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Last active October 3, 2019 14:19
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'use strict';
const Fs = require('fs');
const Util = require('util');
const Xml2js = require('xml2js');
const XmlNodes = require('xml-nodes');
const Miss = require('mississippi');
const internals = {};
module.exports = async ({
rootNode = 'root',
splitOnNumber = 400,
}) => {
if (!filePath || !fileExtension) {
throw new Error('Invalid arguments: filePath, fileExtension are required');
const { filterNodes } = internals;
const fileStream = Fs.createReadStream(`${filePath}.${fileExtension}`);
const xmlHead = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
let currentFile = '';
let fileCount = 0;
let currentFileTargetNodeCount = 0;
const passThrough = (nodeAsStr, enc, next) => next(null, nodeAsStr);
const processNode = async (nodeAsStr, enc, next) => {
currentFile += nodeAsStr;
if (currentFileTargetNodeCount < splitOnNumber) {
return next();
currentFileTargetNodeCount = 0;
const newXmlFile = `${xmlHead}\n<${rootNode}>\n${currentFile}\n</${rootNode}>`;
currentFile = '';
try {
await Util.promisify(Fs.writeFile)(`${filePath}-${fileCount++}.${fileExtension}`, newXmlFile);
catch (err) {
await Util.promisify(Miss.pipe)(
nodeFilter ? Miss.through(filterNodes(nodeFilter)) : Miss.through(passThrough),
// Create file for remainder
if (currentFileTargetNodeCount > 0) {
const newXmlFile = `${xmlHead}\n<${rootNode}>\n${currentFile}\n</${rootNode}>`;
await Util.promisify(Fs.writeFile)(`${filePath}-${fileCount++}.${fileExtension}`, newXmlFile);
return fileCount;
internals.filterNodes = (filterFunc) => {
return async (nodeAsStr, enc, next) => {
const xmlParser = new Xml2js.Parser();
try {
const keep = await filterFunc(await xmlParser.parseStringPromise(nodeAsStr));
// Let it pass on thru or not
keep ? next(null, nodeAsStr) : next();
catch (err) {
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Yo! This is pretty cool. I've never had to work w/ XML before. THanks for sharing 🙏

Couple of minor things that caught my eye:

  • Do there need to be any assertions / validation on the targetNode argument? Or, more specifically, does XmlNodes choke on certain inputs we can anticipate?

  • Is it necessary to create a new xml parser per node? or could we reuse a "global" / shared one?

  • await filterFunc(await xmlParser.parseStringPromise(nodeAsStr)) !!!! I'd never seen this before, very cool. Does this behave any differently than if you called the await'd argument on a separate line, above the parsing call?

  • This is nitpicky for sure, but something that i had to sit with for a bit when reading this: would it be possible to separate the file writing from the processNode func entirely? Again, a matter of preference, let alone if it's possible or not (I dunno how to use any of the tools at play here :) ), but figuring out how the file writing in the processNode block and how it relates to the remainder file creation at the end of the file was tricky for me, I think just b/c they weren't located together and that processNode seemed to have 2 responsibilities: breaking the XML stream into smaller chunks and writing those chunks to files. Could the file writing be relocated to and consolidated in another processing function, the final step in that pipe sequence, maybe, like accepting a file chunk output from the processNode function?

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Yoooo thanks for comments!

  • Yeah we should probably validate targetNode exists, I think XmlNodes will choke on weird or no input
  • I was trying to only create a parser if the filterNodes was going to be used since it's optional, but yeah turns out I'm creating one per-node — loL oops! That doesn't seem right I should fix that
  • The nested await for await filterFunc(await xmlParser.parseStringPromise(nodeAsStr)) — This behaves the same as creating an intermediate var for await xmlParser.parseStringPromise(nodeAsStr) on the line above and passing it to filterFunc
  • Yeah — seems like I could break out a write file func that could be shared between the final file write and processNode — the file write line still needs to mutate fileCount which lives in the main exported scope so for now I think it should be declared in that scope — dunno how I feel about passing a var to a func that then mutates it but maybe that could work too if there was a comment, dunno not sure yet /shrug

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werd, all makes sense. thanks for the explanations 🙏 🍷

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