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Created September 7, 2023 03:18
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ansible replace kuberentes cluster dns server ip
- name: replace coredns
gather_facts: false
hosts: coredns
# echo "[coredns]" >> /tmp/coredns-host; kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns --no-headers -o custom-columns=:spec.nodeName >> /tmp/coredns-host
# ansible-playbook -i /tmp/coredns-host replace-coredns.yaml
- name: detect docker container runtime
path: /var/run/dockershim.sock
register: docker_stat
- name: replace coredns /etc/resolv.conf use docker
shell: docker inspect $(docker ps |grep k8s_coredns_coredns | awk '{print $1}') --format {% raw %} '{{ .ResolvConfPath }}' {% endraw %} | xargs -i bash -c "cat /etc/resolv.conf > {}"
when: docker_stat.stat.exists
- name: replace coredns /etc/resolv.conf use crictl
shell: crictl inspect -o go-template --template {% raw %} '{{- range $mount := .info.runtimeSpec.mounts -}} {{- if eq $mount.destination "/etc/resolv.conf" -}} {{- $mount.source -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}}' {% endraw %} $(crictl ps |grep coredns |awk '{print $1}') | xargs -i bash -c "cat /etc/resolv.conf > {}"
when: not docker_stat.stat.exists
- name: update dns
hosts: all
# ansible-playbook replace-host-local-dns.yaml
- name: copy /etc/resolv.conf
src: /etc/resolv.conf
dest: /etc/resolv.conf
- name: detect node local dns
shell: pgrep node-cache
register: node_local_dns
ignore_errors: yes
- name: detect docker container runtime
path: /var/run/dockershim.sock
register: docker_stat
- name: change /etc/resolv.conf for local dns pod use docker
shell: cat /etc/resolv.conf > $(docker inspect $(docker ps |grep k8s_node-cache_node-local-dns | awk '{print $1}') --format {% raw %} '{{ .ResolvConfPath }}' {% endraw %})
when: docker_stat.stat.exists == True and node_local_dns.rc == 0
- name: change /etc/resolv.conf for local dns pod use crictl
shell: cat /etc/resolv.conf > $(crictl inspect -o go-template --template {% raw %} '{{- range $mount := .info.runtimeSpec.mounts -}} {{- if eq $mount.destination "/etc/resolv.conf" -}} {{- $mount.source -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}}' {% endraw %} $(crictl ps |grep node-local-dns |awk '{print $1}'))
when: docker_stat.stat.exists == False and node_local_dns.rc == 0
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wu0407 commented Sep 7, 2023

  1. Change the /etc/resolv.conf on the ansible manager host
  2. Replace/etc/resolv.conf for Kubernetes node and node-local-dns
    ansible-playbook replace-host-local-dns.yaml
  3. Generate the list file of coredns pod running host
    echo "[coredns]" >> /tmp/coredns-host; kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns --no-headers  -o custom- 
    columns=:spec.nodeName >> /tmp/coredns-host
  4. Replace /etc/resolv.conf in coredns pod
    ansible-playbook -i /tmp/coredns-host replace-coredns.yaml
  5. Reload node-local-dns and coredns
    add break line in configmap for node-local-dns and coredns
    .:53 {
     # Add a line break here
     cache 30
     forward . __PILLAR__UPSTREAM__SERVERS__ {

more details in Gracefully Changing the DNS Server IP for node on a Kubernetes Cluster Without Impacting Applications

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