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Last active September 20, 2016 13:58
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Partial facet implementation for eXist-db based on the EXPath specifications (
xquery version "3.0";
: Partial facet implementation for eXist-db based on the EXPath specifications (
: Uses the following eXist-db specific functions:
: util:eval
: request:get-parameter
: request:get-parameter-names()
: @author Winona Salesky
: @version 1.0
: @see
: Handle arrays in attribute values, see tei:relation/@mutual for an example
: Support for hierarchical facets
module namespace facet = "";
import module namespace functx="";
declare namespace tei = "";
(: External facet parameters :)
declare variable $facet:fq {request:get-parameter('fq', '') cast as xs:string};
: Given a result sequence, and a sequence of facet definitions, count the facet-values for each facet defined by the facet definition(s).
: Accepts one or more facet:facet-definition elements
: Signiture:
facet:count($results as item()*,
$facet-definitions as element(facet:facet-definition)*) as element(facet:facets)
: @param $results results node to be faceted on.
: @param $facet-definitions one or more facet:facet-definition element
declare function facet:count($results as item()*, $facet-definitions as element(facet:facet-definition)*) as element(facet:facets){
<facets xmlns="">
for $facet in $facet-definitions
<facet name="{$facet/@name}">
(:let $facets := facet:facet($results, $facet):)
(:let $total := count(facet:facet($results, $facet)):)
let $max := if($facet/descendant::facet:max-values/text()) then $facet/descendant::facet:max-values/text() else 100
for $facets at $i in subsequence(facet:facet($results, $facet),1,$max)
return $facets
: Given a result sequence, and a facet definition, count the facet-values for each facet defined by the facet definition.
: Facet defined by facets:facet-definition/facet:group-by/facet:sub-path
: @param $results results to be faceted on.
: @param $facet-definitions one or more facet:facet-definition element
(: TODO: Handle nested facet-definition :)
declare function facet:facet($results as item()*, $facet-definitions as element(facet:facet-definition)?) as item()*{
if($facet-definitions/facet:range) then
facet:group-by-range($results, $facet-definitions)
else if ($facet-definitions/facet:group-by/@function) then
else facet:group-by($results, $facet-definitions)
: Given a result sequence, and a facet definition, count the facet-values for each facet defined by the facet definition.
: Facet defined by facets:facet-definition/facet:group-by/facet:sub-path
: @param $results results to be faceted on.
: @param $facet-definitions one or more facet:facet-definition element
(: TODO: Need to be able to switch out descending with ascending based on facet-def/order-by/@direction:)
declare function facet:group-by($results as item()*, $facet-definitions as element(facet:facet-definition)?) as element(facet:key)*{
let $path := concat('$results/',$facet-definitions/facet:group-by/facet:sub-path/text())
let $sort := $facet-definitions/facet:order-by
for $f in util:eval($path)
group by $facet-grp := $f
order by
if($sort/text() = 'value') then $f[1]
else count($f)
return <key xmlns="" count="{count($f)}" value="{$f[1]}" label="{$f[1]}"/>
: specific group-by function for correctly labeling submodules.
declare function facet:group-by-sub-module($results as item()*, $facet-definitions as element(facet:facet-definition)?) {
let $path := concat('$results/',$facet-definitions/facet:group-by/facet:sub-path/text())
let $sort := $facet-definitions/facet:order-by
for $f in util:eval($path)
let $label :=
if($f[1] = '') then 'Authors'
else if($f[1] = '') then 'Saints'
else ()
group by $facet-grp := $f
order by
if($sort/text() = 'value') then $f[1]
else count($f)
return <key xmlns="" count="{count($f)}" value="{$f[1]}" label="{$label[1]}"/>
: specific group-by function for correctly labeling attributes with arrays.
declare function facet:group-by-array($results as item()*, $facet-definitions as element(facet:facet-definition)?){
let $path := concat('$results/',$facet-definitions/facet:group-by/facet:sub-path/text())
let $sort := $facet-definitions/facet:order-by
let $d := tokenize(string-join(util:eval($path),' '),' ')
for $f in $d
group by $facet-grp := tokenize($f,' ')
order by
if($sort/text() = 'value') then $f[1]
else count($f)
return <key xmlns="" count="{count($f)}" value="{$f[1]}" label="{$f[1]}"/>
: Given a result sequence, and a facet definition, count the facet-values for each range facet defined by the facet definition.
: Range values defined by: range and range/bucket elements
: Facet defined by facets:facet-definition/facet:group-by/facet:sub-path
: @param $results results to be faceted on.
: @param $facet-definitions one or more facet:facet-definition element
declare function facet:group-by-range($results as item()*, $facet-definitions as element(facet:facet-definition)*) as element(facet:key)*{
let $ranges := $facet-definitions/facet:range
let $sort := $facet-definitions/facet:order-by
for $range in $ranges/facet:bucket
let $path := concat('$results/',$facet-definitions/descendant::facet:sub-path/text(),'[. gt "', facet:type($range/@gt, $ranges/@type),'" and . lt "',facet:type($range/@lt, $ranges/@type),'"]')
let $f := util:eval($path)
order by
if($sort/text() = 'value') then $f[1]
else count($f)
<key xmlns="" count="{count($f)}" value="{string($range/@name)}" label="{string($range/@name)}"/>
: Adds type casting when type is specified facet:facet:group-by/@type
: @param $value of xpath
: @param $type value of type attribute
declare function facet:type($value as item()*, $type as xs:string?) as item()*{
if($type != '') then
if($type = 'xs:string') then xs:string($value)
else if($type = 'xs:string') then xs:string($value)
else if($type = 'xs:decimal') then xs:decimal($value)
else if($type = 'xs:integer') then xs:integer($value)
else if($type = 'xs:long') then xs:long($value)
else if($type = 'xs:int') then xs:int($value)
else if($type = 'xs:short') then xs:short($value)
else if($type = 'xs:byte') then xs:byte($value)
else if($type = 'xs:float') then xs:float($value)
else if($type = 'xs:double') then xs:double($value)
else if($type = 'xs:dateTime') then xs:dateTime($value)
else if($type = 'xs:date') then xs:date($value)
else if($type = 'xs:gYearMonth') then xs:gYearMonth($value)
else if($type = 'xs:gYear') then xs:gYear($value)
else if($type = 'xs:gMonthDay') then xs:gMonthDay($value)
else if($type = 'xs:gMonth') then xs:gMonth($value)
else if($type = 'xs:gDay') then xs:gDay($value)
else if($type = 'xs:duration') then xs:duration($value)
else if($type = 'xs:anyURI') then xs:anyURI($value)
else if($type = 'xs:Name') then xs:Name($value)
else $value
else $value
: XPath filter to be passed to main query
: creates XPath based on facet:facet-definition//facet:sub-path.
: @param $facet-def facet:facet-definition element
: NOTE: need to do type checking here
: NOTE: add range handling here.
declare function facet:facet-filter($facet-definitions as node()*) as item()*{
if($facet:fq != '') then
for $facet in tokenize($facet:fq,';fq-')
let $facet-name := substring-before($facet,':')
let $facet-value := normalize-space(substring-after($facet,':'))
for $facet in $facet-definitions/facet:facet-definition[@name = $facet-name]
let $path :=
if(matches($facet/descendant::facet:sub-path/text(), '^/@')) then concat('descendant::*/',substring($facet/descendant::facet:sub-path/text(),2))
else $facet/descendant::facet:sub-path/text()
if($facet-value != '') then
if($facet/facet:range) then
concat('[',$path,'[string(.) gt "', facet:type($facet/facet:range/facet:bucket[@name = $facet-value]/@gt, $facet/facet:range/facet:bucket[@name = $facet-value]/@type),'" and string(.) lt "',facet:type($facet/facet:range/facet:bucket[@name = $facet-value]/@lt, $facet/facet:range/facet:bucket[@name = $facet-value]/@type),'"]]')
else if($facet/facet:group-by[@function="facet:group-by-array"]) then
concat('[',$path,'[matches(., "',$facet-value,'(\W|$)")]',']')
else concat('[',$path,'[string(.) = "',$facet-value,'"]',']')
else ()
: Builds new facet params for html links.
: Uses request:get-parameter-names() to get all current params
declare function facet:url-params(){
string-join(for $param in request:get-parameter-names()
if($param = 'fq') then ()
else if(request:get-parameter($param, '') = ' ') then ()
else concat('&amp;',$param, '=',request:get-parameter($param, '')),'')
(: HTML display functions :)
: Create 'Remove' button
: Constructs new URL for user action 'remove facet'
declare function facet:selected-facets-display(){
for $facet in tokenize($facet:fq,';fq-')
let $value := substring-after($facet,':')
let $new-fq := string-join(
for $facet-param in tokenize($facet:fq,';fq-')
if($facet-param = $facet) then ()
else concat(';fq-',$facet-param),'')
let $href := if($new-fq != '') then concat('?fq=',replace(replace($new-fq,';fq- ',''),';fq-;fq-',';fq-'),facet:url-params()) else ()
if($facet != '') then
<span class="label label-facet" title="Remove {$value}">
{$value} <a href="{$href}" class="facet icon"> x</a>
: Create 'Add' button
: Constructs new URL for user action 'Add facet'
declare function facet:html-list-facets-as-buttons($facets as node()*){
for $f in $facets/facet:facet
<div class="facet-grp">
for $key in $f/facet:key
let $facet-query := replace(replace(concat(';fq-',string($f/@name),':',string($key/@value)),';fq-;fq-;',';fq-'),';fq- ','')
let $new-fq :=
if($facet:fq) then concat('fq=',$facet:fq,$facet-query)
else concat('fq=',$facet-query)
return <a href="?{$new-fq}{facet:url-params()}" class="facet-label btn btn-default">{string($key/@label)} <span class="count"> ({string($key/@count)})</span></a>
xquery version "3.0";
: Partial facet implementation for eXist-db based on the EXPath specifications (
: Uses the following eXist-db specific functions:
: util:eval
: @author Winona Salesky
: @version 1.0
: @see
import module namespace facets = "" at "facet.xqm";
declare namespace tei = "";
declare namespace facet = "";
declare namespace output = "";
declare option output:method "html5";
declare option output:media-type "text/html";
: Example facet definition. Uses Srophe data:
let $facet-def :=
<facets xmlns="">
<facet-definition name="Place Name">
<sub-path>descendant::tei:placeName[@xml:lang = 'en']/descendant-or-self::text()</sub-path>
<order-by direction="descending">count</order-by>
<facet-definition name="Title">
<order-by direction="ascending">count</order-by>
<facet-definition name="PersRefs">
<order-by direction="ascending">count</order-by>
<facet-definition name="Keywords">
<order-by direction="ascending">count</order-by>
<facet-definition name="Dates">
<range type="xs:date">
<bucket lt="0400-01-01" gt="0300-01-01" name="300-400"/>
<bucket lt="0300-01-01" gt="0200-01-01" name="200-300"/>
<group-by type="xs:date">
<order-by direction="ascending">count</order-by>
let $collection := util:eval(concat("collection('/db/apps/srophe-data/data')//tei:body",facet:facet-filter($facet-def)))
<div total="{count($collection)}" filterpath="{facet:facet-filter($facet-def)}">
(:facet:html-list-facets-as-buttons(facet:facets($facet-def, $collection)),:)
facet:count($collection, $facet-def/child::*),
<div class="results">{$collection[1]}</div>
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wsalesky commented Sep 2, 2016

Just started re-reading the specs, current code is not very compliant with the specs. So more just facet POC.

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wsalesky commented Sep 9, 2016

Added support for arrays within attributes and also for using local group-by functions. Sample group-by functions 'facet:group-by-sub-module' which allows for easier labeling for submodules/person types.

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