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Last active January 6, 2020 19:42
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Subcommand with Lazy subcommand example - natemcmaster/CommandLineUtils McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils
using McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CustomSubcommand
public interface IServiceC
public string RunServiceC(string[] ss);
public class ServiceC : IServiceC
public ServiceC()
Console.WriteLine("Initializing ServiceC");
public string RunServiceC(string[] ss)
var s = String.Join(',', ss);
Console.WriteLine($"ServiceC concats: {s}");
return s;
public interface ICliCommand
public void RegisterSubcommands<TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TModel> app) where TModel : class, ICliCommand;
public int Handle<TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TModel> app) where TModel : class, ICliCommand;
public void Register<TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TModel> app) where TModel : class, ICliCommand;
public ImmutableHashSet<string> Aliases { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public interface ICliCommand2
public int Handle<TWrapper, TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TWrapper> app) where TWrapper : class, ICommandWrapper<TModel> where TModel : class, ICliCommand2;
public bool InjectOptions<TWrapper, TModel>(TWrapper wrapper) where TWrapper : class, ICommandWrapper<TModel> where TModel : class, ICliCommand2;
public interface ICommandWrapper<TCommand> where TCommand : class, ICliCommand2
public void RegisterSubcommands<TWrapper, TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TWrapper> app) where TWrapper : class, ICommandWrapper<TModel> where TModel : class, ICliCommand2;
public void Register<TWrapper, TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TWrapper> app) where TWrapper : class, ICommandWrapper<TModel> where TModel : class, ICliCommand2;
public ImmutableHashSet<string> Aliases { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public TCommand Command { get; set; }
public static class AppExtensions
public static CommandLineApplication<TWrapper> LazySubcommand<TWrapper, TModel, TBase>(this CommandLineApplication<TBase> app)
where TWrapper : class, ICommandWrapper<TModel>
where TModel : class, ICliCommand2
where TBase : class
var sc = new CommandLineApplication<TWrapper>();
sc.Name = sc.Model.Name;
//Using explicit construction instead of CommandLineApplication.Command<TModel>
//var sc = app.Command<TModel>(TModel.Name, sc =>
foreach (var n in sc.Model.Aliases)
if (n != sc.Name)
sc.Model.Register<TWrapper, TModel>(sc);
sc.Model.RegisterSubcommands<TWrapper, TModel>(sc);
sc.OnExecute(() => {
Console.WriteLine($"OnExecute() {sc.Name}");
var model = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<TModel>(sc);
model.InjectOptions<TWrapper, TModel>(sc.Model);
return model.Handle<TWrapper, TModel>(sc);
return sc;
class C3 : ICliCommand2
private readonly IServiceC _serviceC;
public C3(IServiceC serviceC)
_serviceC = serviceC;
public C3() { }
public CommandOption opt_y;
public bool InjectOptions<TWrapper, TModel>(TWrapper wrapper) where TWrapper : class, ICommandWrapper<TModel> where TModel : class, ICliCommand2
if (wrapper is C3Wrapper w)
opt_y = w.opt_y;
return true;
return false;
public int Handle<TWrapper, TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TWrapper> app) where TWrapper : class, ICommandWrapper<TModel> where TModel : class, ICliCommand2
Console.WriteLine("C3 Handel(...)");
var s = _serviceC.RunServiceC(new string[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" });
var s2 = "opt y is MISSING";
if (opt_y.HasValue())
s2 = "opt y is SET";
Console.WriteLine($"hello from command 3! {s2} _serviceC.RunServiceC(...) = \"{s}\" ");
return 0;
class C3Wrapper : ICommandWrapper<C3>
private static readonly ImmutableHashSet<string> ALIASES = ImmutableHashSet.Create("c3", "command3");
public ImmutableHashSet<string> Aliases => ALIASES;
private const string NAME = "command3";
public string Name => NAME;
public CommandOption opt_y;
public CommandOption opt_z;
public C3 Command { get; set; }
void ICommandWrapper<C3>.Register<TWrapper, TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TWrapper> app)
opt_y = app.Option("-y", "testing option y", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
opt_y.ValueName = "ValYouNam";
opt_z = app.Option("-z", "'-z [z value]' for testing options", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
opt_z.ValueName = "zed value";
opt_z.LongName = "zed";
void ICommandWrapper<C3>.RegisterSubcommands<TWrapper, TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TWrapper> app) { }
class BaseApp : ICliCommand
private static readonly ImmutableHashSet<string> ALIASES = ImmutableHashSet.Create(Array.Empty<string>());
public ImmutableHashSet<string> Aliases => ALIASES;
private const string NAME = "BaseApp";
public string Name => NAME;
public BaseApp() { }
public int Handle<TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TModel> app) where TModel : class, ICliCommand
app.Option("-x", "test", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
Console.WriteLine("BaseApp - Handle()");
return 0;
public void Register<TModel>(CommandLineApplication<TModel> app) where TModel : class, ICliCommand
//bind options and perform other initialization. Consider moving this to constructor?
public void RegisterSubcommands<TBase>(CommandLineApplication<TBase> app)
where TBase : class, ICliCommand
//app.Subcommand<C1, TBase>(); // supporting code removed for brevity, see earlier gist revisions to see
//app.Subcommand<C2, TBase>(); // supporting code removed for brevity, see earlier gist revisions to see
app.LazySubcommand<C3Wrapper, C3, TBase>();
// compile and invoke while in the build output directory
// lazy "loaded" subcommand example
// .\CustomSubcommand.exe c3 -y foo
// other commands and subcommands
// .\CustomSubcommand.exe c1 sc1
// .\CustomSubcommand.exe c1 sc2
public class Program
static ServiceProvider services =
new ServiceCollection()
//.AddSingleton<IServiceA>(sp => { Console.WriteLine("making serviceA singleton"); return new ServiceA(); }) // supporting code removed for brevity, see earlier gist revisions to see
//.AddSingleton<IServiceB>(sp => { Console.WriteLine("making serviceB singleton"); return new ServiceB(); }) // supporting code removed for brevity, see earlier gist revisions to see
.AddSingleton<IServiceC>(sp => { Console.WriteLine("making serviceC singleton"); return new ServiceC(); })
public static async Task<int> Main(string[] args)
var app = new CommandLineApplication<BaseApp>();
app.OnExecute(() => app.Model.Handle(app));
return app.Execute(args);
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