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Last active December 22, 2015 11:48
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  • Save wstrinz/855920cf0fa100195051 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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@base <> .
@prefix ns: <> .
@prefix qb: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix prop: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix foaf: <>.
ns:obs4 a qb:Observation ;
qb:dataSet ns:dataset-maf_example ;
prop:Variant_Classification <code/variant_classification/Missense_Mutation> ;
prop:Variant_Type <code/variant_type/SNP> ;
prop:dbSNP_Val_Status <code/dbsnp_val_status/> ;
prop:Verification_Status <code/verification_status/Unknown> ;
prop:Validation_Status <code/validation_status/Untested> ;
prop:Mutation_Status <code/mutation_status/Somatic> ;
prop:Sequence_Source <code/sequence_source/WXS> ;
prop:Sequencer <code/sequencer/Illumina_GAIIx> ;
prop:Hugo_Symbol <node/4/8> ;
prop:Entrez_Gene_Id <node/4/9> ;
prop:Center <node/4/10> ;
prop:NCBI_Build 37 ;
prop:Chromosome <node/4/12> ;
<> <node/4/13> ;
<> <node/4/14> ;
prop:Strand <node/4/15> ;
prop:Reference_Allele <node/4/16> ;
prop:Tumor_Seq_Allele1 <node/4/17> ;
prop:Tumor_Seq_Allele2 <node/4/18> ;
prop:dbSNP_RS "novel" ;
prop:Tumor_Sample_Barcode "TCGA-BH-A0HP-01A-12D-A099-09" ;
prop:Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode "TCGA-BH-A0HP-10A-01D-A099-09" ;
prop:Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 <node/4/22> ;
prop:Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 <node/4/23> ;
prop:Sequencing_Phase "Phase_IV" ;
prop:Validation_Method "none" ;
prop:Score 1 ;
prop:BAM_File "dbGAP" ;
prop:Tumor_Sample_UUID "ad52a8fb-7a76-4aa0-95fb-d6edab0fe2b2" ;
prop:Matched_Norm_Sample_UUID "8c059d33-23de-439a-914a-290527c5efbe" ;
prop:patient_id "BH-A0HP" ;
prop:sample_id "01A-12D-A099-09" ;
a <> ;
<> <> .
a <> ;
<> 29974 .
a foaf:Organization ;
foaf:homepage "" .
a <> ;
<> <node/4/12/1> .
<> 10 .
a <> ;
<> 52595854 .
a <> ;
<> 52595854 .
a <> ;
<> <node/4/15/1> .
<> "+" .
a <> ;
<> <node/4/16/1> .
<> "G" .
a <> ;
<> <node/4/17/1> .
<> "G" .
a <> ;
<> <node/4/18/1> .
<> "A" .
a <> ;
<> <node/4/22/1> .
<> "G" .
a <> ;
<> <node/4/23/1> .
<> "G" .
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