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Created June 7, 2013 02:51
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Automatic iOS Deployments Bash Script
cd /Shared\ Items/Public/AUTO/project
BUILDDIR="/Shared Items/Public/AUTO/project_build"
# Reset Git
echo resetting
git reset --hard
echo pulling latest
git pull
xcodebuild -workspace $NAME.xcworkspace -scheme $NAME -configuration $CONFIGURATION clean build ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$BUILDDIR"
echo $?
echo Generating .ipa file
xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v "$BUILDDIR/$" -o "$BUILDDIR/$NAME.ipa"
echo $?
# Zip the dSYM File
echo Generating zip file
/usr/bin/zip -r "$BUILDDIR/$" "$BUILDDIR/$"
echo $?
# Upload the build to TestFlight
echo Sending to TestFlight
/usr/bin/curl " " -F file=@"$BUILDDIR/$NAME.ipa" -F dsym=@"$BUILDDIR/$" -F api_token="$API_TOKEN" -F team_token="$TEAM_TOKEN" -F notes="Build uploaded automatically from Xcode." -#
echo $?
echo Done!
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