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Created January 20, 2012 21:28
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LZW Encoding *and Decoding* in Scala
object lzw {
trait Appendable[T] {
def append(value: T)
import scala.collection.generic._
case class GrowingAppendable[T](growable: Growable[T]) extends Appendable[T] {
def append(value: T) {
growable += value
trait Node {
def encode(b: Byte, out: Appendable[Int]): Node
def decode(i: Int, out: Appendable[Byte]): Node
def terminate(out: Appendable[Int]): Unit
class ValueNode(value: Int, rootNode: RootNode, val path: Array[Byte]) extends Node {
private val nodes = new Array[Node](255)
def encode(b: Byte, out: Appendable[Int]): Node = Option(nodes(0xff & b)).getOrElse {
rootNode.createNode(path :+ b) match {
case Some(node) =>
nodes(0xff & b) = node
rootNode.encode(b, out)
case None =>
rootNode.encode(b, out)
def decode(i: Int, out: Appendable[Byte]): Node = {
val node = rootNode.nodeByValue(i).get
val firstByte = node.path.head
for (b <- node.path) out.append(b)
if (nodes(0xff & firstByte) == null) {
val next = rootNode.createNode(path :+ firstByte).get
nodes(0xff & firstByte) = next
def terminate(out: Appendable[Int]) {
override def toString = "ValueNode(" + value + ")"
class RootNode(limit: Int = 512) extends Node {
private var index = 256
private val initial = Array.tabulate[ValueNode](256)(b => new ValueNode(b, this, Array[Byte](b.asInstanceOf[Byte])))
private val createdNodes = new Array[ValueNode](limit - 256)
def encode(b: Byte, out: Appendable[Int]): Node = initial(0xff & b)
def decode(i: Int, out: Appendable[Byte]): Node = {
val node = nodeByValue(i).get
for (b <- node.path) out.append(b)
def createNode(path: Array[Byte]): Option[Node] = {
if (index <= limit) {
val node = new ValueNode(index, this, path)
createdNodes(index - 256) = node
index += 1
} else {
// In this particular implementation, there is no reset (yet)
def nodeByValue(value: Int): Option[ValueNode] =
// This method should use asserts rather than options
if (value < 256) Some(initial(value))
else if (value > index) None
else Some(createdNodes(value - 256))
def terminate(out: Appendable[Int]) { }
override def toString = "RootNode"
implicit def growableToAppendable[T](growable: Growable[T]) = new GrowingAppendable(growable)
implicit def stringToByteIterable(str: String) = str.getBytes.toIterable
def encode[F <% Iterable[Byte], T <% Appendable[Int]](in: F, out: T) =
in.foldLeft(new RootNode().asInstanceOf[Node])({ (node, b) => node.encode(b, out) }).terminate(out)
def decode[F <% Iterable[Int], T <% Appendable[Byte]](in: F, out: T) =
in.foldLeft(new RootNode().asInstanceOf[Node])({ (node, i) => node.decode(i, out) })
def encode[F <% Iterable[Byte]](in: F): Seq[Int] = {
val buffer = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]
encode(in, buffer)
def decode[F <% Iterable[Int]](in: F): Seq[Byte] = {
val buffer = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Byte]
decode(in, buffer)
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Oh, and to LZW encode the String "blablablablablablabla":

scala> lzw.encode("blablablablablablabla")
res1: Seq[Int] = ArrayBuffer(98, 108, 97, 256, 258, 257, 259, 262, 261, 257)

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