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Based on [Retrieving icons of current user printers](
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "cPrintersCombo"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
' $Header: /Dreem/1.5/Src/Common/cPrintersCombo.cls 66 21.02.24 17:09 Wqw $
' Dreem Enterprise Project
' Copyright (c) 2003-2024 Unicontsoft
' Enum Printers virtual folder
' $Log: /Dreem/1.5/Src/Common/cPrintersCombo.cls $
' 66 21.02.24 17:09 Wqw
' REF: guard GetUIObjectOf samo za visible
' 65 14.02.24 13:45 Wqw
' REF: mark instance name terminated
' 64 15.11.23 10:18 Wqw
' REF: reorder params na err handling
' 63 7.04.23 17:52 Wqw
' REF: ne polzwa directno methods/props na app
' 62 8.01.23 15:20 Wqw
' REF: stop using hidden enum entries other than dummy [underscore]
' 61 13.10.22 14:19 Wqw
' REF: draw text text param
' 60 7.10.22 11:07 Wqw
' REF: unicode send/post message
' 59 4.10.22 17:09 Wqw
' REF: polzwa unicode API declares
' 58 25.03.22 14:31 Wqw
' REF: polzwa screen physical height
' 57 3.02.22 11:21 Wqw
' REF: wika do events na update info samo ako e drop-nato combo-to
' 56 18.06.21 17:11 Wqw
' REF: mark terminated
' 55 26.03.21 11:31 Wqw
' REF: polzwa null char
' 54 13.05.20 20:45 Wqw
' REF: polzwa expliciten TerminateXxxThunk
' 53 17.04.19 13:53 Wqw
' REF: hide subclass/timer proc
' 52 12.04.19 12:24 Wqw
' REF: suppress err server died w print error
' 51 8.04.19 22:07 Wqw
' REF: polzwa MST
' 50 11.02.19 10:22 Wqw
' REF: polzwa val ot env var
' 49 16.01.19 13:45 Wqw
' REF: get info tip moje da fail-ne
' 48 2.01.19 16:13 Wqw
' REF: VSS restore
' 49 14.12.18 15:07 Wqw
' REF: impl cjange notification za update item
' 48 11.12.18 15:49 Wqw
' ADD: local border width i align to pix
' 47 18.12.17 16:25 Wqw
' REF: api declares bez dll extension
' 46 19.05.17 17:48 Wqw
' REF: separate value/text columns
' 45 13.04.17 18:32 Wqw
' REF: polzwa get error environment var
' 44 16.09.16 13:53 Wqw
' ADD: Function frGetPrintersFolder
' 43 30.06.16 14:59 Wqw
' REF: instance/module name
' 42 24.02.16 15:09 Wqw
' REF: ret val na search collection
' 41 16.01.16 15:34 Wqw
' REF: prowerka init font/mem dc
' 40 7.04.15 20:00 Wqw
' REF: impl err handling s retry
' 39 18.03.15 18:28 Wqw
' REF: gardira se ako change notify register prashta nerazbiraemi pidl
' 38 15.01.15 18:44 Wqw
' REF: optional params bez prefix
' 37 12.01.15 14:56 Wqw
' REF: err handling na wnd proc
' 36 17.11.14 20:08 Wqw
' REF: impl stricten err handling na events
' 35 11.10.14 12:58 Wqw
' REF: polzwa string varianti na funktsii
' 34 10.10.14 1:26 Wqw
' REF: polzwa unsigned pointer aritmetika
' 33 17.01.14 19:14 Wqw
' REF: do 50 printer-a se autorefresh-wa
' 32 18.10.13 0:38 Wqw
' REF: fix NT bug w get device name
' 31 9.10.13 17:48 Wqw
' REF: do events na update info
' 30 18.04.13 17:01 Wqw
' REF: named params na InitFireOnceTimer
' 29 8.04.13 16:26 Wqw
' REF: cache na printers shell folder
' 28 7.04.13 1:49 Wqw
' REF: polzwa static shell folder na initialize
' 27 22.03.13 18:23 Wqw
' REF: break on all errors
' 26 22.02.13 19:10 Wqw
' REF: prowerka dublirane na printeri w enum printer
' 25 30.05.12 18:10 Wqw
' REF: gardira se ako EnumObjects wyrne nothing i w pvUpdatePrinterInfo
' 24 30.05.12 17:30 Wqw
' REF: frEnumPrinters se gardira ako EnumObjects ne e impl
' 23 27.04.12 9:42 Wqw
' REF: ne polzwa screen obekta
' 22 21.01.12 17:34 Wqw
' REF: prowerqwa resultat ot GetData w pvGetDeviceName
' 21 29.10.11 18:23 Wqw
' REF: polzwa combo-to direktno
' 20 29.10.11 0:26 Wqw
' REF: sync na combo pri change notification
' 19 28.10.11 14:52 Wqw
' REF: impl change notification ot printers folder
' 18 18.08.11 17:24 Wqw
' REF: polzwa InitFontDC
' 17 29.06.11 15:00 Wqw
' REF: gardira pvTimerAction [let] ot nekorekten state
' 16 11.09.10 13:54 Wqw
' REF: na terminate zachistwa timer action
' 15 4.02.10 19:54 Wqw
' REF: re-dim s expliciten type
' 14 12.01.10 23:03 Wqw
' REF: gardira se ako ne moje da dostypi virtualniq folder
' 13 16.11.09 19:29 Wqw
' REF: replace na infotip za da raboti pod win2k
' 12 3.11.09 17:19 Wqw
' REF: w debug mode MODULE_NAME sydyrja debug id
' 11 17.10.09 1:13 Wqw
' REF: ne gyrmi pod win98
' 10 2.10.09 19:23 Wqw
' REF: ne exponira VB.Collection na public interface-a
' 9 1.08.09 16:15 Wqw
' ADD: Function frEnumPrinters
' 8 31.07.09 19:08 Wqw
' REF: polzwa timer action za init status
' 7 31.07.09 14:38 Wqw
' REF: draw item se integrira s fore/back color na ctrl, a win7 e
' wyzmojno da se "setsne" enumeratsiqta pyrwiq pyt ako e natowareno CPU
' na 100%
' 6 29.07.09 21:39 Wqw
' REF: m_cPrinters baziwana na VB.Printers
' 5 28.07.09 20:02 Wqw
' REF: delay load na status-i
' 4 27.07.09 21:19 Wqw
' REF: risuwa disabled icon-a s blend 50%
' 3 27.07.09 19:21 Wqw
' REF: pri disabled integratsiq s tabstrip pane background
' 2 27.07.09 17:44 Wqw
' REF: razmer edit box namalen, na close up prawi refresh na printerite
' 1 27.07.09 16:07 Wqw
' Initial implementation
Option Explicit
DefObj A-Z
Private Const STR_MODULE_NAME As String = "cPrintersCombo"
Implements IUcsTerminate
Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
'--- for SHGetSpecialFolderLocation
Private Const CSIDL_PRINTERS As Long = &H4
'--- for SHGetFileInfo
Private Const SHGFI_LARGEICON As Long = &H0
Private Const SHGFI_SMALLICON As Long = &H1
Private Const SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE As Long = &H4
Private Const SHGFI_PIDL As Long = &H8
Private Const SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME As Long = &H200
Private Const SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX As Long = &H4000
'--- for IShellFolder.EnumObjects
Private Const SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS As Long = &H40
'--- for ImageList_Draw
Private Const ILD_TRANSPARENT As Long = &H1
Private Const ILD_BLEND25 As Long = &H2
Private Const ILD_BLEND50 As Long = &H4
'--- for IQueryInfo.GetInfoTip
Private Const QITIPF_SINGLELINE As Long = &H10
'--- for GetSystemMetrics
Private Const SM_CXVSCROLL As Long = 2
'--- for SHChangeNotifyRegister
Private Const SHCNE_CREATE As Long = &H2
Private Const SHCNE_DELETE As Long = &H4
Private Const SHCNE_UPDATEITEM As Long = &H2000
Private Const SHCNRF_ShellLevel As Long = 2
'--- windows msgs
Private Const WM_CTLCOLORBTN As Long = &H135
Private Const WM_MYNOTIFY As Long = &H1000 + 100
Private Const WM_COMMAND As Long = &H111
Private Const CBN_DOITEMDATA As Long = 10002
Private Declare Function SHGetDesktopFolder Lib "shell32" (ppshf As IShellFolder) As Long
Private Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation Lib "shell32" (ByVal hWndOwner As Long, ByVal nFolder As Long, pidl As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32" (ByVal pv As Long)
Private Declare Function SHGetFileInfo Lib "shell32" Alias "SHGetFileInfoW" (pszPath As Any, ByVal dwFileAttributes As Long, ByVal psfi As Long, ByVal cbFileInfo As Long, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDest As Any, pSource As Any, ByVal dwLength As Long)
Private Declare Function ImageList_Draw Lib "comctl32" (ByVal himl As Long, ByVal i As Long, ByVal hdcDst As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal fStyle As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ImageList_DrawEx Lib "comctl32" (ByVal himl As Long, ByVal i As Long, ByVal hdcDst As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal rgbBk As Long, ByVal rgbFg As Long, ByVal fStyle As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ImageList_GetIconSize Lib "comctl32" (ByVal himl As Long, cx As Long, cy As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function lstrlenA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DrawFocusRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hDC As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long
Private Declare Function GetFocus Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function InvalidateRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal bErase As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetClientRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long
Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetParent Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function FillRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hDC As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal hBrush As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageW" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function SHChangeNotifyRegister Lib "shell32" Alias "#2" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uFlags As Long, ByVal dwEventID As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal cItems As Long, lpps As Any) As Long
Private Type RECT
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
hIcon As Long
iIcon As Long
dwAttributes As Long
szDisplayName As String * MAX_PATH
szTypeName As String * 80
End Type
Private Type POINTAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Private Type DROPFILES
pFiles As Long ' offset of file list
pt As POINTAPI ' drop point (client coords)
fNC As Long ' is it on NonClient area and pt is in screen coords
fWide As Long ' WIDE character switch
End Type
pidl As Long
bWatchSubFolders As Long
End Type
dwItem1 As Long
dwItem2 As Long
End Type
' Constants and member variables
Private IID_IShellFolder(0 To 3) As Long
Private IID_IDataObject(0 To 3) As Long
Private IID_IQueryInfo(0 To 3) As Long
Private m_oForm As cFormManager
Private WithEvents m_oCtl As DirectCobCombo
Attribute m_oCtl.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private m_cPrinters As Collection
Private m_bEnabled As Boolean
Private m_pPrintersFolder As IShellFolder
Private m_pidlPrinters() As Byte
'--- UI elements
Private m_pNormalFont As IFont
Private m_pBoldFont As IFont
Private m_pItalicFont As IFont
Private m_lIndent As Long
Private m_cxLarge As Long
Private m_cyLarge As Long
Private m_cxSmall As Long
Private m_cySmall As Long
Private m_lOrigItemHeight As Long
Private m_pTimer As IUnknown
Private m_eTimerAction As UcsFormTimerAction
Private m_hShellNotify As Long
Private m_pCleanupNotify As IUnknown
Private m_hWnd As Long
Private m_pSubclass As IUnknown
Private m_bInUpdatePrinterInfo As Boolean
Private m_bIsServerDiedLogged As Boolean
'--- debug
Private m_sInstanceName As String
#If DebugMode Then
Private m_sDebugID As String
#End If
Private Enum UcsInfoIndexes
End Enum
Private Enum UcsFormTimerAction '--- bitmask
ucsTmrInitStatus = 2 ^ 0
ucsTmrUpdateStatus = 2 ^ 1
ucsTmrDelayUpdateStatus = 2 ^ 2
ucsTmrAll = 2 ^ 3 - 1
End Enum
Private Enum UcsComboColumnsEnum
c_Value = 0
End Enum
' Error management
Friend Property Get frInstanceName() As String
frInstanceName = m_sInstanceName
End Property
Private Property Get MODULE_NAME() As String
#If DebugMode Then
MODULE_NAME = GetModuleInstance(STR_MODULE_NAME, frInstanceName, m_sDebugID)
MODULE_NAME = GetModuleInstance(STR_MODULE_NAME, frInstanceName)
#End If
End Property
Private Function RaiseError(sFunction As String) As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim vErr As Variant
PushError vErr
RaiseError = GAppHandleOutOfMemory(vErr)
If RaiseError <> vbRetry Then
PopRaiseError vErr, MODULE_NAME, sFunction
End If
End Function
Private Function PrintError(sFunction As String) As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim vErr As Variant
PushError vErr
If vErr(ucsErrNumber) = ERR_RPC_E_SERVER_DIED Then
If m_bIsServerDiedLogged Then
Exit Function
End If
m_bIsServerDiedLogged = True
End If
PrintError = GAppHandleOutOfMemory(vErr)
If PrintError <> vbRetry Then
PopPrintError vErr, MODULE_NAME, sFunction
End If
End Function
' Properties
Property Get Printers() As Object
Set Printers = frPrinters
End Property
Friend Property Get frPrinters() As Collection
Dim vInfo As Variant
Dim vElem As Variant
If m_cPrinters Is Nothing Then
'--- create printers collection from Printers virtual folder
Set m_cPrinters = New Collection
vInfo = Array(vbNullString, vbNullString, vbNullString, 0, 0, 0, 0)
For Each vElem In frEnumPrinters
vInfo(ucsIdxDeviceName) = vElem
vInfo(ucsIdxDisplayName) = vElem
m_cPrinters.Add vInfo, vInfo(ucsIdxDeviceName)
End If
Set frPrinters = m_cPrinters
End Property
Property Get Enabled() As Boolean
Enabled = m_bEnabled
End Property
Property Let Enabled(ByVal bValue As Boolean)
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "Enabled [let]"
On Error GoTo EH
m_bEnabled = bValue
If bValue Then
m_oCtl.ColumnWidths(c_Text) = pvCalcMaxWidth(m_cPrinters)
m_oCtl.ColumnWidths(c_Text) = -1
End If
Exit Property
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Property
Private Property Get pvTimerAction(ByVal eType As UcsFormTimerAction) As Boolean
pvTimerAction = ((m_eTimerAction And eType) <> 0)
End Property
Private Property Let pvTimerAction(ByVal eType As UcsFormTimerAction, ByVal bValue As Boolean)
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "pvTimerAction [let]"
On Error GoTo EH
#If DebugMode Then
If (m_eTimerAction Or ucsTmrAll) <> ucsTmrAll Then
End If
If (eType Or ucsTmrAll) <> ucsTmrAll Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError, , Printf(STR_ERR_INVALID_TIMER_ACTION, Hex$(eType))
End If
#End If
If bValue Then
m_eTimerAction = (m_eTimerAction Or eType) And ucsTmrAll
If ThunkPrivateData(m_pTimer) = 0 And m_eTimerAction <> 0 Then
Set m_pTimer = InitFireOnceTimerThunk(Me, pvAddressOfTimerProc.TimerProc, Delay:=IIf(eType = ucsTmrDelayUpdateStatus, 1000, 0))
End If
m_eTimerAction = (m_eTimerAction And Not eType) And ucsTmrAll
If ThunkPrivateData(m_pTimer) <> 0 And m_eTimerAction = 0 Then
TerminateFireOnceTimerThunk m_pTimer, Me
End If
End If
Exit Property
If RaiseError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
End Property
Private Property Get pvAddressOfSubclassProc() As cPrintersCombo
Set pvAddressOfSubclassProc = InitAddressOfMethod(Me, 5)
End Property
Private Property Get pvAddressOfTimerProc() As cPrintersCombo
Set pvAddressOfTimerProc = InitAddressOfMethod(Me, 0)
End Property
' Methods
Friend Function frInit(oExt As cComboExtension, sDeviceName As String) As Boolean
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "frInit"
Static lNotify As Long
Dim vElem As Variant
On Error GoTo EH
'--- init member vars
m_sInstanceName = oExt.frInstanceName
#If DebugMode Then
DebugInstanceName frInstanceName, m_sDebugID
#End If
Set m_oForm = oExt.Form
Set m_oCtl = oExt.frControl
Set m_pNormalFont = m_oCtl.Font
Set m_pBoldFont = CloneFont(m_pNormalFont)
m_pBoldFont.Bold = True
Set m_pItalicFont = CloneFont(m_pNormalFont)
m_pItalicFont.Italic = True
m_lOrigItemHeight = GetFontHeight(m_oCtl.Font)
m_bEnabled = True
m_lIndent = 480 / ScreenTwipsPerPixelX
m_cxSmall = 16
m_cySmall = 16
Set m_cPrinters = Printers
'--- setup notifications
m_hWnd = m_oCtl.hWnd
Set m_pSubclass = InitSubclassingThunk(m_hWnd, Me, pvAddressOfSubclassProc.ComboSubclassProc(0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
If lNotify = 0 Then
lNotify = IIf(Val(GetErrorEnvironmentVar("_UCS_DREEM_NO_PRINTERCOMBO_NOTIFY")) <> 0, -1, 1)
End If
If lNotify = 1 Then
uNotify.pidl = VarPtr(m_pidlPrinters(0))
uNotify.bWatchSubFolders = 1
m_hShellNotify = SHChangeNotifyRegister(m_hWnd, SHCNRF_ShellLevel, SHCNE_ALLEVENTS, WM_MYNOTIFY, 1, uNotify)
Set m_pCleanupNotify = InitCleanupThunk(m_hShellNotify, "shell32", "#4") ' SHChangeNotifyDeregister
End If
'--- fill combo
For Each vElem In m_cPrinters
m_oCtl.AddItem Array(ToSessionPrinter(C_Str(vElem(ucsIdxDeviceName))), vElem(ucsIdxDeviceName))
If LCase$(vElem(ucsIdxDeviceName)) = LCase$(sDeviceName) Then
m_oCtl.ListIndex = m_oCtl.ListCount - 1
End If
pvTimerAction(ucsTmrInitStatus) = True
Exit Function
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Function
Public Function EnumPrinters() As Object
Set EnumPrinters = frEnumPrinters
End Function
Public Function TimerProc() As Long
Attribute TimerProc.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "TimerProc"
On Error GoTo EH
'--- delay update
If m_bInUpdatePrinterInfo Then
pvTimerAction(m_eTimerAction) = True
Exit Function
End If
If pvTimerAction(ucsTmrInitStatus) Then
pvTimerAction(ucsTmrInitStatus) = False
If pvUpdatePrinterInfo(False) Then
m_oCtl.ColumnWidths(c_Text) = pvCalcMaxWidth(m_cPrinters)
End If
ElseIf pvTimerAction(ucsTmrUpdateStatus Or ucsTmrDelayUpdateStatus) Then
pvTimerAction(ucsTmrUpdateStatus Or ucsTmrDelayUpdateStatus) = False
If pvUpdatePrinterInfo(True) Then
m_oCtl.ColumnWidths(c_Text) = pvCalcMaxWidth(m_cPrinters)
End If
If Not m_oCtl Is Nothing Then
If m_oCtl.DropDown Then
pvTimerAction(ucsTmrDelayUpdateStatus) = True
End If
End If
End If
Exit Function
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Function
Public Function ComboSubclassProc(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long, Handled As Boolean) As Long
Attribute ComboSubclassProc.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "ComboSubclassProc"
Dim pDataObject As IDataObject
Dim sDeviceName As String
Dim vElem As Variant
Dim pidlCurrent() As Byte
Dim lIdx As Long
Dim bDropped As Boolean
Dim vInfo As Variant
On Error GoTo EH
Handled = True
Select Case wMsg
Call CopyMemory(uNotify, ByVal wParam, LenB(uNotify))
Select Case lParam
pidlCurrent = pvToPidl(uNotify.dwItem1, Release:=False)
If IsWindowVisible(hWnd) Then
'--- moje da fail-ne pod win10
On Error Resume Next '--- checked
Call m_pPrintersFolder.GetUIObjectOf(0, 1, VarPtr(pidlCurrent(UBound(m_pidlPrinters) - 1)), IID_IDataObject(0), 0, pDataObject)
On Error GoTo EH
End If
sDeviceName = pvGetDeviceName(pDataObject)
End Select
If LenB(sDeviceName) <> 0 Then
Select Case lParam
RemoveCollection m_cPrinters, sDeviceName
If Not SearchCollection(m_cPrinters, sDeviceName) Then
vInfo = Array(vbNullString, vbNullString, vbNullString, 0, 0, 0, 0)
vInfo(ucsIdxDeviceName) = sDeviceName
vInfo(ucsIdxDisplayName) = sDeviceName
m_cPrinters.Add vInfo, sDeviceName
End If
pvTimerAction(ucsTmrUpdateStatus) = True
End Select
If m_oCtl.ListCount < 50 Then
bDropped = m_oCtl.DropDown
For Each vElem In m_cPrinters
If lIdx < m_oCtl.ListCount Then
If m_oCtl.Item(c_Text, lIdx) <> vElem(ucsIdxDeviceName) Then
m_oCtl.Item(c_Value, lIdx) = ToSessionPrinter(C_Str(vElem(ucsIdxDeviceName)))
m_oCtl.Item(c_Text, lIdx) = vElem(ucsIdxDeviceName)
End If
m_oCtl.AddItem Array(ToSessionPrinter(C_Str(vElem(ucsIdxDeviceName))), vElem(ucsIdxDeviceName))
End If
lIdx = lIdx + 1
Do While lIdx < m_oCtl.ListCount
m_oCtl.RemoveItem lIdx
If bDropped Then
Call SendMessage(m_oCtl.hWnd, WM_COMMAND, CBN_DOITEMDATA * &H10000, ByVal m_oCtl.hWndCombo)
m_oCtl.DropDown = True
If m_bEnabled Then
pvTimerAction(ucsTmrUpdateStatus) = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Select
ComboSubclassProc = CallNextSubclassProc(m_pSubclass, hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)
Exit Function
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME & "(hWnd=" & hWnd & ", wMsg=" & wMsg & ", lParam=" & lParam & ", wParam=" & wParam & ")") = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Function
'= friend ================================================================
Friend Function frEnumPrinters() As Collection
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "frEnumPrinters"
Dim lPtr As Long
Dim pEnumIds As IEnumIDList
Dim pDataObject As IDataObject
Dim pidlCurrent() As Byte
Dim sDeviceName As String
Dim vElem As Variant
On Error GoTo EH
Set frEnumPrinters = New Collection
If m_pPrintersFolder Is Nothing Then
m_pidlPrinters = frGetPrintersFolder(m_pPrintersFolder)
End If
If Not m_pPrintersFolder Is Nothing Then
Call m_pPrintersFolder.EnumObjects(0, SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS, pEnumIds)
End If
If Not pEnumIds Is Nothing Then
Do While pEnumIds.Next(1, lPtr) = 1
pidlCurrent = pvToPidl(lPtr)
'--- get DeviceName
Set pDataObject = Nothing
Call m_pPrintersFolder.GetUIObjectOf(0, 1, VarPtr(pidlCurrent(0)), IID_IDataObject(0), 0, pDataObject)
sDeviceName = pvGetDeviceName(pDataObject)
If LenB(sDeviceName) <> 0 And sDeviceName <> "WinUtils_NewObject" And Not SearchCollection(frEnumPrinters, sDeviceName) Then
frEnumPrinters.Add sDeviceName, sDeviceName
End If
For Each vElem In VB.Printers
sDeviceName = vElem.DeviceName
If Not SearchCollection(frEnumPrinters, sDeviceName) Then
frEnumPrinters.Add sDeviceName, sDeviceName
End If
End If
Exit Function
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Function
Friend Function frGetPrintersFolder(Optional pPrintersFolder As IShellFolder, Optional ByVal Flush As Boolean) As Byte()
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "frGetPrintersFolder"
Static g_pidlPrinters() As Byte
Static g_pPrintersFolder As IShellFolder
Dim pDesktopFolder As IShellFolder
Dim lPtr As Long
On Error GoTo EH
If Flush Then
Erase g_pidlPrinters
Set g_pPrintersFolder = Nothing
ElseIf g_pPrintersFolder Is Nothing Then
'--- init shell folders
Call SHGetDesktopFolder(pDesktopFolder)
Call SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, CSIDL_PRINTERS, lPtr)
g_pidlPrinters = pvToPidl(lPtr)
'--- moje da grymne s "permission denied" pod Wine
On Error Resume Next '--- checked
Call pDesktopFolder.BindToObject(g_pidlPrinters(0), 0, IID_IShellFolder(0), g_pPrintersFolder)
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Set pPrintersFolder = g_pPrintersFolder
frGetPrintersFolder = g_pidlPrinters
Exit Function
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Function
Private Function pvGetDeviceName(pDataObject As IDataObject) As String
Dim uStorage As STGMEDIUM
Dim sTemp As String
Dim lPtr As Long
If Not pDataObject Is Nothing Then
With uFmte
.cfFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_PRINTERGROUP)
.dwAspect = ucsDvaContent
.lIndex = -1
.tymed = ucsTmdHGlobal
End With
If pDataObject.GetData(uFmte, uStorage) = S_OK Then
lPtr = GlobalLock(uStorage.pData)
If lPtr <> 0 Then
Call CopyMemory(uDrop, ByVal lPtr, LenB(uDrop))
If uDrop.fWide <> 0 Then
pvGetDeviceName = SysAllocString(UnsignedAdd(lPtr, uDrop.pFiles))
ElseIf lstrlenA(UnsignedAdd(lPtr, uDrop.pFiles)) = 1 Then '--- bug w NT4: fWide = 0
pvGetDeviceName = SysAllocString(UnsignedAdd(lPtr, uDrop.pFiles))
sTemp = String$(lstrlenA(UnsignedAdd(lPtr, uDrop.pFiles)), 0)
Call CopyMemory(ByVal sTemp, ByVal UnsignedAdd(lPtr, uDrop.pFiles), Len(sTemp))
pvGetDeviceName = sTemp
End If
Call GlobalUnlock(uStorage.pData)
End If
Call ReleaseStgMedium(uStorage)
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function pvUpdateCollection(cPrinters As Collection, vInfo As Variant) As Boolean
Dim lIdx As Long
Dim vElem As Variant
If SearchCollection(cPrinters, vInfo(ucsIdxDeviceName)) Then
For Each vElem In cPrinters
lIdx = lIdx + 1
If LCase$(vElem(ucsIdxDeviceName)) = LCase$(vInfo(ucsIdxDeviceName)) Then
If vElem(ucsIdxDisplayName) <> vInfo(ucsIdxDisplayName) Or _
vElem(ucsIdxToolTip) <> vInfo(ucsIdxToolTip) Or _
vElem(ucsIdxLargeImageList) <> vInfo(ucsIdxLargeImageList) Or _
vElem(ucsIdxLargeIconIndex) <> vInfo(ucsIdxLargeIconIndex) Or _
vElem(ucsIdxSmallImageList) <> vInfo(ucsIdxSmallImageList) Or _
vElem(ucsIdxSmallIconIndex) <> vInfo(ucsIdxSmallIconIndex) Then
cPrinters.Remove lIdx
If lIdx < cPrinters.Count Then
cPrinters.Add vInfo, vInfo(ucsIdxDeviceName), lIdx
cPrinters.Add vInfo, vInfo(ucsIdxDeviceName)
End If
pvUpdateCollection = True
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function pvUpdatePrinterInfo(ByVal bTooltip As Boolean) As Boolean
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "pvUpdatePrinterInfo"
Dim pEnumIds As IEnumIDList
Dim pDataObject As IDataObject
Dim pidlCurrent() As Byte
Dim pidlAbsolute() As Byte
Dim lPtr As Long
Dim vInfo As Variant
Dim lItemHeight As Long
Dim pQueryInfo As IQueryInfo
Dim rc As RECT
On Error GoTo EH
m_bInUpdatePrinterInfo = True
'--- retrieve enumerator of Printers virtual folder
If Not m_pPrintersFolder Is Nothing Then
Call m_pPrintersFolder.EnumObjects(0, SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS, pEnumIds)
End If
If Not pEnumIds Is Nothing Then
'--- loop printers
Do While pEnumIds.Next(1, lPtr) = 1
pidlCurrent = pvToPidl(lPtr)
vInfo = Array(vbNullString, vbNullString, vbNullString, 0, 0, 0, 0)
'--- get DeviceName
Set pDataObject = Nothing
Call m_pPrintersFolder.GetUIObjectOf(0, 1, VarPtr(pidlCurrent(0)), IID_IDataObject(0), 0, pDataObject)
vInfo(ucsIdxDeviceName) = pvGetDeviceName(pDataObject)
If SearchCollection(m_cPrinters, vInfo(ucsIdxDeviceName)) Then
If LenB(vInfo(ucsIdxDeviceName)) <> 0 Then
'--- get tooltip
If bTooltip Then
Set pQueryInfo = Nothing
'--- note: win98 ne poddyrja IID_IQueryInfo
On Error Resume Next '--- checked
Call m_pPrintersFolder.GetUIObjectOf(0, 1, VarPtr(pidlCurrent(0)), IID_IQueryInfo(0), 0, pQueryInfo)
On Error GoTo EH
If Not pQueryInfo Is Nothing Then
lPtr = 0
On Error Resume Next '--- checked
Call pQueryInfo.GetInfoTip(QITIPF_SINGLELINE, lPtr)
On Error GoTo EH
If lPtr <> 0 Then
vInfo(ucsIdxToolTip) = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(SysAllocString(lPtr), vbCrLf, ", "), vbLf, ", "), vbTab, vbNullString), " ", " "), " ", " ")
Call CoTaskMemFree(lPtr)
End If
End If
End If
'--- combine pidls: Printers + Current
ReDim pidlAbsolute(0 To UBound(m_pidlPrinters) + UBound(pidlCurrent)) As Byte
Call CopyMemory(pidlAbsolute(0), m_pidlPrinters(0), UBound(m_pidlPrinters) - 1)
Call CopyMemory(pidlAbsolute(UBound(m_pidlPrinters) - 1), pidlCurrent(0), UBound(pidlCurrent) - 1)
'--- retrieve info
vInfo(ucsIdxDisplayName) = Left$(uInfo.szDisplayName, InStr(uInfo.szDisplayName, vbNullChar) - 1)
vInfo(ucsIdxLargeIconIndex) = uInfo.iIcon
vInfo(ucsIdxSmallImageList) = SHGetFileInfo(pidlAbsolute(0), 0, VarPtr(uInfo), LenB(uInfo), SHGFI_PIDL Or SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX Or SHGFI_SMALLICON Or SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE)
vInfo(ucsIdxSmallIconIndex) = uInfo.iIcon
If pvUpdateCollection(m_cPrinters, vInfo) Then
pvUpdatePrinterInfo = True
'--- repaint dropdown
If bTooltip And Not m_oCtl Is Nothing Then
If m_oCtl.DropDown Then
If m_cxLarge = 0 Then
Call ImageList_GetIconSize(vInfo(ucsIdxLargeImageList), m_cxLarge, m_cyLarge)
Call ImageList_GetIconSize(vInfo(ucsIdxSmallImageList), m_cxSmall, m_cySmall)
End If
Call GetClientRect(m_oCtl.hDropdown, rc)
Call InvalidateRect(m_oCtl.hDropdown, rc, 0)
If m_oCtl Is Nothing Then
pvUpdatePrinterInfo = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If m_cPrinters.Count > 0 Then
Call ImageList_GetIconSize(m_cPrinters.Item(1)(ucsIdxLargeImageList), m_cxLarge, m_cyLarge)
Call ImageList_GetIconSize(m_cPrinters.Item(1)(ucsIdxSmallImageList), m_cxSmall, m_cySmall)
End If
End If
'--- min size: 32px in small fonts, 40px in large-font
m_lIndent = 480 / ScreenTwipsPerPixelX
If m_cxLarge > m_lIndent Then
m_lIndent = m_cxLarge
End If
m_oCtl_MeasureItem 0, lItemHeight
'--- ednokratno, inache combo-to se bugqswa vert scrollbar
If m_oCtl.ItemHeight(0) < lItemHeight Then
m_oCtl.DropdownRows = m_oForm.ScreenPhysicalHeight / lItemHeight \ 2
End If
m_bInUpdatePrinterInfo = False
Exit Function
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Function
Private Function pvCalcMaxWidth(cPrinters As Collection) As Long
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "pvCalcMaxWidth"
Dim vElem As Variant
Dim oFontDC As cMemDC
Dim hPrevFont As Long
Dim lWidth As Long
On Error GoTo EH
pvCalcMaxWidth = -1
If cPrinters.Count > 0 Then
If InitFontDC(RetVal:=oFontDC) Is Nothing Then
hPrevFont = SelectObject(oFontDC.hDC, m_pBoldFont.hFont)
End If
For Each vElem In cPrinters
If Not oFontDC Is Nothing Then
Call SelectObject(oFontDC.hDC, m_pBoldFont.hFont)
lWidth = oFontDC.TextWidth(vElem(ucsIdxDisplayName)) + 8 + m_lIndent + 8
lWidth = Len(vElem(ucsIdxDisplayName)) * m_pBoldFont.Size / 2 + 8 + m_lIndent + 8
End If
If lWidth > pvCalcMaxWidth Then
pvCalcMaxWidth = lWidth
End If
If Not oFontDC Is Nothing Then
Call SelectObject(oFontDC.hDC, m_pItalicFont.hFont)
lWidth = 10 + oFontDC.TextWidth(vElem(ucsIdxToolTip)) + 8 + m_lIndent + 8
lWidth = 10 + Len(vElem(ucsIdxToolTip)) * m_pItalicFont.Size / 2 + 8 + m_lIndent + 8
End If
If lWidth > pvCalcMaxWidth Then
pvCalcMaxWidth = lWidth
End If
If Not oFontDC Is Nothing Then
Call SelectObject(oFontDC.hDC, hPrevFont)
End If
pvCalcMaxWidth = pvCalcMaxWidth + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL)
End If
Exit Function
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Function
Private Function pvToPidl(ByVal lPtr As Long, Optional ByVal Release As Boolean = True) As Byte()
Dim lTotal As Long
Dim nSize As Integer
Dim baRetVal() As Byte
If lPtr <> 0 Then
Call CopyMemory(nSize, ByVal UnsignedAdd(lPtr, lTotal), 2)
lTotal = lTotal + nSize
Loop While nSize <> 0
ReDim baRetVal(0 To lTotal + 1) As Byte
Call CopyMemory(baRetVal(0), ByVal lPtr, lTotal + 2)
If Release Then
Call CoTaskMemFree(lPtr)
End If
ReDim baRetVal(0 To 1) As Byte
End If
pvToPidl = baRetVal
End Function
' Control events
Private Sub m_oCtl_Click()
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "m_oCtl_Click"
On Error GoTo EH
Exit Sub
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
Private Sub m_oCtl_Change()
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "m_oCtl_Change"
Dim rc As RECT
On Error GoTo EH
If Not m_bEnabled Then
Exit Sub
End If
If m_oCtl.DropDown Then
Call GetClientRect(m_oCtl.hDropdown, rc)
Call InvalidateRect(m_oCtl.hDropdown, rc, 0)
End If
Exit Sub
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
Private Sub m_oCtl_DropDown()
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "m_oCtl_DropDown"
On Error GoTo EH
If m_bEnabled Then
pvTimerAction(ucsTmrUpdateStatus) = True '--- moje i ucsTmrDelayUpdateStatus
End If
Exit Sub
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
Private Sub m_oCtl_CloseUp()
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "m_oCtl_CloseUp"
On Error GoTo EH
If m_bEnabled Then
pvTimerAction(ucsTmrUpdateStatus Or ucsTmrDelayUpdateStatus) = False
m_oCtl.ColumnWidths(c_Text) = pvCalcMaxWidth(m_cPrinters)
End If
Exit Sub
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
Private Sub m_oCtl_MeasureItem(ItemID As Long, ItemHeight As Long)
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "m_oCtl_MeasureItem"
On Error GoTo EH
If Not m_bEnabled Then
If ItemID >= 0 Then
ItemHeight = m_lOrigItemHeight
End If
If ItemID < 0 Then
If m_oCtl.Style = b2kDropdownList Then
If ItemHeight < m_cySmall Then
ItemHeight = m_cySmall
End If
End If
If m_lIndent + 8 > m_lOrigItemHeight * 2 Then
ItemHeight = m_lIndent + 8
ItemHeight = m_lOrigItemHeight * 2
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
Private Sub m_oCtl_DrawItem(ItemID As Long, ColIndex As Long, hDC As Long, Left As Long, Top As Long, Right As Long, Bottom As Long)
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "m_oCtl_DrawItem"
Dim vElem As Variant
Dim oMemDC As cMemDC
Dim hPrevFont As Long
Dim rcFocus As RECT
Dim bSelected As Boolean
Dim rc As RECT
Dim bEnabled As Boolean
On Error GoTo EH
If Not m_bEnabled Or ColIndex <> c_Text Then
Exit Sub
End If
If SearchCollection(m_cPrinters, IIf(ItemID < 0, m_oCtl.Text, m_oCtl.Item(c_Text, ItemID)), RetVal:=vElem) Then
If InitMemDC(hMemoryDC:=hDC, RetVal:=oMemDC) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
rcFocus.Top = Top
rcFocus.Right = Right - 1
rcFocus.Bottom = Bottom
bEnabled = Not HwndStyle(m_oCtl.hWnd, WS_DISABLED)
If Bottom - Top < m_lIndent + 8 Then
If Not bEnabled Then
rc.Left = Left
rc.Top = Top
rc.Right = Right
rc.Bottom = Bottom
Call FillRect(oMemDC.hDC, rc, SendMessage(GetParent(m_oCtl.hWnd), WM_CTLCOLORBTN, oMemDC.hDC, ByVal m_oCtl.hWnd))
oMemDC.FillRect Left, Top, Left + m_lIndent + 6, Bottom, IIf(bEnabled, m_oCtl.BackColor, vbButtonFace)
If Not m_oCtl.DropDown And GetFocus() = m_oCtl.hWndCombo Then
bSelected = True
oMemDC.FillRect Left + m_lIndent + 6, Top, Right, Bottom, vbHighlight
rcFocus.Left = Left + m_lIndent + 6
rcFocus.Right = Right
Call DrawFocusRect(hDC, rcFocus)
oMemDC.FillRect Left + m_lIndent + 6, Top, Right, Bottom, IIf(bEnabled, m_oCtl.BackColor, vbButtonFace)
End If
End If
hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, m_pNormalFont.hFont)
oMemDC.ForeColor = IIf(bEnabled, IIf(bSelected, vbHighlightText, m_oCtl.ForeColor), vbButtonShadow)
oMemDC.DrawText C_Str(vElem(ucsIdxDisplayName)), Left + m_lIndent + 6 + 4, Top, Right, Bottom, DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_LEFT Or DT_VCENTER Or DT_NOPREFIX
If bEnabled Then
Call ImageList_Draw(vElem(ucsIdxSmallImageList), vElem(ucsIdxSmallIconIndex), hDC, Left + (m_lIndent + 6 - m_cxSmall) \ 2, Top + (Bottom - Top - m_cySmall) \ 2, ILD_TRANSPARENT Or -bSelected * ILD_BLEND25)
Call ImageList_DrawEx(vElem(ucsIdxSmallImageList), vElem(ucsIdxSmallIconIndex), hDC, Left + (m_lIndent + 6 - m_cxSmall) \ 2, Top + (Bottom - Top - m_cySmall) \ 2, 0, 0, -1, oMemDC.TranslateColor(vbButtonFace), ILD_TRANSPARENT Or ILD_BLEND50)
End If
oMemDC.FillRect Left, Top, Left + m_lIndent + 8, Bottom, m_oCtl.BackColor
If m_oCtl.SelectIndex = ItemID Then
bSelected = True
oMemDC.FillRect Left + m_lIndent + 8, Top, Right, Bottom, vbHighlight
rcFocus.Left = Left + m_lIndent + 8
Call DrawFocusRect(hDC, rcFocus)
oMemDC.FillRect Left + m_lIndent + 8, Top, Right, Bottom, m_oCtl.BackColor
End If
hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, IIf(m_oCtl.ListIndex = ItemID, m_pBoldFont.hFont, m_pNormalFont.hFont))
oMemDC.ForeColor = IIf(bSelected, vbHighlightText, m_oCtl.ForeColor)
If LenB(vElem(ucsIdxToolTip)) = 0 Then
oMemDC.DrawText C_Str(vElem(ucsIdxDisplayName)), Left + m_lIndent + 8 + 4, Top, Right, Bottom, DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_LEFT Or DT_VCENTER Or DT_NOPREFIX
oMemDC.DrawText C_Str(vElem(ucsIdxDisplayName)), Left + m_lIndent + 8 + 4, Top, Right, Top + (Bottom - Top) \ 2, DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_LEFT Or DT_BOTTOM Or DT_NOPREFIX
Call SelectObject(hDC, m_pItalicFont.hFont)
oMemDC.ForeColor = IIf(bSelected, vbHighlightText, IIf(m_oCtl.ListIndex = ItemID, m_oCtl.ForeColor, vbButtonShadow))
oMemDC.DrawText CStr(vElem(ucsIdxToolTip)), Left + m_lIndent + 8 + 4 + 10, Top + (Bottom - Top) \ 2 + 1, Right, Bottom, DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_LEFT Or DT_TOP Or DT_NOPREFIX
End If
Call ImageList_Draw(vElem(ucsIdxLargeImageList), vElem(ucsIdxLargeIconIndex), hDC, Left + (m_lIndent + 8 - m_cxLarge) \ 2, Top + (Bottom - Top - m_cyLarge) \ 2, ILD_TRANSPARENT Or -bSelected * ILD_BLEND25)
End If
Call SelectObject(hDC, hPrevFont)
oMemDC.SetClipRect 0
End If
Exit Sub
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "Class_Initialize"
On Error GoTo EH
#If DebugMode Then
DebugInstanceInit STR_MODULE_NAME, m_sDebugID, Me
#End If
'--- init IIDs
IID_IShellFolder(0) = &H214E6 '--- {000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
IID_IShellFolder(2) = &HC0
IID_IShellFolder(3) = &H46000000
IID_IQueryInfo(0) = &H21500 '--- {00021500-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
IID_IQueryInfo(2) = &HC0
IID_IQueryInfo(3) = &H46000000
IID_IDataObject(0) = &H10E '--- 0000010e-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
IID_IDataObject(2) = &HC0
IID_IDataObject(3) = &H46000000
Exit Sub
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
#If DebugMode Then
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
DebugInstanceTerm STR_MODULE_NAME, m_sDebugID
End Sub
#End If
' IUcsTerminate interface
Private Sub IUcsTerminate_QueryTerminate(Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub IUcsTerminate_Terminate()
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "IUcsTerminate_Terminate"
On Error GoTo EH
#If DebugMode Then
DebugInstanceName frInstanceName & " terminated", m_sDebugID
#End If
TerminateSubclassingThunk m_pSubclass, Me
Set m_pCleanupNotify = Nothing
TerminateFireOnceTimerThunk m_pTimer, Me
m_eTimerAction = 0
Set m_oForm = Nothing
Set m_oCtl = Nothing
Exit Sub
If PrintError(FUNC_NAME) = vbRetry Then
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
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This seems like what I'm looking for in terms of displaying a combo with the name of all printers with their associated shell icons. But I can't figure out how to use this. Do you have a VB6 demo project showing its usage?

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wqweto commented Apr 25, 2024

No I don't. This is using an internal owner-drawn combobox control for the actual painting of which can't find suitable replacement.

I'm linking in post this only for the enumeration part which resolves a bug in VB's Printers collection seeing printers from all logged in users (which is annoying under Terminal Servers).

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