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Created July 7, 2017 13:36
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-- -*-sql-*-
drop table holidays;
create table holidays (
day date not null,
name text not null
) without oids;
create index holidays_idx on holidays(day);
-- This is a weekday, Monday-Friday
create or replace function is_weekday(date) returns boolean as '
select extract(dow from $1) between 1 and 5;
' language sql immutable strict;
-- This is a weekend, Saturday or Sunday
create or replace function is_weekend(date) returns boolean as '
select not is_weekday($1);
' language sql immutable strict;
-- This is a non-workday
create or replace function is_not_workday(date) returns boolean as '
select is_weekend($1) or exists (select 1 from holidays where day = $1);
' language sql stable strict;
-- This is a workday
create or replace function is_workday(date) returns boolean as '
select not is_not_workday($1);
' language sql stable strict;
-- Horribly inefficient - could be replaced easily with a single select
-- on holidays and some logic around the starting and ending DOW
create or replace function business_days_between(date, date) returns integer as '
start_day alias for $1;
end_day alias for $2;
day date := start_day;
business_days integer := 0;
while day <= end_day loop
if is_workday(day) then
business_days := business_days + 1;
end if;
day := day + 1;
end loop;
return business_days;
' language plpgsql stable strict;
create or replace function business_hours_between(timestamp, timestamp, time, time) returns interval as '
start_day date;
start_time time;
end_day date;
end_time time;
clockin alias for $3;
clockout alias for $4;
business_hours interval := 0;
start_day := $1;
start_time := $1;
end_day := $2;
end_time := $2;
if start_time < clockin then
start_time := clockin;
end if;
if start_time >= clockout then
start_time := clockin;
start_day := start_day + 1;
end if;
if end_time > clockout then
end_time := clockout;
end if;
if end_time <= clockin then
end_time := clockout;
end_day := end_day - 1;
end if;
if end_day < start_day then
return 0;
end if;
if end_day = start_day then
if is_workday(start_day) then
return end_time - start_time;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if is_workday(start_day) then
business_hours := business_hours + (clockout - start_time);
end if;
if is_workday(end_day) then
business_hours := business_hours + (end_time - clockin);
end if;
return business_hours + (clockout - clockin) * business_days_between(start_day + 1, end_day - 1);
' language plpgsql stable strict;
-- Find the first Monday on or after the given date
create or replace function _first_monday(timestamp) returns date as '
select $1::date + ((8 - extract(dow from $1)::integer) % 7);
' language sql immutable strict;
-- Find the first Thursday on or after the given date
create or replace function _first_thursday(timestamp) returns date as '
select $1::date + ((11 - extract(dow from $1)::integer) % 7);
' language sql immutable strict;
-- Return the following Monday for a Sunday, the preceding Friday for a Saturday
create or replace function _avoid_weekend(timestamp) returns date as '
select $1::date + ((3 - extract(dow from $1)::integer) / 3);
' language sql immutable strict;
create or replace function populate_holidays(integer) returns void as '
year alias for $1;
years interval;
jan1 date;
king date;
washington date;
memorial date;
july4 date;
labor date;
veterans date;
columbus date;
thanksgiving date;
xmas date;
dow integer;
years := year * ''1 year''::interval;
jan1 := _avoid_weekend(''0000-01-01''::date + years);
king := _first_monday(''0000-01-22''::date + years);
washington := _first_monday(''0000-02-22''::date + years);
memorial := _first_monday(''0000-05-25''::date + years);
july4 := _avoid_weekend(''0000-07-04''::date + years);
labor := _first_monday(''0000-09-01''::date + years);
veterans := _avoid_weekend(''0000-11-11''::date + years);
columbus := _first_monday(''0000-10-08''::date + years);
thanksgiving := _first_thursday(''0000-11-22''::date + years);
xmas := _avoid_weekend(''0000-12-25''::date + years);
insert into holidays (day, name) values (jan1, ''New Years Day'');
insert into holidays (day, name) values (king, ''Martin Luther King, Jr Day'');
insert into holidays (day, name) values (washington, ''Washington'''' Birthday'');
insert into holidays (day, name) values (memorial, ''Memorial Day'');
insert into holidays (day, name) values (july4, ''Independence Day'');
insert into holidays (day, name) values (labor, ''Labor Day'');
insert into holidays (day, name) values (veterans, ''Veterans Day'');
insert into holidays (day, name) values (columbus, ''Columbus Day'');
insert into holidays (day, name) values (thanksgiving , ''Thanksgiving'');
insert into holidays (day, name) values (xmas, ''Christmas Day'');
' language plpgsql;
select populate_holidays(2007);
select populate_holidays(2008);
select populate_holidays(2009);
select populate_holidays(2010);
select populate_holidays(2011);
select populate_holidays(2012);
select populate_holidays(2013);
select populate_holidays(2014);
select populate_holidays(2015);
select populate_holidays(2016);
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