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How to use ZbarSDK in Swift

#How to use ZbarSDK in Swift(XCode 6.2, base SDK iOS 8.2)


  1. Download ZbarSDK and drag ZbarSDK folder in Swift project, setup buiding settings according to the zBarSDK tutorial
  2. Add #import "ZBarSDK.h" in YourApp_Bridging_Header file
  3. In your ViewController add ZBarReaderDelegate, setup ZBarReader, receive barcode data

##Posible building issues:

  1. Missing required architecture arm64 in file ...
    Reason: the libzbar.a is not compiled to arm64 architecture
    Solution: download libzbar.a compiled for arm64, and replace the libzbar.a in your project download link: (
import UIKit
//This extension is used for the "for symbol in results as ZBarSymbolSet" 
extension ZBarSymbolSet: SequenceType {
    public func generate() -> NSFastGenerator {
        return NSFastGenerator(self)
class MyViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate, ZBarReaderDelegate {
    var ZBarReader: ZBarReaderViewController?
    @IBOutlet var barCodeText: UITextField!

    @IBAction func scanAction(sender: AnyObject) {
        if (self.ZBarReader == nil) {
            self.ZBarReader = ZBarReaderViewController()
        self.ZBarReader?.readerDelegate = self
        self.ZBarReader?.scanner.setSymbology(ZBAR_UPCA, config: ZBAR_CFG_ENABLE, to: 1)
        self.ZBarReader?.readerView.zoom = 1.0
        self.ZBarReader?.modalInPopover = false
        self.ZBarReader?.showsZBarControls = false
        navigationController?.pushViewController(self.ZBarReader!, animated:true)
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.barCodeText.delegate = self
    func imagePickerController(reader:UIImagePickerController,
        didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: NSDictionary) {
        // ADD: get the decode results
        var results: NSFastEnumeration = info.objectForKey(ZBarReaderControllerResults) as NSFastEnumeration
        var symbolFound : ZBarSymbol?
        for symbol in results as ZBarSymbolSet {
            symbolFound = symbol as? ZBarSymbol
        var resultString = NSString(string: symbolFound!.data)
        self.barCodeText.text = resultString    //set barCode 

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I am installed pod version 1.3 for ZbarSdk and integrate your code in app. But I am facing build error issue in below line of code.
extension ZBarSymbolSet: SequenceType { // Error Type ZBarSymbolSet does not conform to protocol 'Sequence'
public func generate() -> NSFastGenerator { // Use of undeclared type 'NSFastGenerator'

func imagePickerController(reader:UIImagePickerController,
didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: NSDictionary) // its give me warning

for symbol in results as ZBarSymbolSet // Cannot convert value of type 'NSFastEnumeration' to type 'ZBarSymbolSet' in coercion.

All error are raised while build the app in Xcode 8.1. So please suggest or any idea for this. Your help will be me appreciate me.

Nikunj Jadav

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Here's the Swift 3 version

extension ZBarSymbolSet: Sequence
    public typealias Element  = ZBarSymbol
    public typealias Iterator = NSFastEnumerationIterator
    public func makeIterator() -> NSFastEnumerationIterator
        return NSFastEnumerationIterator(self)

And then the delegate method is simply

func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any])
    guard let symbols = info[ZBarReaderControllerResults] as? ZBarSymbolSet else { return }

    for symbol in symbols
        if let symbol = symbol as? ZBarSymbol, let data =
            // Now you can use data (String)

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ethanwa commented Nov 7, 2017

In Swift 4 I am getting the following error:

'Sequence' requires the types 'ZBarSymbolSet.Element' (aka 'ZBarSymbol') and 'Any' be equivalent

Commenting out public typealias Element = ZBarSymbol seems to fix it.

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shahmaulik commented Aug 23, 2018

Use AVFoundation instead as ZBar for arm64 creates issues.

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