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Created July 12, 2014 11:03
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Tilt effect
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Ink;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using Microsoft.Phone.Controls;
using LinqToVisualTree;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace MetroInMotionUtils
public static class MetroInMotion
#region AnimationLevel
public static int GetAnimationLevel(DependencyObject obj)
return (int)obj.GetValue(AnimationLevelProperty);
public static void SetAnimationLevel(DependencyObject obj, int value)
obj.SetValue(AnimationLevelProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty AnimationLevelProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("AnimationLevel", typeof(int),
typeof(MetroInMotion), new PropertyMetadata(-1));
#region Tilt
public static double GetTilt(DependencyObject obj)
return (double)obj.GetValue(TiltProperty);
public static void SetTilt(DependencyObject obj, double value)
obj.SetValue(TiltProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty TiltProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Tilt", typeof(double),
typeof(MetroInMotion), new PropertyMetadata(2.0, OnTiltChanged));
/// <summary>
/// The extent of the tilt action, the larger the number, the bigger the tilt
/// </summary>
private static double TiltAngleFactor = 4;
/// <summary>
/// The extent of the scaling action, the smaller the number, the greater the scaling.
/// </summary>
private static double ScaleFactor = 100;
private static void OnTiltChanged(DependencyObject d,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
FrameworkElement targetElement = d as FrameworkElement;
double tiltFactor = GetTilt(d);
// create the required transformations
var projection = new PlaneProjection();
var scale = new ScaleTransform();
var translate = new TranslateTransform();
var transGroup = new TransformGroup();
// associate with the target element
targetElement.Projection = projection;
targetElement.RenderTransform = transGroup;
targetElement.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
targetElement.MouseLeftButtonDown += (s, e) =>
var clickPosition = e.GetPosition(targetElement);
// find the maximum of width / height
double maxDimension = Math.Max(targetElement.ActualWidth, targetElement.ActualHeight);
// compute the normalised horizontal distance from the centre
double distanceFromCenterX = targetElement.ActualWidth / 2 - clickPosition.X;
double normalisedDistanceX = 2 * distanceFromCenterX / maxDimension;
// rotate around the Y axis
projection.RotationY = normalisedDistanceX * TiltAngleFactor * tiltFactor;
// compute the normalised vertical distance from the centre
double distanceFromCenterY = targetElement.ActualHeight / 2 - clickPosition.Y;
double normalisedDistanceY = 2 * distanceFromCenterY / maxDimension;
// rotate around the X axis,
projection.RotationX = -normalisedDistanceY * TiltAngleFactor * tiltFactor;
// find the distance to centre
double distanceToCentre = Math.Sqrt(normalisedDistanceX * normalisedDistanceX
+ normalisedDistanceY * normalisedDistanceY);
// scale accordingly
double scaleVal = tiltFactor * (1 - distanceToCentre) / ScaleFactor;
scale.ScaleX = 1 - scaleVal;
scale.ScaleY = 1 - scaleVal;
// offset the plane transform
var rootElement = Application.Current.RootVisual as FrameworkElement;
var relativeToCentre = (targetElement.GetRelativePosition(rootElement).Y - rootElement.ActualHeight / 2) / 2;
translate.Y = -relativeToCentre;
projection.LocalOffsetY = +relativeToCentre;
targetElement.ManipulationCompleted += (s, e) =>
var sb = new Storyboard();
sb.Children.Add(CreateAnimation(null, 0, 0.1, "RotationY", projection));
sb.Children.Add(CreateAnimation(null, 0, 0.1, "RotationX", projection));
sb.Children.Add(CreateAnimation(null, 1, 0.1, "ScaleX", scale));
sb.Children.Add(CreateAnimation(null, 1, 0.1, "ScaleY", scale));
translate.Y = 0;
projection.LocalOffsetY = 0;
#region IsPivotAnimated
public static bool GetIsPivotAnimated(DependencyObject obj)
return (bool)obj.GetValue(IsPivotAnimatedProperty);
public static void SetIsPivotAnimated(DependencyObject obj, bool value)
obj.SetValue(IsPivotAnimatedProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty IsPivotAnimatedProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsPivotAnimated", typeof(bool),
typeof(MetroInMotion), new PropertyMetadata(false, OnIsPivotAnimatedChanged));
private static void OnIsPivotAnimatedChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
ItemsControl list = d as ItemsControl;
list.Loaded += (s2, e2) =>
// locate the pivot control that this list is within
Pivot pivot = list.Ancestors<Pivot>().Single() as Pivot;
// and its index within the pivot
int pivotIndex = pivot.Items.IndexOf(list.Ancestors<PivotItem>().Single());
bool selectionChanged = false;
pivot.SelectionChanged += (s3, e3) =>
selectionChanged = true;
// handle manipulation events which occur when the user
// moves between pivot items
pivot.ManipulationCompleted += (s, e) =>
if (!selectionChanged)
selectionChanged = false;
if (pivotIndex != pivot.SelectedIndex)
// determine which direction this tab will be scrolling in from
bool fromRight = e.TotalManipulation.Translation.X <= 0;
// iterate over each of the items in view
var items = list.GetItemsInView().ToList();
for (int index = 0; index < items.Count; index++)
var lbi = items[index];
list.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
var animationTargets = lbi.Descendants()
.Where(p => MetroInMotion.GetAnimationLevel(p) > -1);
foreach (FrameworkElement target in animationTargets)
// trigger the required animation
GetSlideAnimation(target, fromRight).Begin();
/// <summary>
/// Animates each element in order, creating a 'peel' effect. The supplied action
/// is invoked when the animation ends.
/// </summary>
public static void Peel(this IEnumerable<FrameworkElement> elements, Action endAction)
var elementList = elements.ToList();
var lastElement = elementList.Last();
// iterate over all the elements, animating each of them
double delay = 0;
foreach (FrameworkElement element in elementList)
var sb = GetPeelAnimation(element, delay);
// add a Completed event handler to the last element
if (element.Equals(lastElement))
sb.Completed += (s, e) =>
delay += 50;
/// <summary>
/// Enumerates all the items that are currently visible in am ItemsControl. This implementation assumes
/// that a VirtualizingStackPanel is being used as the ItemsPanel.
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<FrameworkElement> GetItemsInView(this ItemsControl itemsControl)
// locate the stack panel that hosts the items
VirtualizingStackPanel vsp = itemsControl.Descendants<VirtualizingStackPanel>().First() as VirtualizingStackPanel;
// iterate over each of the items in view
int firstVisibleItem = (int)vsp.VerticalOffset;
int visibleItemCount = (int)vsp.ViewportHeight;
for (int index = firstVisibleItem; index <= firstVisibleItem + visibleItemCount + 1; index++)
var item = itemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index) as FrameworkElement;
if (item == null)
yield return item;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a PlaneProjection and associates it with the given element, returning
/// a Storyboard which will animate the PlaneProjection to 'peel' the item
/// from the screen.
/// </summary>
private static Storyboard GetPeelAnimation(FrameworkElement element, double delay)
Storyboard sb;
var projection = new PlaneProjection()
CenterOfRotationX = -0.1
element.Projection = projection;
// compute the angle of rotation required to make this element appear
// at a 90 degree angle at the edge of the screen.
var width = element.ActualWidth;
var targetAngle = Math.Atan(1000 / (width / 2));
targetAngle = targetAngle * 180 / Math.PI;
// animate the projection
sb = new Storyboard();
sb.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(delay);
sb.Children.Add(CreateAnimation(0, -(180 - targetAngle), 0.3, "RotationY", projection));
sb.Children.Add(CreateAnimation(0, 23, 0.3, "RotationZ", projection));
sb.Children.Add(CreateAnimation(0, -23, 0.3, "GlobalOffsetZ", projection));
return sb;
private static DoubleAnimation CreateAnimation(double? from, double? to, double duration,
string targetProperty, DependencyObject target)
var db = new DoubleAnimation();
db.To = to;
db.From = from;
db.EasingFunction = new SineEase();
db.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration);
Storyboard.SetTarget(db, target);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(db, new PropertyPath(targetProperty));
return db;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a TranslateTransform and associates it with the given element, returning
/// a Storyboard which will animate the TranslateTransform with a SineEase function
/// </summary>
private static Storyboard GetSlideAnimation(FrameworkElement element, bool fromRight)
double from = fromRight ? 80 : -80;
Storyboard sb;
double delay = (MetroInMotion.GetAnimationLevel(element)) * 0.1 + 0.1;
TranslateTransform trans = new TranslateTransform() { X = from };
element.RenderTransform = trans;
sb = new Storyboard();
sb.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(delay);
sb.Children.Add(CreateAnimation(from, 0, 0.8, "X", trans));
return sb;
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static Point GetRelativePosition(this UIElement element, UIElement other)
return element.TransformToVisual(other)
.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
/// <summary>
/// Animates an element so that it flies out and flies in!
/// </summary>
public class ItemFlyInAndOutAnimations
private Popup _popup;
private Canvas _popupCanvas;
private FrameworkElement _targetElement;
private Point _targetElementPosition;
private Image _targetElementClone;
private Rectangle _backgroundMask;
private static TimeSpan _flyInSpeed = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200);
private static TimeSpan _flyOutSpeed = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300);
public ItemFlyInAndOutAnimations()
// construct a popup, with a Canvas as its child
_popup = new Popup();
_popupCanvas = new Canvas();
_popup.Child = _popupCanvas;
public static void TitleFlyIn(FrameworkElement title)
TranslateTransform trans = new TranslateTransform();
trans.X = 300;
trans.Y = -50;
title.RenderTransform = trans;
var sb = new Storyboard();
// animate the X position
var db = CreateDoubleAnimation(300, 0,
new SineEase(), trans, TranslateTransform.XProperty, _flyInSpeed);
// animate the Y position
db = CreateDoubleAnimation(-100, 0,
new SineEase(), trans, TranslateTransform.YProperty, _flyInSpeed);
/// <summary>
/// Animate the previously 'flown-out' element back to its original location.
/// </summary>
public void ItemFlyIn()
if (_popupCanvas.Children.Count != 2)
_popup.IsOpen = true;
_backgroundMask.Opacity = 0.0;
Image animatedImage = _popupCanvas.Children[1] as Image;
var sb = new Storyboard();
// animate the X position
var db = CreateDoubleAnimation(_targetElementPosition.X - 100, _targetElementPosition.X,
new SineEase(),
_targetElementClone, Canvas.LeftProperty, _flyInSpeed);
// animate the Y position
db = CreateDoubleAnimation(_targetElementPosition.Y - 50, _targetElementPosition.Y,
new SineEase(),
_targetElementClone, Canvas.TopProperty, _flyInSpeed);
sb.Completed += (s, e) =>
// when the animation has finished, hide the popup once more
_popup.IsOpen = false;
// restore the element we have animated
_targetElement.Opacity = 1.0;
// and get rid of our clone
/// <summary>
/// Animate the given element so that it flies off screen, fading
/// everything else that is on screen.
/// </summary>
public void ItemFlyOut(FrameworkElement element, Action action)
_targetElement = element;
var rootElement = Application.Current.RootVisual as FrameworkElement;
_backgroundMask = new Rectangle()
Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black),
Opacity = 0.0,
Width = rootElement.ActualWidth,
Height = rootElement.ActualHeight
_targetElementClone = new Image()
Source = new WriteableBitmap(element, null)
_targetElementPosition = element.GetRelativePosition(rootElement);
Canvas.SetTop(_targetElementClone, _targetElementPosition.Y);
Canvas.SetLeft(_targetElementClone, _targetElementPosition.X);
var sb = new Storyboard();
// animate the X position
var db = CreateDoubleAnimation(_targetElementPosition.X, _targetElementPosition.X + 500,
new SineEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn },
_targetElementClone, Canvas.LeftProperty, _flyOutSpeed);
// animate the Y position
db = CreateDoubleAnimation(_targetElementPosition.Y, _targetElementPosition.Y + 50,
new SineEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut },
_targetElementClone, Canvas.TopProperty, _flyOutSpeed);
// fade out the other elements
db = CreateDoubleAnimation(0, 1,
null, _backgroundMask, UIElement.OpacityProperty, _flyOutSpeed);
sb.Completed += (s, e2) =>
// hide the popup, by placing a task on the dispatcher queue, this
// should be executed after the navigation has occurred
element.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
_popup.IsOpen = false;
// hide the element we have 'cloned' into the popup
element.Opacity = 0.0;
// open the popup
_popup.IsOpen = true;
// begin the animation
public static DoubleAnimation CreateDoubleAnimation(double from, double to, IEasingFunction easing,
DependencyObject target, object propertyPath, TimeSpan duration)
var db = new DoubleAnimation();
db.To = to;
db.From = from;
db.EasingFunction = easing;
db.Duration = duration;
Storyboard.SetTarget(db, target);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(db, new PropertyPath(propertyPath));
return db;
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