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Created June 2, 2017 10:51
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Script to check & commit all stable auto-corrections of Rubocop
require 'fileutils'
# TODO get list of Cops that support auto-correct
# for each cop, run the following
# only commit if change was stable
# (each run takes ~2 minutes)
prefix = ARGV[0]
files = Dir["#{prefix}/**/*.rb"].sort
orig = Hash[ do |file|
FileUtils.cp(file, "#{file}.orig")
[file, %x(ruby --dump insns #{file}).gsub(/\s+\(\s*\d+\)$/, '')]
%x(bundle exec rubocop --auto-correct #{prefix})
changed = Hash[ { |file| [file, %x(ruby --dump insns #{file}).gsub(/\s+\(\s*\d+\)$/, '')] }]
files.each do |file|
stable = (orig[file] == changed[file])
puts stable, file unless stable"#{file}-orig.txt", 'w') { |f| f.write(orig[file]) }"#{file}-changed.txt", 'w') { |f| f.write(changed[file]) }
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