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Created June 16, 2023 00:38
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example function in node js to call the chat gpt api with a function call
const config = require('./config')
const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai");
const configuration = new Configuration({
apiKey: config.openai,
const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);
const businessType = async (businessType) => {
console.log("businessType:", businessType)
return 'cybersecurity'
setTimeout(async () => {
const text = `please respond to my email`
const output = await openai.createChatCompletion({
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
messages: [
{ role: 'system', content: `Write an email subject given the business type. you may use emoji.` },
{ role: 'user', content: `business type is cybersecurity` }
functions: [{
name: 'businessType',
description: 'get the email context like the type of business we are writing the email for',
parameters: {
type: "object",
properties: {
businessType: {
type: "string",
description: "the type of business we are writing the email for",
required: ["businessType"]
function_call: 'auto',
temperature: 1,
max_tokens: 200,
top_p: 1,
frequency_penalty: 0,
presence_penalty: 0,
const out = output?.data?.choices[0]
if (out.finish_reason === 'function_call') {
if (out?.message?.function_call?.name === 'businessType') {
const j = JSON.parse(out?.message?.function_call?.arguments)
console.log("j:", j)
} else {
console.log("no function call:", out.message);
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