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wuffleton / gist:36e9db71ff48510525b81f9bbe579aae
Created September 8, 2023 10:43
# make sure you pip install more_itertools and qrcode before running this; no need for pil
# mine ended with a bad "04" TypeCritical, which was followed by a 9 and ended
# this should be "040200" - 04 = Protocols / 02 Digits / 00 - Z-Wave Only (No-LR)
# script is necessary because if you change anything after the 9 digits, it affects checksum and must be recalculated
# put your modified string qr output in the string on line 12 "d = '...'"
from hashlib import sha1
import qrcode
from more_itertools import grouper
# Since the frindships/followers endpoints don't work on locked accounts you're not affiliated with, this needed a different algorithm.
# This will check all of your following and followers for people affiliated with nasfk_
# This will probably take AT LEAST AN HOUR, to the endpoint's rate limit - can only check 180 handles per 15 minutes.
# The time required will scale up with your followers and following. Rough Estimate in Hours: (followers + following) / 180 / 4
# Tested on Windows but uses only one non-stock module so should work on anything that supports Python 3 properly.
# To get the twitter module, run "pip install python-twitter" or use your package manager.
# Get your API keys from - If you don't have a domain you can use where it equires a domain.