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Last active December 13, 2024 21:45
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Save wrighter/dd201adb09518b3c1d862255238d2534 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A command line utility to download historical data from Interactive Brokers
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import argparse
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List, Optional
from collections import defaultdict
from dateutil.parser import parse
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ibapi import wrapper
from ibapi.common import TickerId, BarData
from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.contract import Contract
from ibapi.utils import iswrapper
ContractList = List[Contract]
BarDataList = List[BarData]
OptionalDate = Optional[datetime]
def make_download_path(args: argparse.Namespace, contract: Contract) -> str:
"""Make path for saving csv files.
Files to be stored in base_directory/<security_type>/<size>/<symbol>/
path = os.path.sep.join(
args.size.replace(" ", "_"),
return path
class DownloadApp(EClient, wrapper.EWrapper):
def __init__(self, contracts: ContractList, args: argparse.Namespace):
EClient.__init__(self, wrapper=self)
self.request_id = 0
self.started = False
self.next_valid_order_id = None
self.contracts = contracts
self.requests = {}
self.bar_data = defaultdict(list)
self.pending_ends = set()
self.args = args
self.current = self.args.end_date
self.duration = self.args.duration
self.useRTH = 0
def next_request_id(self, contract: Contract) -> int:
self.request_id += 1
self.requests[self.request_id] = contract
return self.request_id
def historicalDataRequest(self, contract: Contract) -> None:
cid = self.next_request_id(contract)
cid, # tickerId, used to identify incoming data
self.current.strftime("%Y%m%d 00:00:00"), # always go to midnight
self.duration, # amount of time to go back
self.args.size, # bar size
self.args.data_type, # historical data type
self.useRTH, # useRTH (regular trading hours)
1, # format the date in yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss
False, # keep up to date after snapshot
[], # chart options
def save_data(self, contract: Contract, bars: BarDataList) -> None:
data = [
[,, b.high, b.low, b.close, b.volume, b.barCount, b.average]
for b in bars
df = pd.DataFrame(
if self.daily_files():
path = "%s.csv" % make_download_path(self.args, contract)
# since we fetched data until midnight, store data in
# date file to which it belongs
last = (self.current - timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y%m%d")
path = os.path.sep.join(
[make_download_path(self.args, contract), "%s.csv" % last,]
df.to_csv(path, index=False)
def daily_files(self):
return SIZES.index(self.args.size.split()[1]) >= 5
def headTimestamp(self, reqId: int, headTimestamp: str) -> None:
contract = self.requests.get(reqId)
ts = datetime.strptime(headTimestamp, "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S")"Head Timestamp for %s is %s", contract, ts)
if ts > self.args.start_date or self.args.max_days:
logging.warning("Overriding start date, setting to %s", ts)
self.args.start_date = ts # TODO make this per contract
if ts > self.args.end_date:
logging.warning("Data for %s is not available before %s", contract, ts)
self.done = True
# if we are getting daily data or longer, we'll grab the entire amount at once
if self.daily_files():
days = (self.args.end_date - self.args.start_date).days
if days < 365:
self.duration = "%d D" % days
self.duration = "%d Y" % np.ceil(days / 365)
# when getting daily data, look at regular trading hours only
# to get accurate daily closing prices
self.useRTH = 1
# round up current time to midnight for even days
self.current = self.current.replace(
hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0
def historicalData(self, reqId: int, bar) -> None:
def historicalDataEnd(self, reqId: int, start: str, end: str) -> None:
super().historicalDataEnd(reqId, start, end)
if len(self.pending_ends) == 0:
print(f"All requests for {self.current} complete.")
for rid, bars in self.bar_data.items():
self.save_data(self.requests[rid], bars)
self.current = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S")
if self.current <= self.args.start_date:
self.done = True
for contract in self.contracts:
def connectAck(self):"Connected")
def nextValidId(self, order_id: int):
self.next_valid_order_id = order_id"nextValidId: {order_id}")
# we can start now
def start(self):
if self.started:
self.started = True
for contract in self.contracts:
self.next_request_id(contract), contract, self.args.data_type, 0, 1
def error(self, req_id: TickerId, error_code: int, error: str):
super().error(req_id, error_code, error)
if req_id < 0:
logging.debug("Error. Id: %s Code %s Msg: %s", req_id, error_code, error)
logging.error("Error. Id: %s Code %s Msg: %s", req_id, error_code, error)
# we will always exit on error since data will need to be validated
self.done = True
def make_contract(symbol: str, sec_type: str, currency: str, exchange: str, localsymbol: str) -> Contract:
contract = Contract()
contract.symbol = symbol
contract.secType = sec_type
contract.currency = currency = exchange
if localsymbol:
contract.localSymbol = localsymbol
return contract
class ValidationException(Exception):
def _validate_in(value: str, name: str, valid: List[str]) -> None:
if value not in valid:
raise ValidationException(f"{value} not a valid {name} unit: {','.join(valid)}")
def _validate(value: str, name: str, valid: List[str]) -> None:
tokens = value.split()
if len(tokens) != 2:
raise ValidationException("{name} should be in the form <digit> <{name}>")
_validate_in(tokens[1], name, valid)
except ValueError as ve:
raise ValidationException(f"{name} dimenion not a valid number: {ve}")
SIZES = ["secs", "min", "mins", "hour", "hours", "day", "week", "month"]
DURATIONS = ["S", "D", "W", "M", "Y"]
def validate_duration(duration: str) -> None:
_validate(duration, "duration", DURATIONS)
def validate_size(size: str) -> None:
_validate(size, "size", SIZES)
def validate_data_type(data_type: str) -> None:
def main():
now =
class DateAction(argparse.Action):
"""Parses date strings."""
def __call__(
parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
namespace: argparse.Namespace,
value: str,
option_string: str = None,
"""Parse the date."""
setattr(namespace, self.dest, parse(value))
argp = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argp.add_argument("symbol", nargs="+")
"-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="turn on debug logging"
"--logfile", help="log to file"
"-p", "--port", type=int, default=7496, help="local port for TWS connection"
argp.add_argument("--size", type=str, default="1 min", help="bar size")
argp.add_argument("--duration", type=str, default="1 D", help="bar duration")
"-t", "--data-type", type=str, default="TRADES", help="bar data type"
help="base directory to write bar files",
"--currency", type=str, default="USD", help="currency for symbols"
"--exchange", type=str, default="SMART", help="exchange for symbols"
"--localsymbol", type=str, default="", help="local symbol (for futures)"
"--security-type", type=str, default="STK", help="security type for symbols"
help="First day for bars",
default=now - timedelta(days=2),
"--end-date", help="Last day for bars", default=now, action=DateAction,
"--max-days", help="Set start date to earliest date", action="store_true",
args = argp.parse_args()
logargs = dict(format='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
if args.debug:
logargs['level'] = logging.DEBUG
logargs['level'] = logging.INFO
if args.logfile:
logargs['filemode'] = 'a'
logargs['filename'] = args.logfile
args.data_type = args.data_type.upper()
except ValidationException as ve:
contracts = []
for s in args.symbol:
contract = make_contract(s, args.security_type, args.currency,, args.localsymbol)
os.makedirs(make_download_path(args, contract), exist_ok=True)
app = DownloadApp(contracts, args)
app.connect("", args.port, clientId=0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Guys, simple question. Is the download thing possible on paper trading account regarding options that have free tier level? I am reffering to IPE COIL, that is brent crude oil on ICE (IPE is an old name for ICE). I am new to this API thing but what i want is only SOME data regarding option contracts, for exaple prices and possibly IV in one month period. Now this is miles away from real time data, but still can it be done on non-margin account?

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@max-fic thanks for the update, when I can find some time I'll merge this with my version and try to get this into a separate repo.

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@DeciusMus I haven't downloaded options prices using this code, and it would most likely need a few changes. You'd need to set the expiration, strike, right, etc on the contract (see here: But even with those changes, in my experience you can't download historical data unless you pay for the real time data. In TWS, I can see delayed historical data but don't think I've ever been able to download it.

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Yes, You are right. Paper trading does not allow that, however i managed to ommit some of the restrictions and got some data anyways.

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InNeedOfHelpALOT commented Jun 10, 2022

sorry if this sounds really dumb, but I'm new to coding.
How would I run this from another script?
I m trying to run a for loop and requesting historical data for each of the tickers in a list, and at the moment I haven't got any idea on how to start!

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I finally pushed this into a separate repo. It runs with the latest TWS stable version (9.81).

I merged in @max-fic 's Threading fix, and then modified the code to check for TWS version, so it should work on Latest (10.x) as well. Thanks for the fix!

And @InNeedOfHelpALOT, if you have a list of symbols to pull data for, the easiest way to do it is get this script running for one, then write a shell script to just run the script multiple times to download them all.

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using size '1 secs' shows an fatal error, anyone can help?, see below:

trade@trade-virtual-machine:~/PycharmProjects/bot$ /usr/bin/python3.8 /home/trade/PycharmProjects/bot/ --start-date 20220601 --end-date 20220701 --size "1 secs" --security-type "CONTFUT" --exchange GLOBEX MNQ
17:08:26,532 root INFO Head Timestamp for 0,MNQ,CONTFUT,,0,,,GLOBEX,,USD,,,False,,combo: is 2019-10-31 22:00:00
17:08:26,532 ibapi.client INFO REQUEST reqHistoricalData {'reqId': 2, 'contract': 140539116660048: 0,MNQ,CONTFUT,,0,,,GLOBEX,,USD,,,False,,combo:, 'endDateTime': '20220701 00:00:00', 'durationStr': '1 D', 'barSizeSetting': '1 secs', 'whatToShow': 'TRADES', 'useRTH': 0, 'formatDate': 1, 'keepUpToDate': False, 'chartOptions': []}
17:08:26,532 ibapi.client INFO SENDING reqHistoricalData b'\x00\x00\x00U20\x002\x000\x00MNQ\x00CONTFUT\x00\x000.0\x00\x00\x00GLOBEX\x00\x00USD\x00\x00\x000\x0020220701 00:00:00\x001 secs\x001 D\x000\x00TRADES\x001\x000\x00\x00'
17:08:26,805 ibapi.wrapper INFO ANSWER error {'reqId': 2, 'errorCode': 162, 'errorString': 'Mensaje de error de los servicios de datos de mercado históricos:invalid step: 1', 'advancedOrderRejectJson': ''}
17:08:26,805 ibapi.wrapper ERROR ERROR 2 162 Mensaje de error de los servicios de datos de mercado históricos:invalid step: 1
17:08:26,805 root ERROR Error. Id: 2 Code 162 Msg: Mensaje de error de los servicios de datos de mercado históricos:invalid step: 1
Sending code 162
Received code 162
17:08:26,806 ibapi.client INFO disconnecting
17:08:26,806 ibapi.wrapper INFO ANSWER connectionClosed {}

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Hi @Pl0414141 ,

I'll make an issue in the new project for your issue. I looked at it a bit and if you request very small bars you can start to hit the pacing violations that IB describes in their docs much faster. I've downloaded more 1-minute bars and haven't seen this happen as much. Basically, the code needs to track the pacing and prevent too many requests.

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Albon2000 commented Sep 21, 2023

Hello, I use TWS but I am absolutely not a programmer, so is it possible to directly download daily historical data for the last 20-25 years from the NYSE and Nasdaq without using the API. I am currently using the data provided by Microsoft in Excel but I have unfortunately noticed very big errors, notably splits implemented very late in the courses. thanks

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t-ara-fan commented Oct 15, 2023

This is a great project - thank you.

I do have a bit of a glitch. I am downloading 15 second data for ES futures. The Dec'15 2023 expiry. I get lots of data, but not full days of data. With my TWS set to use New York time, and example is I get a file called 20230830.csv. It contains data from 20230830 18:00:00 to 20230830 23:59:45. I used the command below.

python --size "15 secs" --start-date 20230820 --end-date 20230901 --exchange CME --security-type FUT --localsymbol ESU3 ES

The output in the Python console relating to 20230830 is below. It looks like (2nd last line below) it requested 24 hours of data ending at the start of 20230830.

16:01:18,273 ibapi.client INFO REQUEST reqHistoricalData {'reqId': 4, 'contract': 2534678494944: 0,ES,FUT,,0.0,,,CME,,USD,ESU3,,True,,combo:, 'endDateTime': '20230830 00:00:00', 'durationStr': '1 D', 'barSizeSetting': '15 secs', 'whatToShow': 'TRADES', 'useRTH': 0, 'formatDate': 1, 'keepUpToDate': False, 'chartOptions': []}
16:01:18,274 ibapi.client INFO SENDING reqHistoricalData b'\x00\x00\x00R20\x004\x000\x00ES\x00FUT\x00\x000.0\x00\x00\x00CME\x00\x00USD\x00ESU3\x00\x001\x0020230830 00:00:00\x0015 secs\x001 D\x000\x00TRADES\x001\x000\x00\x00'
16:01:18,491 ibapi.wrapper INFO ANSWER historicalDataEnd {'reqId': 4, 'start': '20230829 00:00:00', 'end': '20230830 00:00:00'}
All requests for 2023-08-30 00:00:00 complete.

Am I requesting too much data? Maybe getting a UTC time mixed in there too?


EDIT: When I request "5 mins" data I get the same 18:00:00 start, and end at 23:55:00. So possibly it the query format, not the amount of data requested.

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@t-ara-fan Sorry for the super late reply, cleaning out my inbox. I believe this issue is taken care of in the version in the full project. It could be a UTC issue. But if it still is not working with that version, you can make an issue there. I haven't had any time to use this project in a while, but at least it's worth a try if you're interested.

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I still receive an error:
Warning: This script does not work with IBPy versions below 10: 9.81.1-1
Please upgrade to version 10 of IBPy, you can download it from

I do have latest IBPy, but the version of ibapi is 9.81.1-1. Who faced with the same issue?

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Latest version of TWS stable linked above is 10.19. This code won't work correctly with 9.81.1-1. Did you try downloading and updating the API from

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Hi, wrighter, thanks for the prompt reply. What I did:

  1. Install TWS API through msi setup
  2. Create virutal env as you suggested
  3. Tried to execute your scipt, and it threw such an error

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The problem is here
version = ibapi.version

can't understand how to install latest ibapi.

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@MrBolt177 I'd recommend reading or the official documentation here: . Also note that you should probably be running the code that's, not the version here since this code is older.

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Hey! So, I managed to create a wheel, install the wheel, but still have an error on old library.
(ib_env) D:\Trading\US Stocks\IB_data>python -m pip install --user --upgrade C:\TWS_API\source\pythonclient\dist\ibapi-10.19.2-py3-none-any.whl
Processing c:\tws_api\source\pythonclient\dist\ibapi-10.19.2-py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: ibapi
Successfully installed ibapi-10.19.2

(ib_env) D:\Trading\US Stocks\IB_data> --max-days --size '1 day' AAPL
Warning: This script does not work with IBPy versions below 10: 9.76.1
Please upgrade to version 10 of IBPy, you can download it from

Don't understand how it might be possible?

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Running into the same issue, pyproject.toml generates a requirements.txt file that has ibapi==9.81.1.post1 by default but when you try to run the script it throws the warning,

Warning: This script does not work with IBPy versions below 10: 9.81.1-1
Please upgrade to version 10 of IBPy, you can download it from

Tried reinstalling ibapi==10.19.4 but it did not run with the same error message

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