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Last active November 1, 2016 11:55
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(import (rnrs) (srfi :78) (felis match))
(check (match 2 [_ 3]) => 3)
(check (match 2 [x x]) => 2)
(check (match 'foo ['foo 2] [_ 3]) => 2)
(check (match 'foo ['bar 2] [_ 3]) => 3)
(check (match 2 [(= number->string x) x]) => "2")
(check (match 2 [(and) 3] [_ 5]) => 3)
(check (match 2 [(and x) x] [_ 5]) => 2)
(check (match 2 [(and x (? number?) (? even?)) x] [_ 5]) => 2)
(check (match 2 [(and x (? number?) (? odd?)) x] [_ 5]) => 5)
(check (match 2 [(or 2 3) 5]) => 5)
(check (match 2 [(or x x) x]) => 2)
(check (match '(2 1 2) [(or (2 x y) (3 y x)) (list x y)]) => `(1 2))
(check (match 2 [(not (? number?)) 3] [_ 5]) => 5)
(check (match 2 [(not (? string?)) 3] [_ 5]) => 3)
(check (match 2 [(? number?) 3] [_ 5]) => 3)
(check (match 2 [(? string?) 3] [_ 5]) => 5)
(check (match 2 [(? number? x) x] [_ 5]) => 2)
(check (match 2 [2 3] [_ 5]) => 3)
(check (match '() [() 2] [_ 3]) => 2)
(check (match '(1 2 3) [(x y z) (list x y z)] [_ 5]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '(1 2 3) [((? number? x) ...) x]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '(1 2 3) [((? string? x) ...) x] [_ 5]) => 5)
(check (match '(1 2 3) [(x __3) x] [_ 5]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '(1 2 3) [(x __4) x] [_ 5]) => 5)
(check (match '(1 2 3) [(x y ...) (list x y)]) => '(1 (2 3)))
(check (match '#(1 2 3) [#(x y z) (list x y z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '#(1 2 3) [#((? number? x) ...) x]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '#(1 2 3) [#((? string? x) ...) x] [_ 5]) => '5)
(check (match '#(1 2 3) [#(x __3) x] [_ 5]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '#(1 2 3) [#(x __4) x] [_ 5]) => 5)
(define-record-type abc
(fields a (mutable b) c)
(opaque #f))
(check (match (make-abc 1 2 3) [($ abc x y z) (list x y z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match 2 [($ abc x y z) (list x y z)] [_ 3]) => 3)
(check (match '(1 2 3) [(x (get! y) z) (list x (y) z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '(1 2 3) [(x (and (set! y!) (get! y)) z) (y! 4) (list x (y) z)])
=> '(1 4 3))
(check (match '#(1 2 3) [#(x (get! y) z) (list x (y) z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match (vector 1 2 3) [#(x (and (set! y!) (get! y)) z) (y! 4) (list x (y) z)])
=> '(1 4 3))
(check (match (make-abc 1 2 3) [($ abc x (get! y) z) (list x (y) z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match (make-abc 1 2 3) [($ abc x (and (set! y!) (get! y)) z) (y! 4) (list x (y) z)])
=> '(1 4 3))
(check (match '(1 2 3) [`(,x ,y ,z) (list x y z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '(1 2 3) [`(,@(x y) ,z) (list x y z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '(1 2 3) [`(,x ,@(y z)) (list x y z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '(1 2 3) [`(,x ,@y) (list x y)]) => '(1 (2 3)))
(check (match '#(1 2 3) [`#(,x ,y ,z) (list x y z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '#(1 2 3) [`#(,@(x y) ,z) (list x y z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '#(1 2 3) [`#(,x ,@(y z)) (list x y z)]) => '(1 2 3))
(check (match '_ [`_ 3]) => 3)
(check (match '$ [`$ 3]) => 3)
(check (match '= [`= 3]) => 3)
(check (match 'and [`and 3]) => 3)
(check (match 'or [`or 3]) => 3)
(check (match 'not [`not 3]) => 3)
(check (match '? [`? 3]) => 3)
(check (match 'get! [`get! 3]) => 3)
(check (match 'set! [`set! 3]) => 3)
(check (match '... [`... 3]) => 3)
(check (match '__3 [`__3 3]) => 3)
(check (match '() [`() 3]) => 3)
(check (match 2 [`2 3]) => 3)
(check (match 'foo [`foo 2] [_ 3]) => 2)
(check (match 'foo [`bar 2] [_ 3]) => 3)
(library (felis match)
(export match match-lambda match-lambda* match-let match-let*)
(import (rnrs) (rnrs mutable-pairs))
(define-syntax match
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ exp clause ...)
(let ([t exp])
(match-next t clause ...))]))
(define-syntax match-next
(syntax-rules (=>)
[(_ t) (error 'match "unmatch" t)]
[(_ t (pat (=> escape) body ...) clause ...)
(let ([failure (lambda () (match-next t clause ...))])
t pat
(lambda (k)
(let ([escape (lambda () (call-with-values failure k))])
body ...)))
[(_ t (pat body ...) clause ...)
(let ([failure (lambda () (match-next t clause ...))])
(match-clause t pat (let () body ...) failure))]))
(define-syntax match-clause
(lambda (x)
(define (self-evaluating? x)
(or (boolean? x) (number? x) (string? x) (char? x)))
(define (underscore? x)
(and (identifier? x) (free-identifier=? x #'_)))
(define (ellipsis? x)
(and (identifier? x)
(or (free-identifier=? x #'(... ...))
(free-identifier=? x #'___)
(let* ([sym (syntax->datum x)]
[str (symbol->string sym)]
[len (string-length str)])
(and (free-identifier=? x (datum->syntax #'dummy sym))
(<= 3 len)
(memv (string-ref str 0) '(#\. #\_))
(char=? (string-ref str 0) (string-ref str 1))
(for-all (lambda (c) (char<=? #\0 c #\9))
(string->list (substring str 2 len))))))))
(define (ellipsis-k ooo)
(if (or (free-identifier=? ooo #'(... ...))
(free-identifier=? ooo #'___))
(let ([str (symbol->string (syntax->datum ooo))])
(substring str 2 (string-length str))))))
(define (pattern-variable? x)
(and (identifier? x)
(not (ellipsis? x))
(for-all (lambda (key) (not (free-identifier=? key x)))
(list #'quote #'quasiquote #'unquote #'unquote-splicing
#'_ #'$ #'= #'and #'or #'not #'? #'get! #'set!))))
(define iota
[(count) (iota count 0)]
[(count start) (iota count start 1)]
[(count start step)
(if (zero? count)
(cons start (iota (- count 1) (+ start step) step)))]))
(define (lset-eq? lset1 lset2)
(and (= (length lset1) (length lset2))
(lambda (e1)
(memp (lambda (e2) (bound-identifier=? e1 e2)) lset2))
(define (getter loc)
(if loc
#`(lambda () #,loc)
(syntax-violation 'match "get! pattern error" loc)))
(define (setter loc)
(syntax-case loc (car cdr record-accessor vector-accessor)
[(car t) #'(lambda (v) (set-car! t v))]
[(cdr t) #'(lambda (v) (set-cdr! t v))]
[((record-accessor rtd k) t)
#'(lambda (v) ((record-mutator rtd k) t v))]
[((vector-accessor k) t)
#'(lambda (v) (vector-set! t k v))]))
(define (scan t pat vars vals C loc)
(define (scan-pat pat)
(syntax-case pat (quote quasiquote $ = and or not ? get! set!)
['datum (values vars vals (cons #`(if (equal? #,t 'datum)) C))]
[`qp (scan-pat (scan-qp #'qp))]
[($ record pat ...)
(with-syntax ([(k ...) (iota (length #'(pat ...)))])
#'(? (record-predicate (record-type-descriptor record))
(= (record-accessor (record-type-descriptor record) k) pat)
[(= field pat)
(with-syntax ([(tt) (generate-temporaries #'(field))])
(scan #'tt #'pat vars vals (cons #`(let ([tt (field #,t)])) C)
#`(field #,t)))]
[(and pat ...) (scan-and #'(pat ...))]
[(or pat ...) (scan-or #'(pat ...))]
[(not) (values vars vals C)]
[(not pat)
(let-values ([(vars1 vals1 C1) (scan t #'pat '() '() '() loc)])
(values vars vals (cons #`(not #,C1) C)))]
[(not pat ...) (scan-pat #'(and (not pat) ...))]
[(? predicate) (values vars vals (cons #`(if (predicate #,t)) C))]
[(? predicate pat ...) (scan-pat #'(and (? predicate) pat ...))]
[(get! id) (values (cons #'id vars) (cons (getter loc) vals) C)]
[(set! id) (values (cons #'id vars) (cons (setter loc) vals) C)]
[(pat ooo)
(ellipsis? #'ooo)
(let-values ([(vars1 vals1 C1) (scan t #'pat '() '() '() loc)])
(with-syntax ([(ttt ...) (generate-temporaries vals1)])
(values (append vars1 vars) (append vals1 vals)
(cons #`(list-ellipsis
#,t #,(ellipsis-k #'ooo)
#,vals1 (ttt ...) #,C1) C))))]
[(pat1 . pat2) (scan-pat #'(? pair? (= car pat1) (= cdr pat2)))]
[() (scan-pat #'(? null?))]
[#(pat1 ... pat2 ooo)
(ellipsis? #'ooo)
(let-values ([(vars vals C) (scan t #'#(pat1 ...) vars vals C loc)]
[(vars1 vals1 C1) (scan t #'pat2 '() '() '() loc)])
(with-syntax ([(ttt ...) (generate-temporaries vals1)])
(values (append vars1 vars) (append vals1 vals)
(cons #`(vector-ellipsis
#,(length #'(pat1 ...))
#,t #,(ellipsis-k #'ooo)
#,vals1 (ttt ...) #, C1) C))))]
[#(pat ...)
(with-syntax ([(k ...) (iota (length #'(pat ...)))])
(scan-pat #'(? vector? (= (vector-accessor k) pat) ...)))]
[id (underscore? #'id) (values vars vals C)]
[id (pattern-variable? #'id)
(if (memp (lambda (var) (bound-identifier=? #'id var)) vars)
(syntax-violation #f "duplicated binding" #'id)
(values (cons #'id vars) (cons t vals) C))]
[v (self-evaluating? (syntax->datum #'v)) (scan-pat #''v)]))
(define (scan-qp qp)
(syntax-case qp (unquote unquote-splicing)
[,pat #'pat]
[(,@pat) #'pat]
[(,@(pat ...) . qp) #`(pat ... . #,(scan-qp #'qp))]
[(qp ooo) (ellipsis? #'ooo) #`(#,(scan-qp #'qp) ooo)]
[(qp1 . qp2) #`(#,(scan-qp #'qp1) . #,(scan-qp #'qp2))]
[() #'()]
[#(qp ...)
(with-syntax ([(pat ...) (scan-qp-vector #'(qp ...))])
#'#(pat ...))]
[id (identifier? #'id) #''id]
[v (self-evaluating? (syntax->datum #'v)) #'v]))
(define (scan-qp-vector qp*)
(syntax-case qp* (unquote unquote-splicing)
[(,@(pat ...) qp ...) #`(pat ... #,@(scan-qp-vector #'(qp ...)))]
[(qp ooo) (ellipsis? #'ooo) #`(#,(scan-qp #'qp) ooo)]
[(qp1 qp2 ...) #`(#,(scan-qp #'qp1) #,@(scan-qp-vector #'(qp2 ...)))]
[() #'()]))
(define (scan-and pat*)
(syntax-case pat* ()
[() (values vars vals C)]
[(pat1 pat2 ...)
(let-values ([(vars vals C) (scan t #'pat1 vars vals C loc)])
(scan t #'(and pat2 ...) vars vals C loc))]))
(define (scan-or pat*)
(syntax-case pat* ()
[() (values vars vals (cons #'(fail) C))]
[(pat) (scan-pat #'pat)]
[(pat1 pat2 ...)
([(vars1 vals1 C1) (scan t #'pat1 '() '() '() loc)]
[(vars2 vals2 C2) (scan t #'(or pat2 ...) '() '() '() loc)])
(if (lset-eq? vars1 vars2)
(values (append vars1 vars) (append vals1 vals)
(cons #`(or #,vars1 #,vals1 #,C1 #,vars2 #,vals2 #,C2) C))
'match "all subpatterns must bind the same set of pattern variables"
#'(or pat1 pat2 ...))))]))
(scan-pat pat))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ t pat expr failure)
(let-values ([(vars vals C) (scan #'t #'pat '() '() '() #f)])
(with-syntax ([(success) (generate-temporaries #'(success))])
#`(let ([success (lambda #,vars expr)])
(fill #,C (success #,@vals) (failure)))))])))
(define-syntax fill
(syntax-rules (let if or not list-ellipsis vector-ellipsis)
[(_ () sk fk) sk]
[(_ ((let bindings) . C) sk fk)
(fill C (let bindings sk) fk)]
[(_ ((if test) . C) sk fk)
(fill C (if test sk fk) fk)]
[(_ ((or (var1 ...) (val1 ...) C1 (var2 ...) (val2 ...) C2) . C) sk fk)
(fill C
(let ([success1 (lambda (val1 ...) sk)])
(let-syntax ([success2 (syntax-rules ()
[(_ var2 ...) (success1 var1 ...)])])
(fill C1 (success1 val1 ...) (fill C2 (success2 val2 ...) fk))))
[(_ ((not C0) . C) sk fk)
(fill C (fill C0 fk sk) fk)]
[(_ ((list-ellipsis t k (val ...) (ttt ...) C0) . C) sk fk)
(fill C
(let loop ([len 0] [t t] [ttt '()] ...)
[(null? t) (if (<= k len) (let ([val (reverse ttt)] ...) sk) fk)]
[(pair? t)
(let ([t (car t)] [tt (cdr t)])
(fill C0 (loop (+ len 1) tt (cons val ttt) ...) fk))]
[else fk]))
[(_ ((vector-ellipsis i t k (val ...) (ttt ...) C0) . C) sk fk)
(fill C
(if (<= (+ i k) (vector-length t))
(let loop ([j i] [ttt '()] ...)
(if (< j (vector-length t))
(let ([t (vector-ref t j)])
(fill C0 (loop (+ j 1) (cons val ttt) ...) fk))
(let ([val (reverse ttt)] ...) sk)))
(define (vector-accessor k) (lambda (vec) (vector-ref vec k)))
(define-syntax match-lambda
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ clause ...) (lambda (x) (match x clause ...))]))
(define-syntax match-lambda*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ clause ...) (lambda x (match x clause ...))]))
(define-syntax match-let
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ([pat expr] ...) body ...)
(match (list expr ...)
[(pat ...) body ...])]))
(define-syntax match-let*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ () body ...) (let () body ...)]
[(_ ([pat expr]) body ...) (match expr [pat body ...])]
[(_ ([pat1 expr1] [pat2 expr2] ...) body ...)
(match expr1 [pat1 (match-let* ([pat2 expr2] ...) body ...)])]))
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