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wuaschtikus /
Created June 6, 2018 05:41 — forked from chaitanyagupta/
How to re-sign an iOS app with another developer account

WARNING These steps are probably out dated and will not work.

To re-sign an iOS app with another developer account, ensure that the following are in place first.

  1. Distribution certificate of the other developer account
  2. A provisioning profile from the other developer account

Note that the Apple requires bundle IDs to be globally unique, even across accounts. So a bundle ID i.e. CFBundleIdentifier from one account can't be used in a different account, even though the team id/prefix would be different.

Ensure that the new distribution certificate is in your keychain and the new provisioning profile on your disk.

wuaschtikus /
Created December 29, 2021 18:26 — forked from corrieriluca/
Connection to the App Store Connect API using Python3