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Created March 7, 2020 16:57
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  • Save wrathagom/a1350eb518046a3b3273f76631964d88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wrathagom/a1350eb518046a3b3273f76631964d88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"description": "Just the typical pizza bot demo.",
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"We're about to make a pizza with {{andList slots.toppings.value}}. Does that sounds right?",
"Okay, you want a {{andList slots.toppings.value}} pizza, correct?"
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"responses": [
"richResponses": [],
"textResponse": "{{#eq slots.confirm.value 'yes'}}We'll get that pizza ready for you right away.{{/eq}}",
"actions": []
"richResponses": [],
"textResponse": "{{#eq slots.confirm.value 'no'}}We won't start cooking just yet{{/eq}}",
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