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Last active August 19, 2019 08:58
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  • Save wsalesky/bf26507ff593f0c99a35 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wsalesky/bf26507ff593f0c99a35 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sync remote eXistdb with github repository automatically using github webhooks.
xquery version "3.0";
(:module namespace gitsync = "";:)
: XQuery endpoint to respond to Github webhook requests. Query responds only to push requests.

: The EXPath Crypto library supplies the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm for matching Github secret. 

: Secret can be stored as environmental variable.
: Will need to be run with administrative privileges, suggest creating a git user with privileges only to relevant app.
: @author Winona Salesky
: @version 1.1
: @see
: @see
: @see
import module namespace xdb="";
import module namespace templates="" ;
import module namespace xqjson="";
import module namespace crypto="";
import module namespace http="";
declare option exist:serialize "method=xml media-type=text/xml indent=yes";

: Recursively creates new collections if necessary

: @param $uri url to resource being added to db
declare function local:create-collections($uri as xs:string){
let $collection-uri := substring($uri,1)
for $collections in tokenize($collection-uri, '/')
let $current-path := concat('/',substring-before($collection-uri, $collections),$collections)
let $parent-collection := substring($current-path, 1, string-length($current-path) - string-length(tokenize($current-path, '/')[last()]))
if (xmldb:collection-available($current-path)) then ()
else xmldb:create-collection($parent-collection, $collections)
: Updates files in eXistdb with github data
: @param $commits serilized json data
: @param $contents-url string pointing to resource on github
declare function local:do-update($commits as node()*, $contents-url as xs:string?){
for $modified in $commits/descendant::*/*:pair[@name="modified"]/*:item/text()
let $file-path := concat($contents-url, $modified)
let $req := <http:request href="{xs:anyURI($file-path)}" method="get"/>
let $file := http:send-request($req)[2]
let $file-info :=
let $payload := util:base64-decode($file)
let $parse-payload := xqjson:parse-json($payload)
return $parse-payload
let $file-data := $file-info//*:pair[@name="content"]
let $collection := xs:anyURI('/db/apps/srophe')
let $file-name := $file-info//*:pair[@name="name"]/text()
let $resource-path := substring-before(replace($modified,'srophe-app/',''),$file-name)
let $collection-uri := concat($collection,'/',$resource-path)
try {
if(xmldb:collection-available($collection-uri)) then
<response status="okay">
<message>{xmldb:store($collection-uri, xmldb:encode-uri($file-name), xs:base64Binary($file-data))}</message>
else (local:create-collections($collection-uri),xmldb:store($collection-uri, xmldb:encode-uri($file-name), xs:base64Binary($file-data)))
} catch * {
<response status="fail">
<message>Failed to update resource: {concat($err:code, ": ", $err:description)}</message>
: Adds new files to eXistdb. Changes permissions for group write.
: Pulls data from github repository, parses file information and passes data to xmldb:store
: @param $commits serilized json data
: @param $contents-url string pointing to resource on github
: NOTE permission changes could happen in a db trigger after files are created
declare function local:do-add($commits as node()*, $contents-url as xs:string?){
for $modified in $commits/descendant::*/*:pair[@name="added"]/*:item/text()
let $file-path := concat($contents-url, $modified)
let $req := <http:request href="{xs:anyURI($file-path)}" method="get"/>
let $file := http:send-request($req)[2]
let $file-info :=
let $payload := util:base64-decode($file)
let $parse-payload := xqjson:parse-json($payload)
return $parse-payload
let $file-data := $file-info//*:pair[@name="content"]
let $collection := xs:anyURI('/db/apps/srophe')
let $file-name := $file-info//*:pair[@name="name"]/text()
let $resource-path := substring-before(replace($modified,'srophe-app/',''),$file-name)
let $collection-uri := concat($collection,'/',$resource-path)
try {
if(xmldb:collection-available($collection-uri)) then
<response status="okay">
xmldb:store($collection-uri, xmldb:encode-uri($file-name), xs:base64Binary($file-data)),
sm:chmod(xs:anyURI(concat($collection-uri,$file-name)), 'rwxrwxr-x'),
sm:chgrp(xs:anyURI(concat($collection-uri,$file-name)), 'srophe')
<response status="okay">
xmldb:store($collection-uri, xmldb:encode-uri($file-name), xs:base64Binary($file-data)),
sm:chmod(xs:anyURI(concat($collection-uri,$file-name)), 'rwxrwxr-x'),
sm:chgrp(xs:anyURI(concat($collection-uri,$file-name)), 'srophe')
} catch * {
<response status="fail">
<message>Failed to add resource: {concat($err:code, ": ", $err:description)}</message>
: Removes files from the database uses xmldb:remove
: Pulls data from github repository, parses file information and passes data to xmldb:store
: @param $commits serilized json data
: @param $contents-url string pointing to resource on github
declare function local:do-delete($commits as node()*, $contents-url as xs:string?){
for $modified in $commits/descendant::*/*:pair[@name="removed"]/*:item/text()
let $file-path := concat($contents-url, $modified)
let $collection := xs:anyURI('/db/apps/srophe')
let $file-name := tokenize($modified,'/')[last()]
let $resource-path := substring-before(replace($modified,'srophe-app/',''),$file-name)
let $collection-uri := replace(concat($collection,'/',$resource-path),'/$','')
try {
<response status="okay">
<message>{xmldb:remove($collection-uri, $file-name)}</message>
} catch * {
<response status="fail">
<message>Failed to remove resource: {concat($err:code, ": ", $err:description)}</message>
: Parse request data and pass to appropriate local functions
: @param $json-data github response serializing as xml xqjson:parse-json()
declare function local:parse-request($json-data){
let $contents-url := substring-before($json-data//*:pair[@name="contents_url"]/text(),'{')
try {
if($json-data//*:pair[@name="ref"] = "refs/heads/master") then
if($json-data//*:pair[@name="commits"]) then
let $commits := $json-data//*:pair[@name="commits"]
(if($commits/descendant::*/*:pair[@name="modified"]/*:item/text()) then
local:do-update($commits, $contents-url)
else (),
if($commits/descendant::*/*:pair[@name="added"]/*:item/text()) then
local:do-add($commits, $contents-url)
else (),
if($commits/descendant::*/*:pair[@name="removed"]/*:item/text()) then
local:do-delete($commits, $contents-url)
else ())
else <response status="fail"><message>This is a GitHub request, however there were no commits.</message></response>
else <response status="fail"><message>Not from the master branch.</message></response>
} catch * {
<response status="fail">
<message>{concat($err:code, ": ", $err:description)}</message>
: Validate github post request.
: Check user agent and github event, only accept push events from master branch.
: Check git hook secret against secret stored in environmental variable
: @param $GIT_TOKEN environment variable storing github secret
let $post-data := request:get-data()
if(not(empty($post-data))) then
let $payload := util:base64-decode(request:get-data())
let $json-data := xqjson:parse-json($payload)
try {
if(matches(request:get-header('User-Agent'), '^GitHub-Hookshot/')) then
if(request:get-header('X-GitHub-Event') = 'push') then
let $signiture := request:get-header('X-Hub-Signature')
let $expected-result := <expected-result>{request:get-header('X-Hub-Signature')}</expected-result>
let $private-key := string(environment-variable('GIT_TOKEN'))
let $actual-result :=
{concat('sha1=',crypto:hmac($payload, $private-key, "HMAC-SHA-1", "hex"))}
let $condition := normalize-space($expected-result/text()) = normalize-space($actual-result/text())
if ($condition) then
<response status="fail"><message>Invalid secret.</message></response>
else <response status="fail"><message>Invalid trigger.</message></response>
else <response status="fail"><message>This is not a GitHub request.</message></response>
} catch * {
<response status="fail">
<message>Unacceptable headers {concat($err:code, ": ", $err:description)}</message>
<response status="fail">
<message>No post data recieved</message>
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wsalesky commented Nov 4, 2014

Added create collection function

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dizzzz commented Nov 6, 2014

Nice works......

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wsalesky commented Nov 6, 2014


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Updated to handle empty requests.

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Set script to use setuid to execute with elevated privileges:
sm:chown(xs:anyURI('/db/apps/srophe/git-sync.xql'), "admin"),
sm:chgrp(xs:anyURI('/db/apps/srophe/git-sync.xql'), "dba"),
sm:chmod(xs:anyURI('/db/apps/srophe/git-sync.xql'), "rwsr-xr-x")

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Watch out for the bulk upload gotcha. Github only allows 60 request per hour with this type of request. For a more robust application integration of OAuth looks necessary.

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To solve the request limits for unauthorized requests, you will need to generate either a github personal access token or register your application as an OAuth application via you settings. I used the personal access token. You can then add the following:

let $gitToken:= 'YOUR TOKEN'
let $send :=
    <http:request href="" method="GET">
        <http:header name="Authorization" value="{concat('token ',$gitToken)}"/>
return http:send-request($send)    

This will increase you rate limit to 5,000.

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