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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Sharded globally unique identifier mini library for python2.7
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Written by Warren Runk
# This file is free software in the public domain.
import base64
import random
import uuid
Sharded globally unique identifier mini library for python2.7
Version 1.0
- Uses a standard UUID1 for global uniqueness (see python docs on UUID for exceptions)
- Semi Ordered Ids (since the first section is from the clock)
- Fairly small 26 chars using base32
- 100% url safe (using padding stripped base32 lowered)
- Sharded/bucketed (first 12 bits of the node param are altered to be a shard ID 0-4095)
- By adding the shard ID in the node section, we obfuscate the MAC address of the
generating computer
Public functions:
- get_new_guid
- get_shard_id
- is_valid_guid
Example GUID: wq5xhtdkyai6jgpn7724fsahjq
Some stats from creating a million GUIDs:
Total # of shard IDs 4096
Max # of GUIDs (298) were created in shard (65)
Min # of GUIDs (190) were created in shard (1405)
Median pos 2047 244
Median pos 2048 244
Median pos 2049 244
Average (Should be 244 - 1mil/4096) 244
Variance 251
Standard Deviation 15.8429795178
Run this script to run tests
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Core lib code
__all__ = ['get_new_guid', 'get_shard_id', 'is_valid_guid']
# Cache our hardware MAC address with the shard mask applied
_masked_node = uuid.getnode() & 0x000fffffffff
def is_valid_guid(guid):
if not isinstance(guid, basestring) or len(guid) != 26:
return False
shard_id = get_shard_id(guid)
except TypeError:
return False
if not _is_valid_shard_id(shard_id):
return False
return True
def _is_valid_shard_id(shard_int_id):
if not isinstance(shard_int_id, int):
return False
if shard_int_id < 0 or shard_int_id > 4095:
return False
return True
def get_shard_id(guid):
Get the numeric shard ID associated with this GUID (0-4095)
orig_uuid_bytes = base64.b32decode(guid + '======', casefold=True)
hex_rep = "".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in orig_uuid_bytes)
return int(hex_rep[-12:-9], 16)
def _create_guid(shard_int):
# Create a binary mask for our shard ID to apply to the node value
# Will look like 03f000000000
shard_hex_mask = "%03x" % shard_int + '0' * 9
# Calculate the final node integer value using binary OR to be passed to the
# uuid1 creation function
final_int_val = _masked_node | int(shard_hex_mask, 16)
# Create the UUID. Hex representations of UUIDs look like
# b43b73cc-6ac0-11e4-99ed-fff5c2c8074c
# You can see the fff in the last section is our shard ID
new_uid = uuid.uuid1(node=final_int_val)
# Finally, return the finished guid. Will look like wq5xhtdkyai6jgpn7724fsahjq
return base64.b32encode(new_uid.bytes).lower().rstrip('=')
def get_new_guid(affinity_guid=None, shard_id=None):
Return a base32 encoded byte string of length 26.
affinity_guid: pass a previously created GUID. This will create the new GUID
in the same shard
shard_id: pass the shard ID integer between 0 - 4095
if affinity_guid:
shard_id = get_shard_id(affinity_guid)
elif not shard_id:
shard_id = random.randint(0, 4095)
if not _is_valid_shard_id(shard_id):
raise ValueError("Invalid shard ID, not an int or out of range (0-4095)")
return _create_guid(shard_id)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Tests, stats, and helpers
def _test_print_sample():
print "***** Creating and printing some sample GUIDs"
for i in range(20):
u = get_new_guid()
print "GUID: (%s) LEN (%i)" % (u, len(u))
def _test_create_many():
Note Creating the 1mil guids here will eat about ~200 RAM and
take a while so use at own risk"""
# Normally you would use a set or something, but doing guid in dict is
# MUCH faster than guid in list/set
guids = {}
# Let's track our shard distribution
shard_heat_map = {}
for i in range(1000000):
guid = get_new_guid()
assert guid not in guids, 'dup'
guids[guid] = ''
# Record the bucket
shard_id = get_shard_id(guid)
if shard_id not in shard_heat_map:
shard_heat_map[shard_id] = 0
shard_heat_map[shard_id] += 1
return shard_heat_map
def _test_print_stats(shard_heat_map):
mi = 200000
mic = None
ma = 0
mac = None
total = 0
for k, v in shard_heat_map.items():
total += v
if v < mi:
mic = k
mi = v
if v > ma:
mac = k
ma = v
avg = total / len(shard_heat_map)
vtotal = 0
for k, v in shard_heat_map.items():
v = (v - avg) ** 2
vtotal += v
vavg = vtotal / len(shard_heat_map)
print "***** Stats from creating %i GUIDs" % total
print "Total # of shard IDs", len(shard_heat_map)
print "Max # of GUIDs (%i) were created in shard (%i)" % (ma, mac)
print "Min # of GUIDs (%i) were created in shard (%i)" % (mi, mic)
print "Median pos 2047", sorted(shard_heat_map.values())[2047]
print "Median pos 2048", sorted(shard_heat_map.values())[2048]
print "Median pos 2049", sorted(shard_heat_map.values())[2049]
print "Average (Should be 244 - 1mil/4096)", avg
print "Variance", vavg
import math
print "Standard Deviation", math.sqrt(vavg)
def _test_affinity():
guid = get_new_guid()
shard = get_shard_id(guid)
for i in range(10):
new_guid = get_new_guid(affinity_guid=guid)
assert get_shard_id(new_guid) == shard
for i in range(10):
new_guid = get_new_guid(shard_id=shard)
assert get_shard_id(new_guid) == shard
print "Creating GUIDs with affinity id and shard ID OK"
def _test_is_valid_guid():
guid = get_new_guid()
assert is_valid_guid(guid)
assert not is_valid_guid(guid[1:])
print "Function is_valid_guid OK"
def run_tests():
# Test creating a million IDs (make sure they don't dup) and print the stats
shard_heat_map = _test_create_many()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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