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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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defmodule Brainfuck do
# opcodes
@op_vinc "+" # increment value at memory address
@op_vdec "-" # decrement value at memory address
@op_pinc ">" # increment memory address
@op_pdec "<" # decrement memory address
@op_putc "." # output byte at memory address
@op_getc "," # input byte into memory address
@op_lbeg "[" # loop begin
@op_lend "]" # loop end
@empty ""
def run(program), do: run(program, 0, [0], @empty)
# final condition
defp run(@empty, addr, mem, output), do: {addr, mem, output}
# commands
defp run(@op_vinc <> rest, addr, mem, output) do
run(rest, addr, mem |> inc_at(addr), output)
defp run(@op_vdec <> rest, addr, mem, output) do
run(rest, addr, mem |> dec_at(addr), output)
defp run(@op_pinc <> rest, addr, mem, output) when addr + 1 == length(mem) do
run(rest, addr+1, mem ++ [0], output)
defp run(@op_pinc <> rest, addr, mem, output) do
run(rest, addr+1, mem, output)
defp run(@op_pdec <> rest, addr, mem, output) when addr == 0 do
run(rest, 0, [0] ++ mem, output)
defp run(@op_pdec <> rest, addr, mem, output) do
run(rest, addr-1, mem, output)
defp run(@op_putc <> rest, addr, mem, output) do
run(rest, addr, mem, output <> (mem |> char_at addr))
defp run(@op_getc <> rest, addr, mem, output) do
val = case IO.getn("Input\n", 1) do
:eof -> 0
c -> c |> to_char_list |> 0 # convert char to byte
run(rest, addr, mem |> put_at(addr, val), output)
defp run(@op_lbeg <> rest, addr, mem, output) do
case mem |> byte_at addr do
0 ->
run(rest |> jump_to_lend, addr, mem, output)
_ ->
{a, m, o} = run(rest |> loop_body, addr, mem, output)
run(@op_lbeg <> rest, a, m, o)
# drop every other character
defp run(<<_>> <> rest, addr, mem, output), do: run(rest, addr, mem, output)
# helpers
defp inc_at(list, addr), do: List.update_at(list, addr, &(&1+1 |> rem 255))
defp dec_at(list, addr), do: List.update_at(list, addr, &(&1-1 |> rem 255))
defp put_at(list, addr, val), do: List.replace_at(list, addr, val)
defp byte_at(list, addr), do: list |> addr
defp char_at(list, addr), do: [list |> byte_at addr] |> to_string
defp match_lend(source), do: match_lend(source, 1, 0)
defp match_lend(_, 0, acc), do: acc
defp match_lend(@empty, _, _), do: raise "unbalanced loop"
defp match_lend(@op_lbeg <> rest, depth, acc), do: match_lend(rest, depth+1, acc+1)
defp match_lend(@op_lend <> rest, depth, acc), do: match_lend(rest, depth-1, acc+1)
defp match_lend(<<_>> <> rest, depth, acc), do: match_lend(rest, depth, acc+1)
defp jump_to_lend(source), do: source |> String.slice (source |> match_lend)..-1
defp loop_body(source), do: source |> String.slice 0..(source |> match_lend)-1
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