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Created November 10, 2016 23:37
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# #
# #
# #
# brought to you by: #
# #
# Tyler Cross #
# @wtcross #
# #
# also, vim and bad ascii art #
# #
# #
# We're going to walk through #
# #
# #
# ...and describe what we're doing #
# and why, step by step. #
# #
# Feel free to follow along at home. #
# #
# #
# First, make sure that docker-machine is running and our environment #
# is set up properly: #
# #
# $ docker-machine stop # note that we expect Docker 1.11 currently #
# $ docker-machine start default #
# $ docker-machine ls # make sure default is actually running #
# $ eval "$(docker-machine env default)" # set up environment #
# #
# #
# Next, we're going to get rid of old containers and images, so we can #
# demonstrate that we're building from scratch. (Don't feel obliged to #
# do this yourself; it's just for demo purposes.) #
# #
# $ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) # remove all containers #
# $ docker rmi --force $(docker images -q) # remove all images #
# #
# #
# Next, let's make sure that the latest version of ansible-container is #
# installed. I've installed using "pip install ansible-container" as #
# root, but you can feel free to use virtualenv if you like. #
# #
# NOTE: Ansible itself does __not__ need to be installed, because all #
# of Ansible's work is done within your Ansible Build Container, which #
# is downloaded by Ansible Container when you first run it. #
# #
# $ ansible-container version #
# #
# #
# OK, now let's make a working directory: #
# $ mkdir a-c-project; cd a-c-project #
# #
# And now we're going to initialize our new project, using a Galaxy #
# role as our basis: #
# $ ansible-container init chouseknecht.elk-stack-container #
# #
# #
# Ansible Container just downloaded a new, special kind of Galaxy role. #
# We call this new kind of Galaxy role a "container app". #
# #
# Let's take a closer look at the components it installed. #
# #
# First, let's look at the playbook that __defines__ and __launches__ #
# the containers: #
# #
# $ vi ansible/container.yml #
# #
# #
# container.yml specifies the components of the Ansible Container #
# application that you'll be building. Each service describes: #
# #
# * The name of the service, which will match the "hosts" entry you'll #
# be using in your Ansible playbook; #
# * The base image you'll be building from; #
# * Any other information that will be required to launch your container, #
# like ports, networking, user data, environment variables, data #
# volumes, etc. #
# #
# This looks similar to Docker Compose, OpenCompose, and similar #
# formats. #
# #
# #
# Now, let's look at the playbook that __builds__ on top of those #
# container hosts: #
# #
# $ vi ansible/main.yml #
# #
# #
# Looking closely, ansible/main.yml does basically two things: #
# #
# #
# 1. It specifies the hosts where the plays will run. Which is just #
# like a regular Ansible playbook; the only difference is where we #
# get inventory. #
# #
# In Ansible Container, the containers specified in container.yml #
# __are__ the inventory. #
# #
# #
# 2. For each host, it specifies the plays to be run -- and in this case, #
# each play consists of a single Galaxy role. #
# #
# That's by design! Ansible roles are perfectly structured to describe #
# microservices. A role can be written in such a way that it can be #
# invoked either in a container context, or in a regular VM context. #
# We call these "container-ready roles". #
# #
# #
# Now for the main event -- let's build some containers! #
# #
# $ ansible-container build #
# #
# #
# First, we pull the images -- and the first image we pull is the #
# Ansible Container Builder image, followed by the base images of the #
# containers we'll be building. #
# #
# This builder container will be the actual Ansible control host. All #
# Ansible tasks will be run from this host. Instead of connecting to our #
# target containers via ssh, we will use the Docker connection plugin #
# (which basically runs commands via 'docker exec' instead.) #
# #
# #
# Next, we start the builder container. #
# #
# We haven't found any local containers corresponding to the ones we #
# specify in container.yml, so we assume they need to be rebuilt. #
# Ansible Container will now launch and build those containers. #
# #
# #
# Note that we're seeing several role dependenices here. This is one of #
# the strengths behind Ansible Container -- the ability to leverage the #
# existing ecosystem of roles. #
# #
# #
# The builder container stops, we snapshot all of our containers and #
# turn them into images, and we're done! #
# #
# Now it's time to run our project: #
# #
# $ ansible-container run #
# #
# #
# OK, we see our services running. Let's take a look at Kibana in our #
# browser: #
# #
# open http://$(docker-machine ip default):5601 #
# #
# #
# We have a running ELK stack! With no data, mind you; for details on #
# how to populate this with sample data, see the README for this role. #
# #
# #
# Resources: #
# #
# * Containerized ELK stack on Galaxy: #
# #
# #
# * Ansible Container documentation: #
# #
# #
# * Questions about Ansible Container: #
#!forum/ansible-container #
# #
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