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Last active January 16, 2022 19:18
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graph theory stuff


  • components
    1. nodes
    2. branches (binary trees have 2, others have n)


  • components
    1. nodes
    2. edges (branches)

difference between traversing graphs vs trees

  • because bi-directional (undirected) graphs can go backwards, we can have cycles
  • to avoid cycles, we need to keep track of where we've been
    • one way to do this is tracking visitation (where we've been)
      • with an object/hashmap/set we get constant-time look-up w/ object or set datatype/structure

graph representations

  1. adjacency (neighbors) list
// object/hashmap-like representation
  0 => [1, 4],
  1 => [0, 4, 3, 2],
  2 => [1, 3],
  3 => [4, 1, 2],
  4 => [0, 1, 3],

// can also be an array (if nodes are integers)
// the indices are the same as the keys in the object above. right?
  [1, 4], // index 0 is same as key 0
  [0, 4, 3, 2],
  [1, 3],
  [4, 1, 2],
  [0, 1, 3],
  1. edge list (neighbors represented by pairs)
  • if we see (, 1) and (1, 0) this means we have an "undirected" (bi-directional) graph because we can go backwards
     (0, 1),
     (0, 4),
     (4, 0),
     (1, 2),
     (2, 1),
     (1, 3),
     (3, 4),
     (2, 3),
  1. adjacency matrix (represent edges that exist in a graph)
  • 1D matrix/3D matrix
  • an array of arrays
  • benefit of using adj matrix is we can represent edges with WEIGHTS
    0  1  2  3  4
0 |    1
1 |      1
2 |
3 |
4 |
  • weights can represent other metrics used to compute some score
    • how scenic
    • how much time
    • how well-paved
  • edges
   San Francisco (root/starting point)
     /    |     \
    /     |      \
 101     280      1


the Uniswap coding problem

Ethereum has a concept of a "token". Tokens are "smart contracts" on Ethereum (similar to instances of classes) that implement a particular interface called ERC20.

Uniswap allows users to swap any such tokens with a smart contract called a "pair". There are many pairs on Uniswap, each consisting of two tokens.

A user can trade one token for another directly with a pair, but sometimes a direct pairing does not exist or the best price is achieved by trading across multiple pairs. In these cases, users can trade across multiple pairs. For example, a user may wish to sell Ether for DAI. The best price may exist by selling Ether for USDC, and then USDC for DAI (i.e. Ether -> USDC -> DAI).

The list of pairs through which you swap is called a Route.

Compute the best route given the amount to sell amountIn, the token to buy tokenOut, and a list of available pairs pairs.

[execution time limit] 4 seconds (js)

interface TokenAmount {
  // the token of the amount, e.g. 'ETH' or 'BTC' or 'USD'
  toke: string;
  // the amount, e.g. 1.5 ETH
  amount: number;

interface Pair {
  // the tokens of the pair, e.g. 'ETH' or 'BTC' or 'USD'
  tokenA: string;
  tokenB: string;
  // Returns the amount of a token received for a given input amount
  // If the pair does not accept the token as input, it throws an error
  quote(amountIn: TokenAmount): TokenAmount;

interface Route {
  path: Pair[]; // [(Pair { a: TokenAmount { token: btc, amount: 3100 }, b: eth }, Pair{ a: eth, b: sol }]

// return the shortest path
function bestRoute(amountIn, tokenOut, pairs) {
   // pairs (edge list)
  // 1. converting edge list -> adjacency list
  // 2. using DFS or BFS -> generate all possible routes
  // 3. of those routes, select the shortest one (return shortest array [in length])

how to think about it

Let's say we want to go from BTC -> SOL

We are given an edge list (pairs) and they represent that we can perform direct swaps between two tokens:

  (BTC, ETH),
  (BTC, USDC),
  (ETH, BTC),
  (ETH, USDC),
  (ETH, SOL),
  (SOL, ETH),
  (SOL, ETH),

It's challenging to construct routes from this representation, so we want to convert it to an adjacency list:

  BTC : [USD, ETH],
  SOL : [ETH],
  USD : [BTC]

We want to produce routes in an array (which is ordered). Let's say we want to go from BTC to SOL: [BTC, ETH, SOL]

To find the shortest path or (minimum number of swaps), we just have to try all possibilities by producing every route possible...

// best route represents the MINIMUM number of swaps needed to go from one token to another
function bestRoute(amountIn, tokenOut, pairs) {
  // 1. turn pairs (edge list) into adjacency list for traversal
  const tokenGraph = buildAdjacencyList(pairs)

  // 2. use DFS to construct routes and return shortest one
  function dfs(token, route) {
    if (token in visited) return // exit (stop traversal)

    // terminate traversal if we've arrived at our destination (target token)
    if (token === tokenOut) {
      // add this token to the route

      // replace current `shortestRoute` with this if shorter (better)
      if (route.length < shortestRoute.length) {
        shortestRoute = route

      // exit (stop traversal)

    // visit each neighbor and it's neighbors
    tokenGraph[token].forEach((neighborToken) => dfs(neighborToken, route))

    // NOTE:remove the last token/node added to our route/path when we "backtrack"
    // - this is very important otherwise we end up just appending every token/node to our route/path
    // - think about computing shortest paths, if we decide that we made a wrong turn, we don't want to count that segment, so we exclude it (backtrack), by removing it


  // 3. produce best route (shortest path)
  const shortestRoute = Infinity;
  const visited = set()
  // - if we're just given source (starting) token and amount of it we have, we start there
  // - the second argument is an empty array representing our "route" or path
  // - all the work is done by our DFS (NOTE: BFS would work, too)
  dfs(amountIn[token], [])

  return shortestRoute

function buildAdjacencyList(edgeList) {
  const adjList = {}

  pairs.forEach((pair) => {
    if (pair.TokenA in adjList) { // if key exists, just add
    } else { // if key doesn't exist, create an array with tokenB
      adjList[pair.tokenA] = [pair.tokenB]

  return adjList
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