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wtfuzz / petya_notes.txt
Created July 1, 2017 00:24
petya key expansion
The keyboard input is processed in function 0x82a2
Only hex characters [0-9a-f] are accepted, case sensitive. Any other character is skipped.a
Exactly 32 bytes of ascii hex characters are stored on the stack at 0x76ee
There seems to be a key deriviation function at 0x99fc that's called 128 times on the 32 byte input,
and produces a 32 byte output at 0x76ce
Entering a key of 32 'a' characters, here is a single round of the KDF function:
Petya(ish) MBR disassembly
This is from an infected Windows 10 guest (manually executed circulating sample with rundll32 "<dllname>,#1")
After a reboot, the system will start to appear to be performing a chkdsk. I let it run through that process and eventually it displays the red text screen with BTC, email address and my "installation key".
The original MBR from sector 0 is replaced with a small loader.
I dumped the MBR with:
# dd if=<block device> bs=512 count=1 of=mbr.bin
wtfuzz / gist:1ce2ba141139158ce52f
Created January 19, 2016 21:54
TICKscript top_players
var topPlayerScores = stream
// Get the most recent score for each player per game.
// Not likely that a player is playing two games but just in case.
.groupBy('game', 'player')
// keep a buffer of the last 11s of scores
// just in case a player score hasn't updated in a while
// Emit the current score per player every second.
wtfuzz / test_keepalive.rb
Last active December 15, 2015 08:28
Test keepalive
require 'em-http-request'
count = 10000
error_count = 0 do
conn ="", :connect_timeout => 5, :inactivity_timeout => 0)
cb = lambda { |req|
count -= 1