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Created June 25, 2020 06:49
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pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
import './DateTime.sol';
import './SignedSafeMath.sol';
// CXC Murabaha Smart Contract - Signed integer
contract CXCMurabaha is DateTime {
using SignedSafeMath for int256;
address public owner;
uint256 public NumberOfInstallments;
uint256 public tenor = 10;
string public paymentFrequency = 'monthly';
string public profitRate;
uint256 public principal;
address public SPVAddr;
address public obligorAddr;
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only Owner");
// Data strucure
struct Payment{
uint256 id;
uint256 timestamp;
string paymentType; //SEPA, Bank Wire, Cash, Other
string TxId;
int256 value;
uint256 status; //0: success, 1:Fail, 2: Cancelled
// Status Code
// Pending, Success, Remediated,Failed, Partial
struct Installment{
uint256 id;
uint timestamp;
int256 capital; //outstanding
int256 reumn; // profit
int256 rembCapital; //principal payment
string overallstatus;
uint256 paymentsLength;
int256 totalCollected;
mapping(uint256 => Payment) Payments;
mapping(uint256 => Installment) public installments;
// Event for scheduled installment
event ScheduleInstallmentEvent(uint256 id,uint256 timestamp ,string status, bytes32 installmentHash);
// Event for updating of a scheduled installment
event UpdateInstallmentEvent(uint256 id, string status, int256 value);
// Constructor
constructor (string memory _profitRate, uint256 _principal, address _SPVAddr, address _obligorAddr ) public {
require(bytes(_profitRate).length > 0, 'Error101: Profit rate is required');
require(_principal != 0, 'Error102: Prinical value is required');
require(_SPVAddr != address(0x0), 'Error116: SPV address is required');
require(_obligorAddr != address(0x0), 'Error117: Obligor address is required');
owner = msg.sender;
profitRate = _profitRate;
principal = _principal;
SPVAddr = _SPVAddr;
obligorAddr = _obligorAddr;
NumberOfInstallments = 0;
//Schedule installment
function ScheduleInstallment(uint256 _timestamp, int256 _capital, int256 _reumn, int256 _rembCapital ) public
onlyOwner returns (uint256){
require(_timestamp > 1588001180, 'Error105: Timestamp should be grater than 27, April 2020'); //1588001180 = Monday, April 27, 2020 11:54:25 PM
require(_capital > 0, 'Error106: Capital grater than zero is required');
require(_reumn > 0, 'Error107: Reumn grater than zero is required');
require(_rembCapital > 0, 'Error108: Remb Capital grater than zero is required');
NumberOfInstallments = NumberOfInstallments+1;
Installment memory _installment; = NumberOfInstallments;
_installment.timestamp = _timestamp; = _capital;
_installment.reumn = _reumn;
_installment.rembCapital = _rembCapital;
_installment.overallstatus = "Pending";
bytes32 installmentHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked (_timestamp, _capital, _reumn, _rembCapital));
installments[NumberOfInstallments] = _installment;
emit ScheduleInstallmentEvent(NumberOfInstallments,_timestamp, "Pending", installmentHash);
return NumberOfInstallments;
//Update installment status
function UpdateInstallment(uint256 _id, uint256 _status, string memory _TxId, int256 _value, string memory _paymentType) public
onlyOwner returns (bool)
require(_id > 0, 'Error118: Invalid Installment Id');
require(installments[_id].id > 0, 'Error119: Installment does not Exist');
require(_status >= 0, 'Error111: Status is required');
require(bytes(_TxId).length > 0, 'Error112: transaction Id is required');
//require(_value >= 0, 'Error120: Collected amount should greter than or equal to zero');
Payment memory _temp;
uint256 _paymentLenth = installments[_id].paymentsLength; = _paymentLenth+1;
_temp.value = _value;
_temp.status = _status;
_temp.timestamp = block.timestamp;
_temp.TxId = _TxId;
_temp.paymentType = _paymentType;
installments[_id].Payments[_paymentLenth+1] = _temp;
installments[_id].paymentsLength = _paymentLenth+1;
string memory _overallStatus = OverAllStatus(_id);
installments[_id].overallstatus = _overallStatus;
installments[_id].totalCollected = GetPaymentsTotal(_id);
emit UpdateInstallmentEvent(_id, _overallStatus, GetPaymentsTotal(_id));
return true;
// function UpdatePayment(uint256 _installmentId, uint256 _paymentId, string memory _TxId, int256 _value, uint256 _status) public {
// installments[_installmentId].Payments[_paymentId].value = _value;
// installments[_installmentId].Payments[_paymentId].TxId = _TxId;
// installments[_installmentId].Payments[_paymentId].status = _status;
// string memory _overallStatus = OverAllStatus(_installmentId);
// installments[_installmentId].overallstatus = _overallStatus;
// installments[_installmentId].totalCollected = GetPaymentsTotal(_installmentId);
// emit UpdateInstallmentEvent(_installmentId, _overallStatus, GetPaymentsTotal(_installmentId));
// }
// Overall status calculation
function OverAllStatus(uint256 _id) internal view returns(string memory)
require(_id > 0,"Invalid installment Id");
uint256 length = installments[_id].paymentsLength;
int256 sucessPayments = 0;
int256 failedPayments = 0;
int256 totalPayments = 0;
int256 refundedPayment = 0;
int256 monthlyPayment = installments[_id].reumn.add(installments[_id].rembCapital);
for(uint256 i = 1; i <= length; i++)
if(installments[_id].Payments[i].status == 0)
sucessPayments = sucessPayments+1;
else if (installments[_id].Payments[i].status == 1)
failedPayments = failedPayments+1;
else if (installments[_id].Payments[i].status == 2)
refundedPayment = refundedPayment+1;
totalPayments = totalPayments.add(installments[_id].Payments[i].value);
if(totalPayments==0 && length==0)
return "Pending";
else if(sucessPayments==1 && failedPayments==0 && refundedPayment==0 && totalPayments>=monthlyPayment)
return "Success";
else if (sucessPayments>=1 && length>1 && totalPayments>=monthlyPayment)
return "Remediated";
else if(totalPayments > 0 && totalPayments < monthlyPayment)
return "Partial";
else if(failedPayments >= 1 && totalPayments==0)
return "Failed";
else if(refundedPayment>=1 && totalPayments==0)
return "Refunded";
function GetPayments(uint256 _installmentId, uint256 _index) view public returns (uint256,uint256,int256,uint256,string memory, string memory)
require(_installmentId>0, "Invalid installments Id");
require(_index <= installments[_installmentId].paymentsLength, "Invalid subPayments index");
return (installments[_installmentId].Payments[_index].id,
function GetPaymentsTotal(uint256 _installmentId) view public returns (int256)
uint256 length = installments[_installmentId].paymentsLength;
int256 totalPayments = 0;
for(uint256 i = 1; i <= length; i++)
totalPayments = totalPayments.add(installments[_installmentId].Payments[i].value);
return totalPayments;
function GetCouponValue(uint256 couponId) view public returns (int256)
uint256 from = (couponId*6) - 5;
uint256 to = (couponId*6);
int256 couponValue = 0;
for(uint256 i = from; i<=to; i++)
couponValue = couponValue + GetPaymentsTotal(i);
return couponValue;
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