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Last active June 13, 2018 05:28
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Tronx - Mobx for Electron
export type TronxHandler = () => void
interface TronxStore {
value: any,
handlers: Set<TronxHandler>
class TronxTable {
propertyMap = new Map<object, Map<PropertyKey, TronxStore>>()
refMap = new Map<object, TronxStore>()
constructor() {}
get(target: any, key: PropertyKey): TronxStore {
if (!this.propertyMap.has(target)) {
this.propertyMap.set(target, new Map<PropertyKey, TronxStore>())
if (!this.propertyMap.get(target).has(key)) {
this.propertyMap.get(target).set(key, {
handlers: new Set<TronxHandler>(),
value: null
return this.propertyMap.get(target).get(key)
getRef(obj: any): TronxStore {
if (!this.refMap.has(obj)) {
this.refMap.set(obj, {
handlers: new Set<TronxHandler>(),
value: null
return this.refMap.get(obj)
export interface ITronx {
table: TronxTable
depCollector: IDependenciesCollector
arrayMap: Map<object, Array<any>>
interface IDependenciesCollector {
isCollecting: boolean
relatedHandler: TronxHandler
begin(handler: TronxHandler)
const dependenciesCollector: IDependenciesCollector = {
isCollecting: false,
relatedHandler: null,
begin(handler: TronxHandler) {
this.isCollecting = true
this.relatedHandler = handler
finish() {
this.isCollecting = false
this.relatedHandler = null
const tronx: ITronx = {
table: new TronxTable(),
depCollector: dependenciesCollector,
arrayMap: new Map<object, Array<any>>()
global['tronx'] = tronx
function isPureObject(obj: any): boolean {
return obj.constructor === Object
function isArray(obj: any): boolean {
return obj instanceof Array
function smartProxify<T extends object>(target: T, key: PropertyKey, value: any): boolean {
if (typeof value === 'object') {
if (isPureObject(value)) {
target[key] = proxify(value)
} else {
target[key] = proxify(value, true)
return true
return false
function proxify<T extends object>(target: T, shallow: boolean = false): T {
if (!shallow) {
Object.entries(target).forEach(([key, value]) => {
smartProxify(target, key, value)
if (isArray(target)) {
(target as Array<any>).forEach((value, key) => {
smartProxify(target, key, value)
return new Proxy(target, {
get: (target, key) => {
// console.log('get', target, key)
if (tronx.depCollector.isCollecting) {
const store = shallow ? tronx.table.getRef(target) : tronx.table.get(target, key)
return target[key]
set: (target, key, value, receiver) => {
// console.log(target, key, value)
if (!smartProxify(target, key, value)) {
target[key] = value
const store = shallow ? tronx.table.getRef(target) : tronx.table.get(target, key)
store.handlers.forEach(handler => handler())
return true
export function Observable(target: any, key: string) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
get: () => {
const store = tronx.table.get(target, key)
if (tronx.depCollector.isCollecting) {
return store.value
set: (newVal) => {
const store = tronx.table.get(target, key)
if (newVal && typeof newVal === 'object') {
if (isPureObject(newVal)) {
store.value = proxify(newVal)
} else {
store.value = proxify(newVal, true)
} else {
store.value = newVal
store.handlers.forEach(handler => handler())
enumerable : true,
configurable : true
import { remote } from 'electron'
import { ITronx, TronxHandler } from './Tronx.main'
const tronx: ITronx = remote.getGlobal('tronx')
function autorun(handler: TronxHandler) {
export function Observer() {
return function(target) {
const targetCWM = target.prototype.componentWillMount
target.prototype.componentWillMount = function() {
targetCWM &&
autorun(() => {
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