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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Groundhog with record
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances, GADTs, TypeFamilies, RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import Record
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson
import GHC.Generics
import Database.Groundhog
import Database.Groundhog.Core as GH
import Database.Groundhog.Generic
import Database.Groundhog.Postgresql
lelAge :: Int
lelAge = 12
person1 :: Person
person1 = Person [r|{name = "Lel", age = lelAge}|]
connString :: String
connString = "dbname=recordtests user=matt host=localhost"
main :: IO ()
main = do
print (toJSON person1)
withPostgresqlConn connString $ runDbConn $ do
runMigration $ migrate (undefined :: Person)
insert_ person1
people <- selectAll
liftIO $ print (map snd people :: [Person])
type PersonType = [r|{name :: String, age :: Int}|]
newtype Person = Person PersonType
deriving Generic
person :: Lens' Person PersonType
person inj (Person n) = Person `fmap` inj n
name :: Lens' Person String
name = person.[l|name|]
instance Show Person where
show p = "Person " ++ show (p ^. name) ++ " " ++ show (p ^. person.[l|age|])
instance ToJSON Person where
toJSON (Person n) = object
[ "name" .= toJSON (n ^. [l|name|])
, "age" .= toJSON (n ^. [l|age|])
data PersonConstructor v_a6dZ =
v_a6dZ ~ ConstructorMarker Person => PersonConstructor
instance GH.Constructor PersonConstructor where
phantomConstrNum _ = 0
instance PersistField (Key Person BackendSpecific) where
persistName _ = "Key" ++ [delim] ++ persistName (undefined :: Person)
toPersistValues = primToPersistValue
fromPersistValues = primFromPersistValue
dbType p_a6e3 a_a6e4 = DbTypePrimitive
(getAutoKeyType p_a6e3)
((undefined ::
forall v_a6e5 a_a6e6.
Key v_a6e5 a_a6e6 -> v_a6e5)
Nothing, Nothing))
instance PrimitivePersistField (Key Person BackendSpecific) where
toPrimitivePersistValue p_a6e7 (PersonKey x_a6e8)
= toPrimitivePersistValue p_a6e7
$ (fromPrimitivePersistValue ::
forall proxy_a6e9 db_a6ea. DbDescriptor db_a6ea =>
proxy_a6e9 db_a6ea -> PersistValue -> AutoKeyType db_a6ea) p_a6e7 x_a6e8
fromPrimitivePersistValue _ = PersonKey
instance NeverNull (Key Person BackendSpecific)
instance PurePersistField (Key Person BackendSpecific) where
toPurePersistValues = primToPurePersistValues
fromPurePersistValues = primFromPurePersistValues
instance SinglePersistField (Key Person BackendSpecific) where
toSinglePersistValue = primToSinglePersistValue
fromSinglePersistValue = primFromSinglePersistValue
instance Eq (Key Person a_a6ef) where
(==) (PersonKey x_a6ed) (PersonKey x_a6ee) = (x_a6ed == x_a6ee)
instance Show (Key Person a_a6ef) where
showsPrec p_a6eb (PersonKey x_a6ec) = showParen
(p_a6eb >= (11 :: Int))
((showString "PersonKey ") . (showsPrec 11 x_a6ec))
instance PersistField Person where
persistName _ = "Person"
toPersistValues = singleToPersistValue
fromPersistValues = singleFromPersistValue
dbType p_a6eh = ((dbType p_a6eh)
. (undefined ::
forall a_a6ei.
a_a6ei -> DefaultKey a_a6ei))
instance SinglePersistField Person where
toSinglePersistValue = toSinglePersistValueAutoKey
fromSinglePersistValue = fromSinglePersistValueAutoKey
instance PersistEntity Person where
type AutoKey Person = Key Person BackendSpecific
type DefaultKey Person = Key Person BackendSpecific
type IsSumType Person = HFalse
data Key Person u_a6ej = u_a6ej ~ BackendSpecific => PersonKey PersistValue
data Field Person c_a6ek f_a6el =
(c_a6ek ~ PersonConstructor, f_a6el ~ String) => NameField |
(c_a6ek ~ PersonConstructor, f_a6el ~ Int) => AgeField
entityDef p_a6en _ = EntityDef
(Just "id")
dbType p_a6en (undefined :: String)),
("age", dbType p_a6en (undefined :: Int))]
toEntityPersistValues (Person na) = (phantomDb
(\ p_a6es
-> (return
$ ([toPrimitivePersistValue
p_a6es (0 :: Int),
toPrimitivePersistValue p_a6es (na ^. [l|name|]),
toPrimitivePersistValue p_a6es (na ^. [l|age|])]
fromEntityPersistValues xs_a6eG@((PersistInt64 0) : xs_a6eI) = phantomDb >>=
(\p_a6eJ -> case xs_a6eI of
(x_a6eK : (x_a6eL : xs_a6eM)) ->
let pname = fromPrimitivePersistValue p_a6eJ x_a6eK
page = fromPrimitivePersistValue p_a6eJ x_a6eL
(Person [r|{name = pname, age = page}|],
-- (fromPrimitivePersistValue p_a6eJ x_a6eK)
-- (fromPrimitivePersistValue p_a6eJ x_a6eL),
_ -> failure_a6eH)
= (\ a_a6eZ
-> (phantomDb
(\ proxy_a6f0
-> ((fail
$ (entityDef proxy_a6f0 a_a6eZ))
>> (return (a_a6eZ, []))))))
fromEntityPersistValues xs_a6eG = failure_a6eH
= (\ a_a6eZ
-> (phantomDb
(\ proxy_a6f0
-> ((fail
(failMessageNamed (entityName $ entityDef proxy_a6f0 a_a6eZ) xs_a6eG))
>> (return (a_a6eZ, []))))))
getUniques _ (Person _) = (0, [])
entityFieldChain p_a6f2 f_a6f1@NameField = (("name",
((undefined :: forall v_a6f3 c_a6f4 a_a6f5. Field v_a6f3 c_a6f4 a_a6f5 -> a_a6f5) f_a6f1)),
entityFieldChain p_a6f7 f_a6f6@AgeField = (("age",
((undefined ::
forall v_a6f8 c_a6f9 a_a6fa.
Field v_a6f8 c_a6f9 a_a6fa -> a_a6fa) f_a6f6)),
instance NeverNull Person
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