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Created July 13, 2016 11:44
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TypeScript 1.8 compiler host fix for Jetbrains IntelliJ Idea 14.1.7
var ts;
var options;
var typeScriptServiceDirectory;
var typeScriptServicePath;
var sessionId;
var logDebugData = true;
var logFileContent = false;
var sys;
var store;
var emitFilesArray;
var pathProcessor;
var compiledFileList;
var storeRequire;
var currentDirectory;
var contentRoot = null;
var sourceRoot = null;
var mainFile;
var configState;
function getCurrentDirectory() {
if (!currentDirectory) {
currentDirectory = sys.getCurrentDirectory();
return currentDirectory;
function normalizePathIfNeed(file) {
if (ts.getRootLength(file) === 0) {
return ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(file, getCurrentDirectory());
return file;
function initCompiler(lPathToTypeScriptService, lSessionId, params) {
var args = params.restArgs;
typeScriptServicePath = lPathToTypeScriptService;
ts = initServicesContext().ts;
sys = ts.sys;
if (typeof sys === "undefined") return new Error('Cannot init sys');
if (typeof sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames === "undefined") return new Error('Cannot init sys properties');
sessionId = lSessionId;
typeScriptServiceDirectory = ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizePath(typeScriptServicePath));
storeRequire = require('./store.js');
var getStore = storeRequire.getStore;
var parseResult;
var newConfig = false;
if (ts.parseCommandLine) {
parseResult = ts.parseCommandLine(args);
newConfig = true;
else {
parseResult = ts.parseCommandLineHost(args);
options = parseResult.options;
if (newConfig) {
configState = processConfig(parseResult);
if (configState) {
options = ts.extend(options, configState.parseResult.options);
store = getStore(ts, sys, options, getCurrentDirectory);
mainFile = params.mainFilePath;
if (params.outPath) {
var getPathProcessor = require('./out-path-process.js').getPathProcessor;
pathProcessor = getPathProcessor(ts, sys, params);
if (parseResult.errors.length > 0) return parseResult.errors;
function processConfig(parseResult) {
console.error("start parse config");
if (parseResult.options.project) {
var configFileName = "tsconfig.json";
if (parseResult.options.project != "tsconfig.json") {
configFileName = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(parseResult.options.project, "tsconfig.json"));
return getConfigState(configFileName);
return null;
function getConfigState(configFileName) {
var result = ts.readConfigFile(configFileName);
if (result.error) {
throw new Error("Cannot read tsconfig");
var configParseResult;
var configObject;
//ts1.5beta - result , ts1.5 - result.config
if (result.config) {
configObject = result.config;
configParseResult = ts.parseConfigFile(configObject, sys, ts.getDirectoryPath(configFileName));
else {
configObject = result;
configParseResult = ts.parseConfigFile(configObject, ts.getDirectoryPath(configFileName));
if (configParseResult.errors && configParseResult.errors.length > 0) {
throw new Error("Parse tsconfig error " + JSON.stringify(configParseResult.errors));
return {
config: configFileName,
parseResult: configParseResult,
lastMod: storeRequire.getLastModified(configFileName)
var firstCreatedCompilerHost;
var program;
function resetStore(options) {
if (configState && configState.lastMod) {
configState.lastMod = -1;
function compileFile(sentObject) {
compiledFileList = [];
var filesToCompile = sentObject.filesToCompile;
var sourceFiles = sentObject.unsavedFilesContent;
contentRoot = sentObject.contentRoot;
sourceRoot = sentObject.sourceRoot;
if (filesToCompile == null || filesToCompile.length == 0) {
return JSON.stringify({command: 'compile'});
var paths;
if (mainFile) {
paths = [mainFile];
else if (configState) {
if (configState.lastMod) {
var lastModified = storeRequire.getLastModified(configState.config);
if (lastModified) {
if (configState.lastMod != lastModified) {
configState = getConfigState(configState.config);
paths = configState.parseResult.fileNames;
else {
paths = filesToCompile;
var normalizedSourceFiles = {}
Object.keys(sourceFiles).forEach(function (v) {
normalizedSourceFiles[ts.normalizePath(v)] = sourceFiles[v];
var resultObject;
if (program != null) {
resultObject = recompile(paths, normalizedSourceFiles);
else {
var createdHost = createCompilerHost(options, normalizedSourceFiles);
program = ts.createProgram(paths, options, createdHost);
firstCreatedCompilerHost = createdHost;
resultObject = processResult(options);
if ((mainFile || configState) && compiledFileList) {
var fileNameFunc;
filesToCompile.forEach(function (currentFile) {
var normalizedCurrentPath = ts.normalizePath(currentFile);
//there is emit file
var exist = false;
compiledFileList.forEach(function (v) {
var path = normalizePathIfNeed(ts.normalizePath(v));
if (normalizedCurrentPath == path) {
exist = true;
if (!exist) {
var diagnostic = {};
diagnostic.filename = currentFile;
diagnostic.category = "warning";
diagnostic.message =
"File was not compiled because there is no a reference" + (mainFile ? " from main file" : " from tsconfig.json");
if (resultObject.dataArray && resultObject.dataArray.length > 0) {
else {
resultObject['dataArray'] = [diagnostic];
if (sentObject.sendCompileFiles) {
resultObject.compiledFiles = compiledFileList;
compiledFileList = {};
return JSON.stringify(resultObject);
function processResult(compilerOptions) {
var result = {};
result.dataArray = [];
result.command = 'compile';
var emitFiles;
emitFilesArray = [];
if (program.getDiagnostics) {
var errors = program.getDiagnostics();
//todo use exit status
//var exitStatus;
if (errors.length) {
//exitStatus = 1 /* AllOutputGenerationSkipped */;
else {
var checker = program.getTypeChecker(true);
var startTime;
if (logDebugData) startTime =;
emitFilesArray = [];
var semanticErrors = checker.getDiagnostics();
if (logDebugData) console.log('Get diagnostics files time ' + ( - startTime));
var emitOutput = checker.emitFiles();
var emitFiles = emitFilesArray;
emitFilesArray = null;
contentRoot = null;
sourceRoot = null;
var emitErrors = emitOutput.errors;
//exitStatus = emitOutput.emitResultStatus;
errors = ts.concatenate(semanticErrors, emitErrors);
reportDiagnostics(result, errors);
else {
var diagnostics = program.getSyntacticDiagnostics();
reportDiagnostics(result, diagnostics);
// If we didn't have any syntactic errors, then also try getting the global and
// semantic errors.
if (diagnostics.length === 0) {
var diagnostics = program.getGlobalDiagnostics();
reportDiagnostics(result, diagnostics);
if (diagnostics.length === 0) {
var diagnostics = program.getSemanticDiagnostics();
reportDiagnostics(result, diagnostics);
// If the user doesn't want us to emit, then we're done at this point.
if (compilerOptions.noEmit) {
return result;
// Otherwise, emit and report any errors we ran into.
var emitOutput = program.emit();
reportDiagnostics(result, emitOutput.diagnostics);
emitFiles = emitFilesArray;
emitFilesArray = null;
result.emitFiles = emitFiles;
if (logDebugData) console.log('Total process result time ' + ( - startTime));
return result;
function recompile(changedFiles, sourceFiles) {
var newCompilerHost = ts.clone(firstCreatedCompilerHost);
newCompilerHost.getSourceFile = function (filename, languageVersion, onError) {
if (compiledFileList) {
return store.getSourceFile(filename, languageVersion, onError, sourceFiles);
program = ts.createProgram(changedFiles, options, newCompilerHost);
return processResult(options);
function initServicesContext() {
var fs = require('fs');
var vm = require('vm');
var pathToServicesFile = typeScriptServicePath;
var fileData = fs.readFileSync(pathToServicesFile, 'utf-8');
var context = vm.createContext();
context.module = module;
context.require = require;
context.process = process;
vm.runInNewContext(fileData, context);
if (!context.ts) throw new Error('ERROR_BRIDGE: Cannot find typescript service implementation in the file ' + pathToServicesFile);
return context;
function getCanonicalFileName(fileName) {
return sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase();
function createCompilerHost(options, sourceFiles) {
var existingDirectories = {};
function writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError) {
if (logDebugData) console.log('Default file path ' + fileName);
function directoryExists(directoryPath) {
if (ts.hasProperty(existingDirectories, directoryPath)) {
return true;
if (sys.directoryExists(directoryPath)) {
existingDirectories[directoryPath] = true;
return true;
return false;
function ensureDirectoriesExist(directoryPath) {
if (directoryPath.length > ts.getRootLength(directoryPath) && !directoryExists(directoryPath)) {
var parentDirectory = ts.getDirectoryPath(directoryPath);
if (pathProcessor) {
fileName = pathProcessor.getExpandedPath(fileName, contentRoot, sourceRoot, onError);
try {
if (emitFilesArray) {
if (logDebugData) console.log('Write file ' + fileName);
sys.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark);
catch (e) {
if (onError) {
function getSourceFile(filename, languageVersion, onError) {
if (compiledFileList) {
return store.getSourceFile(filename, languageVersion, onError, sourceFiles);
return {
getSourceFile: getSourceFile,
//ts1.4 method name
getDefaultLibFilename: function () {
return ts.combinePaths(ts.normalizePath(typeScriptServiceDirectory), === 2 /* ES6 */ ? "lib.es6.d.ts" : "lib.d.ts");
//ts.1.5 method name
getDefaultLibFileName: function () {
return this.getDefaultLibFilename();
writeFile: writeFile,
getCurrentDirectory: getCurrentDirectory,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: function () {
return sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames;
getCanonicalFileName: getCanonicalFileName,
getNewLine: function () {
return sys.newLine;
// Fixy fix fixes the bug:
fileExists: function (fileName) { return sys.fileExists(fileName); },
readFile: function (fileName) { return sys.readFile(fileName); }
function reportDiagnostics(resultObject, diagnostics) {
for (var i = 0; i < diagnostics.length; i++) {
var diagnostic = diagnostics[i];
var resultDiagnostic = {};
if (diagnostic.file) {
var file = diagnostic.file;
//ts 1.4 filename ts 1.5 fileName
if (file.filename) {
resultDiagnostic.filename = normalizePathIfNeed(file.filename);
else {
resultDiagnostic.filename = normalizePathIfNeed(file.fileName);
var loc;
if (!file.getLineAndCharacterFromPosition) {
loc = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, diagnostic.start);
resultDiagnostic.line = loc.line + 1;
resultDiagnostic.column = loc.character + 1;
else {
loc = file.getLineAndCharacterFromPosition(diagnostic.start);
resultDiagnostic.line = loc.line;
resultDiagnostic.column = loc.character;
resultDiagnostic.category = ts.DiagnosticCategory[diagnostic.category].toLowerCase();
var textMessage = "";
if (typeof diagnostic.messageText === "string") {
textMessage = diagnostic.messageText;
else if (diagnostic.messageText != null && diagnostic.messageText.messageText != null) {
textMessage = diagnostic.messageText.messageText;
resultDiagnostic.message = "TS" + diagnostic.code + ": " + textMessage;
return resultObject;
var commandLine = (function (ts) {
ts.optionDeclarationsInner = [
name: "charset",
type: "string"
name: "codepage",
type: "number"
name: "declaration",
shortName: "d",
type: "boolean",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Generates_corresponding_d_ts_file
name: "diagnostics",
type: "boolean"
name: "emitBOM",
type: "boolean"
name: "help",
shortName: "h",
type: "boolean",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Print_this_message
name: "locale",
type: "string"
name: "mapRoot",
type: "string",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Specifies_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations,
paramType: ts.Diagnostics.LOCATION
name: "module",
shortName: "m",
type: {
"commonjs": 1 /* CommonJS */,
"amd": 2 /* AMD */
description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_module_code_generation_Colon_commonjs_or_amd,
paramType: ts.Diagnostics.KIND,
error: ts.Diagnostics.Argument_for_module_option_must_be_commonjs_or_amd
name: "noEmitOnError",
type: "boolean",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_outputs_if_any_type_checking_errors_were_reported
name: "noImplicitAny",
type: "boolean",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Warn_on_expressions_and_declarations_with_an_implied_any_type
name: "noLib",
type: "boolean"
name: "noLibCheck",
type: "boolean"
name: "noResolve",
type: "boolean"
name: "out",
type: "string",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Concatenate_and_emit_output_to_single_file,
paramType: ts.Diagnostics.FILE
name: "outDir",
type: "string",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory,
paramType: ts.Diagnostics.DIRECTORY
name: "preserveConstEnums",
type: "boolean",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_erase_const_enum_declarations_in_generated_code
name: "removeComments",
type: "boolean",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_comments_to_output
name: "sourceMap",
type: "boolean",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Generates_corresponding_map_file
name: "sourceRoot",
type: "string",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Specifies_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations,
paramType: ts.Diagnostics.LOCATION
name: "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors",
type: "boolean",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Suppress_noImplicitAny_errors_for_indexing_objects_lacking_index_signatures
name: "target",
shortName: "t",
type: {"es3": 0 /* ES3 */, "es5": 1 /* ES5 */, "es6": 2 /* ES6 */},
description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_ECMAScript_target_version_Colon_ES3_default_ES5_or_ES6_experimental,
paramType: ts.Diagnostics.VERSION,
error: ts.Diagnostics.Argument_for_target_option_must_be_es3_es5_or_es6
name: "version",
shortName: "v",
type: "boolean",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Print_the_compiler_s_version
name: "watch",
shortName: "w",
type: "boolean",
description: ts.Diagnostics.Watch_input_files
var shortOptionNames = {};
var optionNameMap = {};
ts.forEach(ts.optionDeclarationsInner, function (option) {
optionNameMap[] = option;
if (option.shortName) {
shortOptionNames[option.shortName] =;
function parseCommandLineHost(commandLine) {
// Set default compiler option values
var options = {
target: 0 /* ES3 */,
module: 0 /* None */
var errors = [];
return {
options: options,
errors: errors
function parseStrings(args) {
var i = 0;
while (i < args.length) {
var s = args[i++];
if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 64 /* at */) {
else if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 45 /* minus */) {
s = s.slice(s.charCodeAt(1) === 45 /* minus */ ? 2 : 1).toLowerCase();
if (ts.hasProperty(shortOptionNames, s)) {
s = shortOptionNames[s];
if (ts.hasProperty(optionNameMap, s)) {
var opt = optionNameMap[s];
if (!args[i] && opt.type !== "boolean") {
switch (opt.type) {
case "number":
options[] = parseInt(args[i++]);
case "boolean":
options[] = true;
case "string":
options[] = args[i++] || "";
var value = (args[i++] || "").toLowerCase();
if (ts.hasProperty(opt.type, value)) {
options[] = opt.type[value];
else {
else {
if (s == "project" ||
s == "p") {
throw new Error('Typescript 1.4 does not have tsconfig.json support');
//if option is unknown we cannot report error (may be a new parameter)
if (args[i] && args[i].charCodeAt(0) !== 45) {
options[s] = args[i++];
else {
options[s] = true;
function parseResponseFile(filename) {
var text = sys.readFile(filename);
if (!text) {
errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.File_0_not_found, filename));
var args = [];
var pos = 0;
while (true) {
while (pos < text.length && text.charCodeAt(pos) <= 32 /* space */) {
if (pos >= text.length) {
var start = pos;
if (text.charCodeAt(start) === 34 /* doubleQuote */) {
while (pos < text.length && text.charCodeAt(pos) !== 34 /* doubleQuote */) {
if (pos < text.length) {
args.push(text.substring(start + 1, pos));
else {
errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Unterminated_quoted_string_in_response_file_0, filename));
else {
while (text.charCodeAt(pos) > 32 /* space */) {
args.push(text.substring(start, pos));
ts.parseCommandLineHost = parseCommandLineHost;
exports.createCompilerHost = createCompilerHost;
exports.compileFile = compileFile;
exports.initCompiler = initCompiler;
exports.resetStore = resetStore;
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