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Created September 4, 2012 02:52
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Nim Minimal Viable Snippet in Haskell
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.List (find)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
--- Player ---
data Player = P1 | P2 deriving (Show, Eq)
next :: Player -> Player
next P1 = P2
next P2 = P1
--- Game ---
type Pile = Int
data Game = Game Pile Player deriving (Show)
winner :: Game -> Maybe Player
winner (Game 0 p) = Just $ next p
winner _ = Nothing
gameOver :: Game -> Bool
gameOver = isJust . winner
winnerIs :: Game -> Player -> Bool
g `winnerIs` p = winner g == Just p
--- Move ---
type Move = Int
type Options = [Move]
options :: Game -> Options
options (Game n _) = [1..min n 2]
move :: Game -> Move -> Game
move (Game n p) m = Game (n - m) (next p)
--- Strategy ---
type PureStrategy = Game -> Options -> Move
type Strategy = Game -> Options -> IO Move
(.:) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> a' -> b) -> a -> a' -> c
(.:) = (.) . (.)
taint :: PureStrategy -> Strategy
taint = (return .:)
takeMore :: PureStrategy
takeMore _ = maximum
takeLess :: PureStrategy
takeLess _ = minimum
type Tactics = Player -> Strategy
trivialTactics :: Tactics
trivialTactics P1 = taint takeMore
trivialTactics P2 = taint takeLess
--- Play ---
takeTurn :: Game -> Strategy -> IO Game
takeTurn g@(Game n p) s = do
choice <- s g (options g)
return $ move g choice
untilM :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
untilM p f x = rec $ return x where
rec mx = do
x <- mx
if p x then return x else rec $ f x
play :: Tactics -> Game -> IO Player
play t g = do
let takeTurn' g@(Game _ p) = takeTurn g $ t p
g' <- untilM gameOver takeTurn' g
return $ fromJust $ winner g'
youPlay :: Player -> Tactics -> Game -> IO ()
youPlay p t g = do
theWinner <- play t g
putStrLn $ " you " ++
if p == theWinner then "win" else "lose"
--- Example Games ---
trivialPlay = play trivialTactics
g2 = Game 2 P1
g3 = Game 3 P1
g14 = Game 14 P1
-- try: trivialPlay g14
--- Human Player ---
-- See <>.
maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
maybeRead s = case reads s of
[(x, "")] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
consultHuman :: Strategy
consultHuman g os = do
putStrLn $ " in " ++ show g ++ " choose from " ++ show os
line <- getLine
choice <- case maybeRead line of
Just choice -> return choice
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $ " no parse of " ++ show line
consultHuman g os
if choice `elem` os
then return choice
else do
putStrLn $ " " ++ show choice ++ " not in " ++ show os
consultHuman g os
simpleTactics :: Tactics
simpleTactics P1 = consultHuman
simpleTactics P2 = taint takeMore
simplePlay = youPlay P1 simpleTactics
-- try: simplePlay g14
--- Look Ahead Player ---
findChoice :: (Game -> Bool) -> Game -> Maybe Move
findChoice p g = find (p . move g) $ options g
lookAhead :: Game -> Maybe Move
lookAhead g@(Game _ p) =
findChoice (`winnerIs` p) g <|>
findChoice (isNothing . lookAhead) g
lookAheadOrGiveUp :: PureStrategy
lookAheadOrGiveUp g os = last os `fromMaybe` lookAhead g
hardTactics :: Tactics
hardTactics P1 = consultHuman
hardTactics P2 = taint lookAheadOrGiveUp
hardPlay = youPlay P1 hardTactics
-- try: hardPlay g14
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