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Created October 28, 2015 22:11
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@author: wronk
Script meant to be run within blender to load source estimate data and create a series of images
(one for each time point) that can be converted into a movie. This requires that the brain surface
first be loaded into blender.
# Blender specific libraries:
import bpy
from mathutils import Color, Vector
# Common libraries
import numpy as np
import random
import os.path as op
data_dir = '/media/Toshiba/Blender/Ross_AudVis/'
save_folder = 'images'
subject = 'fsaverage'
hemi = 'lh'
f_names = ['Visual', 'Target', 'Masker']
brain_str_key = 'fsaverage.lh.inflated_pre'
vert_list = []
data_list = []
frames = [20, 540]
control_pts = [2, 2.5, 6] # Control points for 3 color sliders
max_lim = np.max(control_pts)
control_pts /= max_lim
cam =['Camera']
brain_mat = 'Material.001'
colorRamp =[brain_mat].node_tree.nodes["ColorRamp"]
#origin =['Empty']
def color_rescale(value):
return (value, value, value)
for fi, f_name in enumerate(f_names):
temp_verts = np.load(op.join(data_dir, 'stcs/vertices', f_name + '-' +
hemi + '.npy'))
temp_data = np.load(op.join(data_dir, 'stcs/data', f_name + '-' +
hemi + '.npy'))[:, frames[0]:frames[1]]
# XXX Taking abs of z-scores and dividing by max of control_pts
data_list.append(np.abs(temp_data) / max_lim)
color_map = None
for file_i, file_name in enumerate(f_names):
for cpi, cp in enumerate(control_pts):
colorRamp.color_ramp.elements[cpi].position = cp
for frame_i in range(frames[1] - frames[0]):
my_object =[brain_str_key].data
vert_list = my_object.vertices
if color_map is None:
color_map =
c_len = len(my_object.vertex_colors[0].data)
for poly in my_object.polygons:
for loop_i in poly.loop_indices:
loop = my_object.loops[loop_i]
v = loop.vertex_index
col = Color(color_rescale(data_list[file_i][v, frame_i]))[loop_i].color = col["Scene"].render.filepath = \
op.join(data_dir, save_folder, file_name, subject + '_' + hemi +
'_' + file_name + '_%d.jpg' % (frame_i + frames[0]))
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