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Last active December 27, 2022 11:05
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Optional Attribute Type Definition as inline object
* Definition of arg fields for typesafe event handling.
* @example
* {
* parameters: 'param1' | 'param2'
* arguments: 'arg1' | 'arg2'
* }
interface ParameterArgDefinition {
* Definition of query params keys. Type of value is `boolean`.
* @example 'param1' | 'param2'
parameters?: string
* Definition of path params. Type of value is `number`.
* @example 'arg1' | 'arg2'
arguments?: string
* TheInterface with nicely defineable optional parameters/arguments.
* Define `parameters` and `arguments` if required.
* @example
* TheInterface<{
* parameters: 'param1' | 'param2'
* arguments: 'arg1' | 'arg2'
* }>
export interface TheInterface<Def extends ParameterArgDefinition = never> {
otherField: string;
definedParameters: [Def['parameters']] extends [string] ? { [P in Def['parameters']]: boolean } : unknown;
definedArguments: [Def['arguments']] extends [string] ? { [P in Def['arguments']]: number } : unknown;
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