterface ImageEvents;
coclass Label2 {
[default] interface ILabelControl;
[default, source] dispinterface LabelControlEvents;
coclass ScrollBar2 {
[default] interface IScrollbar;
[default, source] dispinterface ScrollbarEvents;
coclass SpinButton2 {
[default] interface ISpinbutton;
[default, source] dispinterface SpinbuttonEvents;
coclass TabStrip2 {
[default] interface ITabStrip;
[default, source] dispinterface TabStripEvents;
coclass ListBox2 {
[default] interface IMdcList;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcListEvents;
coclass ComboBox2 {
[default] interface IMdcCombo;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcComboEvents;
coclass CheckBox2 {
[default] interface IMdcCheckBox;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcCheckBoxEvents;
coclass OptionButton2 {
[default] interface IMdcOptionButton;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcOptionButtonEvents;
coclass ToggleButton2 {
[default] interface IMdcToggleButton;
[default, source] dispinterface MdcToggleButtonEvents;
coclass UserForm2 {
[default] interface _UserForm;
[default, source] dispinterface FormEvents;
coclass Frame2 {
[default] interface IOptionFrame;
[default, source] dispinterface OptionFrameEvents;
coclass DataObject2 {
[default] interface IDataAutoWrapper;
coclass MultiPage2 {
[default] interface IMultiPage;
[default, source] dispinterface MultiPageEvents;
coclass HTMLSubmit2 {
[default] interface IWHTMLSubmitButton;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents;
coclass HTMLImage2 {
[default] interface IWHTMLImage;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents1;
coclass HTMLReset2 {
[default] interface IWHTMLReset;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents2;
coclass HTMLCheckbox2 {
[default] interface IWHTMLCheckbox;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents3;
coclass HTMLOption2 {
[default] interface IWHTMLOption;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents4;
coclass HTMLText2 {
[default] interface IWHTMLText;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents5;
coclass HTMLHidden2 {
[default] interface IWHTMLHidden;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents6;
coclass HTMLPassword2 {
[default] interface IWHTMLPassword;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents7;
coclass HTMLSelect2 {
[default] interface IWHTMLSelect;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents9;
coclass HTMLTextArea2 {
[default] interface IWHTMLTextArea;
[default, source] dispinterface WHTMLControlEvents10;
// Generated .IDL file (by the OLE/COM Object Viewer)
// typelib filename: VB6.OLB
helpstring("Visual Basic objects and procedures"),
library VB
// TLib : Microsoft Data Source Interfaces for ActiveX Data Binding Type Library : {7C0FFAB0-CD84-11D0-949A-00A0C91110ED}
// TLib : OLE Automation : {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
// TLib : Microsoft Data Formatting Object Library 6.0 (SP6) : {6B263850-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED}
// TLib : Microsoft DAO 2.5/3.51 Compatibility Library : {00025E04-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
// TLib : Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures : {EA544A21-C82D-11D1-A3E4-00A0C90AEA82}
// Forward declare all types defined in this typelib
interface _PictureBox;
interface PictureBoxEvents;
interface _Label;
interface LabelEvents;
interface _TextBox;
interface TextBoxEvents;
interface _Frame;
interface FrameEvents;
interface _CommandButton;
interface CommandButtonEvents;
interface _CheckBox;
interface CheckBoxEvents;
interface _OptionButton;
interface OptionButtonEvents;
interface _ComboBox;
interface ComboBoxEvents;
interface _ListBox;
interface ListBoxEvents;
interface _HScrollBar;
interface HScrollBarEvents;
interface _VScrollBar;
interface VScrollBarEvents;
interface _Timer;
interface TimerEvents;
dispinterface _Printer;
interface PrinterEvents;
interface _Form;
interface FormEvents;
interface _Screen;
interface ScreenEvents;
interface _Clipboard;
interface ClipboardEvents;
interface _DriveListBox;
interface DriveListBoxEvents;
interface _DirListBox;
interface DirListBoxEvents;
interface _FileListBox;
interface FileListBoxEvents;
interface _Menu;
interface MenuEvents;
interface _MDIForm;
interface MDIFormEvents;
interface _App;
interface AppEvents;
interface _Shape;
interface ShapeEvents;
interface _Line;
interface LineEvents;
interface _Image;
interface ImageEvents;
interface _Data;
interface DataEvents;
interface _OLE;
interface OLEEvents;
interface _UserControl;
interface UserControlEvents;
interface _PropertyPage;
interface PropertyPageEvents;
interface _UserDocument;
interface UserDocumentEvents;
interface Licenses;
dispinterface Control;
interface VBGlobal;
dispinterface _VBControlExtender;
interface VBControlExtenderEvents;
interface ___MSJetSQLHelp;
helpstring("Displays a graphic from a bitmap, icon or metafile."),
coclass PictureBox {
[default] interface _PictureBox;
[default, source] interface PictureBoxEvents;
helpstring("Displays a graphic from a bitmap, icon or metafile."),
interface _PictureBox : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
HRESULT _stdcall _Default([out, retval] VARIANT* );
HRESULT _stdcall _Default([in] VARIANT );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the object's device context."), helpcontext(0x000dfc52)]
HRESULT _stdcall hDC([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing57();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentX([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentX([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentY([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentY([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleLeft([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleLeft([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleTop([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleTop([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontTransparent([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontTransparent([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawWidth([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawWidth([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoRedraw([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoRedraw([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a control is automatically resized to display its entire contents."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1f)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoSize([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether a control is automatically resized to display its entire contents."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1f)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoSize([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc65)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTopic([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc65)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTopic([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the data passed to a destination control in a DDE conversation with another application."), helpcontext(0x000dfc62)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkItem([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the data passed to a destination control in a DDE conversation with another application."), helpcontext(0x000dfc62)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkItem([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc63)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc63)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle, provided by Microsoft Windows, to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Image([out, retval] Picture** );
[restricted] void Missing99();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing101();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the amount of time a control waits for a response to a DDE message."), helpcontext(0x000dfc64)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTimeout([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the amount of time a control waits for a response to a DDE message."), helpcontext(0x000dfc64)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTimeout([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing113();
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines where an object is displayed on a form."), helpcontext(0x000dfc16)]
HRESULT _stdcall Align([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines where an object is displayed on a form."), helpcontext(0x000dfc16)]
HRESULT _stdcall Align([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing120();
[restricted] void Missing121();
[restricted] void Missing122();
[restricted] void Missing123();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[restricted] void Missing130();
[restricted] void Missing131();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target, and whether this takes place automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcff)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target, and whether this takes place automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcff)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Sends a command string to the source application in a DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfa98)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkExecute([in] BSTR Command);
[helpstring("Transfers contents of Label, PictureBox, or TextBox to source application in DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfa99)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkPoke();
[helpstring("Asks the source DDE application to update the contents of a Label, PictureBox, or Textbox control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9a)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkRequest();
[helpstring("Transfers contents of PictureBox to destination application in DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9b)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkSend();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Draws a circle, eclipse, or arc on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa86)]
HRESULT _stdcall Circle(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] single Radius,
[in] long Color,
[in] single Start,
[in] single End,
[in] single Aspect);
[helpstring("Clears graphics and text generated at run time from a Form, Image, or PictureBox."), helpcontext(0x000dfa89)]
HRESULT _stdcall Cls();
[helpstring("Draws lines and rectangles on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa97)]
HRESULT _stdcall Line(
[in] short Flags,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] single X2,
[in] single Y2,
[in] long Color);
[helpstring("Draws the contents of a graphics file on a Form, PictureBox, or Printer object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9d)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaintPicture(
[in] Picture* Picture,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] VARIANT Width1,
[in] VARIANT Height1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2,
[in] VARIANT Width2,
[in] VARIANT Height2,
[in] VARIANT Opcode);
[helpstring("Returns, as an integer of type Long, the RGB color of the specified point on a Form or PictureBox object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa0)]
HRESULT _stdcall Point(
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[out, retval] long* );
[helpstring("Sets a point on an object to a specified color."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa3)]
HRESULT _stdcall PSet(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] long Color);
[helpstring("Defines the coordinate system for a Form, PictureBox, or Printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scale(
[in] short Flags,
[in] VARIANT X1,
[in] VARIANT Y1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2);
[helpstring("Converts the value for the width of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab7)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleX(
[in] single Width,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Converts the value for the height of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab8)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleY(
[in] single Height,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Returns the width of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfab0)]
HRESULT _stdcall TextWidth(
[in] BSTR Str,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Returns the height of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TextHeight(
[in] BSTR Str,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([out, retval] IStdDataFormatDisp** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([in] IStdDataFormatDisp* );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([out, retval] DataSource** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([in] DataSource* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a unique display context is allocated for the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd34)]
HRESULT _stdcall HasDC([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
helpstring("Displays a graphic from a bitmap, icon or metafile."),
interface PictureBoxEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the contents of a control have changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Change();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when a DDE conversation terminates."), helpcontext(0x000dfb58)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkClose();
[helpstring("Occurs when there is an error during a DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb59)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkError([in, out] short* LinkErr);
[helpstring("Occurs when a DDE conversation is being initiated."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkOpen([in, out] short* Cancel);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when any part of a form or PictureBox control is moved, enlarged, or exposed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb63)]
HRESULT _stdcall Paint();
[helpstring("Occurs when the source has changed the DDE data if the LinkMode property of the destination control is Notify."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5b)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkNotify();
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is first displayed or the size of an object changes."), helpcontext(0x000dfb67)]
HRESULT _stdcall Resize();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("Displays text that a user can't change directly."),
coclass Label {
[default] interface _Label;
[default, source] interface LabelEvents;
helpstring("Displays text that a user can't change directly."),
interface _Label : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the alignment of a CheckBox or OptionButton, or a control's text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc17)]
HRESULT _stdcall Alignment([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the alignment of a CheckBox or OptionButton, or a control's text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc17)]
HRESULT _stdcall Alignment([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc65)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTopic([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc65)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTopic([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the data passed to a destination control in a DDE conversation with another application."), helpcontext(0x000dfc62)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkItem([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the data passed to a destination control in a DDE conversation with another application."), helpcontext(0x000dfc62)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkItem([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc63)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc63)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a control is automatically resized to display its entire contents."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1f)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoSize([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether a control is automatically resized to display its entire contents."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1f)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoSize([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing69();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the amount of time a control waits for a response to a DDE message."), helpcontext(0x000dfc64)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTimeout([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the amount of time a control waits for a response to a DDE message."), helpcontext(0x000dfc64)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTimeout([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a control expands to fit the text in its Caption."), helpcontext(0x000dfcbb)]
HRESULT _stdcall WordWrap([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a control expands to fit the text in its Caption."), helpcontext(0x000dfcbb)]
HRESULT _stdcall WordWrap([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Indicates whether a Label or the background of a Shape is transparent or opaque."), helpcontext(0x000dfc22)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Indicates whether a Label or the background of a Shape is transparent or opaque."), helpcontext(0x000dfc22)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackStyle([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing82();
[restricted] void Missing83();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that specifies whether an & in a Label's Caption property defines an access key."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb4)]
HRESULT _stdcall UseMnemonic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that specifies whether an & in a Label's Caption property defines an access key."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb4)]
HRESULT _stdcall UseMnemonic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Sends a command string to the source application in a DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfa98)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkExecute([in] BSTR Command);
[helpstring("Transfers contents of Label, PictureBox, or TextBox to source application in DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfa99)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkPoke();
[helpstring("Asks the source DDE application to update the contents of a Label, PictureBox, or Textbox control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9a)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkRequest();
[helpstring("Transfers contents of PictureBox to destination application in DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9b)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkSend();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([out, retval] IStdDataFormatDisp** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([in] IStdDataFormatDisp* );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([out, retval] DataSource** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([in] DataSource* );
helpstring("Displays text that a user can't change directly."),
interface LabelEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the contents of a control have changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Change();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when a DDE conversation terminates."), helpcontext(0x000dfb58)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkClose();
[helpstring("Occurs when there is an error during a DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb59)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkError([in, out] short* LinkErr);
[helpstring("Occurs when a DDE conversation is being initiated."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkOpen([in, out] short* Cancel);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the source has changed the DDE data if the LinkMode property of the destination control is Notify."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5b)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkNotify();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
helpstring("Displays information entered at design time by the user, or in code at run time."),
coclass TextBox {
[default] interface _TextBox;
[default, source] interface TextBoxEvents;
helpstring("Displays information entered at design time by the user, or in code at run time."),
interface _TextBox : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text contained in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcac)]
HRESULT _stdcall Text([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text contained in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcac)]
HRESULT _stdcall Text([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc65)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTopic([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc65)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTopic([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the data passed to a destination control in a DDE conversation with another application."), helpcontext(0x000dfc62)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkItem([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the data passed to a destination control in a DDE conversation with another application."), helpcontext(0x000dfc62)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkItem([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc63)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc63)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a control can accept multiple lines of text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc73)]
HRESULT _stdcall MultiLine([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing65();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether an object has vertical or horizontal scroll bars."), helpcontext(0x000dfc97)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScrollBars([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing67();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the starting point of text selected."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9b)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelStart([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the starting point of text selected."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9b)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelStart([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of characters selected."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9a)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelLength([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of characters selected."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9a)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelLength([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the string containing the currently selected text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the string containing the currently selected text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing75();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the amount of time a control waits for a response to a DDE message."), helpcontext(0x000dfc64)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTimeout([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the amount of time a control waits for a response to a DDE message."), helpcontext(0x000dfc64)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTimeout([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether characters typed by a user or placeholder characters are displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc88)]
HRESULT _stdcall PasswordChar([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether characters typed by a user or placeholder characters are displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc88)]
HRESULT _stdcall PasswordChar([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies whether the selection in a Masked edit control is hidden when the control loses focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfc57)]
HRESULT _stdcall HideSelection([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing89();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the alignment of a CheckBox or OptionButton, or a control's text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc17)]
HRESULT _stdcall Alignment([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the alignment of a CheckBox or OptionButton, or a control's text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc17)]
HRESULT _stdcall Alignment([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6c)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaxLength([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6c)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaxLength([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing97();
[restricted] void Missing98();
[restricted] void Missing99();
[restricted] void Missing100();
[restricted] void Missing101();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a control can be edited."), helpcontext(0x000dfc91)]
HRESULT _stdcall Locked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether a control can be edited."), helpcontext(0x000dfc91)]
HRESULT _stdcall Locked([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target, and whether this takes place automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcff)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target, and whether this takes place automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcff)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Sends a command string to the source application in a DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfa98)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkExecute([in] BSTR Command);
[helpstring("Transfers contents of Label, PictureBox, or TextBox to source application in DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfa99)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkPoke();
[helpstring("Asks the source DDE application to update the contents of a Label, PictureBox, or Textbox control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9a)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkRequest();
[helpstring("Transfers contents of PictureBox to destination application in DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9b)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkSend();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([out, retval] IStdDataFormatDisp** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([in] IStdDataFormatDisp* );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([out, retval] DataSource** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([in] DataSource* );
helpstring("Displays information entered at design time by the user, or in code at run time."),
interface TextBoxEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the contents of a control have changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Change();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when a DDE conversation terminates."), helpcontext(0x000dfb58)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkClose();
[helpstring("Occurs when there is an error during a DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb59)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkError([in, out] short* LinkErr);
[helpstring("Occurs when a DDE conversation is being initiated."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkOpen([in, out] short* Cancel);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the source has changed the DDE data if the LinkMode property of the destination control is Notify."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5b)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkNotify();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("Provides an identifiable grouping for controls."),
coclass Frame {
[default] interface _Frame;
[default, source] interface FrameEvents;
helpstring("Provides an identifiable grouping for controls."),
interface _Frame : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing57();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing65();
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
helpstring("Provides an identifiable grouping for controls."),
interface FrameEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
helpstring("Looks like a push button and is used to begin, interrupt, or end a process."),
coclass CommandButton {
[default] interface _CommandButton;
[default, source] interface CommandButtonEvents;
helpstring("Looks like a push button and is used to begin, interrupt, or end a process."),
interface _CommandButton : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Value([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Value([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines which CommandButton control is the default command button on a form."), helpcontext(0x000dfc35)]
HRESULT _stdcall Default([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines which CommandButton control is the default command button on a form."), helpcontext(0x000dfc35)]
HRESULT _stdcall Default([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Indicates whether a command button is the Cancel button on a form."), helpcontext(0x000dfc25)]
HRESULT _stdcall Cancel([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Indicates whether a command button is the Cancel button on a form."), helpcontext(0x000dfc25)]
HRESULT _stdcall Cancel([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing61();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing71();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a CommandButton, OptionButton or CheckBox control, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a CommandButton, OptionButton or CheckBox control, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is disabled, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcee)]
HRESULT _stdcall DisabledPicture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is disabled, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcee)]
HRESULT _stdcall DisabledPicture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is in the down position, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcef)]
HRESULT _stdcall DownPicture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is in the down position, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcef)]
HRESULT _stdcall DownPicture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a color in a button's picture to be a 'mask' (that is, transparent), if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd09)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaskColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a color in a button's picture to be a 'mask' (that is, transparent), if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd09)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaskColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that determines whether the color assigned in the MaskColor property is used as a 'mask'. (That is, used to create transparent regions.) Applies only if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd0a)]
HRESULT _stdcall UseMaskColor([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that determines whether the color assigned in the MaskColor property is used as a 'mask'. (That is, used to create transparent regions.) Applies only if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd0a)]
HRESULT _stdcall UseMaskColor([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the appearance of the control, whether standard (standard Windows style) or graphical (with a custom picture)."), helpcontext(0x000dfc28)]
HRESULT _stdcall Style([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing101();
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
helpstring("Looks like a push button and is used to begin, interrupt, or end a process."),
interface CommandButtonEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
helpstring("Displays an X when selected; the X disappears when the CheckBox is cleared."),
coclass CheckBox {
[default] interface _CheckBox;
[default, source] interface CheckBoxEvents;
helpstring("Displays an X when selected; the X disappears when the CheckBox is cleared."),
interface _CheckBox : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Value([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Value([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing59();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the alignment of a CheckBox or OptionButton, or a control's text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc17)]
HRESULT _stdcall Alignment([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the alignment of a CheckBox or OptionButton, or a control's text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc17)]
HRESULT _stdcall Alignment([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing73();
[restricted] void Missing74();
[restricted] void Missing75();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a CommandButton, OptionButton or CheckBox control, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a CommandButton, OptionButton or CheckBox control, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is disabled, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcee)]
HRESULT _stdcall DisabledPicture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is disabled, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcee)]
HRESULT _stdcall DisabledPicture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is in the down position, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcef)]
HRESULT _stdcall DownPicture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is in the down position, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcef)]
HRESULT _stdcall DownPicture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the appearance of the control, whether standard (standard Windows style) or graphical (with a custom picture)."), helpcontext(0x000dfc28)]
HRESULT _stdcall Style([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing101();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a color in a button's picture to be a 'mask' (that is, transparent), if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd09)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaskColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a color in a button's picture to be a 'mask' (that is, transparent), if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd09)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaskColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that determines whether the color assigned in the MaskColor property is used as a 'mask'. (That is, used to create transparent regions.) Applies only if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd0a)]
HRESULT _stdcall UseMaskColor([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that determines whether the color assigned in the MaskColor property is used as a 'mask'. (That is, used to create transparent regions.) Applies only if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd0a)]
HRESULT _stdcall UseMaskColor([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([out, retval] IStdDataFormatDisp** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([in] IStdDataFormatDisp* );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([out, retval] DataSource** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([in] DataSource* );
helpstring("Displays an X when selected; the X disappears when the CheckBox is cleared."),
interface CheckBoxEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("Displays an option that can be turned on or off."),
coclass OptionButton {
[default] interface _OptionButton;
[default, source] interface OptionButtonEvents;
helpstring("Displays an option that can be turned on or off."),
interface _OptionButton : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Value([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Value([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing59();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the alignment of a CheckBox or OptionButton, or a control's text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc17)]
HRESULT _stdcall Alignment([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the alignment of a CheckBox or OptionButton, or a control's text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc17)]
HRESULT _stdcall Alignment([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing73();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a CommandButton, OptionButton or CheckBox control, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a CommandButton, OptionButton or CheckBox control, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is disabled, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcee)]
HRESULT _stdcall DisabledPicture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is disabled, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcee)]
HRESULT _stdcall DisabledPicture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is in the down position, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcef)]
HRESULT _stdcall DownPicture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed when the button is in the down position, if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfcef)]
HRESULT _stdcall DownPicture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the appearance of the control, whether standard (standard Windows style) or graphical (with a custom picture)."), helpcontext(0x000dfc28)]
HRESULT _stdcall Style([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing95();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a color in a button's picture to be a 'mask' (that is, transparent), if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd09)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaskColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a color in a button's picture to be a 'mask' (that is, transparent), if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd09)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaskColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that determines whether the color assigned in the MaskColor property is used as a 'mask'. (That is, used to create transparent regions.) Applies only if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd0a)]
HRESULT _stdcall UseMaskColor([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that determines whether the color assigned in the MaskColor property is used as a 'mask'. (That is, used to create transparent regions.) Applies only if Style is set to 1."), helpcontext(0x000dfd0a)]
HRESULT _stdcall UseMaskColor([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
helpstring("Displays an option that can be turned on or off."),
interface OptionButtonEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("Combines the features of a TextBox control and a ListBox control."),
coclass ComboBox {
[default] interface _ComboBox;
[default, source] interface ComboBoxEvents;
helpstring("Combines the features of a TextBox control and a ListBox control."),
interface _ComboBox : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines the type of control and the behavior of its list box portion."), helpcontext(0x000dfca7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Style([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text contained in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcac)]
HRESULT _stdcall Text([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text contained in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcac)]
HRESULT _stdcall Text([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of items in the list portion of a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc67)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListCount([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing59();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc68)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc68)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the items contained in a control's list portion."), helpcontext(0x000dfc66)]
HRESULT _stdcall List(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the items contained in a control's list portion."), helpcontext(0x000dfc66)]
HRESULT _stdcall List(
[in] short ,
[in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically."), helpcontext(0x000dfca2)]
HRESULT _stdcall Sorted([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing65();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the starting point of text selected."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9b)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelStart([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the starting point of text selected."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9b)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelStart([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of characters selected."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9a)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelLength([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of characters selected."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9a)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelLength([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the string containing the currently selected text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the string containing the currently selected text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing73();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing83();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a specific number for each item in a ComboBox or ListBox control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall ItemData(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a specific number for each item in a ComboBox or ListBox control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall ItemData(
[in] short ,
[in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the index of the item most recently added to a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc76)]
HRESULT _stdcall NewIndex([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing87();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[restricted] void Missing90();
[restricted] void Missing91();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[restricted] void Missing96();
[restricted] void Missing97();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets a value indicating whether the control displays partial items."), helpcontext(0x000dfceb)]
HRESULT _stdcall IntegralHeight([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing109();
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a control can be edited."), helpcontext(0x000dfc91)]
HRESULT _stdcall Locked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether a control can be edited."), helpcontext(0x000dfc91)]
HRESULT _stdcall Locked([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TopIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TopIndex([in] short );
[helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR Item,
[in] VARIANT Index);
[helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short Index);
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([out, retval] IStdDataFormatDisp** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([in] IStdDataFormatDisp* );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([out, retval] DataSource** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([in] DataSource* );
helpstring("Combines the features of a TextBox control and a ListBox control."),
interface ComboBoxEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the contents of a control have changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Change();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when the list portion of a ComboBox control is about to drop down."), helpcontext(0x000dfb52)]
HRESULT _stdcall DropDown();
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when you reposition the scroll box on a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfb68)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scroll();
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("Displays a list of items from which the user can select one or more."),
coclass ListBox {
[default] interface _ListBox;
[default, source] interface ListBoxEvents;
helpstring("Displays a list of items from which the user can select one or more."),
interface _ListBox : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of items in the list portion of a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc67)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListCount([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing55();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc68)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc68)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the items contained in a control's list portion."), helpcontext(0x000dfc66)]
HRESULT _stdcall List(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the items contained in a control's list portion."), helpcontext(0x000dfc66)]
HRESULT _stdcall List(
[in] short ,
[in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically."), helpcontext(0x000dfca2)]
HRESULT _stdcall Sorted([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing61();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text contained in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcac)]
HRESULT _stdcall Text([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text contained in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcac)]
HRESULT _stdcall Text([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing65();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a ListBox scrolls vertically in a single column (value of 0) or horizontally in snaking columns (values greater than 0)."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Columns([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a ListBox scrolls vertically in a single column (value of 0) or horizontally in snaking columns (values greater than 0)."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Columns([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a user can make multiple selections in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc74)]
HRESULT _stdcall MultiSelect([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing77();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the selection status of an item in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc99)]
HRESULT _stdcall Selected(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the selection status of an item in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc99)]
HRESULT _stdcall Selected(
[in] short ,
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of selected items in a ListBox control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc98)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelCount([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing81();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TopIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TopIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a specific number for each item in a ComboBox or ListBox control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall ItemData(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a specific number for each item in a ComboBox or ListBox control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall ItemData(
[in] short ,
[in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the index of the item most recently added to a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc76)]
HRESULT _stdcall NewIndex([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing87();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing91();
[restricted] void Missing92();
[restricted] void Missing93();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[restricted] void Missing98();
[restricted] void Missing99();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets a value indicating whether the control displays partial items."), helpcontext(0x000dfceb)]
HRESULT _stdcall IntegralHeight([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing111();
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether checkboxes are displayed inside a ListBox control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd08)]
HRESULT _stdcall Style([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing121();
[helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR Item,
[in] VARIANT Index);
[helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short Index);
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([out, retval] IStdDataFormatDisp** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([in] IStdDataFormatDisp* );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([out, retval] DataSource** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([in] DataSource* );
helpstring("Displays a list of items from which the user can select one or more."),
interface ListBoxEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when you reposition the scroll box on a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfb68)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scroll();
[helpstring("Occurs when a ListBox control's Style property is set to 1 (checkboxes) and an item's checkbox in the ListBox control is selected or cleared."), helpcontext(0x000dfb81)]
HRESULT _stdcall ItemCheck([in, out] short* Item);
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("Provides a horizontal scroll bar for easy navigation through long lists of items."),
coclass HScrollBar {
[default] interface _HScrollBar;
[default, source] interface HScrollBarEvents;
helpstring("Provides a horizontal scroll bar for easy navigation through long lists of items."),
interface _HScrollBar : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Min([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Min([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Max([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Max([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks a scroll arrow."), helpcontext(0x000dfca1)]
HRESULT _stdcall SmallChange([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks a scroll arrow."), helpcontext(0x000dfca1)]
HRESULT _stdcall SmallChange([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks the scroll bar area."), helpcontext(0x000dfc60)]
HRESULT _stdcall LargeChange([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks the scroll bar area."), helpcontext(0x000dfc60)]
HRESULT _stdcall LargeChange([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Value([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Value([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing49();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing59();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
helpstring("Provides a horizontal scroll bar for easy navigation through long lists of items."),
interface HScrollBarEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the contents of a control have changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Change();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when you reposition the scroll box on a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfb68)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scroll();
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("Provides a vertical scroll bar."),
coclass VScrollBar {
[default] interface _VScrollBar;
[default, source] interface VScrollBarEvents;
helpstring("Provides a vertical scroll bar."),
interface _VScrollBar : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Min([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Min([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Max([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Max([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks a scroll arrow."), helpcontext(0x000dfca1)]
HRESULT _stdcall SmallChange([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks a scroll arrow."), helpcontext(0x000dfca1)]
HRESULT _stdcall SmallChange([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks the scroll bar area."), helpcontext(0x000dfc60)]
HRESULT _stdcall LargeChange([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks the scroll bar area."), helpcontext(0x000dfc60)]
HRESULT _stdcall LargeChange([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Value([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the value of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Value([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing49();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing59();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
helpstring("Provides a vertical scroll bar."),
interface VScrollBarEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the contents of a control have changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Change();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when you reposition the scroll box on a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfb68)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scroll();
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("A control which can execute code at regular intervals by causing a Timer event."),
coclass Timer {
[default] interface _Timer;
[default, source] interface TimerEvents;
helpstring("A control which can execute code at regular intervals by causing a Timer event."),
interface _Timer : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of milliseconds between calls to a Timer control's Timer event."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Interval([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of milliseconds between calls to a Timer control's Timer event."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Interval([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing27();
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[restricted] void Missing30();
[restricted] void Missing31();
[restricted] void Missing32();
[restricted] void Missing33();
[restricted] void Missing34();
[restricted] void Missing35();
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
helpstring("A control which can execute code at regular intervals by causing a Timer event."),
interface TimerEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when a preset interval for a Timer control has elapsed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb6a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Timer();
helpstring("Enables you to communicate with a system printer (initially the default printer)."),
coclass Printer {
[default] dispinterface _Printer;
[default, source] interface PrinterEvents;
helpstring("Enables you to communicate with a system printer (initially the default printer)."),
dispinterface _Printer {
[id(0x00010001), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
long Width();
[id(0x00010001), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
void Width([in] long rhs);
[id(0x00010002), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
long Height();
[id(0x00010002), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
void Height([in] long rhs);
[id(0x00010003), propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
BSTR FontName();
[id(0x00010003), propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
void FontName([in] BSTR rhs);
[id(0x00010004), propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
single FontSize();
[id(0x00010004), propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
void FontSize([in] single rhs);
[id(0x00010005), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
[id(0x00010005), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
void FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL rhs);
[id(0x00010006), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
VARIANT_BOOL FontItalic();
[id(0x00010006), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
void FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL rhs);
[id(0x00010007), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
VARIANT_BOOL FontStrikethru();
[id(0x00010007), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
void FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL rhs);
[id(0x00010008), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
VARIANT_BOOL FontUnderline();
[id(0x00010008), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
void FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL rhs);
[id(0x00010009), propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the object's device context."), helpcontext(0x000dfc52)]
long hDC();
[id(0x0001000a), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
single CurrentX();
[id(0x0001000a), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
void CurrentX([in] single rhs);
[id(0x0001000b), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
single CurrentY();
[id(0x0001000b), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
void CurrentY([in] single rhs);
[id(0x0001000c), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
single ScaleLeft();
[id(0x0001000c), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
void ScaleLeft([in] single rhs);
[id(0x0001000d), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
single ScaleTop();
[id(0x0001000d), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
void ScaleTop([in] single rhs);
[id(0x0001000e), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
single ScaleWidth();
[id(0x0001000e), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
void ScaleWidth([in] single rhs);
[id(0x0001000f), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
single ScaleHeight();
[id(0x0001000f), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
void ScaleHeight([in] single rhs);
[id(0x00010010), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
short ScaleMode();
[id(0x00010010), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
void ScaleMode([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010011), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
VARIANT_BOOL FontTransparent();
[id(0x00010011), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
void FontTransparent([in] VARIANT_BOOL rhs);
[id(0x00010012), propget, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
short DrawStyle();
[id(0x00010012), propput, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
void DrawStyle([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010013), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
short DrawWidth();
[id(0x00010013), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
void DrawWidth([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010014), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
short FillStyle();
[id(0x00010014), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
void FillStyle([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010015), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
long FillColor();
[id(0x00010015), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
void FillColor([in] long rhs);
[id(0x00010016), propget, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
short DrawMode();
[id(0x00010016), propput, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
void DrawMode([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010017), propget, helpstring("Returns the current page number."), helpcontext(0x000dfc84)]
short Page();
[id(0x00010018), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of fonts available for the current display device or active printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfc48)]
short FontCount();
[id(0x00010019), propget, helpstring("Returns all font names available for the current display device or active printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4b)]
BSTR Fonts([in] short );
[id(0x0001001a), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of twips per pixel for an object measured horizontally."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb1)]
single TwipsPerPixelX();
[id(0x0001001b), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of twips per pixel for an object measured vertically."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb2)]
single TwipsPerPixelY();
[id(0x0001001c), propget, helpstring("Returns the name of the device a driver supports."), helpcontext(0x000dfc36)]
BSTR DeviceName();
[id(0x0001001d), propget, helpstring("Returns the name of the driver for a Printer object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3e)]
BSTR DriverName();
[id(0x0001001e), propget, helpstring("Returns the name of the port through which a document is sent to a printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8e)]
BSTR Port();
[id(0x0001001f), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether documents are printed in portrait or landscape mode."), helpcontext(0x000dfc83)]
short Orientation();
[id(0x0001001f), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether documents are printed in portrait or landscape mode."), helpcontext(0x000dfc83)]
void Orientation([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010020), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the paper size for the current printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfc86)]
short PaperSize();
[id(0x00010020), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the paper size for the current printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfc86)]
void PaperSize([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010021), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the percentage by which printed output is to be scaled up or down."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc0)]
long Zoom();
[id(0x00010021), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the percentage by which printed output is to be scaled up or down."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc0)]
void Zoom([in] long rhs);
[id(0x00010022), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2f)]
short Copies();
[id(0x00010022), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2f)]
void Copies([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010023), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the default paper bin on the printer from which paper is fed when printing."), helpcontext(0x000dfc85)]
short PaperBin();
[id(0x00010023), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the default paper bin on the printer from which paper is fed when printing."), helpcontext(0x000dfc85)]
void PaperBin([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010024), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the selected color."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2b)]
short ColorMode();
[id(0x00010024), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the selected color."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2b)]
void ColorMode([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010025), propget, helpstring("Determines whether a page is printed on both sides."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3f)]
short Duplex();
[id(0x00010025), propput, helpstring("Determines whether a page is printed on both sides."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3f)]
void Duplex([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010026), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if the Printer object considers the default printer setting in the Control Panel."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb0)]
VARIANT_BOOL TrackDefault();
[id(0x00010026), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if the Printer object considers the default printer setting in the Control Panel."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb0)]
void TrackDefault([in] VARIANT_BOOL rhs);
[id(0x00010027), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating the printer resolution."), helpcontext(0x000dfc90)]
short PrintQuality();
[id(0x00010027), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating the printer resolution."), helpcontext(0x000dfc90)]
void PrintQuality([in] short rhs);
[id(0x00010028), propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
Font* Font();
[id(0x00010028), propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
void Font([in] Font* rhs);
[id(0x00010029), propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
[id(0x00010029), propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
void RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL rhs);
[id(0x0001002a), propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
long ForeColor();
[id(0x0001002a), propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
void ForeColor([in] long rhs);
[id(0x00020000), helpstring("Terminates a print operation sent to the Printer object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa90)]
void EndDoc();
[id(0x00020001), helpstring("Ends the current page and advances to the next page on the Printer object."), helpcontext(0x000dfab6)]
void NewPage();
[id(0x00020002), helpstring("Immediately terminates the current print job."), helpcontext(0x000dfa96)]
void KillDoc();
[id(0x00020003), helpstring("Draws a circle, eclipse, or arc on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa86)]
void Circle(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] single Radius,
[in] long Color,
[in] single Start,
[in] single End,
[in] single Aspect);
[id(0x00020004), helpstring("Draws lines and rectangles on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa97)]
void Line(
[in] short Flags,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] single X2,
[in] single Y2,
[in] long Color);
[id(0x00020005), helpstring("Draws the contents of a graphics file on a Form, PictureBox, or Printer object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9d)]
void PaintPicture(
[in] Picture* Picture,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] VARIANT Width1,
[in] VARIANT Height1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2,
[in] VARIANT Width2,
[in] VARIANT Height2,
[in] VARIANT Opcode);
[id(0x00020006), helpstring("Sets a point on an object to a specified color."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa3)]
void PSet(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] long Color);
[id(0x00020007), helpstring("Defines the coordinate system for a Form, PictureBox, or Printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaa)]
void Scale(
[in] short Flags,
[in] VARIANT X1,
[in] VARIANT Y1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2);
[id(0x00020008), helpstring("Converts the value for the width of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab7)]
single ScaleX(
[in] single Width,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale);
[id(0x00020009), helpstring("Converts the value for the height of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab8)]
single ScaleY(
[in] single Height,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale);
[id(0x0002000a), helpstring("Returns the width of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfab0)]
single TextWidth([in] BSTR Str);
[id(0x0002000b), helpstring("Returns the height of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaf)]
single TextHeight([in] BSTR Str);
helpstring("Enables you to communicate with a system printer (initially the default printer)."),
interface PrinterEvents : IUnknown {
helpstring("A window or dialog box that makes up part of an application's user interface."),
coclass Form {
[default] interface _Form;
[default, source] interface FormEvents;
helpstring("A window or dialog box that makes up part of an application's user interface."),
interface _Form : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the visual state of a form window at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfcba)]
HRESULT _stdcall WindowState([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the visual state of a form window at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfcba)]
HRESULT _stdcall WindowState([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the object's device context."), helpcontext(0x000dfc52)]
HRESULT _stdcall hDC([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing55();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentX([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentX([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentY([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentY([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleLeft([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleLeft([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleTop([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleTop([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontTransparent([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontTransparent([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawWidth([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawWidth([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoRedraw([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoRedraw([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the icon displayed when a form is minimized at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Icon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the icon displayed when a form is minimized at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Icon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc65)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTopic([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc65)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTopic([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc63)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc63)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a form has a Maximize button."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6b)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaxButton([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing95();
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a form has a Minimize button."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MinButton([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing97();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a value indicating whether a Control-menu box is displayed on a form at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2e)]
HRESULT _stdcall ControlBox([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing99();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle, provided by Microsoft Windows, to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Image([out, retval] Picture** );
[restricted] void Missing101();
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a unique display context is allocated for the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd34)]
HRESULT _stdcall HasDC([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing103();
[restricted] void Missing104();
[restricted] void Missing105();
[restricted] void Missing106();
[restricted] void Missing107();
[restricted] void Missing108();
[restricted] void Missing109();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if a form is displayed as an MDI child form."), helpcontext(0x000dfc6d)]
HRESULT _stdcall MDIChild([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing115();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether keyboard events for an object are invoked before keyboard events for controls on that object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPreview([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether keyboard events for an object are invoked before keyboard events for controls on that object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPreview([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the control that has focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc4)]
HRESULT _stdcall ActiveControl([out, retval] Control** );
[restricted] void Missing123();
[restricted] void Missing124();
[restricted] void Missing125();
[restricted] void Missing126();
[restricted] void Missing127();
[restricted] void Missing128();
[restricted] void Missing129();
[restricted] void Missing130();
[restricted] void Missing131();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc30)]
HRESULT _stdcall Count([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing133();
[propget, helpstring("A collection whose elements represent each control on a form, including elements of control arrays. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Controls([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[restricted] void Missing135();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[restricted] void Missing138();
[restricted] void Missing139();
[restricted] void Missing140();
[restricted] void Missing141();
[restricted] void Missing142();
[restricted] void Missing143();
[restricted] void Missing144();
[restricted] void Missing145();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets whether the What's This button appears in the title bar of a Form or MDIForm."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd6)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisButton([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing151();
[propget, helpstring("Sets or returns whether context-sensitive Help uses the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help or the main Help window."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd7)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelp([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing153();
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a Form or MDIForm object appears in the Windows 95 taskbar."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9e)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowInTaskbar([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing155();
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a value specifying the position of a Form when it first appears."), helpcontext(0x000dfd14)]
HRESULT _stdcall StartUpPosition([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing159();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an image that contains the palette to use on an object when PaletteMode is set to Custom"), helpcontext(0x000dfd06)]
HRESULT _stdcall Palette([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets an image that contains the palette to use on an object when PaletteMode is set to Custom"), helpcontext(0x000dfd06)]
HRESULT _stdcall Palette([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines which palette to use for the controls on a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfd07)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaletteMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines which palette to use for the controls on a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfd07)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaletteMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form can be moved."), helpcontext(0x000dfd15)]
HRESULT _stdcall Moveable([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing167();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Displays an MDIForm or Form object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Show(
[in] VARIANT Modal,
[in] VARIANT OwnerForm);
[helpstring("Hides an MDIForm or Form object but doesn't unload it."), helpcontext(0x000dfa95)]
HRESULT _stdcall Hide();
[helpstring("Sends a bit-by-bit image of a Form object to the printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa2)]
HRESULT _stdcall PrintForm();
[helpstring("Displays a pop-up menu on an MDIForm or Form object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa1)]
HRESULT _stdcall PopupMenu(
[in] IDispatch* Menu,
[in] VARIANT Flags,
[in] VARIANT DefaultMenu);
[helpstring("Draws a circle, eclipse, or arc on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa86)]
HRESULT _stdcall Circle(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] single Radius,
[in] long Color,
[in] single Start,
[in] single End,
[in] single Aspect);
[helpstring("Clears graphics and text generated at run time from a Form, Image, or PictureBox."), helpcontext(0x000dfa89)]
HRESULT _stdcall Cls();
[helpstring("Draws lines and rectangles on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa97)]
HRESULT _stdcall Line(
[in] short Flags,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] single X2,
[in] single Y2,
[in] long Color);
[helpstring("Draws the contents of a graphics file on a Form, PictureBox, or Printer object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9d)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaintPicture(
[in] Picture* Picture,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] VARIANT Width1,
[in] VARIANT Height1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2,
[in] VARIANT Width2,
[in] VARIANT Height2,
[in] VARIANT Opcode);
[helpstring("Returns, as an integer of type Long, the RGB color of the specified point on a Form or PictureBox object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa0)]
HRESULT _stdcall Point(
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[out, retval] long* );
[helpstring("Sets a point on an object to a specified color."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa3)]
HRESULT _stdcall PSet(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] long Color);
[helpstring("Defines the coordinate system for a Form, PictureBox, or Printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scale(
[in] short Flags,
[in] VARIANT X1,
[in] VARIANT Y1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2);
[helpstring("Converts the value for the width of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab7)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleX(
[in] single Width,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Converts the value for the height of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab8)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleY(
[in] single Height,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Returns the width of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfab0)]
HRESULT _stdcall TextWidth(
[in] BSTR Str,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Returns the height of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TextHeight(
[in] BSTR Str,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Validate contents of the last control on the form before exiting the form"), helpcontext(0x000dfac7)]
HRESULT _stdcall ValidateControls();
[helpstring("Prepares the application to display What's This Help on a selected object."), helpcontext(0x000dfabc)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisMode();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
helpstring("A window or dialog box that makes up part of an application's user interface."),
interface FormEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when a DDE conversation terminates."), helpcontext(0x000dfb58)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkClose();
[helpstring("Occurs when there is an error during a DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb59)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkError([in, out] short* LinkErr);
[helpstring("Occurs when a command string is sent by a destination application in a DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5a)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkExecute(
[in, out] BSTR* CmdStr,
[in, out] short* Cancel);
[helpstring("Occurs when a DDE conversation is being initiated."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkOpen([in, out] short* Cancel);
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is loaded."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Load();
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is first displayed or the size of an object changes."), helpcontext(0x000dfb67)]
HRESULT _stdcall Resize();
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is about to be removed from the screen."), helpcontext(0x000dfb6b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Unload([in, out] short* Cancel);
[helpstring("Occurs before a form or application closes."), helpcontext(0x000dfb66)]
HRESULT _stdcall QueryUnload(
[in, out] short* Cancel,
[in, out] short* UnloadMode);
[helpstring("Occurs when a form becomes the active window."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Activate();
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is no longer the active window."), helpcontext(0x000dfb6e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Deactivate();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when any part of a form or PictureBox control is moved, enlarged, or exposed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb63)]
HRESULT _stdcall Paint();
[helpstring("Occurs when an application creates an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class."), helpcontext(0x000dfb54)]
HRESULT _stdcall Initialize();
[helpstring("Occurs when all references to an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class are removed from memory."), helpcontext(0x000dfb69)]
HRESULT _stdcall Terminate();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
helpstring("Manipulates forms according to their placement on the screen and controls the mouse pointer."),
coclass Screen {
[default] interface _Screen;
[default, source] interface ScreenEvents;
helpstring("Manipulates forms according to their placement on the screen and controls the mouse pointer."),
interface _Screen : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[restricted] void Missing18();
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of fonts available for the current display device or active printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfc48)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontCount([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns all font names available for the current display device or active printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Fonts(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing25();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the form that is the active window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc15)]
HRESULT _stdcall ActiveForm([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing27();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the control that has focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc4)]
HRESULT _stdcall ActiveControl([out, retval] Control** );
[restricted] void Missing29();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of twips per pixel for an object measured horizontally."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb1)]
HRESULT _stdcall TwipsPerPixelX([out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing33();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of twips per pixel for an object measured vertically."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb2)]
HRESULT _stdcall TwipsPerPixelY([out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing35();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
helpstring("Manipulates forms according to their placement on the screen and controls the mouse pointer."),
interface ScreenEvents : IUnknown {
helpstring("Provides access to the system Clipboard."),
coclass Clipboard {
[default] interface _Clipboard;
[default, source] interface ClipboardEvents;
helpstring("Provides access to the system Clipboard."),
interface _Clipboard : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[restricted] void Missing18();
[restricted] void Missing19();
[helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Returns a graphic from the Clipboard object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa92)]
HRESULT _stdcall GetData(
[in] VARIANT Format,
[out, retval] Picture** );
[helpstring("Puts a picture on the Clipboard object using the specified graphic format."), helpcontext(0x000dfaab)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetData(
[in] Picture* Picture,
[in] VARIANT Format);
[helpstring("Returns a text string from the Clipboard object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa94)]
HRESULT _stdcall GetText(
[in] VARIANT Format,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[helpstring("Puts a text string on the Clipboard object using the specified Clipboard object format."), helpcontext(0x000dfaad)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetText(
[in] BSTR Str,
[in] VARIANT Format);
[helpstring("Returns a value indicating whether an item on the Clipboard object matches a specified format."), helpcontext(0x000dfa93)]
HRESULT _stdcall GetFormat(
[in] short Format,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
helpstring("Provides access to the system Clipboard."),
interface ClipboardEvents : IUnknown {
helpstring("Enables a user to select a valid disk drive at run time."),
coclass DriveListBox {
[default] interface _DriveListBox;
[default, source] interface DriveListBoxEvents;
helpstring("Enables a user to select a valid disk drive at run time."),
interface _DriveListBox : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the selected drive at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drive([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the selected drive at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drive([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of items in the list portion of a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc67)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListCount([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing45();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc68)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc68)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the items contained in a control's list portion."), helpcontext(0x000dfc66)]
HRESULT _stdcall List(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing49();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing63();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing73();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TopIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TopIndex([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
helpstring("Enables a user to select a valid disk drive at run time."),
interface DriveListBoxEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the contents of a control have changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Change();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when you reposition the scroll box on a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfb68)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scroll();
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("Displays directories and paths at run time."),
coclass DirListBox {
[default] interface _DirListBox;
[default, source] interface DirListBoxEvents;
helpstring("Displays directories and paths at run time."),
interface _DirListBox : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the current path."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Path([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the current path."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Path([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of items in the list portion of a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc67)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListCount([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing45();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc68)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc68)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the items contained in a control's list portion."), helpcontext(0x000dfc66)]
HRESULT _stdcall List(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing49();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing63();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing73();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[restricted] void Missing76();
[restricted] void Missing77();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TopIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TopIndex([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
helpstring("Displays directories and paths at run time."),
interface DirListBoxEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the contents of a control have changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Change();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when you reposition the scroll box on a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfb68)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scroll();
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("Locates and lists files in the directory specified by the Path property at run time."),
coclass FileListBox {
[default] interface _FileListBox;
[default, source] interface FileListBoxEvents;
helpstring("Locates and lists files in the directory specified by the Path property at run time."),
interface _FileListBox : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the current path."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Path([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the current path."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Path([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating the filenames displayed in a control at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Pattern([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating the filenames displayed in a control at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Pattern([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file."), helpcontext(0x000dfc42)]
HRESULT _stdcall FileName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file."), helpcontext(0x000dfc42)]
HRESULT _stdcall FileName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Normal attributes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc77)]
HRESULT _stdcall Normal([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Normal attributes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc77)]
HRESULT _stdcall Normal([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether files with read-only attributes are displayed in the file list or not."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1b)]
HRESULT _stdcall ReadOnly([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether files with read-only attributes are displayed in the file list or not."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1b)]
HRESULT _stdcall ReadOnly([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Archive attributes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Archive([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Archive attributes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Archive([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Hidden attributes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc56)]
HRESULT _stdcall Hidden([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Hidden attributes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc56)]
HRESULT _stdcall Hidden([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with System attributes."), helpcontext(0x000dfca8)]
HRESULT _stdcall System([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with System attributes."), helpcontext(0x000dfca8)]
HRESULT _stdcall System([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of items in the list portion of a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc67)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListCount([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing59();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc68)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc68)]
HRESULT _stdcall ListIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the items contained in a control's list portion."), helpcontext(0x000dfc66)]
HRESULT _stdcall List(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing63();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing77();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing87();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a user can make multiple selections in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc74)]
HRESULT _stdcall MultiSelect([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing91();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the selection status of an item in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc99)]
HRESULT _stdcall Selected(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the selection status of an item in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc99)]
HRESULT _stdcall Selected(
[in] short ,
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TopIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets which item in a control is displayed in the topmost position."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TopIndex([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing96();
[restricted] void Missing97();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
helpstring("Locates and lists files in the directory specified by the Path property at run time."),
interface FileListBoxEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the path is changed by setting the FileName or Path property in code."), helpcontext(0x000dfb64)]
HRESULT _stdcall PathChange();
[helpstring("Occurs when the file listing pattern, such as *.*, is changed using FileName or Pattern in code."), helpcontext(0x000dfb65)]
HRESULT _stdcall PatternChange();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when you reposition the scroll box on a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfb68)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scroll();
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("Displays a custom menu for your application."),
coclass Menu {
[default] interface _Menu;
[default, source] interface MenuEvents;
helpstring("Displays a custom menu for your application."),
interface _Menu : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a check mark is displayed next to a menu item."), helpcontext(0x000dfc27)]
HRESULT _stdcall Checked([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a check mark is displayed next to a menu item."), helpcontext(0x000dfc27)]
HRESULT _stdcall Checked([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[restricted] void Missing30();
[restricted] void Missing31();
[restricted] void Missing32();
[restricted] void Missing33();
[restricted] void Missing34();
[restricted] void Missing35();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing37();
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a Menu object maintains a list of the current MDI child windows."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb9)]
HRESULT _stdcall WindowList([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing41();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
helpstring("Displays a custom menu for your application."),
interface MenuEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
helpstring("Acts as the background for an application and can contain child forms."),
coclass MDIForm {
[default] interface _MDIForm;
[default, source] interface MDIFormEvents;
helpstring("Acts as the background for an application and can contain child forms."),
interface _MDIForm : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[restricted] void Missing26();
[restricted] void Missing27();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the visual state of a form window at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfcba)]
HRESULT _stdcall WindowState([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the visual state of a form window at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfcba)]
HRESULT _stdcall WindowState([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether an object has vertical or horizontal scroll bars."), helpcontext(0x000dfc97)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScrollBars([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing43();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the form that is the active window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc15)]
HRESULT _stdcall ActiveForm([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[restricted] void Missing45();
[restricted] void Missing46();
[restricted] void Missing47();
[restricted] void Missing48();
[restricted] void Missing49();
[restricted] void Missing50();
[restricted] void Missing51();
[restricted] void Missing52();
[restricted] void Missing53();
[restricted] void Missing54();
[restricted] void Missing55();
[restricted] void Missing56();
[restricted] void Missing57();
[restricted] void Missing58();
[restricted] void Missing59();
[restricted] void Missing60();
[restricted] void Missing61();
[restricted] void Missing62();
[restricted] void Missing63();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing65();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing67();
[restricted] void Missing68();
[restricted] void Missing69();
[restricted] void Missing70();
[restricted] void Missing71();
[restricted] void Missing72();
[restricted] void Missing73();
[restricted] void Missing74();
[restricted] void Missing75();
[restricted] void Missing76();
[restricted] void Missing77();
[restricted] void Missing78();
[restricted] void Missing79();
[restricted] void Missing80();
[restricted] void Missing81();
[restricted] void Missing82();
[restricted] void Missing83();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([in] Picture* );
[restricted] void Missing86();
[restricted] void Missing87();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the icon displayed when a form is minimized at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Icon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the icon displayed when a form is minimized at run time."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Icon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc65)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTopic([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc65)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkTopic([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc63)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc63)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkMode([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing94();
[restricted] void Missing95();
[restricted] void Missing96();
[restricted] void Missing97();
[restricted] void Missing98();
[restricted] void Missing99();
[restricted] void Missing100();
[restricted] void Missing101();
[restricted] void Missing102();
[restricted] void Missing103();
[restricted] void Missing104();
[restricted] void Missing105();
[restricted] void Missing106();
[restricted] void Missing107();
[restricted] void Missing108();
[restricted] void Missing109();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[restricted] void Missing114();
[restricted] void Missing115();
[restricted] void Missing116();
[restricted] void Missing117();
[restricted] void Missing118();
[restricted] void Missing119();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the control that has focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc4)]
HRESULT _stdcall ActiveControl([out, retval] Control** );
[restricted] void Missing123();
[restricted] void Missing124();
[restricted] void Missing125();
[restricted] void Missing126();
[restricted] void Missing127();
[restricted] void Missing128();
[restricted] void Missing129();
[restricted] void Missing130();
[restricted] void Missing131();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc30)]
HRESULT _stdcall Count([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing133();
[propget, helpstring("A collection whose elements represent each control on a form, including elements of control arrays. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Controls([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[restricted] void Missing135();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether MDI child forms are displayed when loaded."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1e)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoShowChildren([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether MDI child forms are displayed when loaded."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1e)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoShowChildren([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[restricted] void Missing140();
[restricted] void Missing141();
[restricted] void Missing142();
[restricted] void Missing143();
[restricted] void Missing144();
[restricted] void Missing145();
[restricted] void Missing146();
[restricted] void Missing147();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing150();
[restricted] void Missing151();
[propget, helpstring("Sets or returns whether context-sensitive Help uses the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help or the main Help window."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd7)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelp([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing153();
[restricted] void Missing154();
[restricted] void Missing155();
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a value specifying the position of a Form when it first appears."), helpcontext(0x000dfd14)]
HRESULT _stdcall StartUpPosition([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing159();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing162();
[restricted] void Missing163();
[restricted] void Missing164();
[restricted] void Missing165();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form can be moved."), helpcontext(0x000dfd15)]
HRESULT _stdcall Moveable([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing167();
[restricted] void Missing168();
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Displays an MDIForm or Form object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Show(
[in] VARIANT Modal,
[in] VARIANT OwnerForm);
[helpstring("Hides an MDIForm or Form object but doesn't unload it."), helpcontext(0x000dfa95)]
HRESULT _stdcall Hide();
[restricted] void Missing174();
[helpstring("Displays a pop-up menu on an MDIForm or Form object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa1)]
HRESULT _stdcall PopupMenu(
[in] IDispatch* Menu,
[in] VARIANT Flags,
[in] VARIANT DefaultMenu);
[restricted] void Missing176();
[restricted] void Missing177();
[restricted] void Missing178();
[restricted] void Missing179();
[restricted] void Missing180();
[restricted] void Missing181();
[restricted] void Missing182();
[restricted] void Missing183();
[restricted] void Missing184();
[restricted] void Missing185();
[helpstring("Validate contents of the last control on the form before exiting the form"), helpcontext(0x000dfac7)]
HRESULT _stdcall ValidateControls();
[helpstring("Arranges the windows or icons within an MDI form object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa85)]
HRESULT _stdcall Arrange([in] short Arrangement);
[helpstring("Prepares the application to display What's This Help on a selected object."), helpcontext(0x000dfabc)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisMode();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
helpstring("Acts as the background for an application and can contain child forms."),
interface MDIFormEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when a DDE conversation terminates."), helpcontext(0x000dfb58)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkClose();
[helpstring("Occurs when there is an error during a DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb59)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkError([in, out] short* LinkErr);
[helpstring("Occurs when a command string is sent by a destination application in a DDE conversation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5a)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkExecute(
[in, out] BSTR* CmdStr,
[in, out] short* Cancel);
[helpstring("Occurs when a DDE conversation is being initiated."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall LinkOpen([in, out] short* Cancel);
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is loaded."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Load();
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is first displayed or the size of an object changes."), helpcontext(0x000dfb67)]
HRESULT _stdcall Resize();
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is about to be removed from the screen."), helpcontext(0x000dfb6b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Unload([in, out] short* Cancel);
[helpstring("Occurs before a form or application closes."), helpcontext(0x000dfb66)]
HRESULT _stdcall QueryUnload(
[in, out] short* Cancel,
[in, out] short* UnloadMode);
[helpstring("Occurs when a form becomes the active window."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Activate();
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is no longer the active window."), helpcontext(0x000dfb6e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Deactivate();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[restricted] void Missing18();
[restricted] void Missing19();
[restricted] void Missing20();
[restricted] void Missing21();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[restricted] void Missing25();
[helpstring("Occurs when an application creates an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class."), helpcontext(0x000dfb54)]
HRESULT _stdcall Initialize();
[helpstring("Occurs when all references to an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class are removed from memory."), helpcontext(0x000dfb69)]
HRESULT _stdcall Terminate();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
helpstring("Contains general information about an application."),
coclass App {
[default] interface _App;
[default, source] interface AppEvents;
helpstring("Contains general information about an application."),
interface _App : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[restricted] void Missing18();
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the path of the project .VBP file when running the application from the development environment or the path of the executable file when running the application as an executable file."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Path([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name of the executable file for the current project. If running in the development environment, returns the name of the project."), helpcontext(0x000dfc41)]
HRESULT _stdcall EXEName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the title of the application displayed in the Microsoft Windows Task List."), helpcontext(0x000dfcad)]
HRESULT _stdcall Title([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the title of the application displayed in the Microsoft Windows Task List."), helpcontext(0x000dfcad)]
HRESULT _stdcall Title([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a value that determines whether a previous instance of an application is already running."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall PrevInstance([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing27();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether an application starts as a stand-alone project or an ActiveX component."), helpcontext(0x000dfca5)]
HRESULT _stdcall StartMode([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing29();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if a task is visible in the task list."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TaskVisible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines if a task is visible in the task list."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TaskVisible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets milliseconds during which an Automation request will continue to be retried."), helpcontext(0x000dfcda)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleServerBusyTimeout([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets milliseconds during which an Automation request will continue to be retried."), helpcontext(0x000dfcda)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleServerBusyTimeout([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets title of 'busy' message displayed when an ActiveX component rejects a request."), helpcontext(0x000dfcdb)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleServerBusyMsgTitle([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets title of 'busy' message displayed when an ActiveX component rejects a request."), helpcontext(0x000dfcdb)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleServerBusyMsgTitle([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets text of 'busy' message displayed if an ActiveX component rejects a request."), helpcontext(0x000dfcdc)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleServerBusyMsgText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets text of 'busy' message displayed if an ActiveX component rejects a request."), helpcontext(0x000dfcdc)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleServerBusyMsgText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a rejected Automation request raises an error, instead of displaying a 'busy' message."), helpcontext(0x000dfcdd)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleServerBusyRaiseError([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether a rejected Automation request raises an error, instead of displaying a 'busy' message."), helpcontext(0x000dfcdd)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleServerBusyRaiseError([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets milliseconds Automation requests will run before user actions trigger a 'busy' message."), helpcontext(0x000dfcde)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleRequestPendingTimeout([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets milliseconds Automation requests will run before user actions trigger a 'busy' message."), helpcontext(0x000dfcde)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleRequestPendingTimeout([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets title of 'busy' message displayed while an Automation request is pending."), helpcontext(0x000dfcdf)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleRequestPendingMsgTitle([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets title of 'busy' message displayed while an Automation request is pending."), helpcontext(0x000dfcdf)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleRequestPendingMsgTitle([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets text of 'busy' message displayed while an Automation request is pending."), helpcontext(0x000dfce0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleRequestPendingMsgText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets text of 'busy' message displayed while an Automation request is pending."), helpcontext(0x000dfce0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OleRequestPendingMsgText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the major release number of the project."), helpcontext(0x000dfce1)]
HRESULT _stdcall Major([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing47();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the minor release number of the project."), helpcontext(0x000dfce2)]
HRESULT _stdcall Minor([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing49();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the revision version number of the project."), helpcontext(0x000dfce3)]
HRESULT _stdcall Revision([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing51();
[propget, helpstring("Returns comments about the running application."), helpcontext(0x000dfce4)]
HRESULT _stdcall Comments([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing53();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name of the application's author."), helpcontext(0x000dfce5)]
HRESULT _stdcall CompanyName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing55();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a file description of the running application."), helpcontext(0x000dfce6)]
HRESULT _stdcall FileDescription([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing57();
[propget, helpstring("Returns copyright information about the running application."), helpcontext(0x000dfce7)]
HRESULT _stdcall LegalCopyright([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing59();
[propget, helpstring("Returns trademark information about the running application."), helpcontext(0x000dfce8)]
HRESULT _stdcall LegalTrademarks([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing61();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the product name of the running application."), helpcontext(0x000dfce9)]
HRESULT _stdcall ProductName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing63();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the instance handle of the application."), helpcontext(0x000dfcec)]
HRESULT _stdcall hInstance([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing65();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a value which indicates if a form can be shown non-modally (modeless)."), helpcontext(0x000dfd01)]
HRESULT _stdcall NonModalAllowed([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing67();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the filename for an application's log (if logging to a file)."), helpcontext(0x000dfd0c)]
HRESULT _stdcall LogPath([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing69();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a value that indicates the target (event log or log file) and other log attributes."), helpcontext(0x000dfd0d)]
HRESULT _stdcall LogMode([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing71();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an application will run without any user interface."), helpcontext(0x000dfd0e)]
HRESULT _stdcall UnattendedApp([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing73();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the ID of the executing thread."), helpcontext(0x000dfd0f)]
HRESULT _stdcall ThreadID([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing75();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the name of the Help file associated with the project."), helpcontext(0x000dfc55)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpFile([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the name of the Help file associated with the project."), helpcontext(0x000dfc55)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpFile([in] BSTR );
[helpstring("Sets the log target and log mode for an application"), helpcontext(0x000dfac1)]
HRESULT _stdcall StartLogging(
[in] BSTR LogTarget,
[in] long LogModes);
[helpstring("Logs an event in the application's log target"), helpcontext(0x000dfac2)]
HRESULT _stdcall LogEvent(
[in] BSTR LogBuffer,
[in] VARIANT EventType);
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a project will remain loaded in memory."), helpcontext(0x000dfd35)]
HRESULT _stdcall RetainedProject([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
helpstring("Contains general information about an application."),
interface AppEvents : IUnknown {
helpstring("A graphical control displayed as a rectangle, square, oval, circle or rounded rectangle or square."),
coclass Shape {
[default] interface _Shape;
[default, source] interface ShapeEvents;
helpstring("A graphical control displayed as a rectangle, square, oval, circle or rounded rectangle or square."),
interface _Shape : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the color of an object's border."), helpcontext(0x000dfc23)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the color of an object's border."), helpcontext(0x000dfc23)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing37();
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating the appearance of a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Shape([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating the appearance of a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc9d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Shape([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets the width of a control's border."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1f)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderWidth([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets the width of a control's border."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1f)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderWidth([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Indicates whether a Label or the background of a Shape is transparent or opaque."), helpcontext(0x000dfc22)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Indicates whether a Label or the background of a Shape is transparent or opaque."), helpcontext(0x000dfc22)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[hidden, helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT );
helpstring("A graphical control displayed as a rectangle, square, oval, circle or rounded rectangle or square."),
interface ShapeEvents : IUnknown {
helpstring("A graphical control displayed as a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line."),
coclass Line {
[default] interface _Line;
[default, source] interface LineEvents;
helpstring("A graphical control displayed as a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line."),
interface _Line : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the color of an object's border."), helpcontext(0x000dfc23)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the color of an object's border."), helpcontext(0x000dfc23)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the X coordinate of the starting point of a Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcbc)]
HRESULT _stdcall X1([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the X coordinate of the starting point of a Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcbc)]
HRESULT _stdcall X1([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the Y coordinate of the starting point of a Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcbe)]
HRESULT _stdcall Y1([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the Y coordinate of the starting point of a Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcbe)]
HRESULT _stdcall Y1([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the X coordinate of the ending point of a Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcbd)]
HRESULT _stdcall X2([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the X coordinate of the ending point of a Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcbd)]
HRESULT _stdcall X2([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the Y coordinate of the ending point of a Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcbf)]
HRESULT _stdcall Y2([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the Y coordinate of the ending point of a Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcbf)]
HRESULT _stdcall Y2([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing35();
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets the width of a control's border."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1f)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderWidth([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets the width of a control's border."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1f)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderWidth([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[hidden, helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT );
helpstring("A graphical control displayed as a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line."),
interface LineEvents : IUnknown {
helpstring("Displays a graphic."),
coclass Image {
[default] interface _Image;
[default, source] interface ImageEvents;
helpstring("Displays a graphic."),
interface _Image : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
HRESULT _stdcall _Default([out, retval] VARIANT* );
HRESULT _stdcall _Default([in] VARIANT );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a graphic resizes to fit the size of an Image control."), helpcontext(0x000dfca6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Stretch([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a graphic resizes to fit the size of an Image control."), helpcontext(0x000dfca6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Stretch([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing41();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing50();
[restricted] void Missing51();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd00)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target, and whether this takes place automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcff)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target, and whether this takes place automatically or under programmatic control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcff)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa84)]
HRESULT _stdcall AddItem(
[in] BSTR ,
[in] VARIANT );
[hidden, helpstring("Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa6)]
HRESULT _stdcall RemoveItem([in] short );
[hidden, helpstring("Clears the contents of a control or the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clear();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that describes the DataMember for a data connection."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMember([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([out, retval] IStdDataFormatDisp** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a DataFormat object for use against a bindable property of this component."), helpcontext(0x000dfd30)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataFormat([in] IStdDataFormatDisp* );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([out, retval] DataSource** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a value that specifies the Data control through which the current control is bound to a database. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc1)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataSource([in] DataSource* );
helpstring("Displays a graphic."),
interface ImageEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
helpstring("Provides access to databases using a Recordset object."),
coclass Data {
[default] interface _Data;
[default, source] interface DataEvents;
helpstring("Provides access to databases using a Recordset object."),
interface _Data : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing49();
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[restricted] void Missing52();
[restricted] void Missing53();
[propget, helpstring("Indicates the source of an open database, a database used in a pass-through query, or an attached table."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Connect([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Indicates the source of an open database, a database used in a pass-through query, or an attached table."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Connect([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the name and location of the source of data for a Data control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc9)]
HRESULT _stdcall DatabaseName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the name and location of the source of data for a Data control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc9)]
HRESULT _stdcall DatabaseName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a reference to a Data control's underlying Database object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Database([out, retval] Database** );
[restricted] void Missing59();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a Recordset object defined by a Data control's properties or by an existing Recordset."), helpcontext(0x000dfcce)]
HRESULT _stdcall Recordset([out, retval] Recordset** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a Recordset object defined by a Data control's properties or by an existing Recordset."), helpcontext(0x000dfcce)]
HRESULT _stdcall Recordset([in] Recordset* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that indicates whether the underlying database for a Data control is opened for single-user or multiuser access."), helpcontext(0x000dfccb)]
HRESULT _stdcall Exclusive([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that indicates whether the underlying database for a Data control is opened for single-user or multiuser access."), helpcontext(0x000dfccb)]
HRESULT _stdcall Exclusive([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a control can be edited."), helpcontext(0x000dfc91)]
HRESULT _stdcall ReadOnly([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether a control can be edited."), helpcontext(0x000dfc91)]
HRESULT _stdcall ReadOnly([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the underlying table, SQL statement, or QueryDef object for a Data control."), helpcontext(0x000dfccd)]
HRESULT _stdcall RecordSource([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the underlying table, SQL statement, or QueryDef object for a Data control."), helpcontext(0x000dfccd)]
HRESULT _stdcall RecordSource([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Indicates the state of editing for the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcca)]
HRESULT _stdcall EditMode([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing71();
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that specifies one or more characteristics of the Recordset object in the control's Recordset property."), helpcontext(0x000dfccc)]
HRESULT _stdcall Options([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that specifies one or more characteristics of the Recordset object in the control's Recordset property."), helpcontext(0x000dfccc)]
HRESULT _stdcall Options([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines where an object is displayed on a form."), helpcontext(0x000dfc16)]
HRESULT _stdcall Align([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines where an object is displayed on a form."), helpcontext(0x000dfc16)]
HRESULT _stdcall Align([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Indicates what action the Data control takes when the BOF property is True."), helpcontext(0x000dfccf)]
HRESULT _stdcall BOFAction([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Indicates what action the Data control takes when the BOF property is True."), helpcontext(0x000dfccf)]
HRESULT _stdcall BOFAction([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Indicates what action the Data control takes when the EOF property is True."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd0)]
HRESULT _stdcall EOFAction([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Indicates what action the Data control takes when the EOF property is True."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd0)]
HRESULT _stdcall EOFAction([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating the type of Recordset object you want the Data control to create."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd1)]
HRESULT _stdcall RecordsetType([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating the type of Recordset object you want the Data control to create."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd1)]
HRESULT _stdcall RecordsetType([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing98();
[restricted] void Missing99();
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed when the mouse is paused over the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfced)]
HRESULT _stdcall ToolTipText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines the type of data source (Jet or ODBCDirect) that is used by the Data control. Used with DAO WorkspaceTypeEnum values."), helpcontext(0x000dfd10)]
HRESULT _stdcall DefaultType([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which determines the type of data source (Jet or ODBCDirect) that is used by the Data control. Used with DAO WorkspaceTypeEnum values."), helpcontext(0x000dfd10)]
HRESULT _stdcall DefaultType([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which indicates the cursor library used by the Data control. Used with DefaultCursorTypeConstants values."), helpcontext(0x000dfd11)]
HRESULT _stdcall DefaultCursorType([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value which indicates the cursor library used by the Data control. Used with DefaultCursorTypeConstants values."), helpcontext(0x000dfd11)]
HRESULT _stdcall DefaultCursorType([in] short );
[helpstring("Closes and rebuilds the Recordset object or data structures created by a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfab9)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Gets the current record from a Data control's Recordset object and displays data in bound controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfab5)]
HRESULT _stdcall UpdateControls();
[helpstring("Saves the current values of bound controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfab4)]
HRESULT _stdcall UpdateRecord();
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
helpstring("Provides access to databases using a Recordset object."),
interface DataEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs as the result of a data access error that takes place when no Visual Basic code is being executed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb82)]
HRESULT _stdcall Error(
[in, out] short* DataErr,
[in, out] short* Response);
[helpstring("Occurs after a record become the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfb83)]
HRESULT _stdcall Reposition();
[helpstring("Occurs before the current record changes; the Update method, and a Delete, Unload, or Close operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb6d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate(
[in, out] short* Action,
[in, out] short* Save);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is first displayed or the size of an object changes."), helpcontext(0x000dfb67)]
HRESULT _stdcall Resize();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
helpstring("Enables you to add insertable objects to the forms of your applications."),
coclass OLE {
[default] interface _OLE;
[default, source] interface OLEEvents;
helpstring("Enables you to add insertable objects to the forms of your applications."),
interface _OLE : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Index([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfc61)]
HRESULT _stdcall Left([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcae)]
HRESULT _stdcall Top([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] Form** );
[restricted] void Missing35();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc39)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation."), helpcontext(0x000dfc38)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabStop([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form."), helpcontext(0x000dfca9)]
HRESULT _stdcall TabIndex([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the class name of an embedded object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc29)]
HRESULT _stdcall Class([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the class name of an embedded object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc29)]
HRESULT _stdcall Class([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the status of the object in an OLE container control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc81)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEType([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing55();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the filename to use when you create an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfca3)]
HRESULT _stdcall SourceDoc([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the filename to use when you create an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfca3)]
HRESULT _stdcall SourceDoc([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the data within the file to be linked when you create a linked object."), helpcontext(0x000dfca4)]
HRESULT _stdcall SourceItem([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the data within the file to be linked when you create a linked object."), helpcontext(0x000dfca4)]
HRESULT _stdcall SourceItem([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Determines how an object is updated when linked data is modified."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb3)]
HRESULT _stdcall UpdateOptions([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines how an object is updated when linked data is modified."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb3)]
HRESULT _stdcall UpdateOptions([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the user-readable host name of your Visual Basic application."), helpcontext(0x000dfc58)]
HRESULT _stdcall HostName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the user-readable host name of your Visual Basic application."), helpcontext(0x000dfc58)]
HRESULT _stdcall HostName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Determines how the OLE container control is sized or how its image is displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfca0)]
HRESULT _stdcall SizeMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines how the OLE container control is sized or how its image is displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfca0)]
HRESULT _stdcall SizeMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Enables the object contained in the OLE container control to decide the activation behavior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1c)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoActivate([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Enables the object contained in the OLE container control to decide the activation behavior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1c)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoActivate([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Determines if a pop-up menu containing the object's verbs is displayed in a context menu."), helpcontext(0x000dfc20)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoVerbMenu([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines if a pop-up menu containing the object's verbs is displayed in a context menu."), helpcontext(0x000dfc20)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoVerbMenu([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether the application creating the object in the OLE container control is running."), helpcontext(0x000dfc19)]
HRESULT _stdcall AppIsRunning([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether the application creating the object in the OLE container control is running."), helpcontext(0x000dfc19)]
HRESULT _stdcall AppIsRunning([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[restricted] void Missing73();
[propget, helpstring("Returns an object in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc78)]
HRESULT _stdcall object([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[restricted] void Missing75();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a handle to a memory object or GDI object containing data in a specified format."), helpcontext(0x000dfc33)]
HRESULT _stdcall Data([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a handle to a memory object or GDI object containing data in a specified format."), helpcontext(0x000dfc33)]
HRESULT _stdcall Data([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a string from or sets a string for the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc34)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataText([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns a string from or sets a string for the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc34)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataText([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the format for displaying and printing numbers, dates, times, and text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc51)]
HRESULT _stdcall Format([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the format for displaying and printing numbers, dates, times, and text."), helpcontext(0x000dfc51)]
HRESULT _stdcall Format([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the list of formats an object can provide."), helpcontext(0x000dfc79)]
HRESULT _stdcall ObjectAcceptFormats(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing83();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of formats that can be accepted by an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ObjectAcceptFormatsCount([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing85();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the list of formats an object can provide."), helpcontext(0x000dfc7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall ObjectGetFormats(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing87();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of formats an object can provide."), helpcontext(0x000dfc7c)]
HRESULT _stdcall ObjectGetFormatsCount([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing89();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of object the OLE container control can contain."), helpcontext(0x000dfc82)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLETypeAllowed([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of object the OLE container control can contain."), helpcontext(0x000dfc82)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLETypeAllowed([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns whether the contents of the system Clipboard can be pasted into the OLE container control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc89)]
HRESULT _stdcall PasteOK([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing93();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the list of verbs an object supports."), helpcontext(0x000dfc7e)]
HRESULT _stdcall ObjectVerbs(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing95();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the menu state for each verb in the ObjectVerbs array."), helpcontext(0x000dfc7d)]
HRESULT _stdcall ObjectVerbFlags(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing97();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of verbs supported by an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc7f)]
HRESULT _stdcall ObjectVerbsCount([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing99();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an operation to perform when an object is activated using the Action property."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Verb([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an operation to perform when an object is activated using the Action property."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Verb([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the file number used when saving or loading an object, or the last file number used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc43)]
HRESULT _stdcall FileNumber([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns the file number used when saving or loading an object, or the last file number used."), helpcontext(0x000dfc43)]
HRESULT _stdcall FileNumber([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing104();
[propput, helpstring("Sets a value that determines an action."), helpcontext(0x000dfc14)]
HRESULT _stdcall Action([in] short rhs);
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that determines access to one or more additional features of the OLE container control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc70)]
HRESULT _stdcall MiscFlags([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a value that determines access to one or more additional features of the OLE container control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc70)]
HRESULT _stdcall MiscFlags([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing108();
[restricted] void Missing109();
[restricted] void Missing110();
[restricted] void Missing111();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether validation occurs on the control which lost focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CausesValidation([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[restricted] void Missing114();
[restricted] void Missing115();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing117();
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether an object displays its contents or an icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc37)]
HRESULT _stdcall DisplayType([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether an object displays its contents or an icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc37)]
HRESULT _stdcall DisplayType([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the address of the object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc69)]
HRESULT _stdcall LpOleObject([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing123();
[propget, helpstring("Indicates whether a Label or the background of a Shape is transparent or opaque."), helpcontext(0x000dfc22)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Indicates whether a Label or the background of a Shape is transparent or opaque."), helpcontext(0x000dfc22)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[restricted] void Missing128();
[restricted] void Missing129();
[restricted] void Missing130();
[restricted] void Missing131();
[restricted] void Missing132();
[restricted] void Missing133();
[restricted] void Missing134();
[restricted] void Missing135();
[restricted] void Missing136();
[restricted] void Missing137();
[restricted] void Missing138();
[restricted] void Missing139();
[restricted] void Missing140();
[restricted] void Missing141();
[restricted] void Missing142();
[restricted] void Missing143();
[restricted] void Missing144();
[restricted] void Missing145();
[restricted] void Missing146();
[restricted] void Missing147();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating that data in a control has changed by some process other than by retrieving data from the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc3)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that binds a control to a field in the current record."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc2)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataField([in] BSTR );
[restricted] void Missing152();
[restricted] void Missing153();
[restricted] void Missing154();
[restricted] void Missing155();
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether OLE container control can be a drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd2)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropAllowed([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether OLE container control can be a drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd2)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropAllowed([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets an associated context number for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcd5)]
HRESULT _stdcall WhatsThisHelpID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns the container of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcea)]
HRESULT _stdcall Container([in] IDispatch* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing164();
[restricted] void Missing165();
[restricted] void Missing166();
[restricted] void Missing167();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[helpstring("Places a specified object at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level."), helpcontext(0x000dfab2)]
HRESULT _stdcall ZOrder([in] VARIANT Position);
[helpstring("Moves an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Move(
[in] single Left,
[in] VARIANT Top,
[in] VARIANT Width,
[in] VARIANT Height);
[helpstring("Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, and Timer."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Drag([in] VARIANT Action);
[helpstring("Creates an embedded object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8b)]
HRESULT _stdcall CreateEmbed(
[in] BSTR SourceDoc,
[in] VARIANT Class);
[helpstring("Creates a linked object from the contents of a file."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall CreateLink(
[in] BSTR SourceDoc,
[in] VARIANT SourceItem);
[helpstring("Copies data from the OLE container control to the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8a)]
HRESULT _stdcall Copy();
[helpstring("Copies data from the system Clipboard to an OLE container control."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Paste();
[helpstring("Retrieves the current data from the application that supplied the object and displays it as a graphic in the OLE container control."), helpcontext(0x000dfab1)]
HRESULT _stdcall Update();
[helpstring("Opens an object for an operation such as editing."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8e)]
HRESULT _stdcall DoVerb([in] VARIANT Verb);
[helpstring("Updates the list of verbs an object supports."), helpcontext(0x000dfa91)]
HRESULT _stdcall FetchVerbs();
[helpstring("Closes an open object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa88)]
HRESULT _stdcall Close();
[helpstring("Deletes an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa8d)]
HRESULT _stdcall Delete();
[helpstring("Saves an object to a data file."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa7)]
HRESULT _stdcall SaveToFile([in] short FileNum);
[helpstring("Saves an object in the OLE 1 file format."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa8)]
HRESULT _stdcall SaveToOle1File([in] short FileNum);
[helpstring("Loads an object from a data file created using the SaveToFile method."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa4)]
HRESULT _stdcall ReadFromFile([in] short FileNum);
[helpstring("Displays the Insert Object dialog box."), helpcontext(0x000dfab3)]
HRESULT _stdcall InsertObjDlg();
[helpstring("Displays the Paste Special dialog box."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9f)]
HRESULT _stdcall PasteSpecialDlg();
[helpstring("Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the What's This popup provided by Windows 95 Help."), helpcontext(0x000dfaba)]
HRESULT _stdcall ShowWhatsThis();
helpstring("Enables you to add insertable objects to the forms of your applications."),
interface OLEEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is first displayed or the size of an object changes."), helpcontext(0x000dfb67)]
HRESULT _stdcall Resize(
[in, out] single* HeightNew,
[in, out] single* WidthNew);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object's data has been modified."), helpcontext(0x000dfb6c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Updated([in, out] short* Code);
[helpstring("Occurs immediately after the object within an OLE container control is moved or resized while active."), helpcontext(0x000dfb62)]
HRESULT _stdcall ObjectMove(
[in, out] single* Left,
[in, out] single* Top,
[in, out] single* Width,
[in, out] single* Height);
[helpstring("Occurs when a control loses focus to a control that causes validation."), helpcontext(0x000dfb87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
helpstring("An ActiveX Control authored in Visual Basic"),
coclass UserControl {
[default] interface _UserControl;
[default, source] interface UserControlEvents;
helpstring("An ActiveX Control authored in Visual Basic"),
interface _UserControl : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[restricted] void Missing20();
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[restricted] void Missing28();
[restricted] void Missing29();
[restricted] void Missing30();
[restricted] void Missing31();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether an object can respond to user-generated events."), helpcontext(0x000dfc40)]
HRESULT _stdcall Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[restricted] void Missing38();
[restricted] void Missing39();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the object's device context."), helpcontext(0x000dfc52)]
HRESULT _stdcall hDC([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing55();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentX([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentX([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentY([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentY([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleLeft([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleLeft([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleTop([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleTop([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontTransparent([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontTransparent([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawWidth([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawWidth([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoRedraw([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoRedraw([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([in] Picture* );
[restricted] void Missing86();
[restricted] void Missing87();
[restricted] void Missing88();
[restricted] void Missing89();
[restricted] void Missing90();
[restricted] void Missing91();
[restricted] void Missing92();
[restricted] void Missing93();
[restricted] void Missing94();
[restricted] void Missing95();
[restricted] void Missing96();
[restricted] void Missing97();
[restricted] void Missing98();
[restricted] void Missing99();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle, provided by Microsoft Windows, to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Image([out, retval] Picture** );
[restricted] void Missing101();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[restricted] void Missing103();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the color that specifies transparent areas in the MaskPicture."), helpcontext(0x000dfd28)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaskColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the color that specifies transparent areas in the MaskPicture."), helpcontext(0x000dfd28)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaskColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the picture that specifies the clickable/drawable area of the control when BackStyle is 0 (transparent)."), helpcontext(0x000dfd29)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaskPicture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets the picture that specifies the clickable/drawable area of the control when BackStyle is 0 (transparent)."), helpcontext(0x000dfd29)]
HRESULT _stdcall MaskPicture([in] Picture* );
[restricted] void Missing108();
[restricted] void Missing109();
[restricted] void Missing110();
[restricted] void Missing111();
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[restricted] void Missing114();
[restricted] void Missing115();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether keyboard events for an object are invoked before keyboard events for controls on that object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPreview([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether keyboard events for an object are invoked before keyboard events for controls on that object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPreview([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[restricted] void Missing120();
[restricted] void Missing121();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the control that has focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc4)]
HRESULT _stdcall ActiveControl([out, retval] Control** );
[restricted] void Missing123();
[restricted] void Missing124();
[restricted] void Missing125();
[restricted] void Missing126();
[restricted] void Missing127();
[restricted] void Missing128();
[restricted] void Missing129();
[restricted] void Missing130();
[restricted] void Missing131();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc30)]
HRESULT _stdcall Count([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing133();
[propget, helpstring("A collection whose elements represent each control on a form, including elements of control arrays. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Controls([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[restricted] void Missing135();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a collection of data members to show at design time for this data source."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMembers([out, retval] DataMembers** );
[restricted] void Missing139();
[restricted] void Missing140();
[restricted] void Missing141();
[restricted] void Missing142();
[restricted] void Missing143();
[propget, helpstring("Indicates the manner in which a windowless UserControl's appearance is clipped."), helpcontext(0x000dfd32)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipBehavior([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Indicates the manner in which a windowless UserControl's appearance is clipped."), helpcontext(0x000dfd32)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipBehavior([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing150();
[restricted] void Missing151();
[restricted] void Missing152();
[restricted] void Missing153();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the window a UserControl is contained in."), helpcontext(0x000dfd31)]
HRESULT _stdcall ContainerHwnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing155();
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a unique display context is allocated for the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd34)]
HRESULT _stdcall HasDC([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing159();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an image that contains the palette to use on an object when PaletteMode is set to Custom"), helpcontext(0x000dfd06)]
HRESULT _stdcall Palette([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets an image that contains the palette to use on an object when PaletteMode is set to Custom"), helpcontext(0x000dfd06)]
HRESULT _stdcall Palette([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines which palette to use for the controls on a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfd07)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaletteMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines which palette to use for the controls on a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfd07)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaletteMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Indicates which mode of automatic hit testing a windowless UserControl employs."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2e)]
HRESULT _stdcall HitBehavior([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Indicates which mode of automatic hit testing a windowless UserControl employs."), helpcontext(0x000dfd2e)]
HRESULT _stdcall HitBehavior([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing168();
[restricted] void Missing169();
[restricted] void Missing170();
[restricted] void Missing171();
[propget, helpstring("Returns an Ambient object that allows access to the ambient properties of the container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcf7)]
HRESULT _stdcall Ambient([out, retval] AmbientProperties** );
[restricted] void Missing173();
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a string from an array that is the name of a property page that is associated with the control represented by a UserControl class."), helpcontext(0x000dfcf9)]
HRESULT _stdcall PropertyPages(
[in] short ,
[out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a string from an array that is the name of a property page that is associated with the control represented by a UserControl class."), helpcontext(0x000dfcf9)]
HRESULT _stdcall PropertyPages(
[in] short ,
[in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the Extender object for this control which allows access to the properties of the control that are kept track of by the container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcf8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Extender([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[restricted] void Missing177();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a collection that allows access to the controls contained within the control that were added to the control by the developer who uses the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfa)]
HRESULT _stdcall ContainedControls([out, retval] ContainedControls** );
[restricted] void Missing179();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a collection that allows access to the other controls in the control's container."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfb)]
HRESULT _stdcall ParentControls([out, retval] ParentControls** );
[restricted] void Missing181();
[restricted] void Missing182();
[restricted] void Missing183();
[restricted] void Missing184();
[restricted] void Missing185();
[restricted] void Missing186();
[restricted] void Missing187();
[restricted] void Missing188();
[restricted] void Missing189();
[restricted] void Missing190();
[restricted] void Missing191();
[propget, helpstring("Indicates whether a Label or the background of a Shape is transparent or opaque."), helpcontext(0x000dfc22)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Indicates whether a Label or the background of a Shape is transparent or opaque."), helpcontext(0x000dfc22)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a value indicating if the container is currently ignoring events being raised by the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd02)]
HRESULT _stdcall EventsFrozen([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing195();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the border style for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc24)]
HRESULT _stdcall BorderStyle([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing198();
[restricted] void Missing199();
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a string that contains the keys that will act as the access keys (or hot keys) for the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd04)]
HRESULT _stdcall AccessKeys([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a string that contains the keys that will act as the access keys (or hot keys) for the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd04)]
HRESULT _stdcall AccessKeys([in] BSTR );
[restricted] void Missing202();
[restricted] void Missing203();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Hyperlink object used for browser style navigation."), helpcontext(0x000dfd12)]
HRESULT _stdcall HyperLink([out, retval] Hyperlink** );
[restricted] void Missing205();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[restricted] void Missing207();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[restricted] void Missing209();
[restricted] void Missing210();
[restricted] void Missing211();
[helpstring("Notify data consumers that a data member of this data source has changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfac5)]
HRESULT _stdcall DataMemberChanged([in] BSTR DataMember);
[helpstring("Displays a pop-up menu on an MDIForm or Form object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa1)]
HRESULT _stdcall PopupMenu(
[in] IDispatch* Menu,
[in] VARIANT Flags,
[in] VARIANT DefaultMenu);
[helpstring("Draws a circle, eclipse, or arc on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa86)]
HRESULT _stdcall Circle(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] single Radius,
[in] long Color,
[in] single Start,
[in] single End,
[in] single Aspect);
[helpstring("Clears graphics and text generated at run time from a Form, Image, or PictureBox."), helpcontext(0x000dfa89)]
HRESULT _stdcall Cls();
[helpstring("Draws lines and rectangles on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa97)]
HRESULT _stdcall Line(
[in] short Flags,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] single X2,
[in] single Y2,
[in] long Color);
[helpstring("Draws the contents of a graphics file on a Form, PictureBox, or Printer object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9d)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaintPicture(
[in] Picture* Picture,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] VARIANT Width1,
[in] VARIANT Height1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2,
[in] VARIANT Width2,
[in] VARIANT Height2,
[in] VARIANT Opcode);
[helpstring("Returns, as an integer of type Long, the RGB color of the specified point on a Form or PictureBox object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa0)]
HRESULT _stdcall Point(
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[out, retval] long* );
[helpstring("Sets a point on an object to a specified color."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa3)]
HRESULT _stdcall PSet(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] long Color);
[helpstring("Defines the coordinate system for a Form, PictureBox, or Printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scale(
[in] short Flags,
[in] VARIANT X1,
[in] VARIANT Y1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2);
[helpstring("Converts the value for the width of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab7)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleX(
[in] single Width,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Converts the value for the height of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab8)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleY(
[in] single Height,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Returns the width of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfab0)]
HRESULT _stdcall TextWidth(
[in] BSTR Str,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Returns the height of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TextHeight(
[in] BSTR Str,
[out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing225();
[helpstring("Validate contents of the last control on the form before exiting the form"), helpcontext(0x000dfac7)]
HRESULT _stdcall ValidateControls();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Notifies the container that a property on a User Control has been changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfabd)]
HRESULT _stdcall PropertyChanged([in] VARIANT PropertyName);
[helpstring("Asks the container if a property bound to a data source can be changed. The CanPropertyChange method is most useful if the property specified in PropertyName is bound to a data source."), helpcontext(0x000dfabe)]
HRESULT _stdcall CanPropertyChange(
[in] BSTR PropertyName,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[helpstring("Changes the width and height of a User Control."), helpcontext(0x000dfabf)]
HRESULT _stdcall Size(
[in] single Width,
[in] single Height);
[helpstring("Read in data asynchronously from a path or a URL and receive AsyncReadComplete event."), helpcontext(0x000dfac3)]
HRESULT _stdcall AsyncRead(
[in] BSTR Target,
[in] long AsyncType,
[in] VARIANT PropertyName,
[in] VARIANT AsyncReadOptions);
[helpstring("Cancel an asynchronous data request."), helpcontext(0x000dfac4)]
HRESULT _stdcall CancelAsyncRead([in] VARIANT Property);
helpstring("An ActiveX Control authored in Visual Basic"),
interface UserControlEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[restricted] void Missing5();
[restricted] void Missing6();
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is first displayed or the size of an object changes."), helpcontext(0x000dfb67)]
HRESULT _stdcall Resize();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when any part of a form or PictureBox control is moved, enlarged, or exposed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb63)]
HRESULT _stdcall Paint();
[helpstring("Occurs when an application creates an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class."), helpcontext(0x000dfb54)]
HRESULT _stdcall Initialize();
[helpstring("Occurs when all references to an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class are removed from memory."), helpcontext(0x000dfb69)]
HRESULT _stdcall Terminate();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when a user control or user document is asked to write its data to a file."), helpcontext(0x000dfb70)]
HRESULT _stdcall WriteProperties([in, out] _PropertyBag** PropBag);
[helpstring("Occurs when a user control or user document is asked to read its data from a file."), helpcontext(0x000dfb6f)]
HRESULT _stdcall ReadProperties([in, out] _PropertyBag** PropBag);
[helpstring("Occurs the first time a user control or user document is created."), helpcontext(0x000dfb71)]
HRESULT _stdcall InitProperties();
[helpstring("Occurs when all of the data is available as a result of the AsyncRead method."), helpcontext(0x000dfb80)]
HRESULT _stdcall AsyncReadComplete([in, out] AsyncProperty** AsyncProp);
[helpstring("Occurs when focus enters the control. The control itself could be receiving focus, or a constituent control could be receiving focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7c)]
HRESULT _stdcall EnterFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when focus leaves the control. The control itself could be losing focus, or a constituent control could be losing focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7d)]
HRESULT _stdcall ExitFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the control's Visible property changes to True."), helpcontext(0x000dfb84)]
HRESULT _stdcall Show();
[helpstring("Occurs when the control's Visible property changes to False."), helpcontext(0x000dfb85)]
HRESULT _stdcall Hide();
[helpstring("Occurs when an ambient value was changed by the container of a user control"), helpcontext(0x000dfb72)]
HRESULT _stdcall AmbientChanged([in, out] BSTR* PropertyName);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user of the control presses one of the control's access keys, or when the Enter key is pressed when the developer has set the Default property to True, or when the Escape key is pressed when the developer has set the Cancel property to True. The Default property and the Cancel property are enabled by the author of the control setting the DefaultCancel property to True."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7f)]
HRESULT _stdcall AccessKeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when more data is available as a result of the AsyncReadProgress method."), helpcontext(0x000dfb89)]
HRESULT _stdcall AsyncReadProgress([in, out] AsyncProperty** AsyncProp);
[helpstring("Occurs when a data consumer is asking this data source for one of it's data members."), helpcontext(0x000dfb86)]
HRESULT _stdcall GetDataMember(
[in, out] BSTR* DataMember,
[in, out] IDispatch** Data);
[helpstring("Occurs in a windowless user control in response to mouse activity."), helpcontext(0x000dfb88)]
HRESULT _stdcall HitTest(
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* HitResult);
helpstring("An ActiveX Property Page authored in Visual Basic."),
coclass PropertyPage {
[default] interface _PropertyPage;
[default, source] interface PropertyPageEvents;
helpstring("An ActiveX Property Page authored in Visual Basic."),
interface _PropertyPage : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc26)]
HRESULT _stdcall Caption([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[restricted] void Missing28();
[restricted] void Missing29();
[restricted] void Missing30();
[restricted] void Missing31();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing33();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing35();
[restricted] void Missing36();
[restricted] void Missing37();
[restricted] void Missing38();
[restricted] void Missing39();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the object's device context."), helpcontext(0x000dfc52)]
HRESULT _stdcall hDC([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing55();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentX([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentX([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentY([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentY([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleLeft([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleLeft([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleTop([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleTop([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontTransparent([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontTransparent([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawWidth([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawWidth([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoRedraw([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoRedraw([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([in] Picture* );
[restricted] void Missing86();
[restricted] void Missing87();
[restricted] void Missing88();
[restricted] void Missing89();
[restricted] void Missing90();
[restricted] void Missing91();
[restricted] void Missing92();
[restricted] void Missing93();
[restricted] void Missing94();
[restricted] void Missing95();
[restricted] void Missing96();
[restricted] void Missing97();
[restricted] void Missing98();
[restricted] void Missing99();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle, provided by Microsoft Windows, to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Image([out, retval] Picture** );
[restricted] void Missing101();
[restricted] void Missing102();
[restricted] void Missing103();
[restricted] void Missing104();
[restricted] void Missing105();
[restricted] void Missing106();
[restricted] void Missing107();
[restricted] void Missing108();
[restricted] void Missing109();
[restricted] void Missing110();
[restricted] void Missing111();
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[restricted] void Missing114();
[restricted] void Missing115();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether keyboard events for an object are invoked before keyboard events for controls on that object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPreview([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether keyboard events for an object are invoked before keyboard events for controls on that object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPreview([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the default Help file context ID for an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc54)]
HRESULT _stdcall HelpContextID([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the control that has focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc4)]
HRESULT _stdcall ActiveControl([out, retval] Control** );
[restricted] void Missing123();
[restricted] void Missing124();
[restricted] void Missing125();
[restricted] void Missing126();
[restricted] void Missing127();
[restricted] void Missing128();
[restricted] void Missing129();
[restricted] void Missing130();
[restricted] void Missing131();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc30)]
HRESULT _stdcall Count([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing133();
[propget, helpstring("A collection whose elements represent each control on a form, including elements of control arrays. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Controls([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[restricted] void Missing135();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[restricted] void Missing138();
[restricted] void Missing139();
[restricted] void Missing140();
[restricted] void Missing141();
[restricted] void Missing142();
[restricted] void Missing143();
[restricted] void Missing144();
[restricted] void Missing145();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing150();
[restricted] void Missing151();
[restricted] void Missing152();
[restricted] void Missing153();
[restricted] void Missing154();
[restricted] void Missing155();
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a unique display context is allocated for the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd34)]
HRESULT _stdcall HasDC([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing159();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an image that contains the palette to use on an object when PaletteMode is set to Custom"), helpcontext(0x000dfd06)]
HRESULT _stdcall Palette([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets an image that contains the palette to use on an object when PaletteMode is set to Custom"), helpcontext(0x000dfd06)]
HRESULT _stdcall Palette([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines which palette to use for the controls on a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfd07)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaletteMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines which palette to use for the controls on a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfd07)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaletteMode([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing166();
[restricted] void Missing167();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a collection that contains all the currently selected controls on the form."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfc)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelectedControls([out, retval] SelectedControls** );
[restricted] void Missing169();
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets a value indicating that a property on a property page of the control has changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfd)]
HRESULT _stdcall Changed([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets a value indicating that a property on a property page of the control has changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfd)]
HRESULT _stdcall Changed([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[restricted] void Missing172();
[restricted] void Missing173();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[restricted] void Missing175();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[restricted] void Missing177();
[restricted] void Missing178();
[restricted] void Missing179();
[restricted] void Missing180();
[helpstring("Displays a pop-up menu on an MDIForm or Form object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa1)]
HRESULT _stdcall PopupMenu(
[in] IDispatch* Menu,
[in] VARIANT Flags,
[in] VARIANT DefaultMenu);
[helpstring("Draws a circle, eclipse, or arc on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa86)]
HRESULT _stdcall Circle(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] single Radius,
[in] long Color,
[in] single Start,
[in] single End,
[in] single Aspect);
[helpstring("Clears graphics and text generated at run time from a Form, Image, or PictureBox."), helpcontext(0x000dfa89)]
HRESULT _stdcall Cls();
[helpstring("Draws lines and rectangles on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa97)]
HRESULT _stdcall Line(
[in] short Flags,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] single X2,
[in] single Y2,
[in] long Color);
[helpstring("Draws the contents of a graphics file on a Form, PictureBox, or Printer object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9d)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaintPicture(
[in] Picture* Picture,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] VARIANT Width1,
[in] VARIANT Height1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2,
[in] VARIANT Width2,
[in] VARIANT Height2,
[in] VARIANT Opcode);
[helpstring("Returns, as an integer of type Long, the RGB color of the specified point on a Form or PictureBox object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa0)]
HRESULT _stdcall Point(
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[out, retval] long* );
[helpstring("Sets a point on an object to a specified color."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa3)]
HRESULT _stdcall PSet(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] long Color);
[helpstring("Defines the coordinate system for a Form, PictureBox, or Printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scale(
[in] short Flags,
[in] VARIANT X1,
[in] VARIANT Y1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2);
[helpstring("Converts the value for the width of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab7)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleX(
[in] single Width,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Converts the value for the height of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab8)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleY(
[in] single Height,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Returns the width of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfab0)]
HRESULT _stdcall TextWidth(
[in] BSTR Str,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Returns the height of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TextHeight(
[in] BSTR Str,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Validate contents of the last control on the form before exiting the form"), helpcontext(0x000dfac7)]
HRESULT _stdcall ValidateControls();
[restricted] void Missing194();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
helpstring("An ActiveX Property Page authored in Visual Basic."),
interface PropertyPageEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[restricted] void Missing5();
[restricted] void Missing6();
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when any part of a form or PictureBox control is moved, enlarged, or exposed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb63)]
HRESULT _stdcall Paint();
[helpstring("Occurs when an application creates an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class."), helpcontext(0x000dfb54)]
HRESULT _stdcall Initialize();
[helpstring("Occurs when all references to an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class are removed from memory."), helpcontext(0x000dfb69)]
HRESULT _stdcall Terminate();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the OK button or the Apply button on the property page, or when property pages are switched by selecting tabs."), helpcontext(0x000dfb73)]
HRESULT _stdcall ApplyChanges();
[helpstring("Occurs when the selection of controls on the form has changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb74)]
HRESULT _stdcall SelectionChanged();
[helpstring("Occurs when a property page is opened because of the developer pressing the ellipsis button to display a particular property for editing."), helpcontext(0x000dfb75)]
HRESULT _stdcall EditProperty([in, out] BSTR* PropertyName);
helpstring("An ActiveX Document authored in Visual Basic."),
coclass UserDocument {
[default] interface _UserDocument;
[default, source] interface UserDocumentEvents;
helpstring("An ActiveX Document authored in Visual Basic."),
interface _UserDocument : IDispatch {
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[restricted] void Missing10();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[restricted] void Missing15();
[restricted] void Missing16();
[restricted] void Missing17();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the name used in code to identify an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc75)]
HRESULT _stdcall Name([out, retval] BSTR* );
[restricted] void Missing19();
[restricted] void Missing20();
[restricted] void Missing21();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to an object's window."), helpcontext(0x000dfc59)]
HRESULT _stdcall hWnd([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing23();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc21)]
HRESULT _stdcall BackColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc50)]
HRESULT _stdcall ForeColor([in] long );
[restricted] void Missing28();
[restricted] void Missing29();
[restricted] void Missing30();
[restricted] void Missing31();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the width of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfcb8)]
HRESULT _stdcall Width([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the height of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc53)]
HRESULT _stdcall Height([in] single );
[restricted] void Missing36();
[restricted] void Missing37();
[restricted] void Missing38();
[restricted] void Missing39();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc72)]
HRESULT _stdcall MousePointer([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4a)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontName([in] BSTR );
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4c)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontSize([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets bold font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc47)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontBold([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets italic font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc49)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontItalic([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets strikethrough font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4d)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontStrikethru([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets underline font styles."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontUnderline([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the object's device context."), helpcontext(0x000dfc52)]
HRESULT _stdcall hDC([out, retval] long* );
[restricted] void Missing55();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentX([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc31)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentX([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentY([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method."), helpcontext(0x000dfc32)]
HRESULT _stdcall CurrentY([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleLeft([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc93)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleLeft([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleTop([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc95)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleTop([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc96)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleWidth([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior."), helpcontext(0x000dfc92)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleHeight([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls."), helpcontext(0x000dfc94)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontTransparent([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed."), helpcontext(0x000dfc4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall FontTransparent([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines the line style for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3b)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawWidth([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3c)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawWidth([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the fill style of a shape."), helpcontext(0x000dfc45)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillStyle([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([out, retval] long* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes."), helpcontext(0x000dfc44)]
HRESULT _stdcall FillColor([in] long );
[propget, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc3a)]
HRESULT _stdcall DrawMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoRedraw([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall AutoRedraw([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfc8c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Picture([in] Picture* );
[restricted] void Missing86();
[restricted] void Missing87();
[restricted] void Missing88();
[restricted] void Missing89();
[restricted] void Missing90();
[restricted] void Missing91();
[restricted] void Missing92();
[restricted] void Missing93();
[restricted] void Missing94();
[restricted] void Missing95();
[restricted] void Missing96();
[restricted] void Missing97();
[restricted] void Missing98();
[restricted] void Missing99();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a handle, provided by Microsoft Windows, to a persistent bitmap."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Image([out, retval] Picture** );
[restricted] void Missing101();
[restricted] void Missing102();
[restricted] void Missing103();
[restricted] void Missing104();
[restricted] void Missing105();
[restricted] void Missing106();
[restricted] void Missing107();
[restricted] void Missing108();
[restricted] void Missing109();
[restricted] void Missing110();
[restricted] void Missing111();
[propget, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([out, retval] BSTR* );
[propput, helpstring("Stores any extra data needed for your program."), helpcontext(0x000dfcab)]
HRESULT _stdcall Tag([in] BSTR );
[restricted] void Missing114();
[restricted] void Missing115();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether keyboard events for an object are invoked before keyboard events for controls on that object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPreview([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether keyboard events for an object are invoked before keyboard events for controls on that object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPreview([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines whether graphics methods in Paint events repaint an entire object or newly exposed areas."), helpcontext(0x000dfc2a)]
HRESULT _stdcall ClipControls([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[restricted] void Missing120();
[restricted] void Missing121();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the control that has focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc4)]
HRESULT _stdcall ActiveControl([out, retval] Control** );
[restricted] void Missing123();
[restricted] void Missing124();
[restricted] void Missing125();
[restricted] void Missing126();
[restricted] void Missing127();
[restricted] void Missing128();
[restricted] void Missing129();
[restricted] void Missing130();
[restricted] void Missing131();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the number of objects in a collection."), helpcontext(0x000dfc30)]
HRESULT _stdcall Count([out, retval] short* );
[restricted] void Missing133();
[propget, helpstring("A collection whose elements represent each control on a form, including elements of control arrays. "), helpcontext(0x000dfcc5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Controls([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[restricted] void Missing135();
[propget, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Sets a custom mouse icon."), helpcontext(0x000dfc71)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseIcon([in] Picture* );
[restricted] void Missing138();
[restricted] void Missing139();
[restricted] void Missing140();
[restricted] void Missing141();
[restricted] void Missing142();
[restricted] void Missing143();
[restricted] void Missing144();
[restricted] void Missing145();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([out, retval] Font** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns a Font object."), helpcontext(0x000dfc46)]
HRESULT _stdcall Font([in] Font* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets whether or not an object is painted at run time with 3-D effects."), helpcontext(0x000dfcc6)]
HRESULT _stdcall Appearance([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing150();
[restricted] void Missing151();
[restricted] void Missing152();
[restricted] void Missing153();
[restricted] void Missing154();
[restricted] void Missing155();
[propget, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Determines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system."), helpcontext(0x000dfd1d)]
HRESULT _stdcall RightToLeft([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether a unique display context is allocated for the control."), helpcontext(0x000dfd34)]
HRESULT _stdcall HasDC([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[restricted] void Missing159();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/Sets whether this object can act as an OLE drop target."), helpcontext(0x000dfcfe)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDropMode([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets an image that contains the palette to use on an object when PaletteMode is set to Custom"), helpcontext(0x000dfd06)]
HRESULT _stdcall Palette([out, retval] Picture** );
[propputref, helpstring("Returns/sets an image that contains the palette to use on an object when PaletteMode is set to Custom"), helpcontext(0x000dfd06)]
HRESULT _stdcall Palette([in] Picture* );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines which palette to use for the controls on a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfd07)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaletteMode([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines which palette to use for the controls on a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfd07)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaletteMode([in] short );
[restricted] void Missing166();
[restricted] void Missing167();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the object on which this object is located."), helpcontext(0x000dfc87)]
HRESULT _stdcall Parent([out, retval] IDispatch** );
[restricted] void Missing169();
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether an object has vertical or horizontal scroll bars."), helpcontext(0x000dfc97)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScrollBars([out, retval] short* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value indicating whether an object has vertical or horizontal scroll bars."), helpcontext(0x000dfc97)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScrollBars([in] short );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a UserDocument fires Scroll events while the scrollbar thumb is dragged."), helpcontext(0x000dfd18)]
HRESULT _stdcall ContinuousScroll([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets a value that determines whether a UserDocument fires Scroll events while the scrollbar thumb is dragged."), helpcontext(0x000dfd18)]
HRESULT _stdcall ContinuousScroll([in] VARIANT_BOOL );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to the UserDocument ViewportTop property when the user clicks a horizontal scroll arrow."), helpcontext(0x000dfd17)]
HRESULT _stdcall HScrollSmallChange([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to the UserDocument ViewportTop property when the user clicks a horizontal scroll arrow."), helpcontext(0x000dfd17)]
HRESULT _stdcall HScrollSmallChange([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to the UserDocument ViewportLeft property when the user clicks a vertical scroll arrow."), helpcontext(0x000dfd16)]
HRESULT _stdcall VScrollSmallChange([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets amount of change to the UserDocument ViewportLeft property when the user clicks a vertical scroll arrow."), helpcontext(0x000dfd16)]
HRESULT _stdcall VScrollSmallChange([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the minimum width of the Viewport at which the horizontal scrollbar will appear."), helpcontext(0x000dfd20)]
HRESULT _stdcall MinWidth([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the minimum width of the Viewport at which the horizontal scrollbar will appear."), helpcontext(0x000dfd20)]
HRESULT _stdcall MinWidth([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns/sets the minimum height of the Viewport at which the vertical scrollbar will appear."), helpcontext(0x000dfd21)]
HRESULT _stdcall MinHeight([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns/sets the minimum height of the Viewport at which the vertical scrollbar will appear."), helpcontext(0x000dfd21)]
HRESULT _stdcall MinHeight([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the distance between the left edge of the UserDocument and the left edge of the Viewport."), helpcontext(0x000dfd23)]
HRESULT _stdcall ViewportLeft([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns the distance between the left edge of the UserDocument and the left edge of the Viewport."), helpcontext(0x000dfd23)]
HRESULT _stdcall ViewportLeft([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the current height of the Viewport."), helpcontext(0x000dfd22)]
HRESULT _stdcall ViewportHeight([out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing185();
[propget, helpstring("Returns the distance between the top of the UserDocument and the top of the Viewport."), helpcontext(0x000dfd24)]
HRESULT _stdcall ViewportTop([out, retval] single* );
[propput, helpstring("Returns the distance between the top of the UserDocument and the top of the Viewport."), helpcontext(0x000dfd24)]
HRESULT _stdcall ViewportTop([in] single );
[propget, helpstring("Returns the current width of the Viewport."), helpcontext(0x000dfd25)]
HRESULT _stdcall ViewportWidth([out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing189();
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Hyperlink object used for browser style navigation."), helpcontext(0x000dfd12)]
HRESULT _stdcall HyperLink([out, retval] Hyperlink** );
[restricted] void Missing191();
[restricted] void Missing192();
[restricted] void Missing193();
[helpstring("Forces a complete repaint of a object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa5)]
HRESULT _stdcall Refresh();
[restricted] void Missing195();
[helpstring("Moves the focus to the specified object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaac)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetFocus();
[restricted] void Missing197();
[restricted] void Missing198();
[restricted] void Missing199();
[helpstring("Sends a bit-by-bit image of a Form object to the printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa2)]
HRESULT _stdcall PrintForm();
[helpstring("Displays a pop-up menu on an MDIForm or Form object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa1)]
HRESULT _stdcall PopupMenu(
[in] IDispatch* Menu,
[in] VARIANT Flags,
[in] VARIANT DefaultMenu);
[helpstring("Draws a circle, eclipse, or arc on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa86)]
HRESULT _stdcall Circle(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] single Radius,
[in] long Color,
[in] single Start,
[in] single End,
[in] single Aspect);
[helpstring("Clears graphics and text generated at run time from a Form, Image, or PictureBox."), helpcontext(0x000dfa89)]
HRESULT _stdcall Cls();
[helpstring("Draws lines and rectangles on an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa97)]
HRESULT _stdcall Line(
[in] short Flags,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] single X2,
[in] single Y2,
[in] long Color);
[helpstring("Draws the contents of a graphics file on a Form, PictureBox, or Printer object."), helpcontext(0x000dfa9d)]
HRESULT _stdcall PaintPicture(
[in] Picture* Picture,
[in] single X1,
[in] single Y1,
[in] VARIANT Width1,
[in] VARIANT Height1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2,
[in] VARIANT Width2,
[in] VARIANT Height2,
[in] VARIANT Opcode);
[helpstring("Returns, as an integer of type Long, the RGB color of the specified point on a Form or PictureBox object."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa0)]
HRESULT _stdcall Point(
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[out, retval] long* );
[helpstring("Sets a point on an object to a specified color."), helpcontext(0x000dfaa3)]
HRESULT _stdcall PSet(
[in] short Step,
[in] single X,
[in] single Y,
[in] long Color);
[helpstring("Defines the coordinate system for a Form, PictureBox, or Printer."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaa)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scale(
[in] short Flags,
[in] VARIANT X1,
[in] VARIANT Y1,
[in] VARIANT X2,
[in] VARIANT Y2);
[helpstring("Converts the value for the width of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab7)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleX(
[in] single Width,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Converts the value for the height of a Form, PictureBox, or Printer from one unit of measure to another."), helpcontext(0x000dfab8)]
HRESULT _stdcall ScaleY(
[in] single Height,
[in] VARIANT FromScale,
[in] VARIANT ToScale,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Returns the width of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfab0)]
HRESULT _stdcall TextWidth(
[in] BSTR Str,
[out, retval] single* );
[helpstring("Returns the height of a text string as it would be printed in the current font."), helpcontext(0x000dfaaf)]
HRESULT _stdcall TextHeight(
[in] BSTR Str,
[out, retval] single* );
[restricted] void Missing213();
[helpstring("Validate contents of the last control on the form before exiting the form"), helpcontext(0x000dfac7)]
HRESULT _stdcall ValidateControls();
[helpstring("Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source."), helpcontext(0x000dfac0)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDrag();
[helpstring("Notifies the container that a property on a User Control has been changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfabd)]
HRESULT _stdcall PropertyChanged([in] VARIANT PropertyName);
[helpstring("Sets the left and top coordinates of the UserDocument that will be visible in the Viewport."), helpcontext(0x000dfd26)]
HRESULT _stdcall SetViewport(
[in] single Left,
[in] single Top);
[helpstring("Read in data asynchronously from a path or a URL and receive AsyncReadComplete event."), helpcontext(0x000dfac3)]
HRESULT _stdcall AsyncRead(
[in] BSTR Target,
[in] long AsyncType,
[in] VARIANT PropertyName,
[in] VARIANT AsyncReadOptions);
[helpstring("Cancel an asynchronous data request."), helpcontext(0x000dfac4)]
HRESULT _stdcall CancelAsyncRead([in] VARIANT Property);
helpstring("An ActiveX Document authored in Visual Basic."),
interface UserDocumentEvents : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb50)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress."), helpcontext(0x000dfb51)]
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[restricted] void Missing5();
[restricted] void Missing6();
[restricted] void Missing7();
[restricted] void Missing8();
[restricted] void Missing9();
[helpstring("Occurs when a form is first displayed or the size of an object changes."), helpcontext(0x000dfb67)]
HRESULT _stdcall Resize();
[restricted] void Missing11();
[restricted] void Missing12();
[restricted] void Missing13();
[restricted] void Missing14();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Click();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object."), helpcontext(0x000dfb4f)]
HRESULT _stdcall DblClick();
[helpstring("Occurs when an object receives the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb53)]
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb55)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyDown(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key."), helpcontext(0x000dfb56)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyPress([in, out] short* KeyAscii);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb57)]
HRESULT _stdcall KeyUp(
[in, out] short* KeyCode,
[in, out] short* Shift);
[helpstring("Occurs when an object loses the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5e)]
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb5f)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseDown(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user moves the mouse."), helpcontext(0x000dfb60)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseMove(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb61)]
HRESULT _stdcall MouseUp(
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs when any part of a form or PictureBox control is moved, enlarged, or exposed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb63)]
HRESULT _stdcall Paint();
[helpstring("Occurs when an application creates an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class."), helpcontext(0x000dfb54)]
HRESULT _stdcall Initialize();
[helpstring("Occurs when all references to an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class are removed from memory."), helpcontext(0x000dfb69)]
HRESULT _stdcall Terminate();
[helpstring("Occurs when the mouse is moved over the control during an OLE drag/drop operation, if its OLEDropMode property is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb76)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragOver(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs when data is dropped onto the control via an OLE drag/drop operation, and OLEDropMode is set to manual."), helpcontext(0x000dfb77)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEDragDrop(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] short* Button,
[in, out] short* Shift,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
[helpstring("Occurs at the source control of an OLE drag/drop operation when the mouse cursor needs to be changed."), helpcontext(0x000dfb78)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEGiveFeedback(
[in, out] long* Effect,
[in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* DefaultCursors);
[helpstring("Occurs when an OLE drag/drop operation is initiated either manually or automatically."), helpcontext(0x000dfb79)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLEStartDrag(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] long* AllowedEffects);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the DataObject during the OLEDragStart event."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7a)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLESetData(
[in, out] DataObject** Data,
[in, out] short* DataFormat);
[helpstring("Occurs at the OLE drag/drop source control after a manual or automatic drag/drop has been completed or canceled."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7b)]
HRESULT _stdcall OLECompleteDrag([in, out] long* Effect);
[helpstring("Occurs when a user control or user document is asked to write its data to a file."), helpcontext(0x000dfb70)]
HRESULT _stdcall WriteProperties([in, out] _PropertyBag** PropBag);
[helpstring("Occurs when a user control or user document is asked to read its data from a file."), helpcontext(0x000dfb6f)]
HRESULT _stdcall ReadProperties([in, out] _PropertyBag** PropBag);
[helpstring("Occurs the first time a user control or user document is created."), helpcontext(0x000dfb71)]
HRESULT _stdcall InitProperties();
[helpstring("Occurs when all of the data is available as a result of the AsyncRead method."), helpcontext(0x000dfb80)]
HRESULT _stdcall AsyncReadComplete([in, out] AsyncProperty** AsyncProp);
[helpstring("Occurs when focus enters the control. The control itself could be receiving focus, or a constituent control could be receiving focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7c)]
HRESULT _stdcall EnterFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when focus leaves the control. The control itself could be losing focus, or a constituent control could be losing focus."), helpcontext(0x000dfb7d)]
HRESULT _stdcall ExitFocus();
[helpstring("Occurs when the control's Visible property changes to True."), helpcontext(0x000dfb84)]
HRESULT _stdcall Show();
[helpstring("Occurs when the control's Visible property changes to False."), helpcontext(0x000dfb85)]
HRESULT _stdcall Hide();
[helpstring("Occurs when you reposition the scroll box on a control."), helpcontext(0x000dfb68)]
HRESULT _stdcall Scroll();
[restricted] void Missing43();
[helpstring("Occurs when more data is available as a result of the AsyncReadProgress method."), helpcontext(0x000dfb89)]
HRESULT _stdcall AsyncReadProgress([in, out] AsyncProperty** AsyncProp);
helpstring("A collection of LicenseInfo objects for use with Controls.Add."),
interface Licenses : IDispatch {
[id(00000000), propget, helpstring("Returns a specific LicenseInfo object by index from the Licenses collection."), helpcontext(0x000df959)]
[in] VARIANT Index,
[out, retval] LicenseInfo** retval);
[id(0x00000001), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of LicenseInfo objects in the Licenses collection."), helpcontext(0x000df95a)]
HRESULT Count([out, retval] long* Return);
[id(0x00000002), helpstring("Creates a LicenseInfo object and adds it to the Licenses collection."), helpcontext(0x000df95b)]
[in] BSTR ProgId,
[in, optional, defaultvalue("")] BSTR LicenseKey,
[out, retval] BSTR* retval);
[id(0x00000003), helpstring("Removes all LicenseInfo objects from the Licenses collection."), helpcontext(0x000df95d)]
HRESULT Clear();
[id(0x00000004), helpstring("Removes a LicenseInfo object from the Licenses collection."), helpcontext(0x000df95c)]
HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT Index);
HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** Return);
helpstring("The class name for all Visual Basic intrinsic controls."),
dispinterface Control {
helpstring(" "),
interface VBGlobal : IUnknown {
[helpstring("Loads a form or control into memory."), helpcontext(0x000df65b)]
HRESULT _stdcall Load([in] IDispatch* object);
[helpstring("Unloads a form or control from memory."), helpcontext(0x000df65c)]
HRESULT _stdcall Unload([in] IDispatch* object);
[propget, helpstring("Contains general information about an application."), helpcontext(0x000df65d)]
HRESULT _stdcall App([out, retval] App** pdispRetVal);
[propget, helpstring("Manipulates forms according to their placement on the screen and controls the mouse pointer."), helpcontext(0x000df65e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Screen([out, retval] Screen** pdispRetVal);
[propget, helpstring("Provides access to the system Clipboard."), helpcontext(0x000df65f)]
HRESULT _stdcall Clipboard([out, retval] Clipboard** pdispRetVal);
[propget, helpstring("Enables you to communicate with a system printer (initially the default printer)."), helpcontext(0x000df660)]
HRESULT _stdcall Printer([out, retval] Printer** pdispRetVal);
[propputref, helpstring("Enables you to communicate with a system printer (initially the default printer)."), helpcontext(0x000df660)]
HRESULT _stdcall Printer([in] Printer* pdispRetVal);
[propget, helpstring("All loaded forms in an application."), helpcontext(0x000df661)]
HRESULT _stdcall Forms([out, retval] IDispatch** pdispRetVal);
[propget, helpstring("Enables you to gather information about all available printers on the system."), helpcontext(0x000df662)]
HRESULT _stdcall Printers([out, retval] IDispatch** pdispRetVal);
[restricted, hidden, helpstring("Loads a string from a resource (.RES) file and returns it as a property of a control."), helpcontext(0x000df663)]
HRESULT _stdcall LoadResStringOld(
[in] short id,
[out, retval] BSTR* pbstrRetVal);
[helpstring("Loads a bitmap, icon, or cursor from a resource (.RES) file and returns it to the appropriate control."), helpcontext(0x000df664)]
HRESULT _stdcall LoadResPicture(
[in] VARIANT id,
[in] short restype,
[out, retval] IPictureDisp** retval);
[helpstring("Loads data of several possible types from a resource file (.RES) and returns a Byte array."), helpcontext(0x000df665)]
HRESULT _stdcall LoadResData(
[in] VARIANT id,
[in] VARIANT type,
[out, retval] VARIANT* pbstrRetVal);
[restricted, hidden, helpstring("Loads a graphic into a Form, PictureBox, or Image control."), helpcontext(0x000df666)]
HRESULT _stdcall LoadPictureOld(
[in, optional] VARIANT FileName,
[out, retval] IPictureDisp** retval);
[helpstring("Saves a graphic from a Form, PictureBox, or Image control to a file."), helpcontext(0x000df667)]
HRESULT _stdcall SavePicture(
[in] IPictureDisp* Picture,
[in] BSTR FileName);
[helpstring("Loads a graphic into a Form, PictureBox, or Image control."), helpcontext(0x000df666)]
HRESULT _stdcall LoadPicture(
[in, optional] VARIANT FileName,
[in, optional] VARIANT Size,
[in, optional] VARIANT ColorDepth,
[in, optional] VARIANT X,
[in, optional] VARIANT Y,
[out, retval] IPictureDisp** retval);
[helpstring("Loads a string from a resource (.RES) file and returns it as a property of a control."), helpcontext(0x000df663)]
HRESULT _stdcall LoadResString(
[in] long id,
[out, retval] BSTR* pbstrRetVal);
[propget, helpstring("Manipulates a collection of control licenses for use with Controls.Add."), helpcontext(0x000df95e)]
HRESULT _stdcall Licenses([out, retval] Licenses** ppRetVal);
helpstring(" "),
coclass Global {
[default] interface VBGlobal;
dispinterface _VBControlExtender {
BSTR Name;
short Index;
single Left;
single Top;
single Width;
single Height;
IDispatch* Parent;
DragModeConstants DragMode;
IPictureDisp* DragIcon;
short TabIndex;
IDispatch* object;
IDispatch* DataFormat;
[id(0x8001302a), bindable
IDispatch* DataMember;
IDispatch* DataSource;
long HelpContextID;
AlignConstants Align;
BSTR DataField;
long WhatsThisHelpID;
IDispatch* Container;
VARIANT_BOOL CausesValidation;
IDispatch* DataBindings;
BSTR ToolTipText;
void SetFocus();
void ZOrder([in, optional] VARIANT Position);
void Move(
[in] single Left,
[in, optional] VARIANT Top,
[in, optional] VARIANT Width,
[in, optional] VARIANT Height);
void Drag([in, optional] VARIANT Action);
void ShowWhatsThis();
interface VBControlExtenderEvents : IUnknown {
HRESULT _stdcall GotFocus();
HRESULT _stdcall LostFocus();
[restricted, hidden]
HRESULT _stdcall DeprecatedEvent1();
[restricted, hidden]
HRESULT _stdcall DeprecatedEvent2([in, out] short* Param1);
[restricted, hidden]
HRESULT _stdcall DeprecatedEvent3([in, out] short* Param1);
[restricted, hidden]
HRESULT _stdcall DeprecatedEvent4();
HRESULT _stdcall DragDrop(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y);
HRESULT _stdcall DragOver(
[in, out] Control** Source,
[in, out] single* X,
[in, out] single* Y,
[in, out] short* State);
[helpstring("Occurs before the focus shifts to a (second) control that has its CausesValidation property set to True."), helpcontext(0x000df985)]
HRESULT _stdcall Validate([in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel);
[helpstring("Occurs when a control that is assigned to a VBControlExtender object variable raises an event."), helpcontext(0x000df984)]
HRESULT _stdcall ObjectEvent([in, out] EventInfo** Info);
helpstring("Represents the Visual Basic VBControlExtender properties."),
coclass VBControlExtender {
[default] dispinterface _VBControlExtender;
[default, source] interface VBControlExtenderEvents;
interface ___MSJetSQLHelp {
HRESULT _stdcall Alter();
HRESULT _stdcall And();
HRESULT _stdcall Any();
HRESULT _stdcall As();
HRESULT _stdcall Asc();
HRESULT _stdcall AutoIncrement();
HRESULT _stdcall Avg();
HRESULT _stdcall Between();
HRESULT _stdcall Binary();
HRESULT _stdcall Bit();
HRESULT _stdcall Boolean();
HRESULT _stdcall By();
HRESULT _stdcall Byte();
HRESULT _stdcall Char();
HRESULT _stdcall Character();
HRESULT _stdcall Column();
HRESULT _stdcall Constraint();
HRESULT _stdcall Count();
HRESULT _stdcall Counter();
HRESULT _stdcall Create();
HRESULT _stdcall Currency();
HRESULT _stdcall Database();
HRESULT _stdcall Date();
HRESULT _stdcall DateTime();
HRESULT _stdcall Delete();
HRESULT _stdcall Desc();
HRESULT _stdcall Disallow();
HRESULT _stdcall Distinct();
HRESULT _stdcall DistinctRow();
HRESULT _stdcall Double();
HRESULT _stdcall Drop();
HRESULT _stdcall Exists();
HRESULT _stdcall Float();
HRESULT _stdcall First();
HRESULT _stdcall Float4();
HRESULT _stdcall Float8();
HRESULT _stdcall Foreign();
HRESULT _stdcall From();
HRESULT _stdcall General();
HRESULT _stdcall Group();
HRESULT _stdcall Guid();
HRESULT _stdcall Having();
HRESULT _stdcall IEEEDouble();
HRESULT _stdcall IEEESingle();
HRESULT _stdcall Ignore();
HRESULT _stdcall In();
HRESULT _stdcall Index();
HRESULT _stdcall Inner();
HRESULT _stdcall Insert();
HRESULT _stdcall Int();
HRESULT _stdcall Integer();
HRESULT _stdcall Integer1();
HRESULT _stdcall Integer2();
HRESULT _stdcall Integer4();
HRESULT _stdcall Into();
HRESULT _stdcall Join();
HRESULT _stdcall Key();
HRESULT _stdcall Last();
HRESULT _stdcall Left();
HRESULT _stdcall Level();
HRESULT _stdcall Like();
HRESULT _stdcall Logical();
HRESULT _stdcall Logical1();
HRESULT _stdcall Long();
HRESULT _stdcall LongBinary();
HRESULT _stdcall LongText();
HRESULT _stdcall Max();
HRESULT _stdcall Memo();
HRESULT _stdcall Min();
HRESULT _stdcall Money();
HRESULT _stdcall Null();
HRESULT _stdcall Number();
HRESULT _stdcall Numeric();
HRESULT _stdcall OLEObject();
HRESULT _stdcall On();
HRESULT _stdcall Option();
HRESULT _stdcall Order();
HRESULT _stdcall Outer();
HRESULT _stdcall OwnerAccess();
HRESULT _stdcall Parameters();
HRESULT _stdcall Percent();
HRESULT _stdcall Pivot();
HRESULT _stdcall Primary();
HRESULT _stdcall Procedure();
HRESULT _stdcall Real();
HRESULT _stdcall References();
HRESULT _stdcall Right();
HRESULT _stdcall Select();
HRESULT _stdcall Set();
HRESULT _stdcall Short();
HRESULT _stdcall Single();
HRESULT _stdcall SmallInt();
HRESULT _stdcall Some();
HRESULT _stdcall Stdev();
HRESULT _stdcall Stdevp();
HRESULT _stdcall String();
HRESULT _stdcall Sum();
HRESULT _stdcall Table();
HRESULT _stdcall TableId();
HRESULT _stdcall Text();
HRESULT _stdcall Time();
HRESULT _stdcall TimeStamp();
HRESULT _stdcall Top();
HRESULT _stdcall Transform();
HRESULT _stdcall Union();
HRESULT _stdcall Unique();
HRESULT _stdcall Update();
HRESULT _stdcall Value();
HRESULT _stdcall Values();
HRESULT _stdcall Var();
HRESULT _stdcall VarBinary();
HRESULT _stdcall VarChar();
HRESULT _stdcall Varp();
HRESULT _stdcall Where();
HRESULT _stdcall With();
HRESULT _stdcall YesNo();
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
// Generated .IDL file (by the OLE/COM Object Viewer)
// typelib filename: msvbvm60.dll
helpstring("Visual Basic For Applications"),
library VBA
// TLib : OLE Automation : {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
// Forward declare all types defined in this typelib
interface _HiddenInterface;
interface _ErrObject;
interface _Collection;
typedef [uuid(ED822010-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x0010fe25)]
enum {
vbEmpty = 0,
vbNull = 1,
vbInteger = 2,
vbLong = 3,
vbSingle = 4,
vbDouble = 5,
vbCurrency = 6,
vbDate = 7,
vbString = 8,
vbObject = 9,
vbError = 10,
vbBoolean = 11,
vbVariant = 12,
vbDataObject = 13,
vbDecimal = 14,
vbByte = 17,
vbUserDefinedType = 36,
vbArray = 8192
} VbVarType;
typedef [uuid(ED822011-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x000f6ebd)]
enum {
vbOKOnly = 0,
vbOKCancel = 1,
vbAbortRetryIgnore = 2,
vbYesNoCancel = 3,
vbYesNo = 4,
vbRetryCancel = 5,
vbCritical = 16,
vbQuestion = 32,
vbExclamation = 48,
vbInformation = 64,
vbDefaultButton1 = 0,
vbDefaultButton2 = 256,
vbDefaultButton3 = 512,
vbDefaultButton4 = 768,
vbApplicationModal = 0,
vbSystemModal = 4096,
vbMsgBoxHelpButton = 16384,
vbMsgBoxRight = 0x00080000,
vbMsgBoxRtlReading = 0x00100000,
vbMsgBoxSetForeground = 0x00010000
} VbMsgBoxStyle;
typedef [uuid(ED822012-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x0010fdf8)]
enum {
vbOK = 1,
vbCancel = 2,
vbAbort = 3,
vbRetry = 4,
vbIgnore = 5,
vbYes = 6,
vbNo = 7
} VbMsgBoxResult;
typedef [uuid(ED822013-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x0010fddb)]
enum {
vbNormal = 0,
vbReadOnly = 1,
vbHidden = 2,
vbSystem = 4,
vbVolume = 8,
vbDirectory = 16,
vbArchive = 32,
vbAlias = 64
} VbFileAttribute;
typedef [uuid(ED822014-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x0010fe24)]
enum {
vbUpperCase = 1,
vbLowerCase = 2,
vbProperCase = 3,
vbWide = 4,
vbNarrow = 8,
vbKatakana = 16,
vbHiragana = 32,
vbUnicode = 64,
vbFromUnicode = 128
} VbStrConv;
typedef [uuid(ED822015-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x0010fdd1)]
enum {
vbUseSystemDayOfWeek = 0,
vbSunday = 1,
vbMonday = 2,
vbTuesday = 3,
vbWednesday = 4,
vbThursday = 5,
vbFriday = 6,
vbSaturday = 7
} VbDayOfWeek;
typedef [uuid(ED822016-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x0010fde2)]
enum {
vbUseSystem = 0,
vbFirstJan1 = 1,
vbFirstFourDays = 2,
vbFirstFullWeek = 3
} VbFirstWeekOfYear;
typedef [uuid(ED822017-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x0010fdef)]
enum {
vbIMENoOp = 0,
vbIMEModeNoControl = 0,
vbIMEOn = 1,
vbIMEModeOn = 1,
vbIMEOff = 2,
vbIMEModeOff = 2,
vbIMEDisable = 3,
vbIMEModeDisable = 3,
vbIMEHiragana = 4,
vbIMEModeHiragana = 4,
vbIMEKatakanaDbl = 5,
vbIMEModeKatakana = 5,
vbIMEKatakanaSng = 6,
vbIMEModeKatakanaHalf = 6,
vbIMEAlphaDbl = 7,
vbIMEModeAlphaFull = 7,
vbIMEAlphaSng = 8,
vbIMEModeAlpha = 8,
vbIMEModeHangulFull = 9,
vbIMEModeHangul = 10
} VbIMEStatus;
typedef [uuid(ED822018-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x0010fdc8)]
enum {
vbHide = 0,
vbNormalFocus = 1,
vbMinimizedFocus = 2,
vbMaximizedFocus = 3,
vbNormalNoFocus = 4,
vbMinimizedNoFocus = 6
} VbAppWinStyle;
typedef [uuid(ED822019-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x0010fdc9)]
enum {
vbBinaryCompare = 0,
vbTextCompare = 1,
vbDatabaseCompare = 2
} VbCompareMethod;
typedef [uuid(ED822020-6D7F-11CF-B949-00AA004455EA), helpcontext(0x0010fd14)]
enum {
vbCalGreg = 0,
vbCalHijri = 1
} VbCalendar;
typedef [uuid(07D7F561-A08E-11D0-9706-00A0C911004E), helpcontext(0x0010fe23)]
enum {
vbGeneralDate = 0,
vbLongDate = 1,
vbShortDate = 2,
vbLongTime = 3,
vbShortTime = 4
} VbDateTimeFormat;
typedef [uuid(07D7F562-A08E-11D0-9706-00A0C911004E), helpcontext(0x0010fe22)]
enum {
vbUseDefault = 0xfffffffe,
vbTrue = 0xffffffff,
vbFalse = 0
} VbTriState;
typedef [uuid(07D7F563-A08E-11D0-9706-00A0C911004E), helpcontext(0x0010fe21)]
enum {
VbMethod = 1,
VbGet = 2,
VbLet = 4,
VbSet = 8
} VbCallType;
// NOTE: This module has no entry points. There is no way to
// extract the dllname of a module with no entry points!
dllname("<no entry points>"),
module Constants {
[helpcontext(0x000f79aa)] const long vbObjectError = 0x80040000;
[helpcontext(0x0010aa32)] const LPSTR vbNullString = "";
[helpcontext(0x0010aa32)] const LPSTR vbNullChar = "\0";
[helpcontext(0x0010aa32)] const LPSTR vbCrLf = "\r\n";
[helpcontext(0x0010aa32)] const LPSTR vbNewLine = "\r\n";
[helpcontext(0x0010aa32)] const LPSTR vbCr = "\r";
[helpcontext(0x0010aa32)] const LPSTR vbLf = "\n";
[helpcontext(0x0010aa32)] const LPSTR vbBack = "\b";
[helpcontext(0x0010aa32)] const LPSTR vbFormFeed = "\f";
[helpcontext(0x0010aa32)] const LPSTR vbTab = "\t";
[helpcontext(0x0010aa32)] const LPSTR vbVerticalTab = "\v";
module Strings {
[entry(516), helpcontext(0x000f665f)]
short _stdcall Asc([in] BSTR String);
[entry(537), helpcontext(0x000f6e9f)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Chr([in] long CharCode);
[entry(608), helpcontext(0x000f64e2)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Chr([in] long CharCode);
[entry(517), helpcontext(0x000f6ea0)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_LCase([in] BSTR String);
[entry(518), helpcontext(0x000f653d)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_LCase([in] VARIANT* String);
[entry(631), helpcontext(0x000f6e99)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Mid(
[in] BSTR String,
[in] long Start,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Length);
[entry(632), helpcontext(0x000f6e9a)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Mid(
[in] VARIANT* String,
[in] long Start,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Length);
[entry(628), helpcontext(0x000f6e9b)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_MidB(
[in] BSTR String,
[in] long Start,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Length);
[entry(629), helpcontext(0x000f6d7e)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_MidB(
[in] VARIANT* String,
[in] long Start,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Length);
[entry(633), helpcontext(0x000f6532)]
VARIANT _stdcall InStr(
[in, optional] VARIANT* Start,
[in, optional] VARIANT* String1,
[in, optional] VARIANT* String2,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0),
custom(270D72B0-FFB8-11CF-A4BD-00A0C90F26EE, 1)
] VbCompareMethod Compare);
[entry(630), helpcontext(0x000f6d7d)]
VARIANT _stdcall InStrB(
[in, optional] VARIANT* Start,
[in, optional] VARIANT* String1,
[in, optional] VARIANT* String2,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0),
custom(270D72B0-FFB8-11CF-A4BD-00A0C90F26EE, 1)
] VbCompareMethod Compare);
[entry(616), helpcontext(0x000f6ea1)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Left(
[in] BSTR String,
[in] long Length);
[entry(617), helpcontext(0x000f653e)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Left(
[in] VARIANT* String,
[in] long Length);
[entry(512), helpcontext(0x000f735d)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_LeftB(
[in] BSTR String,
[in] long Length);
[entry(513), helpcontext(0x000f6d7b)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_LeftB(
[in] VARIANT* String,
[in] long Length);
[entry(521), helpcontext(0x000f6ea3)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_LTrim([in] BSTR String);
[entry(522), helpcontext(0x000f668d)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_LTrim([in] VARIANT* String);
[entry(514), helpcontext(0x000f735e)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_RightB(
[in] BSTR String,
[in] long Length);
[entry(515), helpcontext(0x000f6d7c)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_RightB(
[in] VARIANT* String,
[in] long Length);
[entry(618), helpcontext(0x000f6ea5)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Right(
[in] BSTR String,
[in] long Length);
[entry(619), helpcontext(0x000f656e)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Right(
[in] VARIANT* String,
[in] long Length);
[entry(523), helpcontext(0x000f6ea6)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_RTrim([in] BSTR String);
[entry(524), helpcontext(0x000f649d)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_RTrim([in] VARIANT* String);
[entry(525), helpcontext(0x000f6ea8)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Space([in] long Number);
[entry(526), helpcontext(0x000f6582)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Space([in] long Number);
[entry(717), helpcontext(0x000f6d77)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_StrConv(
[in] VARIANT* String,
[in] VbStrConv Conversion,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] long LocaleID);
[entry(606), helpcontext(0x000f6e9e)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_String(
[in] long Number,
[in] VARIANT* Character);
[entry(607), helpcontext(0x000f6d61)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_String(
[in] long Number,
[in] VARIANT* Character);
[entry(519), helpcontext(0x000f6eaa)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Trim([in] BSTR String);
[entry(520), helpcontext(0x000f668d)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Trim([in] VARIANT* String);
[entry(527), helpcontext(0x000f6eab)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_UCase([in] BSTR String);
[entry(528), helpcontext(0x000f659b)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_UCase([in] VARIANT* String);
[entry(649), helpcontext(0x000f658b)]
VARIANT _stdcall StrComp(
[in] VARIANT* String1,
[in] VARIANT* String2,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0),
custom(270D72B0-FFB8-11CF-A4BD-00A0C90F26EE, 1)
] VbCompareMethod Compare);
[entry(650), helpcontext(0x000f651d)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Format(
[in] VARIANT* Expression,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Format,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] VbDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] VbFirstWeekOfYear FirstWeekOfYear);
[entry(660), helpcontext(0x000f651d)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Format(
[in] VARIANT* Expression,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Format,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] VbDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] VbFirstWeekOfYear FirstWeekOfYear);
[entry(653), helpcontext(0x000f8d7e)]
VARIANT _stdcall Len([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(654), helpcontext(0x000f6d79)]
VARIANT _stdcall LenB([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(693), helpcontext(0x000f665f)]
unsigned char _stdcall AscB([in] BSTR String);
[entry(694), helpcontext(0x000f6e9f)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_ChrB([in] unsigned char CharCode);
[entry(695), helpcontext(0x000f64e2)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_ChrB([in] unsigned char CharCode);
[entry(696), helpcontext(0x000f665f)]
short _stdcall AscW([in] BSTR String);
[entry(697), helpcontext(0x000f6e9f)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_ChrW([in] long CharCode);
[entry(698), helpcontext(0x000f64e2)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_ChrW([in] long CharCode);
[entry(705), helpstring("Formats expression as date"), helpcontext(0x000f6ea7)]
BSTR _stdcall FormatDateTime(
[in] VARIANT* Expression,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] VbDateTimeFormat NamedFormat);
[entry(702), helpstring("Formats expression as number"), helpcontext(0x000f6529)]
BSTR _stdcall FormatNumber(
[in] VARIANT* Expression,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-1)] int NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-2)] VbTriState IncludeLeadingDigit,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-2)] VbTriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-2)] VbTriState GroupDigits);
[entry(704), helpstring("Formats expression as percent"), helpcontext(0x000f6528)]
BSTR _stdcall FormatPercent(
[in] VARIANT* Expression,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-1)] int NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-2)] VbTriState IncludeLeadingDigit,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-2)] VbTriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-2)] VbTriState GroupDigits);
[entry(703), helpstring("Formats expression as currency"), helpcontext(0x000f6525)]
BSTR _stdcall FormatCurrency(
[in] VARIANT* Expression,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-1)] int NumDigitsAfterDecimal,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-2)] VbTriState IncludeLeadingDigit,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-2)] VbTriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-2)] VbTriState GroupDigits);
[entry(706), helpstring("Returns localized weekday name"), helpcontext(0x000f6524)]
BSTR _stdcall WeekdayName(
[in] int Weekday,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL Abbreviate,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] VbDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek);
[entry(707), helpstring("Returns localized month name"), helpcontext(0x000f6523)]
BSTR _stdcall MonthName(
[in] int Month,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL Abbreviate);
[entry(712), helpstring("Find and replace a substring within a string"), helpcontext(0x000f6522)]
BSTR _stdcall Replace(
[in] BSTR Expression,
[in] BSTR Find,
[in] BSTR Replace,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] long Start,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-1)] long Count,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0),
custom(270D72B0-FFB8-11CF-A4BD-00A0C90F26EE, 1)
] VbCompareMethod Compare);
[entry(713), helpstring("Reverse a string"), helpcontext(0x000f651b)]
BSTR _stdcall StrReverse([in] BSTR Expression);
[entry(710), helpstring("Join array elements into a string"), helpcontext(0x000f6513)]
BSTR _stdcall Join(
[in] VARIANT* SourceArray,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Delimiter);
[entry(708), helpstring("Return array of matches"), helpcontext(0x000f6510)]
VARIANT _stdcall Filter(
[in] VARIANT* SourceArray,
[in] BSTR Match,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-1)] VARIANT_BOOL Include,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0),
custom(270D72B0-FFB8-11CF-A4BD-00A0C90F26EE, 1)
] VbCompareMethod Compare);
[entry(709), helpstring("Returns the position of the last occurrence of one string within another"), helpcontext(0x000f650f)]
long _stdcall InStrRev(
[in] BSTR StringCheck,
[in] BSTR StringMatch,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-1)] long Start,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0),
custom(270D72B0-FFB8-11CF-A4BD-00A0C90F26EE, 1)
] VbCompareMethod Compare);
[entry(711), helpstring("Split a string into an array"), helpcontext(0x000f650b)]
VARIANT _stdcall Split(
[in] BSTR Expression,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Delimiter,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(-1)] long Limit,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0),
custom(270D72B0-FFB8-11CF-A4BD-00A0C90F26EE, 1)
] VbCompareMethod Compare);
module Conversion {
[entry(572), helpcontext(0x000f6ea2)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Hex([in] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(573), helpcontext(0x000f652a)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Hex([in] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(574), helpcontext(0x000f6ea4)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Oct([in] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(575), helpcontext(0x000f6557)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Oct([in] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(590), hidden, helpcontext(0x000f6859)]
long _stdcall MacID([in] BSTR Constant);
[entry(536), helpcontext(0x000f6ea9)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Str([in] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(613), helpcontext(0x000f658a)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Str([in] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(581), helpcontext(0x000f659f)]
double _stdcall Val([in] BSTR String);
[entry(634), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
BSTR _stdcall CStr([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(686), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
unsigned char _stdcall CByte([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(635), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
VARIANT_BOOL _stdcall CBool([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(636), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
CURRENCY _stdcall CCur([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(641), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
DATE _stdcall CDate([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(687), helpcontext(0x000f6e7a)]
VARIANT _stdcall CVDate([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(637), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
short _stdcall CInt([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(638), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
long _stdcall CLng([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(639), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
single _stdcall CSng([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(640), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
double _stdcall CDbl([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(642), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
VARIANT _stdcall CVar([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(643), helpcontext(0x000f64b5)]
VARIANT _stdcall CVErr([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(651), helpcontext(0x000f6c6d)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Error([in, optional] VARIANT* ErrorNumber);
[entry(652), helpcontext(0x000f6c6d)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Error([in, optional] VARIANT* ErrorNumber);
[entry(655), helpcontext(0x000f649b)]
VARIANT _stdcall Fix([in] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(657), helpcontext(0x000f6533)]
VARIANT _stdcall Int([in] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(564), helpcontext(0x0010645a)]
HRESULT _stdcall CDec(
[in] VARIANT* Expression,
[out, retval] VARIANT* pvar);
module FileSystem {
[entry(530), helpcontext(0x000f64e0)]
void _stdcall ChDir([in] BSTR Path);
[entry(533), helpcontext(0x000f64e1)]
void _stdcall ChDrive([in] BSTR Drive);
[entry(571), helpcontext(0x000f650c)]
VARIANT_BOOL _stdcall EOF([in] short FileNumber);
[entry(555), helpcontext(0x000f6517)]
long _stdcall FileAttr(
[in] short FileNumber,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] short ReturnType);
[entry(576), helpcontext(0x000f6518)]
void _stdcall FileCopy(
[in] BSTR Source,
[in] BSTR Destination);
[entry(577), helpcontext(0x000f6519)]
VARIANT _stdcall FileDateTime([in] BSTR PathName);
[entry(578), helpcontext(0x000f651a)]
long _stdcall FileLen([in] BSTR PathName);
[entry(579), helpcontext(0x000f6521)]
VbFileAttribute _stdcall GetAttr([in] BSTR PathName);
[entry(529), helpcontext(0x000f653b)]
void _stdcall Kill([in] VARIANT* PathName);
[entry(569), helpcontext(0x000f6543)]
long _stdcall Loc([in] short FileNumber);
[entry(570), helpcontext(0x000f6545)]
long _stdcall LOF([in] short FileNumber);
[entry(531), helpcontext(0x000f654f)]
void _stdcall MkDir([in] BSTR Path);
[entry(554), helpcontext(0x000f656a)]
void _stdcall Reset();
[entry(532), helpcontext(0x000f656f)]
void _stdcall RmDir([in] BSTR Path);
[entry(568), helpcontext(0x000f6574)]
long _stdcall Seek([in] short FileNumber);
[entry(580), helpcontext(0x000f6579)]
void _stdcall SetAttr(
[in] BSTR PathName,
[in] VbFileAttribute Attributes);
[entry(646), helpcontext(0x000f64f1)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_CurDir([in, optional] VARIANT* Drive);
[entry(647), helpcontext(0x000f64f1)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_CurDir([in, optional] VARIANT* Drive);
[entry(648), helpcontext(0x000f651e)]
short _stdcall FreeFile([in, optional] VARIANT* RangeNumber);
[entry(645), helpcontext(0x000f6502)]
BSTR _stdcall Dir(
[in, optional] VARIANT* PathName,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] VbFileAttribute Attributes);
module DateTime {
[entry(610), propget, helpcontext(0x000f6d5e)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Date();
[entry(549), propput, helpcontext(0x000f6d5e)]
void _stdcall _B_str_Date([in] BSTR rhs);
[entry(548), propput, helpcontext(0x000f6d5e)]
void _stdcall _B_var_Date([in] VARIANT* rhs);
[entry(609), propget, helpcontext(0x000f6d5e)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Date();
[entry(538), helpcontext(0x000f64f8)]
VARIANT _stdcall DateSerial(
[in] short Year,
[in] short Month,
[in] short Day);
[entry(540), helpcontext(0x000f64f9)]
VARIANT _stdcall DateValue([in] BSTR Date);
[entry(542), helpcontext(0x000f64fa)]
VARIANT _stdcall Day([in] VARIANT* Date);
[entry(543), helpcontext(0x000f652b)]
VARIANT _stdcall Hour([in] VARIANT* Time);
[entry(544), helpcontext(0x000f654e)]
VARIANT _stdcall Minute([in] VARIANT* Time);
[entry(545), helpcontext(0x000f6551)]
VARIANT _stdcall Month([in] VARIANT* Date);
[entry(546), propget, helpcontext(0x000f6556)]
VARIANT _stdcall Now();
[entry(547), helpcontext(0x000f6573)]
VARIANT _stdcall Second([in] VARIANT* Time);
[entry(612), propget, helpcontext(0x000f6d5f)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Time();
[entry(551), propput, helpcontext(0x000f6d5f)]
void _stdcall _B_str_Time([in] BSTR rhs);
[entry(550), propput, helpcontext(0x000f6d5f)]
void _stdcall _B_var_Time([in] VARIANT* rhs);
[entry(611), propget, helpcontext(0x000f6d5f)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Time();
[entry(535), propget, helpcontext(0x000f6593)]
single _stdcall Timer();
[entry(539), helpcontext(0x000f6594)]
VARIANT _stdcall TimeSerial(
[in] short Hour,
[in] short Minute,
[in] short Second);
[entry(541), helpcontext(0x000f6595)]
VARIANT _stdcall TimeValue([in] BSTR Time);
[entry(552), helpcontext(0x000f65a2)]
VARIANT _stdcall Weekday(
[in] VARIANT* Date,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] VbDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek);
[entry(553), helpcontext(0x000f65a7)]
VARIANT _stdcall Year([in] VARIANT* Date);
[entry(661), helpcontext(0x000f7566)]
VARIANT _stdcall DateAdd(
[in] BSTR Interval,
[in] double Number,
[in] VARIANT* Date);
[entry(662), helpcontext(0x000f74d6)]
VARIANT _stdcall DateDiff(
[in] BSTR Interval,
[in] VARIANT* Date1,
[in] VARIANT* Date2,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] VbDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] VbFirstWeekOfYear FirstWeekOfYear);
[entry(663), helpcontext(0x000f74d7)]
VARIANT _stdcall DatePart(
[in] BSTR Interval,
[in] VARIANT* Date,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] VbDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(1)] VbFirstWeekOfYear FirstWeekOfYear);
[entry(700), propget, helpcontext(0x00110c12)]
VbCalendar _stdcall Calendar();
[entry(699), propput, helpcontext(0x00110c12)]
void _stdcall Calendar([in] VbCalendar rhs);
module Information {
[entry(605), hidden, helpcontext(0x000f74da)]
long _stdcall Erl();
[entry(685), helpcontext(0x000f74da)]
ErrObject* _stdcall Err();
[entry(615), helpcontext(0x000f6d78)]
VbIMEStatus _stdcall IMEStatus();
[entry(556), helpcontext(0x000f64b7)]
VARIANT_BOOL _stdcall IsArray([in] VARIANT* VarName);
[entry(557), helpcontext(0x000f6537)]
VARIANT_BOOL _stdcall IsDate([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(558), helpcontext(0x000f6538)]
VARIANT_BOOL _stdcall IsEmpty([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(559), helpcontext(0x000f64b8)]
VARIANT_BOOL _stdcall IsError([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(592), helpcontext(0x000f69b5)]
VARIANT_BOOL _stdcall IsMissing([in] VARIANT* ArgName);
[entry(560), helpcontext(0x000f6539)]
VARIANT_BOOL _stdcall IsNull([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(561), helpcontext(0x000f653a)]
VARIANT_BOOL _stdcall IsNumeric([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(562), helpcontext(0x000f64b9)]
VARIANT_BOOL _stdcall IsObject([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(591), helpcontext(0x000f69b4)]
BSTR _stdcall TypeName([in] VARIANT* VarName);
[entry(563), helpcontext(0x000f65a1)]
VbVarType _stdcall VarType([in] VARIANT* VarName);
[entry(589), helpcontext(0x000f74d2)]
long _stdcall QBColor([in] short Color);
[entry(588), helpcontext(0x000f656d)]
long _stdcall RGB(
[in] short Red,
[in] short Green,
[in] short Blue);
module Interaction {
[entry(597), helpcontext(0x000f64d7)]
void _stdcall AppActivate(
[in] VARIANT* Title,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Wait);
[entry(534), helpcontext(0x000f64dd)]
void _stdcall Beep();
[entry(716), helpcontext(0x000f6ca3)]
VARIANT _stdcall CreateObject(
[in] BSTR Class,
[in, optional, defaultvalue("")] BSTR ServerName);
[entry(598), helpcontext(0x000f7900)]
short _stdcall DoEvents();
[entry(626), helpcontext(0x000f6d0f)]
VARIANT _stdcall GetObject(
[in, optional] VARIANT* PathName,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Class);
[entry(596), helpcontext(0x000f6531)]
BSTR _stdcall InputBox(
[in] VARIANT* Prompt,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Title,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Default,
[in, optional] VARIANT* XPos,
[in, optional] VARIANT* YPos,
[in, optional] VARIANT* HelpFile,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Context);
[entry(627), hidden, helpcontext(0x000f6ca0)]
BSTR _stdcall MacScript([in] BSTR Script);
[entry(595), helpcontext(0x000f6552)]
VbMsgBoxResult _stdcall MsgBox(
[in] VARIANT* Prompt,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] VbMsgBoxStyle Buttons,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Title,
[in, optional] VARIANT* HelpFile,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Context);
[entry(599), helpcontext(0x000f6577)]
void _stdcall SendKeys(
[in] BSTR String,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Wait);
[entry(600), helpcontext(0x000f657f)]
double _stdcall Shell(
[in] VARIANT* PathName,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(2)] VbAppWinStyle WindowStyle);
[entry(664), helpcontext(0x000f69af)]
VARIANT _stdcall Partition(
[in] VARIANT* Number,
[in] VARIANT* Start,
[in] VARIANT* Stop,
[in] VARIANT* Interval);
[entry(665), vararg, helpcontext(0x000f69ab)]
VARIANT _stdcall Choose(
[in] single Index,
[entry(666), helpcontext(0x000f7568)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Environ([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(667), helpcontext(0x000f7576)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Environ([in] VARIANT* Expression);
[entry(668), vararg, helpcontext(0x000f69b0)]
VARIANT _stdcall Switch([in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT)* VarExpr);
[entry(670), helpcontext(0x000f6cbc)]
VARIANT _stdcall _B_var_Command();
[entry(669), helpcontext(0x000f6cbc)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_Command();
[entry(681), helpcontext(0x000f74dd)]
VARIANT _stdcall IIf(
[in] VARIANT* Expression,
[in] VARIANT* TruePart,
[in] VARIANT* FalsePart);
[entry(689), helpcontext(0x000f93e6)]
BSTR _stdcall GetSetting(
[in] BSTR AppName,
[in] BSTR Section,
[in] BSTR Key,
[in, optional] VARIANT Default);
[entry(690), helpcontext(0x000f93e8)]
void _stdcall SaveSetting(
[in] BSTR AppName,
[in] BSTR Section,
[in] BSTR Key,
[in] BSTR Setting);
[entry(691), helpcontext(0x000f93e5)]
void _stdcall DeleteSetting(
[in] BSTR AppName,
[in, optional] VARIANT Section,
[in, optional] VARIANT Key);
[entry(692), helpcontext(0x000f93e7)]
VARIANT _stdcall GetAllSettings(
[in] BSTR AppName,
[in] BSTR Section);
[entry(715), vararg, helpstring("Support IDispatch::Invoke"), helpcontext(0x000f93e9)]
VARIANT _stdcall CallByName(
[in] IDispatch* Object,
[in] BSTR ProcName,
[in] VbCallType CallType,
[in, lcid] long lcid);
module Math {
[entry(656), helpcontext(0x000f64d2)]
VARIANT _stdcall Abs([in] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(585), helpcontext(0x000f64dc)]
double _stdcall Atn([in] double Number);
[entry(583), helpcontext(0x000f64ef)]
double _stdcall Cos([in] double Number);
[entry(586), helpcontext(0x000f6515)]
double _stdcall Exp([in] double Number);
[entry(587), helpcontext(0x000f6546)]
double _stdcall Log([in] double Number);
[entry(594), helpcontext(0x000f6566)]
void _stdcall Randomize([in, optional] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(593), helpcontext(0x000f6570)]
single _stdcall Rnd([in, optional] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(582), helpcontext(0x000f6580)]
double _stdcall Sin([in] double Number);
[entry(614), helpcontext(0x000f6585)]
double _stdcall Sqr([in] double Number);
[entry(584), helpcontext(0x000f6590)]
double _stdcall Tan([in] double Number);
[entry(658), helpcontext(0x000f657d)]
VARIANT _stdcall Sgn([in] VARIANT* Number);
[entry(714), helpstring("Round to a given number of decimal places"), helpcontext(0x000f657c)]
VARIANT _stdcall Round(
[in] VARIANT* Number,
[in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] long NumDigitsAfterDecimal);
module Financial {
[entry(671), helpcontext(0x000f6689)]
double _stdcall SLN(
[in] double Cost,
[in] double Salvage,
[in] double Life);
[entry(672), helpcontext(0x000f668a)]
double _stdcall SYD(
[in] double Cost,
[in] double Salvage,
[in] double Life,
[in] double Period);
[entry(673), helpcontext(0x000f667f)]
double _stdcall DDB(
[in] double Cost,
[in] double Salvage,
[in] double Life,
[in] double Period,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Factor);
[entry(674), helpcontext(0x000f6681)]
double _stdcall IPmt(
[in] double Rate,
[in] double Per,
[in] double NPer,
[in] double PV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* FV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Due);
[entry(675), helpcontext(0x000f6686)]
double _stdcall PPmt(
[in] double Rate,
[in] double Per,
[in] double NPer,
[in] double PV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* FV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Due);
[entry(676), helpcontext(0x000f6685)]
double _stdcall Pmt(
[in] double Rate,
[in] double NPer,
[in] double PV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* FV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Due);
[entry(677), helpcontext(0x000f6687)]
double _stdcall PV(
[in] double Rate,
[in] double NPer,
[in] double Pmt,
[in, optional] VARIANT* FV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Due);
[entry(678), helpcontext(0x000f6680)]
double _stdcall FV(
[in] double Rate,
[in] double NPer,
[in] double Pmt,
[in, optional] VARIANT* PV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Due);
[entry(679), helpcontext(0x000f6726)]
double _stdcall NPer(
[in] double Rate,
[in] double Pmt,
[in] double PV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* FV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Due);
[entry(680), helpcontext(0x000f6688)]
double _stdcall Rate(
[in] double NPer,
[in] double Pmt,
[in] double PV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* FV,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Due,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Guess);
[entry(682), helpcontext(0x000f6682)]
double _stdcall IRR(
[in] SAFEARRAY(double)* ValueArray,
[in, optional] VARIANT* Guess);
[entry(683), helpcontext(0x000f6683)]
double _stdcall MIRR(
[in] SAFEARRAY(double)* ValueArray,
[in] double FinanceRate,
[in] double ReinvestRate);
[entry(684), helpcontext(0x000f6684)]
double _stdcall NPV(
[in] double Rate,
[in] SAFEARRAY(double)* ValueArray);
module _HiddenModule {
[entry(601), vararg, helpcontext(0x000f6c9d)]
VARIANT _stdcall Array([in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT)* ArgList);
[entry(566), helpcontext(0x000f735f)]
BSTR _stdcall _B_str_InputB(
[in] long Number,
View raw

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