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Last active June 21, 2024 12:16
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a script for applying MS patch deltas
from ctypes import (windll, wintypes, c_uint64, cast, POINTER, Union, c_ubyte,
LittleEndianStructure, byref, c_size_t)
import zlib
# types and flags
DELTA_FLAG_TYPE = c_uint64
DELTA_FLAG_NONE = 0x00000000
# structures
class DELTA_INPUT(LittleEndianStructure):
class U1(Union):
_fields_ = [('lpcStart', wintypes.LPVOID),
('lpStart', wintypes.LPVOID)]
_anonymous_ = ('u1',)
_fields_ = [('u1', U1),
('uSize', c_size_t),
('Editable', wintypes.BOOL)]
class DELTA_OUTPUT(LittleEndianStructure):
_fields_ = [('lpStart', wintypes.LPVOID),
('uSize', c_size_t)]
# functions
ApplyDeltaB = windll.msdelta.ApplyDeltaB
ApplyDeltaB.rettype = wintypes.BOOL
DeltaFree = windll.msdelta.DeltaFree
DeltaFree.argtypes = [wintypes.LPVOID]
DeltaFree.rettype = wintypes.BOOL
gle = windll.kernel32.GetLastError
def apply_patchfile_to_buffer(buf, buflen, patchpath, legacy):
with open(patchpath, 'rb') as patch:
patch_contents =
# most (all?) patches (Windows Update MSU) come with a CRC32 prepended to the file
# we don't really care if it is valid or not, we just need to remove it if it is there
# we only need to calculate if the file starts with PA30 or PA19 and then has PA30 or PA19 after it
magic = [b"PA30"]
if legacy:
if patch_contents[:4] in magic and patch_contents[4:][:4] in magic:
# we have to validate and strip the crc instead of just stripping it
crc = int.from_bytes(patch_contents[:4], 'little')
if zlib.crc32(patch_contents[4:]) == crc:
# crc is valid, strip it, else don't
patch_contents = patch_contents[4:]
elif patch_contents[4:][:4] in magic:
# validate the header strip the CRC, we don't care about it
patch_contents = patch_contents[4:]
# check if there is just no CRC at all
elif patch_contents[:4] not in magic:
# this just isn't valid
raise Exception("Patch file is invalid")
applyflags = DELTA_APPLY_FLAG_ALLOW_PA19 if legacy else DELTA_FLAG_NONE
ds.lpcStart = buf
ds.uSize = buflen
ds.Editable = False
dd.lpcStart = cast(patch_contents, wintypes.LPVOID)
dd.uSize = len(patch_contents)
dd.Editable = False
status = ApplyDeltaB(applyflags, ds, dd, byref(dout))
if status == 0:
raise Exception("Patch {} failed with error {}".format(patchpath, gle()))
return (dout.lpStart, dout.uSize)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import base64
import hashlib
import argparse
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
mode = ap.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
output = ap.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
mode.add_argument("-i", "--input-file",
help="File to patch (forward or reverse)")
mode.add_argument("-n", "--null", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Create the output file from a null diff "
"(null diff must be the first one specified)")
output.add_argument("-o", "--output-file",
help="Destination to write patched file to")
output.add_argument("-d", "--dry-run", action="store_true",
help="Don't write patch, just see if it would patch"
"correctly and get the resulting hash")
ap.add_argument("-l", "--legacy", action='store_true', default=False,
help="Let the API use the PA19 legacy API (if required)")
ap.add_argument("patches", nargs='+', help="Patches to apply")
args = ap.parse_args()
if not args.dry_run and not args.output_file:
print("Either specify -d or -o", file=sys.stderr)
if args.null:
inbuf = b""
with open(args.input_file, 'rb') as r:
inbuf =
buf = cast(inbuf, wintypes.LPVOID)
n = len(inbuf)
to_free = []
for patch in args.patches:
buf, n = apply_patchfile_to_buffer(buf, n, patch, args.legacy)
outbuf = bytes((c_ubyte*n).from_address(buf))
if not args.dry_run:
with open(args.output_file, 'wb') as w:
for buf in to_free:
finalhash = hashlib.sha256(outbuf)
print("Applied {} patch{} successfully"
.format(len(args.patches), "es" if len(args.patches) > 1 else ""))
print("Final hash: {}"
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ricnar456 commented Jan 19, 2021

I have an error using in the last security patches (failed with error 13)

I remove the first 4 bytes CRC in both f and r files (I tryed removing or not removing the result is the same)

Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F

00000000 50 41 33 30 41 3A D0 79 DC DD D4 01 B0 5E 10 D0 PA30A:ÐyÜÝÔ.°^.Ð
00000010 C7 C4 0C 44 80 49 C1 01 40 21 00 1D BA 7B 55 41 ÇÄ.D€IÁ.@!..º{UA
00000020 A2 2A B7 C9 01 4E D0 F2 76 A1 3B 4C 7E 04 00 00 ¢*·É.NÐòv¡;L~...
00000030 00 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 B9 FE C2 A9 02 50 .........0¹þ©.P
00000040 3C BB BB BB <»»»

C:\Users\ricnar\Desktop\TEST>python -i ntfs.sys -o ntfsnew.sys .\r\ntfs.sys .\f\ntfs.sys
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 115, in
buf, n = apply_patchfile_to_buffer(buf, n, patch, args.legacy)
File "", line 70, in apply_patchfile_to_buffer
raise Exception("Patch {} failed with error {}".format(patchpath, gle()))
Exception: Patch .\r\ntfs.sys failed with error 13


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I get the problem, I need to use the file with its r corresponding and changing only the f version to patch.

Thanks good tool


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redl17 commented Sep 16, 2021

Well color me dense but I have the same issue. Downloaded and extracted the patch, copied the r and f contents to my working folder
C:\scripts\PatchScripts>python3 -i mshtml.dll -o mshtml4444.dll ./r/mshtml.dll ./f/mshtml.dll
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 115, in
buf, n = apply_patchfile_to_buffer(buf, n, patch, args.legacy)
File "", line 70, in apply_patchfile_to_buffer
raise Exception("Patch {} failed with error {}".format(patchpath, gle()))
Exception: Patch ./r/mshtml.dll failed with error 13

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wumb0 commented Sep 17, 2021 via email

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redl17 commented Sep 20, 2021 via email

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wumb0 commented Sep 20, 2021 via email

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redl17 commented Sep 20, 2021 via email

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wumb0 commented Sep 20, 2021

Huh interesting, I'll try it with mshtml and see if I can reproduce.

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wumb0 commented Sep 20, 2021

Seems to work with the ones on my machine:

python Q:\Patches\tools\ -i C:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-i..tmlrendering-legacy_31bf3856ad364e35_11.0.19041.1165_none_cabae23990f3fe32\mshtml.dll -o C:\Users\wumb0\mshtml.dll  C:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-i..tmlrendering-legacy_31bf3856ad364e35_11.0.19041.1165_none_cabae23990f3fe32\r\mshtml.dll C:\windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-i..tmlrendering-legacy_31bf3856ad364e35_11.0.19041.1237_none_caace3df90ff0160\f\mshtml.dll
Applied 2 patches successfully
Final hash: PufXLDs9MB58xOb2Hx76eArqSsvJW6uiMlkMdefH0No=

The f file I'm using hash a sha256 hash of 7D6AC08B1EA46589DA5BD9C1025B72E8F3228C063D38238F156A9B3F15286747
You should be able to pull that out of windows10.0-kb5005565-x64_5b36501e18065cb2ef54d4bb02b0e2b27cd683d0.msu. I haven't checked it yet, but it should be in there.

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redl17 commented Sep 21, 2021 via email

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m417z commented Sep 16, 2022

Thanks for sharing the code. I added it to Winbindex to unpack null differential files, which allows me to index extra data for these files.

I stumbled upon a bug, though. If the CRC happens to contain the "PA" bytes, the script breaks. For example (that's a real file from an update package):


I fixed it by assuming the CRC is always there, which works for my use case. For a more general fix, you might want to calculate the CRC checksum before checking the header, and remove it only if it matches.

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wumb0 commented Sep 20, 2022

@m417z woah thanks. Love your project and glad I could contribute, if only accidentally :)
Good catch on that bug, I'll fix it. I use gist too much, I should have this in a repo so it's easier for people to help fix stuff with PRs.

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pivotman319-owo commented Feb 11, 2024

GE_RELEASE just added support for PA31 deltas, any chance on updating that script when possible?

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m417z commented Feb 11, 2024

For PA31 support you have to use a recent version of UpdateCompression.dll instead of msdelta.dll. You can download it here, place it in the script's folder, and apply this change:

diff --git a/ b/
index fe04da2..69c9049 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 from ctypes import (windll, wintypes, c_uint64, cast, POINTER, Union, c_ubyte,
-                    LittleEndianStructure, byref, c_size_t)
+                    LittleEndianStructure, byref, c_size_t, CDLL)
 import zlib
@@ -26,11 +26,12 @@ class DELTA_OUTPUT(LittleEndianStructure):
 # functions
-ApplyDeltaB = windll.msdelta.ApplyDeltaB
+msdelta = CDLL('UpdateCompression.dll')
+ApplyDeltaB = msdelta.ApplyDeltaB
 ApplyDeltaB.rettype = wintypes.BOOL
-DeltaFree = windll.msdelta.DeltaFree
+DeltaFree = msdelta.DeltaFree
 DeltaFree.argtypes = [wintypes.LPVOID]
 DeltaFree.rettype = wintypes.BOOL
 gle = windll.kernel32.GetLastError

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wumb0 commented May 30, 2024

Thanks for the update @m417z
I'm going to push a more considerable update soon that allows you to specify the DLL to use.

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Do you happen to know why there is only a forward differential on Windows11 patches ? The script fails with error 13 when I try to use to forward delta (same versions). I extracted the files with PsfExtractor
The forward diff is described as raw instead of PA30 in the .manifest :

    <File id="25666" name="amd64_microsoft-windows-win32k_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.22621.3085_none_990c09ec15f6744a\f\win32kfull.sys" length="323070" time="133519934640000000" attr="128">
      <Hash alg="SHA256" value="104C7682E1A4857C5E3BE0369680717A1F6DFDFFBA1FDDF5A5BBE25E617189FA" />
        <**Source type="RAW"** offset="257107653" length="323070">
          <Hash alg="SHA256" value="104C7682E1A4857C5E3BE0369680717A1F6DFDFFBA1FDDF5A5BBE25E617189FA" />

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