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Last active September 28, 2015 16:22
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  • Save wsalesky/5b18bc02af76f889da10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wsalesky/5b18bc02af76f889da10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Version of git-commit using expath http client. Still a work in progress.
xquery version "3.0";
: POC: eXist DB module to commit files to github reop via github API
: Prerequisites:
: In order to run the module, you will need a github Authorization token.
: When you create authorization token your OAuth Scope will need to include repo, allowing you to update files.
: @see
: @Notes
: This version EXpath http client.
: Additional development will be needed to handle creating new files/directories, deletes and merge conflicts.
: @see
: Github API Steps for creating/updating repository contents:
: 1. get the current commit object
: 2. retrieve the tree it points to
: 3. retrieve the content of the blob object that tree has for that particular file path
: 4. change the content somehow and post a new blob object with that new content, getting a blob SHA back
: 5. post a new tree object with that file path pointer replaced with your new blob SHA getting a tree SHA back
: 6. create a new commit object with the current commit SHA as the parent and the new tree SHA, getting a commit SHA back
: 7. update the reference of your branch to point to the new commit SHA
: Links to useful github api info
: @author Winona Salesky
: @version 0.1
: @see
: @see
: @see
import module namespace xqjson="";
import module namespace http="";
declare namespace httpclient="";
(: Pass updated file path and commit message via parameters :)
declare variable $path {request:get-parameter('path', '')};
declare variable $commit {request:get-parameter('commit', 'Update README. testing github API with parameters.')};
: New content to submit
: @param $path path to updated file in eXist (relative to app root)
: Should be passed with either, see notes on issue with this method:
: util:base64-encode(doc($path))
: util:base64-encode(util:binary-doc($path))
declare variable $new-content {'Testing utf-8 text from xquery to github. Still problems with submitting binary files, or using expath http.'};
(: Path to your github repository. eg: :)
declare variable $repo {'REPOSITORY-URL'};
: You will need to have an github authorization token to run this script.
: See
: Best practice would be to store this token in an environmental variable on
: your server and retrieve it via environment-variable()
declare variable $authorization-token {'YOUR-AUTH-TOKEN'};
: HTTP Headers for authorization
: @param $authorization-token your github authorization token
declare function local:build-request($url as xs:anyURI?, $method as xs:string?, $content as item()*){
<http:request href="{$url}" method="{$method}">
<http:header name="Authorization" value="{concat('token ',$authorization-token)}"/>
{if($content) then <http:body media-type="application/json" method="text">{$content}</http:body> else ()}
(: Get master branch of $repo :)
let $latest-commit := xqjson:parse-json(util:base64-decode(local:build-request(xs:anyURI(concat($repo,'/git/refs/heads/master')),'get',())[2]))
let $get-latest-commit-sha := $latest-commit//pair[@name='sha']/text()
(: Get latest commit tree using $get-latest-commit-sha :)
let $get-latest-commit := xqjson:parse-json(util:base64-decode(local:build-request(xs:anyURI(concat($repo,'/git/commits/',$get-latest-commit-sha)),'get',())[2]))
(: Get latest commit tree SHA :)
let $latest-commit-tree-sha := $get-latest-commit//pair[@name='tree']/pair[@name='sha']/text()
(: Get latest tree using $latest-commit-tree-sha :)
let $get-latest-tree := xqjson:parse-json(util:base64-decode(local:build-request(xs:anyURI(concat($repo,'/git/trees/',$latest-commit-tree-sha)),'get', ())[2]))
(: Github documentation suggests getting the file SHA and content, but then never uses it. Currently commented out:)
(: Get file SHA from latest tree :)
(:let $get-file-sha-from-tree := $get-latest-tree//pair[@name='path'][. = {$path}]/following-sibling::pair[@name='sha'][1]/text():)
(: Get file blob from $get-file-sha-from-tree :)
let $get-blob := xqjson:parse-json(util:base64-decode(httpclient:get(xs:anyURI(concat($repo,'/git/blobs/',$get-file-sha-from-tree)),false(), $headers)[2]))
let $blob-sha := $get-blob/pair[@name='sha']/text()
(: Create new blob with new content base64/utf-8 :)
let $new-blob-content :=
<pair name="object" type="object">
<pair name="content" type="string">{util:serialize($new-content, 'method=xml')}</pair>
<pair name="encoding" type="string">utf-8</pair>
(: Send new blob-content to Github API:)
let $new-blob := xqjson:parse-json(util:base64-decode(local:build-request(xs:anyURI(concat($repo,'/git/blobs')),'post', $new-blob-content)[2]))
(: New blob sha :)
let $new-blob-sha := $new-blob/pair[@name='sha']/text()
: Create a new tree
: New tree includes
: base_tree: $latest-commit-tree-sha (the tree referenced in the latest commit, referenced in the master branch.)
: path: path to the new/updated file relative to app/repo root.
: sha: $new-blob-sha (SHA for the just created new content blob)
let $new-tree-content :=
<pair name="object" type="object">
<pair name="base_tree" type="string">{$latest-commit-tree-sha}</pair>
<pair name="tree" type="array">
<pair name="object" type="object">
<pair name="path" type="string">{$path}</pair>
<pair name="mode" type="string">100644</pair>
<pair name="type" type="string">blob</pair>
<pair name="sha" type="string">{$new-blob-sha}</pair>
(: Send new tree to Github API:)
let $new-tree := xqjson:parse-json(util:base64-decode(local:build-request(xs:anyURI(concat($repo,'/git/trees')),'post', $new-tree-content)[2]))
(: New tree SHA :)
let $new-tree-sha := $new-tree/pair[@name='sha']/text()
: Create new commit
: message: commit message
: tree: $new-tree-sha (the SHA of the tree you have just created for your new content)
: parents: $get-latest-commit-sha (an array of parent SHA's, can be just one, should not be empty)
let $new-commit-content :=
<pair name="object" type="object">
<pair name="message" type="string">{$commit}</pair>
<pair name="tree" type="string">{$new-tree-sha}</pair>
<pair name="parents" type="array"><item type="string">{$get-latest-commit-sha}</item></pair>
(: Send new commit to Github API:)
let $new-commit := xqjson:parse-json(util:base64-decode(local:build-request(xs:anyURI(concat($repo,'/git/commits')), 'post',$new-commit-content)[2]))
(: New commit SHA :)
let $new-commit-sha := $new-commit/self::json[@type='object']/pair[@name='sha']/text()
(: Update refs in repository to your new commit SHA :)
let $commit-ref-data :=
<pair name="object" type="object">
<pair name="sha" type="string">{$new-commit-sha}</pair>
<pair name="force" type="boolean">true</pair>
let $commit-ref := local:build-request(xs:anyURI(concat($repo,'/git/refs/heads/master')),'post', $commit-ref-data)
let $commit-ref-message := util:base64-decode($commit-ref[2])
return $commit-ref-message
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