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Created January 19, 2023 20:29
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data {
// # of data points
int<lower=1> N;
// Observed x
vector[N] x_obs;
// Observed y
vector[N] y_obs;
// Estimate of measurement error on x_obs
vector<lower=0>[N] err_x_obs;
// Estimate of measurement error on y_obs
vector<lower=0>[N] err_y_obs;
// number of sessions. sess_id must contain all of 1:num_sess
int<lower=1> num_sess;
// number of electrodes. elec_id must contain all of 1:num_elec
int<lower=1> num_elec;
// session ID of each measurement
int<lower=1, upper=num_sess> sess_id[N];
// electrode ID of each measurement
int<lower=1, upper=num_elec> elec_id[N];
// Hyper-prior configuration. sigma_sigma means ``scale of hyper-prior
// over sigma parameter'', i.e. sigma ~ cauchy(0, sigma_sigma)
real<lower=0> sigma_sigma_dx_elec;
real<lower=0> sigma_sigma_dy_elec;
real<lower=0> sigma_sigma_dm_elec;
real<lower=0> sigma_sigma_dx_sess;
real<lower=0> sigma_sigma_dy_sess;
real<lower=0> sigma_sigma_dm_sess;
real<lower=0> sigma_sigma_dx_priv;
real<lower=0> sigma_sigma_dy_priv;
parameters {
// The main regression parameter (slope) we're interested in.
real beta;
// Infer the overall scales of various sources of variance.
// variation in true d' (away from x0) across the population
real<lower=0> sigma_dx_elec;
// defines the range of delta CP across electrodes
real<lower=0> sigma_dy_elec;
// defines the range of delta slope across electrodes
real<lower=0> sigma_dm_elec;
// defines the range of delta d' across sessions
real<lower=0> sigma_dx_sess;
// defines the range of delta CP across sessions
real<lower=0> sigma_dy_sess;
// defines the range of delta slope across sessions
real<lower=0> sigma_dm_sess;
// defines the range of delta d' private to each measurement
real<lower=0> sigma_dx_priv;
// defines the range of delta CP private to each measurement
real<lower=0> sigma_dy_priv;
// Overall center offset in x and y
real x0;
real y0;
// Infer 'true' x, y, and slope for each electrode. Prefix z_ means
// 'z-transformed' -- see 'reparameterization' note in transformed
// parameters block.
// ``baseline'' d' value per electrode is x0 plus this value
vector[num_elec] z_delta_x_elec;
// actual delta CP away from the regression line per electrode
vector[num_elec] z_delta_y_elec;
// actual delta slope per electrode
vector[num_elec] z_delta_m_elec;
// Infer 'true' x, y, and slope for each session.
// actual delta d' per session
vector[num_sess] z_delta_x_sess;
// actual delta CP per session away from line
vector[num_sess] z_delta_y_sess;
// actual delta slope per session
vector[num_sess] z_delta_m_sess;
// Infer additional 'private' deltas per measurement.
vector[N] z_delta_x_priv;
vector[N] z_delta_y_priv;
transformed parameters {
// Reparameterization to link hierarchical 'deltas' to their 'sigmas'.
// This reduces the dependence between the '_z' prefixed variables
// and the 'sigma_' variables in the posterior. See the STAN docs on
// reparameterization here:
vector[num_elec] delta_x_elec = z_delta_x_elec * sigma_dx_elec;
vector[num_elec] delta_y_elec = z_delta_y_elec * sigma_dy_elec;
vector[num_elec] delta_m_elec = z_delta_m_elec * sigma_dm_elec;
vector[num_sess] delta_x_sess = z_delta_x_sess * sigma_dx_sess;
vector[num_sess] delta_y_sess = z_delta_y_sess * sigma_dy_sess;
vector[num_sess] delta_m_sess = z_delta_m_sess * sigma_dm_sess;
vector[N] delta_x_priv = z_delta_x_priv * sigma_dx_priv;
vector[N] delta_y_priv = z_delta_y_priv * sigma_dy_priv;
// Define 'measurement means' in x and y, which include all
// structure up to per-observation measurement error
vector[N] mu_x_obs;
vector[N] mu_y_obs;
for (i in 1:N) {
// Construct x coordinate as the baseline x0 plus multiple 'delta's
mu_x_obs[i] = x0 + delta_x_elec[elec_id[i]] +
delta_x_sess[sess_id[i]] + delta_x_priv[i];
// Construct y from line m*x+b, plus additional deltas
real net_intercept = y0 + delta_y_elec[elec_id[i]] +
delta_y_sess[sess_id[i]] + delta_y_priv[i];
real net_slope = beta + delta_m_elec[elec_id[i]] +
mu_y_obs[i] = net_intercept + net_slope * (mu_x_obs[i] - x0);
model {
// Cut-cauchy priors on all standard deviations so we can infer the
// overall amount of each type of variation.
sigma_dx_elec ~ cauchy(0, sigma_sigma_dx_elec);
sigma_dy_elec ~ cauchy(0, sigma_sigma_dy_elec);
sigma_dm_elec ~ cauchy(0, sigma_sigma_dm_elec);
sigma_dx_sess ~ cauchy(0, sigma_sigma_dx_sess);
sigma_dy_sess ~ cauchy(0, sigma_sigma_dy_sess);
sigma_dm_sess ~ cauchy(0, sigma_sigma_dm_sess);
sigma_dx_priv ~ cauchy(0, sigma_sigma_dx_priv);
sigma_dy_priv ~ cauchy(0, sigma_sigma_dy_priv);
// Generate all 'deltas' independently from Gaussians. Thanks to
// reparameterization, these are all normal(0, 1).
z_delta_x_elec ~ normal(0, 1);
z_delta_y_elec ~ normal(0, 1);
z_delta_m_elec ~ normal(0, 1);
z_delta_x_sess ~ normal(0, 1);
z_delta_y_sess ~ normal(0, 1);
z_delta_m_sess ~ normal(0, 1);
z_delta_x_priv ~ normal(0, 1);
z_delta_y_priv ~ normal(0, 1);
// All the magic of the actuall regression model happens
// inside 'transformed parameters' where mu_x_obs and mu_y_obs are
// calculated. Here, we simply state that the observed data are
// normally distributed around these highly- structured means with
// some residual observation noise of a roughly-known magnitude
x_obs ~ normal(mu_x_obs, err_x_obs);
y_obs ~ normal(mu_y_obs, err_y_obs);
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