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Created January 26, 2014 20:21
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Most simple form of string compression.
(defn string-compression
"Compresses a string by appending the count after the repeat of each
letter. For example: \"aabccccaaa\" would become \"a2b1c4a3\".
If the compressed string is larger than the original, it should return the
(let [cnt-orig (count s)
compress-fn (fn [coll c]
(if (empty? coll)
[c 1]
(let [last-char (first (take-last 2 coll))
last-count (last coll)]
(if (= last-char c)
(conj (into [] (butlast coll)) (inc last-count))
(conj coll c 1)))))
compressed (str/join (reduce compress-fn [] s))]
(if (> (count compressed) (count s))
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Test cases:

((fn [in] (min-key count in (reduce #(str %1 (first %2) (count %2))  "" (partition-by identity in))))  "abcdef")
=> "abcdef"

((fn [in] (min-key count in (reduce #(str %1 (first %2) (count %2))  "" (partition-by identity in))))  "aabccccaaa")
=> "a2b1c4a3"

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