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Created May 18, 2018 12:09
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Setup for attaching the difference to the Cucumber report file. This can be used with Protractor + CucumberJS + protractor-image-comparison
import { After, Status } from 'cucumber';
import { resolve } from 'path';
const fs = require('fs');
const diffFolder = resolve(process.cwd(), '.tmp/report/screenshots/image-comparison/diff/');
const screenshotFolder = resolve(process.cwd(), '.tmp/screenshots/');
* The After hook that checks the scenario status and creates a
* screemshot if needed
After(async function (scenarioResult) {
const world = this;
if (scenarioResult.status === Status.FAILED) {
// Attach the original state
const screenshot = await browser.takeScreenshot();
this.attach(screenshot, 'image/png');
// Only attach it if we added the name to the browserobject
if (browser.imageComparisonName) {
// attach the difference
const decodedScreenshot = await getDifferenceScreenshot();
// Attach the diff to the report
world.attach(decodedScreenshot, 'image/png');
return Promise.resolve(scenarioResult.status));
* Get the difference screenshot
async function getDifferenceScreenshot() {
// This is the format of the image that you save, check your own format string of the saved images
const searchString = `${browser.imageComparisonName}-${browser.browserName}`;
const imageComparisonScreenshotDiffPath = diffFolder;
// Find the path of the file
const filePath = await(retrieveFullFilePathBySearchCriteria(imageComparisonScreenshotDiffPath, searchString));
// Get the screenshot
screenshot = await(fileUtils.retrieveFileBuffer(filePath));
return new Buffer(screenshot, 'base64');
* Return the path of a file based on the search criteria
async function retrieveFullFilePathBySearchCriteria(filePath, searchString) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readdir(filePath, (err, files) => {
if (err) {
return reject(`Error reading directory, error: ${err}`);
const foundFile = => path.join(filePath, file))
.filter(file => fs.statSync(file).isFile())
.find(file => file.indexOf(searchString) > -1);
if (!foundFile) {
return reject(`Error: No matching files are found for ${searchString} in ${filePath}`);
return resolve(foundFile);
import { Then } from 'cucumber';
* This is a simple step implementation to do a image comparison
Then('{string} is compared to a baseline', (imageComparisonName) =>{
// Set the name of the screenshot to the browserobject to be able to retrieve the diff
// file and add it to the report if something fails
browser.imageComparisonName = imageComparisonName;
return expect(imageComparison.checkScreen(imageComparisonName)).to.eventually.equal(0);
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