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Minimal .Net Web Server with Regex Routing in 177 LOC of C#
// Poor Man's Web Server with Regex Routing in 177 LOC of C#
// This is a simple standalone http server that handles routing with regular expressions
// matching. For each request the router passes capture groups to handlers as a data dictionary.
// Router implementation constructs a single composite regex to match request path, based on
// One can use `WebServer` and `Router` classes alone, just has to register all custom
// entry-point functions by calling `AddHandler` and start processing request/response through
// methods/props of the `HttpListenerContext` param and entries in data `Dictionary` param.
// There is an extension class included that provides some utility functions, most notably
// `BrowseDirectory` can be used for simple directory browsing under a top-level folder.
// Take a look at the provided `Main` function for sample server registration and usage.
// Note: Check out this gist history for even simpler implementation based on `Dictionary`
// for routing (no regex handling)
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace WebServer
public delegate void RouteAction(HttpListenerContext ctx, Dictionary<string, string> data);
internal class WebServer : IDisposable
private HttpListener _httpListener;
private Router _router;
public WebServer(string urls)
_httpListener = new HttpListener();
_router = new Router();
public void AddHandler(string path, RouteAction fn) { _router.Add(path, fn); }
public void Start(bool async = false)
Action fnWorker = () =>
while (_httpListener != null && _httpListener.IsListening)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state =>
var ctx = state as HttpListenerContext;
RouteAction fnRoute;
Dictionary<string, string> data;
if (_router.TryGetValue(ctx.Request.Url.LocalPath, out fnRoute, out data)
|| _router.TryGetValue("*", out fnRoute, out data))
fnRoute(ctx, data);
ctx.Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
ctx.Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
try { ctx.Response.Close(); }
catch { }
}, _httpListener.GetContext());
if (async)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => fnWorker());
public void Stop() { _httpListener.Stop(); }
public void Dispose()
_httpListener = null;
(_router as IDisposable)?.Dispose();
_router = null;
// Each new route is assigned a key from permutations of `KeyBase` ("123456") and is stored in
// `_routes` dictionary. Router implementation builds a composite regex from all routes
// patterns that looks like
// route_pattern1 | route_pattern2 | route_pattern3 | route_pattern4 | ...
// where `route_patternN` is prefixed with it's key pattern that looks like
// ^(?<__c1__>1)(?<__c5__>2)(?<__c3__>3)(?<__c2__>4)(?<__c4__>5)(?<__c6__>6)
// These key patterns always match `KeyBase` ("123456") but in different named captures, so in the
// sample key pattern above when matched against "123456/local/path" the `__c1__` to `__c6__`
// named captures will concatenate to "143526" for currently matched route key. The corresponding
// entry in `_routes` has `GroupStart` to `GroupEnd` that are used to extract handler data
// dictionary from the composite regex anonymous captures.
internal class Router : IDisposable
private static readonly string KeyBase = "123456";
private static readonly Regex RoutePattern = new Regex(@"(/(({(?<data>[^}/:]+)(:(?<type>[^}/]+))?}?)|(?<static>[^/]+))|\*)",
RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
private class RouteEntry
public string Pattern { get; set; }
public int GroupStart { get; set; }
public int GroupEnd { get; set; }
public RouteAction Handler { get; set; }
private Dictionary<string, RouteEntry> _routes = new Dictionary<string, RouteEntry>();
private IEnumerator<IEnumerable<char>> _permEnum = GetPermutations(KeyBase.ToCharArray(), KeyBase.Length).GetEnumerator();
private string[] _groupNames = new string[32];
private Regex _pathParser;
public void Add(string route, RouteAction handler)
// for each "{key:type}" check regex pattern in `type` and raise `ArgumentException` on failure
RoutePattern.Replace(route, m =>
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["static"].Value) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["data"].Value)
&& !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["type"].Value))
Regex.Match("", m.Groups["type"].Value);
return null;
_routes.Add(string.Join(null, _permEnum.Current), new RouteEntry { Pattern = route, Handler = handler });
_pathParser = null;
public bool TryGetValue(string localPath, out RouteAction handler, out Dictionary<string, string> data)
handler = null;
data = null;
if (_pathParser == null)
_pathParser = RebuildParser();
var match = _pathParser.Match(KeyBase + localPath);
if (match.Success)
string routeKey = null;
for (int idx = 1; idx <= KeyBase.Length; idx++)
routeKey += match.Groups[$"__c{idx}__"].Value;
var entry = _routes[routeKey];
handler = entry.Handler;
if (entry.GroupStart < entry.GroupEnd)
data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (var groupIdx = entry.GroupStart; groupIdx < entry.GroupEnd; groupIdx++)
data[_groupNames[groupIdx]] = match.Groups[groupIdx].Value;
return match.Success;
private Regex RebuildParser()
string[] rev = new string[KeyBase.Length];
var sb = new StringBuilder();
int groupIdx = 1;
foreach (string key in _routes.Keys)
var entry = _routes[key];
entry.GroupStart = groupIdx;
int el = 1;
foreach (char c in key.ToCharArray())
rev[c - '1'] = $"(?<__c{el++}__>{c})";
sb.AppendLine((sb.Length > 0 ? "|" : null) + "^" + string.Join(null, rev) +
RoutePattern.Replace(entry.Pattern, m =>
string str = m.Groups["static"].Value;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return "/" + Regex.Escape(str);
str = m.Groups["data"].Value;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
if (groupIdx >= _groupNames.Length)
Array.Resize(ref _groupNames, _groupNames.Length * 2);
_groupNames[groupIdx++] = str;
str = m.Groups["type"].Value;
return $"/({(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? "[^/]*" : str)})";
return Regex.Escape(m.Groups[0].Value);
entry.GroupEnd = groupIdx;
return new Regex(sb.ToString(), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
public void Dispose()
_permEnum = null;
private static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> GetPermutations<T>(IEnumerable<T> list, int length)
if (length == 1) return list.Select(t => new T[] { t });
return GetPermutations(list, length - 1).SelectMany(t => list
.Where(o => !t.Contains(o)), (t1, t2) => t1.Concat(new T[] { t2 }));
internal static class ContextExtensions
public static void OutputUtf8(this HttpListenerContext ctx, string html, string contentType = "text/html", Encoding encoding = null)
encoding = encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8;
OutputBinary(ctx, encoding.GetBytes(html), $"{contentType}; charset={encoding.WebName}");
public static void OutputText(this HttpListenerContext ctx, string text, string contentType = "text/plain", Encoding encoding = null)
encoding = encoding ?? Encoding.Default;
OutputBinary(ctx, encoding.GetBytes(text), $"{contentType}; charset={encoding.WebName}");
public static void OutputBinary(this HttpListenerContext ctx, byte[] content, string contentType = "application/octet-stream")
ctx.Response.ContentType = contentType;
ctx.Response.ContentLength64 = content.Length;
ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write(content, 0, content.Length);
public static void AddFromMembers(this WebServer server, object callback)
var methods = callback.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod);
foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
var parms = method.GetParameters();
if (parms.Length == 1 && parms[0].GetType().Name == "RouteAction")
server.AddHandler("/" + method.Name, (ctx, data) => method.Invoke(callback, new object[] { ctx }));
public static void BrowseDirectory(this HttpListenerContext ctx, string rootFolder)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootFolder) && !rootFolder.EndsWith(@"\"))
rootFolder += @"\";
rootFolder = rootFolder ?? string.Empty;
var path = Path.Combine(rootFolder, ctx.Request.Url.LocalPath.Substring(1).Replace('/', '\\'));
if (File.Exists(path))
var mimeType = Registry.GetValue($"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{Path.GetExtension(path)}", "Content Type", null) as string ?? "application/octet-stream";
if (string.Equals(mimeType.Substring(0, 5), "text/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
ctx.OutputUtf8(File.ReadAllText(path), mimeType);
ctx.OutputBinary(File.ReadAllBytes(path), mimeType);
else if (Directory.Exists(path))
var html = new StringBuilder($"<html>\n<body>\n<h1>Listing of {path}</h1>\n" +
$"<table style=\"font-family: courier; padding: 10px;\">\n" +
$"<th style=\"min-width: 300px;\">Name</th><th>Last modified</th><th style=\"min-width: 90px;\">Size</th>\n");
var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path);
var url = dirInfo.Parent?.FullName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && url.Length >= rootFolder.Length - 1)
if (!url.EndsWith(@"\"))
url += @"\";
url = "/" + url.Substring(rootFolder.Length).Replace('\\', '/');
html.AppendLine($"<tr><td><a href=\"{url}\">Parent Directory</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;DIR&gt;</td></tr>");
foreach (var dir in dirInfo.EnumerateDirectories())
url = "/" + dir.FullName.Substring(rootFolder.Length).Replace('\\', '/');
html.AppendLine($"<tr><td><a href=\"{url}\">{WebUtility.HtmlEncode(dir.Name)}</a></td>" +
$"<td>{dir.LastWriteTime:yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm:ss}</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;DIR&gt;</td></tr>\n");
foreach (var file in dirInfo.EnumerateFiles())
url = "/" + file.FullName.Substring(rootFolder.Length).Replace('\\', '/');
html.AppendLine($"<tr><td><a href=\"{url}\">{WebUtility.HtmlEncode(file.Name)}</a></td>" +
$"<td>{file.LastWriteTime:yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm:ss}</td><td align=\"right\">{file.Length:#,#}</td></tr>");
ctx.Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var server = new WebServer("http://localhost:8081/"))
// w/ static routes data param is always null
server.AddHandler("/kill", (ctx, _) => Environment.Exit(1));
server.AddHandler("/test", (ctx, _) => ctx.OutputUtf8($"<html><p>Success: {DateTime.Now.ToString()}</p></html>"));
// "*" is the final catch-all route
server.AddHandler("*", (ctx, _) => ctx.BrowseDirectory(@"D:\TEMP"));
// w/ data routes order is important: most specific -> most general
server.AddHandler(@"/user/{name}/{id:\d+}", Handler1);
server.AddHandler(@"/user/{id:\d+}", Handler1);
server.AddHandler(@"/user/{name}", Handler1);
server.Start(async: true);
static void Handler1(HttpListenerContext ctx, Dictionary<string, string> data)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", ctx.Request.HttpMethod, ctx.Request.Url.LocalPath);
var str = string.Join(", ", data.Keys.Select(el => $"{el}={data[el]}"));
Console.WriteLine(" -> {0}", str);
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