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Last active March 14, 2023 11:02
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  • Save wr0ngway/3001d76b4e5bf312e912 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wr0ngway/3001d76b4e5bf312e912 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Uses gdb to dump ruby backtraces for all threads, and displays them in an easily readable format
RUBY_BINARY=`which ruby`
BT_FILENAME="/tmp/ruby-backtrace-$PID-$(date +%s).txt"
cat <<EOF > $cmdfile
set \$old_stdout = dup(1)
set \$old_stderr = dup(2)
set \$fd = creat("$BT_FILENAME", 0644)
call dup2(\$fd, 1)
call dup2(\$fd, 2)
set \$thread_list = rb_thread_list()
set \$num_threads = rb_num2long(rb_ary_length(\$thread_list))
set \$i = 0
while \$i < \$num_threads
call rb_p(rb_thread_backtrace_m(0, 0, rb_ary_entry(\$thread_list, \$i++)))
call dup2(\$old_stdout, 1)
call dup2(\$old_stderr, 2)
call close(\$old_stdout)
call close(\$old_stderr)
call close(\$fd)
gdb "$RUBY_BINARY" "$PID" -batch -x $cmdfile &> /dev/null
ruby -e 'ARGF.each {|l| val = eval(l); puts val ? val.join("\n") : "nil thread"; puts "\n\n\n\n" }' $BT_FILENAME
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@wr0ngway, this is awesome!
I changed RUBY_BINARY to rbenv which ruby and it worked well.

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On Linux, changing RUBY_BINARY to /proc/$PID/exe may yield more accurate results if you have many ruby binaries floating around.

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