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Created August 27, 2013 18:05
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a config for crunchbang conky that displays more data, but keeps the keyboard shortcuts
# conky configuration
# The list of variables has been removed from this file in favour
# of keeping the documentation more maintainable.
# Check for an up-to-date-list.
# For ideas about how to modify conky, please see:
# For help with conky, please see:
# Enjoy! :)
# Settings
background no
use_xft yes
xftfont HandelGotD:size=8
xftalpha 0.5
update_interval 1
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 200 200
maximum_width 240
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
default_color grey
default_shade_color red
default_outline_color green
alignment top_right
gap_x 5
gap_y 35
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale no
CPU $alignr ${cpu cpu0}%
${cpugraph cpu0}
MEM $alignc $mem / $memmax $alignr $memperc%
swap $alignc $swap / $swapmax $alignr $swapperc%
/ $alignc ${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /} $alignr ${fs_free_perc /}%
${fs_bar /}
/home/ $alignc ${fs_used /home/} / ${fs_size /home/} $alignr ${fs_free_perc /hom/}%
${fs_bar /home/}
PROC ($running_processes running) $alignr PIDCPU
${top name 1} $alignr ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1}
${top name 2} $alignr ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2}
${top name 3} $alignr ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3}
${top name 4} $alignr ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4}
${top name 5} $alignr ${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5}
${top name 6} $alignr ${top pid 6} ${top cpu 6}
${top name 7} $alignr ${top pid 7} ${top cpu 7}
Inbound $alignr ${downspeed wlan0} kb/s
${downspeedgraph wlan0}
Outbound $alignr ${upspeed wlan0} kb/s
${upspeedgraph wlan0}
Alt+F2$alignr Run Dialog
Alt+F3$alignr Alt Menu
Super+Space$alignr Main Menu
Super+Tab$alignr Client Menu
Super+t$alignr Terminal
Super+f$alignr File Manager
Super+e$alignr Editor
Super+m$alignr Media Player
Super+w$alignr Web Browser
Super+h$alignr Task Manager
Super+l$alignr Lock Screen
Super+v$alignr Volume Control
Super+x$alignr Logout
PrtSc$alignr Screenshot
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