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Created May 14, 2019 13:32
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Example Tailwind CSS config (possibly faulty)
Tailwind - The Utility-First CSS Framework
A project by Adam Wathan (@adamwathan), Jonathan Reinink (@reinink),
David Hemphill (@davidhemphill) and Steve Schoger (@steveschoger).
Welcome to the Tailwind config file. This is where you can customize
Tailwind specifically for your project. Don't be intimidated by the
length of this file. It's really just a big JavaScript object and
we've done our very best to explain each section.
View the full documentation at
| The default config
| This variable contains the default Tailwind config. You don't have
| to use it, but it can sometimes be helpful to have available. For
| example, you may choose to merge your custom configuration
| values with some of the Tailwind defaults.
| Colors
| Here you can specify the colors used in your project. To get you started,
| we've provided a generous palette of great looking colors that are perfect
| for prototyping, but don't hesitate to change them for your project. You
| own these colors, nothing will break if you change everything about them.
| We've used literal color names ("red", "blue", etc.) for the default
| palette, but if you'd rather use functional names like "primary" and
| "secondary", or even a numeric scale like "100" and "200", go for it.
module.exports = {
| Advanced Options
| Here is where you can tweak advanced configuration options. We recommend
| leaving these options alone unless you absolutely need to change them.
theme: {
| Colors
| The color palette defined above is also assigned to the "colors" key of
| your Tailwind config. This makes it easy to access them in your CSS
| using Tailwind's config helper. For example:
| .error { color: config('') }
colors: {
'transparent': 'transparent',
'black': '#22292f',
'grey-darkest': '#3d4852',
'grey-darker': '#606f7b',
'grey-dark': '#8795a1',
'grey': '#b8c2cc',
'grey-light': '#dae1e7',
'grey-lighter': '#f1f5f8',
'grey-lightest': '#f8fafc',
'white': '#ffffff',
'red-darkest': '#3b0d0c',
'red-darker': '#621b18',
'red-dark': '#cc1f1a',
'red': '#e3342f',
'red-light': '#ef5753',
'red-lighter': '#f9acaa',
'red-lightest': '#fcebea',
'orange-darkest': '#462a16',
'orange-darker': '#613b1f',
'orange-dark': '#de751f',
'orange': '#f6993f',
'orange-light': '#faad63',
'orange-lighter': '#fcd9b6',
'orange-lightest': '#fff5eb',
'yellow-darkest': '#453411',
'yellow-darker': '#684f1d',
'yellow-dark': '#f2d024',
'yellow': '#ffed4a',
'yellow-light': '#fff382',
'yellow-lighter': '#fff9c2',
'yellow-lightest': '#fcfbeb',
'green-darkest': '#0f2f21',
'green-darker': '#1a4731',
'green-dark': '#1f9d55',
'green': '#38c172',
'green-light': '#51d88a',
'green-lighter': '#a2f5bf',
'green-lightest': '#e3fcec',
'teal-darkest': '#0d3331',
'teal-darker': '#20504f',
'teal-dark': '#38a89d',
'teal': '#4dc0b5',
'teal-light': '#64d5ca',
'teal-lighter': '#a0f0ed',
'teal-lightest': '#e8fffe',
'blue-darkest': '#12283a',
'blue-darker': '#1c3d5a',
'blue-dark': '#2779bd',
'blue': '#3490dc',
'blue-light': '#6cb2eb',
'blue-lighter': '#bcdefa',
'blue-lightest': '#eff8ff',
'indigo-darkest': '#191e38',
'indigo-darker': '#2f365f',
'indigo-dark': '#5661b3',
'indigo': '#6574cd',
'indigo-light': '#7886d7',
'indigo-lighter': '#b2b7ff',
'indigo-lightest': '#e6e8ff',
'purple-darkest': '#21183c',
'purple-darker': '#382b5f',
'purple-dark': '#794acf',
'purple': '#9561e2',
'purple-light': '#a779e9',
'purple-lighter': '#d6bbfc',
'purple-lightest': '#f3ebff',
'pink-darkest': '#451225',
'pink-darker': '#6f213f',
'pink-dark': '#eb5286',
'pink': '#f66d9b',
'pink-light': '#fa7ea8',
'pink-lighter': '#ffbbca',
'pink-lightest': '#ffebef',
| Screens
| Screens in Tailwind are translated to CSS media queries. They define the
| responsive breakpoints for your project. By default Tailwind takes a
| "mobile first" approach, where each screen size represents a minimum
| viewport width. Feel free to have as few or as many screens as you
| want, naming them in whatever way you'd prefer for your project.
| Tailwind also allows for more complex screen definitions, which can be
| useful in certain situations. Be sure to see the full responsive
| documentation for a complete list of options.
| Class name: .{screen}:{utility}
screens: {
'sm': '576px',
'md': '768px',
'lg': '992px',
'xl': '1200px',
| Modules
| Here is where you control which modules are generated and what variants are
| generated for each of those modules.
| Currently supported variants:
| - responsive
| - hover
| - focus
| - focus-within
| - active
| - group-hover
| To disable a module completely, use `false` instead of an array.
variants: {
alignContent: ['responsive'],
alignItems: ['responsive'],
alignSelf: ['responsive'],
appearance: ['responsive'],
backgroundAttachment: ['responsive'],
backgroundColor: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus'],
backgroundPosition: ['responsive'],
backgroundRepeat: ['responsive'],
backgroundSize: ['responsive'],
borderCollapse: [],
borderColor: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus'],
borderRadius: ['responsive'],
borderStyle: ['responsive'],
borderWidth: ['responsive'],
boxShadow: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus'],
cursor: ['responsive'],
display: ['responsive'],
fill: [],
flex: ['responsive'],
flexDirection: ['responsive'],
flexGrow: ['responsive'],
flexShrink: ['responsive'],
flexWrap: ['responsive'],
float: ['responsive'],
fontFamily: ['responsive'],
fontSize: ['responsive'],
fontSmoothing: ['responsive'],
fontStyle: ['responsive'],
fontWeight: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus'],
height: ['responsive'],
inset: ['responsive'],
justifyContent: ['responsive'],
lineHeight: ['responsive'],
listStylePosition: ['responsive'],
listStyleType: ['responsive'],
margin: ['responsive'],
maxHeight: ['responsive'],
maxWidth: ['responsive'],
minHeight: ['responsive'],
minWidth: ['responsive'],
negativeMargin: ['responsive'],
opacity: ['responsive'],
outline: ['focus'],
overflow: ['responsive'],
padding: ['responsive'],
pointerEvents: ['responsive'],
position: ['responsive'],
resize: ['responsive'],
stroke: [],
tableLayout: ['responsive'],
textAlign: ['responsive'],
textColor: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus'],
textDecoration: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus'],
textTransform: ['responsive'],
letterSpacing: ['responsive'],
userSelect: ['responsive'],
verticalAlign: ['responsive'],
visibility: ['responsive'],
whitespace: ['responsive'],
wordBreak: ['responsive'],
width: ['responsive'],
zIndex: ['responsive'],
| Plugins
| Here is where you can register any plugins you'd like to use in your
| project. Tailwind's built-in `container` plugin is enabled by default to
| give you a Bootstrap-style responsive container component out of the box.
| Be sure to view the complete plugin documentation to learn more about how
| the plugin system works.
corePlugins: {
objectFit: false,
objectPosition: false,
plugins: [
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