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Last active August 12, 2019 23:19
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#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
// --- Utils ---
const float PI = 3.14159265;
vec2 fromRad(float rad) {
return vec2(
cos(rad), sin(rad)
float circle(vec2 p, float r) {
return (length(p) - r);
float rand(vec2 co, vec2 t) {
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy , t + vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * (43758.5453));
vec3 lerp(vec3 a, vec3 b, float t) {
return (1.0 - t) * a + t * b;
float max3(float a, float b, float c) {return max(max(a, b), c);}
// --- Property ---
// Looks
const float timeSpeed = 3.0;
const float zoom = 7.0;
const vec3 color1 = vec3(30, 30, 100);
const vec3 color2 = vec3(200, 255, 200);
// Move
const float ySpeed = 0.05;
const vec2 randomSpeed = vec2(0.2, 0.5);
const vec2 randomRange = vec2(0.2, 0.05);
const float patternSpeed = 0.2;
// Shape
const float repeatRate = 1.15; // Spread repeated interval and reduce failure
const float patternInterval = 0.05;
const float patternThreshold = 0.6;
// ----------------
const float radius = 1.0;
float repeat = radius * repeatRate;
bool calc(float time, vec2 p0, float rnd) {
float r3 = 1.7320508;
float randN;
float xn = floor((p0.x) / repeat / r3);
float yn = floor((p0.y + ySpeed * time) / repeat);
randN =
// Magic Numbers for pseudo random
rand(vec2(abs(xn), sin(yn)), vec2(59.0 - rnd, -124.4 + rnd))
+ rand(vec2(abs(xn), sin(yn)), vec2(200.9 + rnd, 24.5 - rnd))
+ rand(vec2(abs(xn), sin(yn)), vec2(63.5 - rnd, 124.2 + rnd))
vec2 p;
vec2 p_tmp = p0 + randomRange * sin(randN + time * randomSpeed);
float x = mod(p_tmp.x, repeat * r3) - repeat * r3 / 2.0;
float y = mod(p_tmp.y + ySpeed * time, repeat);
p = vec2(x, y);
vec2 a = fromRad(PI/6.0);
float d = max3
( circle(p, radius)
, -circle(p - vec2(a.x, -a.y) * radius, radius)
, -circle(p - vec2(-a.x, -a.y) * radius, radius)
return (
(d < 0.0)
&& (
sin(length(p) / radius / patternInterval - time * patternSpeed)
> patternThreshold
vec4 main_(vec2 p, float time) {
float result;
bool f1 = calc(time, p, 10.0);
bool f2 = calc(time, p + fromRad(PI/6.0) * repeat, 30.0);
result = (f1 || f2) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
return vec4(lerp(color2 / 255.0, color1 / 255.0, result), 1.0);
// --- System ---
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 resolution;
void main() {
vec2 p0 = gl_FragCoord.xy / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
gl_FragColor = main_(p0 * zoom, time * timeSpeed);
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