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Last active January 5, 2023 13:55
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Fractal Mandelbrot
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Generate fractla of Mandelbrot Set.
def computeMandelbrot( xwidth, yheight, max_interactions ):
# c = (a, b) = c[0], c[1]
nPixels = xwidth*yheight
k,l = 0, 0
percent = 0
Im = [ [ 0 for j in range(xwidth) ] for i in range(yheight) ]
a, b, c, d = -2, 1.5, -2.0, 2.0
# Factor to Scale and scaling ---
alfa = float(xwidth)/float(yheight)
if alfa < 1: # xwidth < yheight (image sizes)
c, d = alfa*c, alfa*d
# xwidth > yheight
a, b = alfa*a, alfa*b
# ----
#a, b, c, d = alfa*a, alfa*b, alfa*c, alfa*d
x, y = 0, 0
delta_x = (b - a)/xwidth
delta_y = (d - c)/yheight
x_j = 0
y_i = 0
xtemp = 0
count = 0
import math
color = lambda n: n*math.sin(n) + n*math.cos(n) + n**2
# Values color out interval [0, 255]
def centralizedn(n):
# n in range value [0, 255]
if n < 0:
return 0
elif n > 255:
return 255
return n
for i in range(yheight):
k = k + 1
y_i = i*delta_y + c
for j in range(xwidth):
l = l + 1
x_j = j*delta_x + a
print('Percent calculated...', 100.0*( (k+l)/nPixels), ' %')
x, y = 0, 0
count = 0
while count < max_interactions:
if x*x + y*y >= 4:
Im[i][j] = 255 # White color to point out Mandelbrot set. Pixeis brancos indincam pontos fora do conjunto Mandelbrot.
#Im[i][j] = centralizedn( int( color(count) ) )
xtemp = x
x = x*x - y*y + x_j
y = 2*xtemp*y + y_i
count = count + 1
return Im
W = 800
H = 600
M = computeMandelbrot(W, H, 200)
with open("/home/user/image.ppm", 'w') as fl:
fl.write(f'P2\n{W} {H}\n255\n')
for i in range(H):
for j in range(W):
fl.write(str( M[i][j] )+'\n' )
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